Global Voyage: My Probability is 100%

Chapter 1028: Two dazzling golden skill cards

   Chapter 1028 Two dazzling golden skill cards

  Reba and several powerful lord players have begun their actions against the Kingdom of Wind and Chen Feng.

   As the client, Chen Feng, was unaware of this matter.

   Not only Chen Feng, none of the other players in Ocean World knew about it.

   When Chen Feng and Reba met in the official match, it was the moment when a group of powerful lords besieged the country of wind.

   However, after these lords, there is a strong army formed by Reba.

  Whether they can successfully destroy the Kingdom of Wind and complete Reba's plan, it all depends on how the Kingdom of Wind responds.

   I believe that no matter what the outcome of the Kingdom of Wind is at that time, there will be an uproar in the ocean world!


  In the waters of the Land of Winds, the vast metal land is dormant on the sea surface like a huge 'sea turtle'.

  Under the protection of the Tree of Life, the current country of the Wind is unusually calm.

   At this moment, in the five-story underground cabin in the center of the Wind Kingdom Fortress, Chen Feng is looking at everything in front of him with a face full of relief.

  The cabin where Chen Feng is located is the fifth underground floor of the fortress. This cabin is the place where Chen Feng specially uses to store supplies.

   There are all kinds of upgrade materials, nether energy, food, and fresh water. The tens of thousands of square cabins are now full, leaving only one passage leading to the entrance and exit.

  It is all thanks to Chen Feng that this huge warehouse can be filled up.

  The eighth round of the Lord's Arena, Chen Feng also got a total of eight dazzling golden prayer treasure chests, including one from Sherlock, nine dazzling golden prayer treasure chests, the materials that were opened are absolutely amazing.

The amount of    was so large that Chen Feng's portable warehouse could not be put down, so Chen Feng had to store it in the vehicle for internal consumption.

  With these supplies, Chen Feng is very secure. The country of the wind now has a population of nearly 10 million, and it is not a problem to consume it for a year.

   Of course, in addition to these materials, the golden prayer chest also has the most crucial golden quality props.

   Chen Feng gave out the dazzling golden skill card 'Nano Hormone' after the third round of the official game of Lord Arena.

   felt the power of this skill, and the golden prayer treasure chest that Chen Feng got behind was used to open the golden skill card.

   Chen Feng stopped when he got two more dazzling golden skill cards.

After the   , the two dazzling golden prayer chests, Chen Feng chose to use the props to open the ship.

   After all, the dazzling golden shipborne props are just one of the 'Tree of Life' above the Land of Winds. Now that the spaceship has been upgraded to a biological battleship, naturally there must be one or two shipborne props worthy of it.

  Those black-and-gold ship props are not bad, but there are stronger ones, which Chen Feng naturally wants.

   Leaving the warehouse on the fifth floor where the supplies were placed, Chen Feng returned to his room.

   He put the four dazzling golden props in front of him one by one, thinking about how to distribute them.

   Looking at these four dazzling golden props, Chen Feng analyzed them one by one.

   The first thing to analyze is a skill card.

  【Primitive Fury (Dazzling Gold)】

  Description: Skill cards can only be used by human players who have reached level 8. When using it, it will completely release the beast in the user's heart, and the intelligence of the user will decrease infinitely in a short period of time. They only know how to madly attack the enemy until the enemy or himself dies, or the time limit expires.

  Although the intelligence is reduced, this skill will greatly improve other attributes, the user's short-term health and defense will increase ten times, and the strength and speed will increase ten times.

  Reminder: The duration of Primal Rage is related to the user's level. The use duration of the 8th-level enhancer is one hour, and the time increases by one hour for each level of upgrade. You cannot use blue potions to restore skill counts.

  Evaluation: Simply put, this is a skill with a simple mind and well-developed limbs!

   Chen Feng has observed the attributes of this skill many times, but Chen Feng feels that this skill has advantages and disadvantages.

Although    can increase all attributes of the user tenfold, it also has a certain disadvantage, that is, the intelligence of the user will decrease infinitely.

   only knows to attack the enemy until the enemy or himself dies, or the time runs out.

   So, once you use this skill, you will become a machine that only knows how to kill.

   Chen Feng felt a little tangled when he thought of this. He coveted the power of this skill and worried about the negative effects of this skill.

   After thinking about it, Chen Feng struggled for nearly an hour, and finally decided to give this skill to Ma Xiaoting to use.

   She is a power enhancer, improving her physical attributes, which greatly improves her combat power.

   Chen Feng also thought about the negative effect of reducing intelligence. Although it also affects Ma Xiaoting, her brain is not good, even if the intelligence is reduced, it will not be too obvious.

   Well, that's it!

  Chen Feng immediately felt suitable, and secretly said that he would give this skill to Ma Xiaoting.

  Chen Feng then took out the second dazzling golden skill card.

  【Water Element Aggregation Ray (Dazzling Gold)】

  Description: Skill cards can only be used by human players who have reached level 8. It is necessary to have the basic skills of manipulating the water element. When using it, the user can condense the water element in the air, and then form a 10,000-meter-long aggregate ray formed by the water element.

  The ray can move freely according to the user's will. Simply put, it refers to where to hit! If the ray touches the biological target, there will be two trigger effects, and the trigger effect is determined by the user!

  Effect 1: Restore 10% of HP every second!

  Effect 2: Corrode 10% of your health per second!

  Reminder: The duration of the water element aggregation ray is related to the user's level. The use duration of the 8th-level enhancer is ten seconds, and the time increases by ten seconds for each level of upgrade. You cannot use blue potions to restore skill counts.

  Review: Hmm... This skill can be said to be a humanoid cannon!

   The second skill card, after Chen Feng read the attributes, he had already imagined the scene when using this skill.

   A dazzling ray in his hand spread to 10,000 meters, as cool as holding a 10,000-meter broadsword in his hand.

   Needless to say, Chen Feng was a little moved when he saw this skill.

When    attacks, as long as the ray touches the biological target, two effects can be triggered.

   One damage, one healing.

   Treating the enemy, it must be hurt, and treating one's own people, it will naturally have a healing effect.

   Don't underestimate the healing or damage effect of this one.

   You must know that this skill is a ray with a length of 10,000 meters. Simply put, this is a strip-shaped range attack.

   If it touches thousands of targets, the damage or healing per second can be horrible.

   After thinking about this skill, it was Zhou Lingrui.

  This skill has prerequisites for learning, and the user must have the prerequisite skills to control the water element.

   There are many residents in the entire Valley of the Wind who have the ability to control the water element, but Zhou Lingrui is the only one at the top, and Chen Feng naturally wants to leave good things to his woman.

   Having decided on the ownership of these two skill cards, Chen Feng put them away first and gave them to the second daughter when he was free.

   After receiving the skill card, Chen Feng couldn't help feeling a little emotional. The dazzling golden skill card he got through the dazzling golden prayer treasure chest was considered a very good skill card for him and his three human women.

   can be matched to a great extent, and Chen Feng's luck is also good. In this way, Zhou Lingrui, Wang Ruoxi, and Ma Xiaoting all have the dazzling golden skills.

   After reading the two skill cards, Chen Feng then analyzed the two dazzling golden shipborne props!

   (end of this chapter)

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