Global Voyage: My Probability is 100%

Chapter 1033: The tenth round of the official competition is coming

   Chapter 1033 The tenth round of the official competition is here

   A large number of players and vehicles are already scattered in the surrounding waters from the teachers of the Land of Winds, a phenomenon that the Land of Winds has not noticed at present.

   Chen Feng was also quietly waiting for the start of the ninth round of the official match of the Lord's Arena.

   A few hours later, the ninth round of the Lord's Arena started as scheduled.

   After hearing the registration prompt of the system, Chen Feng directly signed up for the competition.

   At this time, Chen Feng no longer cares who the opponent he will meet.

  According to the previous round of official competition, Chen Feng can estimate that in this round of official competition, there are at most four or five lord players participating in the competition.

   Specifically, anyone can get it.

   should be Reba, Chen Feng, Garuru, Murphy, Rox.

   It doesn't matter which lord Chen Feng meets, although Chen Feng may regret it if he can't meet Reba in the official game.

   After all, the means he prepared for Reba was not used immediately.

   But Chen Feng doesn't care. After the official game is over, his plan to hunt down high-level lord players begins. I believe he will have the opportunity to fight Reba.

  After the registration for the ninth round of the official competition, the system announced the number of participating lords and the number of competitions.

   After listening to the system announcement, Chen Feng, the senior management of the Wind Kingdom, and countless ordinary players in the ocean world were suddenly dumbfounded.

  Because there were only three lord players participating in the ninth round, and there were only two official matches in the ninth round.

   One of them was a direct victory by bye, so there was only one battle that the audience could see.

   Such a phenomenon, no one thought of it.

   Soon, the first round of the official match began, and the system broadcasted that the participating players were Reba and Rox.

  The two of them were teleported into the official match and started fighting soon after.

   Chen Feng was also watching this battle. He clearly saw a trace of killing intent on Reba's face, and he showed no mercy to Rox.

   Directly use the 'Tomb Infinite Squeeze' skill to instantly kill Rox!

   Poor Rox couldn't even fight back, so he was protected by the system barrier and teleported out of the arena.

   The first game was over in less than a few seconds.

   Then there was Chen Feng. Chen Feng did not expect that he would have a bye, and he would win without any opponents appearing.

   took a look at the dazzling golden prayer treasure chest and two [Sea World Territorial Rights Scrolls] that appeared in the warehouse, and Chen Feng reacted.

   He looked at each other from the higher-ups in the conference room.

   They didn't react until the system announced the end of the ninth round of the Lord's Arena official match.

   After chatting with the executives, Chen Feng was a little confused as to why Garuru and Murphy didn't play.

   Logically speaking, they still have some territorial rights scrolls, and they should dare to play.

  Can't figure it out, Chen Feng shook his head and didn't think about it anymore. Anyway, being able to get the reward easily is what makes him the happiest.

   For this round of official competition, Li Zhongtian warned Chen Feng, saying that Chen Feng, Rox and Reba participated in this round.

  Rox is neither Chen Feng's opponent nor Reba's opponent. According to this trend, Chen Feng and Reba may be left in the tenth round of the official match.

   In this regard, Chen Feng nodded clearly, there was no fear in his eyes, but a kind of eagerness to try.

  Chen Feng said no more, let the high-level people leave one after another, go to open the treasure chest by himself, and then find a woman to go there, and then you can wait for the battle with Reba four days later!

   The ninth round of the official game has ended, which is something that all players did not expect.

   For the audience who only watched a game less than three seconds, their resentment is very scary!

   World chat at this time:

   "Did you make a mistake?! This is our long-awaited ninth round of the Lord's Arena official match? He only played for less than three seconds!"

"Why?! Why are there only three lord players participating in the competition? Didn't the last game still have five? The most hateful thing is that there are only three lords, Chen Feng and Reba have not met, but let Rox this The little trash meets Reba! Are you angry?!"

"What about the Roxians? You rubbish! Don't play if you don't have enough strength! You actually let Chen Feng win bye! You have something wrong! How many days have we wanted to see the battle of the century between Chen Feng and Reba? Come to disrupt the situation!?"

"Hey?! Think about it, in this round of official competition, only three lords, Chen Feng, Reba, and Rox will participate. Although Chen Feng has a bye in this round of competition, in the next round of official competition, everyone like Rox will compete. The unbeatable lord will definitely not participate in the competition, will Chen Feng and Reba meet by then?!"

   "Fuck! What you said upstairs makes sense! In the next round of the official match, it is very likely that Chen Feng will face Reba directly. The last match will definitely be very exciting!"

"Yes, there is indeed such a possibility, but there is also a premise, that is, in the tenth round of the official competition, it must be like today, no other lords can sign up to disrupt the game! If there is another lord to sign up, Chen Feng may have it. I can't meet Reba!"

"Really! But this premise should be able to be fulfilled. The official competition has been carried out so far. Only those lords with territorial rights scrolls dare to participate. I estimate that apart from Chen Feng and Reba, it is also Garuru and Murphy. They If you can't beat either Chen Feng or Reba, it is estimated that the competition may not be very big!"

   "Oh hoo! So, in the tenth round of the official match, Chen Feng is still very likely to fight with Reba? I don't know how exciting it will be for these two super bosses of the ocean world to fight!"

   "Made! What's the use of being brilliant! Today is the day the system will kill me, my race is at the bottom again, and I'm going to die at night! I can't see the showdown between Chen Feng and Reba! Woohoo~"

   "Poor! The brothers upstairs are going well! Haha!"


   (Online users: 3.6 billion)

In the    world chat, after complaining, countless players guessed that Chen Feng and Reba in the tenth round of the official match were almost 100% met, and they were excited and looking forward to it again.

   For this century-long battle that countless players have been waiting for, I believe that the live broadcast room of the Lord Arena will be very lively.

   However, Chen Feng and Reba decided that they would have to wait another four days before they could fight, and the lords and players who were ambushing around the country of wind were screaming bitterly.

   For every second they spent in ambush, the possibility of being discovered by the Land of Wind increased by one point.

   Therefore, they had to be very careful and dare not be careless, and they would spend the next four days in tension.


   Soon, the four days have finally passed, and the tenth round of the official match of Lord Arena has begun.

  Inland of Wind, Chen Feng, who had already signed up for the competition, held the Spirit-Eating Sword in his hand, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, quietly waiting for the system prompt.

  【Players of Ocean World, there is a total of one official game in the tenth round of Lord Arena, and the game will be played later! 】

  【The first official match of the tenth round starts now. 】

  【Arena: Ocean! An area of ​​500,000 square meters! 】

  【Matching contestants: Human Lord player Chen Feng VS Elf Lord player Reba! 】

  【The competition officially begins! 】

   (end of this chapter)

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