Global Voyage: My Probability is 100%

Chapter 924: New challenges are coming

  Chapter 924 New challenges are coming

  The Land of Wind successfully resisted the dragon siege in advance.

   But other lord players in the entire ocean world are still resisting the dragon siege.

   This time the dragon siege is stronger than any previous time.

   Especially the way they can attack the sky and enter the sea will undoubtedly make the lord players even more headaches.

  The only forty lord players left were miserable in this battle.

   did not seek shelter, and only relying on their own team strength to resist the lords of the dragon clan siege, the number of the dragon clan siege they resisted was about 10 million.

   In addition, the level 10 dragons encountered in the Windward Country were also accidental, and other lords did not encounter them.

   Therefore, although other lords are difficult, they will never be as terrifying as the Land of Wind.

   The entire dragon siege lasted for four days, and after four days, the storm of alien siege finally subsided.

  It can be found through the world rankings that there are only fifty races in the ocean world.

   And there are thirty races with lords among them.

   It can be seen that this time the dragon clan attacked the city, and indeed ten lords died.

   However, although such a death rate is terrifying, the alien siege is finally over.

   From today onwards, there will be no alien siege.

   The disputes in the ocean world can finally be ended.

   At this moment, the players who are still alive are all pouring out their joy in the world chat,

  World Chat:

   "Haha! I survived! I really survived! This **** doomsday! The alien siege is finally over, I no longer have to live in war every day!"

"It's terrifying. Before the alien siege, the number of players in Ocean World was 20 billion. Until now, the alien siege has ended, and the number of players in Ocean World is only 9.8 billion. The death rate of nearly half is really terrifying. Fortunately, in the future, There will be no more horrific wars like this."

   "It's not easy to think about it. The war that lasted for more than 100 days has made me exhausted. I'm already in a trance and neurasthenia! In the next time, I need to take a good rest!"

"Great, the alien siege is over. In a short period of time, the ranking of races on the world rankings should not change much! Our giants are ranked high, so to speak, the system's last-place obliteration system, in a short period of time. It won't affect our race! In this way, I can finally have a few days to spare!"

"That's right! It's true! I'm an orc player. Our race ranks in the top ten. We won't be obliterated by the system in a short period of time. I really hope we can last until the end of the fourth natural disaster! "

"Bah! It's really a turtle grandson upstairs! I'm the fifth-ranked race, and I'm going to be wiped out by the system in a few days! Mad, obviously just like you, you have also gone through an alien siege, but how many of you? Hundred days of carefree days, but we only have a few days to live! This is so unfair!"

   "Hehe, who isn't, upstairs, my race is ranked 49th, your race has been wiped out, and next is our race! Brother, you go first, then I'll come to you!"

   "There's nothing you can do about it. Your race is low in strength, and that's what your rankings are. Who makes you, the races that are behind in the rankings, not even have a lord player."

   "There is only one way for a race with a low ranking to not be obliterated, and that is to acquire a race token and become a lord player, and see if there is any chance of turning over in the next lord arena!"

"That's right! The alien siege caused a sharp increase in the number of racial tokens. Although it cannot be traded online, it is possible to become a lord through a meet-and-greet transaction. Wouldn't the next lord arena be able to play a role? If you have a chance, maybe you will turn into a landlord!"

   "That's right, but what are the rules of the lord's arena, no one knows at the moment, whether there is a chance to turn over, it is not clear at all!"

   "Never mind, I will die if I don't participate. I must become a lord and participate in the lord arena!"

   "Lord Arena, it should open tomorrow, let's wait and see!"


   (Online users: 9.8 billion)

   In the world chat, most players are fortunate. Surviving to this day is not an easy task. There will be no accidents in the future. There is no danger in a short period of time, and it is indeed worth celebrating.

   However, some players are more tragic. They have also experienced brutal and long alien siege. Although they may not have participated in the battle, it is probably not easy to survive to this day.

   It’s just that although they have survived until now, the ending is completely different from players of other races. Although they have no other dangers, their race rankings are very low, all in the 50th or 49th place.

   Simply put, they will be wiped out by the system after a few days.

   This is simply unacceptable to these players.

   After all, the sense of difference is too strong, and compared with other players, it is no wonder that they shouted unfair.

   However, no one can change this kind of unfairness. This kind of player has only one way to go now.

   That is to try your best to get a race token to become a lord, and try your luck in the upcoming lord arena.

   If you are lucky, you may be able to get a lot of materials and treasure chests to improve your strength, and your racial strength will also increase.

  When the time comes, the person who will die will be others who are not you.

   However, according to the world rankings, the system must obliterate a race every four days, no matter what, there will definitely be races that will be obliterated.

   It depends on which race is more desperate.

   Today, the total number of players in the ocean world is still 9.8 billion, which is not much more than the number of people when humans first came to this world.

   I don’t know how many people will be left when the fourth natural disaster ends.

   At night, the moon and stars are sparse, and the Kingdom of Wind is unusually quiet at this moment.

After the    alien siege was over, Chen Feng dispersed the lord players who were seeking shelter.

   At first, they were reluctant to leave, and they all wanted to stay around the country of wind. Even if they were in danger in the future, they could have Chen Feng to support them.

   But Chen Feng is not a good man and a woman. If he wants to stay, he can give up everything he owns and directly join the country of wind and become a resident of the country of wind.

   Many subordinates of lord players agreed, but the lords hesitated.

   Now that the alien siege is over, and there is no crisis for the time being, they don’t want to give up their power and status easily, they can only leave one by one.

   Now that the cooperation is over, it is understandable for Chen Feng to drive them away. They are unwilling to join the Kingdom of Wind, and that is their loss.

  Chen Feng then continued to send the news of recruitment, preparing to further expand the territory of the Land of Wind, and at the same time, he was also ready.

   Get ready for the new challenge of the upcoming 'Arena of Lords'.

   (end of this chapter)

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