Originally, he didn't think much of it when he saw a strange thick door not far behind the front desk.

But after pushing it away, he found the stairs going down, and all the way down, what caught Lin Yue's eyes in the firelight, besides shocking him, was more joy.

"It's actually... a wine cellar? Good guy, or a wine cellar!"

The dusty wine racks almost completely occupied the space of nearly four or five hundred square meters, and there were countless bottles of red wine placed in the grids on the racks.

Even the number of oak barrels stacked in the corners is amazing!

Lin Yue smelled the thin wine smell in the air, and quickly put out the torch.

Good guy, if there are too many broken wine, then he will be gone all at once.

However, who would have thought that there would be a large wine cellar in the basement not far from the front desk?

Lin Yue walked halfway through the wine cellar, feeling the wall, and found a room with an open door, revealing a little light there.

He continued to enter, but soon found a sturdy ladder, he climbed up, pushed open the shining ceiling, and found that this was actually the back kitchen of the hotel.

There was a strange smell in the kitchen, and there was nothing left. He opened the door of the back kitchen again, and he found that he actually came to the back of the hotel.

The grass with the height of a person completely concealed his sight, and Xiaobai did not respond. It seems that there is no danger here.

After understanding this structure, Lin Yue also understood why even though there was leaked red wine in the wine cellar, there was not much alcohol smell.

If not, the last thing he saw with the torch in his hand just now would be a flash of fire.

Lin Yue reconfirmed the idea of ​​getting a flashlight, but he only had a flashlight that required a lot of materials to make, and a flashlight that was basically completely unusable.

When I go back, I will see if I can collect some materials in this area. This is also something that urgently needs to be resolved.

He returned to the wine cellar, and by the faint light, he came to the wine rack closest to him.

He picked up a bottle of wine and felt the heavy body of the bottle, and the excitement in his heart had not passed.

This trip has been really rewarding.

Isn't this thing actually a drinkable liquid?

And after decades of fermentation, it also has the attributes of some luxury goods.

In a different world where water and food are scarce, this thing should be a good hard currency like toilet paper.

【You got wine X1】

【You got... 】

Lin Yue decided to move back some first, and then come over to move a little while he has nothing to do in the past two days.

Unfortunately, the storage space is only 4 cubic meters. Even if Lin Yue wanted to install more, there was not much way to do it.

If this is the previous inventory, Lin Yue is almost 100% sure that he can completely empty this place this time!

"Pfft!" At this moment, Xiaobai suddenly made a warning sound, and he stopped moving immediately when he was looking at the big hole before.

"Pfft!" Xiao Bai called out softly, as if reminding Lin Yue not to make a sound.

He immediately squatted down, touched Xiao Bai with his hand, and at the same time picked up the iron spear with his right hand.

In the almost completely dark and silent space, Lin Yue suddenly heard something.

The voice was noisy, accompanied by the sound of various things colliding, but Lin Yue could still hear the voice of someone talking!

The door of the wine cellar was open, and it was not far from the reception hall, and bursts of echoes came from there.

Lin Yue took a deep breath, he could hear that the sound should be far away from here.

someone over here?

And listening to the voice, it seems to be a group of people!

Someone come here? How could it be so coincidental, how could someone encounter it in this secret realm? outrageous.

So, what's next?

Come out generously, say hello to this group of people and say hi, the weather is good today, it is sunny and sunny?


What a stupid thing to do.

After people from all over the world have traveled to another world, there is no so-called "law" and so-called human nature. The number of groups is divided into groups.

The news in the group is actually extremely closed, and it is even said that no one knows how the person whose profile picture was grayed out just now died.

Groups without videos and pictures, let alone sound, make many things opaque.

No one knows what the group friends with real avatars actually do and what kind of people they are.

Not to mention the kind of people who were normal when they were on Earth, but who have liberated the dark side of their hearts after arriving in this world, I don't know how many there are.

Growing up in an orphanage, Lin Yue had come into contact with too many people and seen too many things.

How ugly human nature can be when it cannot be restrained by law, and he has experienced too much.

The reason why he hasn't added any friends in this so-called "survival game" is because he is wary of everyone.

Doomsday, make people crazy!

Who knows what these people will do when they see him working alone?

Holding Xiao Bai, Lin Yue moved gently.

The sound does not seem to have entered the hotel yet. Those people seem to be still outside the door.

He tiptoed to his feet, and finally came to the ladder.

Xiaobai didn't react, it seemed that there was no enemy here.

He took a deep breath, climbed the ladder, and walked quickly to the door.

Xiaobai still didn't respond.

The back door appears to be fine.

Putting down Xiao Bai, he held a shield in his left hand and an iron spear in his right hand. After opening the door, he came outside.

Immediately, he heard bursts of clear human voices.

The direction seems to be the front door of the hotel!

Xiaobai opened his mouth and made a light "puji". He also understood that he couldn't make a sound at this moment, but his behavior and actions had already entered a state of battle.

Lin Yue entered the tall grass and found that the ground was still dry. He tried his best not to make any noise and moved to the side of the building in the tall grass.

And as he moved, a clearer voice also entered his ears.

"Didn't you see that this woolen thread disappeared here? Someone must have entered the hotel!" A very thick voice roared.

"Liu Fei, how are you so sure? What if you have already gone back?" This was a woman's voice.

"If you go back, you probably won't be able to run. Rick and Sun Yu have already gone back along the woolen thread to find the door of the secret realm. I told them that if one of them is there, they can just grab and chop off a leg. This kind of thing It's not the first time, they can handle it." This was the voice of a young man.

"Then what should I do? Do you want to go inside? No matter what, that person must have gone in before, or the glass will not be missing such a complete piece, wait, I seem to smell the aroma of wine?" Liu Fei's voice Surprised and excited.

"Wine cellar? Boss, how is it, do you want to go in? Or should I wait?" the woman asked.

"The other party may be there or not. If he is ambushed and injured, it will be difficult to deal with it. Wait for Rick and Liu Yu to come back..."

Lin Yue in the tall grass could hear it clearly.

Good guy, there are actually three people at the door?

Besides, the other two have already followed the wool to the shelter?

A capital letter of danger hung in Lin Yue's heart!


Thanks: Different from the boat, the rain falls - a reward of 200 coins! Thanks to b34178111 for the 100-coin reward!

It's too late, sorry everyone o(╥﹏╥)o

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