Global Weird: Ghost Rider, Awakening Hellfire

Chapter 107 The Heavenly Bosses Are Surprised! Is The Super Sss Level Talent So Fierce?


The strong wind blows, to be precise, it describes the hurricane-like spiritual energy tide stirring!

A series of sequence seeds at the door all squatted down, covered their heads with their arms, and moved with difficulty.

"Don't waste time! The weird tide is coming soon, go in!"

Open the two heavenly ranks of the Holy Spirit Academy in the secret realm - Daxie Dayao.

Lu Ge and his elder sister Lu Qingyi were guarding together. Hearing that they looked at each other, they entered resolutely!

Immediately afterwards.

Sequence first! Second...

Top ten in sequence!

top fifty!

All sequences are stepped in!


At the moment when they just stepped into the secret realm.

There was an earth-shattering roar from outside.

A giant monster beyond human imagination descended from the sky.

"Natural Disaster Grade... It's time to come!"

The eyes of the two heaven-level powerhouses guarding the secret realm froze, and then jumped into the sky, standing in the sky!

"Beast! Don't even think about taking a step!"

Inside the secret realm.

The sky is full of yellow sand, flying mightily.

As soon as Lu Ge stepped in, he was almost blinded by the sand!

With a chaotic field of vision, it is impossible to see any buildings clearly.

In front of me is a misty world that seems to be unexplored, thicker than the strange mist!

"Brother, is this the secret realm?"

Lu Qingyi was worried about her appearance, and asked while covering her cheeks with her clothes.

"Sister, be careful!"

Suddenly a huge shadow hit.

Lu Ge jumped to the front of his sister, and a hellfire burst out on him, and a ring of fire hit him.


There was a loud noise.

The thick yellow sand in front of him was also smashed into a conical vacuum by this punch.

And the huge shadow was blasted into pieces by a punch and fell to the ground.


Lu Qingyi stepped forward and was very surprised to see the fragments on the ground.

Unexpectedly, the huge shadow that came from the attack was actually the electric sound of a giant scorpion!

Lu Ge's eyes were serious, he looked at the fragments and whispered: "I only smashed its pincers, the body must still be in the ground, sister, you have to be careful.

Lu Qingyi showed a confident expression when she heard this.

She pulled her hair around her ears, and suddenly a blue-purple arc emanated from her body, and her eyes turned into a cloud of chaotic lightning, and suddenly lifted into the air!

A declaration like a constitution was issued from his mouth.

"Give it to sister!"

The voice just fell.

A thunder fell from the sky!



Just one hundred meters ahead of Lu Ge.

A huge crater with a diameter of 100 meters was blasted out!

In the huge pit, lay a giant desert poisonous scorpion that was smoking, and was about to run away!

Very tenacious vitality, the hard back shell of this giant desert scorpion actually made it survive a blow from the sky thunder.

However, "that's all there is to it!"

Lu Ge's eyes turned into flames like red lights.

He controlled the hellfire to condense into a flame spear tens of meters long.

This time he doesn't need to throw it himself.

Instead, use a powerful mind to control the flame spear and shoot it out!



The flaming spear of tens of meters instantly pierced through the wounded desert giant crab.

It was killed instantly.

And all this.

They were all seen by the Sequence Seeds who entered together.

"So strong!"

"You can adapt to the environment as soon as you come in, and you killed a strong weird..."

"This desert giant scorpion is so conservative that it has the strength of the eighth-order peak!"

The second in the sequence, Luo Hao, and the first in the sequence, Gu Chujian, have always been paying attention to Lu Ge.

When they saw him condense a tens of meters long flaming spear out of the void, and killed the giant desert scorpion with one shot, their pupils shrank!

Shrunk into the shape of a needle!



Just when everyone was shocked by Lu Ge's strength.

Violent roars suddenly erupted in the distance.

And everyone began to shake their bodies and their feet were unsteady.

Everyone was shocked.

"What's so weird? How can your footsteps make the earth tremble?"

"Not good! This weird one must be of the ninth order!"

"Ninth level! Isn't this the first floor of the secret realm?"

Many Sequence Seeds were shocked.

Not everyone is as talented and high-level as Luo Hao and Gu Chujian.

Except for a few people, most of the Sequence Seeds are in the realm of the seventh and eighth ranks.

At this moment, a ninth-level strange came suddenly, and they felt Alexander.


Just when everyone was still shocked by the magnitude of the strange movement.

A flaming meteor flashed before their eyes!

They are so fast that they have no time to react!

Lu Ge drove the evil spirit motorcycle, and was the first to rush to the ninth-level strangeness that just appeared!


This is a desert marching worm that digs itself deep into the ground.

The part exposed to the ground is tens of meters long!

It's hard to imagine how big it is!

As for Lu Ge who charged past, compared with his size, he was like a tiny bug.

But it was this tiny bug that passed through its body effortlessly.

Then flew out from the other end!

Lu Ge's whole body is burning with raging hellfire, and any substance will be burned!

Then he drove the evil spirit motorcycle, turned around and penetrated into this weird ninth-level body again!

Dozens of times back and forth!

Just ten seconds.

Lu Ge pierced this weird head with dozens of blood hole skeletons!



With a loud sound, this unusually huge ninth-order strange fell to the ground!

The moment of falling to the ground strangely.

Everyone was completely shocked!

Their eyes widened, their brains were buzzing, and they were all dumbfounded!

"Nimma! This is the ninth level of weirdness!"

"It turned out that Lu Ge beat him by ten seconds?!"

"Fuck! Isn't this guy a seven-star realm?"

"Is super SSS level talent so stupid? Seven stars can kill ninth level like chickens and dogs?"

They were completely dumbfounded.

Totally amazed by Lu Ge's fighting power!

And Lu Ge himself got off the evil spirit motorcycle and picked up a taupe flower.

"The flowers are brightly colored and attract insects to help pollinate them..."

"What's with this taupe flower?"

Lu Ge was curious.

After some investigation, I found a surprise.

This flower is called the withered flower, and it has only one effect, that is, it can quickly exhaust the source power in the awakened person's body!

0 looking for flowers......

this means.

As long as you take this withered flower, the awakened person is equivalent to having a life-saving trump card for a full-force burst!

You must know that Yuanli cannot be drained instantly.

It is like human blood, you can slowly pump out 400cc, 800cc.

It is not a problem even to lose thousands of cc due to heavy bleeding.

But it is impossible to drain the blood instantly.

And this withered flower can instantly drain the source power of the awakened person below the sky level to act on the ability, and it will not affect the realm afterwards, it will only be weak for a while, just wait for the source power to recover!

"This is only the first floor, and the resources are so perverted?"

Lu Ge put away the withered flowers, looking forward to the next eight layers of secret realm.


after time.

One hundred Sequence Seeds also exploded with combat power beyond that of ordinary awakened ones.

Sweeping all the way through the three layers of secret realm.

No obstacles were encountered.

Until the fourth floor—




Suddenly hundreds of strange creatures appeared, and they surrounded them from all directions!


And in the four directions of "southeast, northwest", there is also a ninth-order strange head!

Under the leadership of these ninth-level weirdos, these weirdos rushed towards the sequence seeds collectively!

Seeing the mighty strange people charge over.

All Sequence Seeds feel scalp tingling.

With such a large number, they no longer have the chance to fight one-on-one or even fight one more!

That terrifying posture is even 10,000 times more terrifying than facing a heavy knight charging on an ancient battlefield!


A blaze of fire pierced through the sky.

Everyone was shocked to find out.

It was Lu Ge again, he stood up alone!

next second.

Within a radius of one kilometer centered on Lu Ge, hellfires emitting frighteningly high temperatures spread throughout.

Flaming Hell plus Hell Demons appeared collectively.

He actually did it alone.

It erupted with the same aura as the hundreds of eighth-level and a few ninth-level monsters!

This scene completely stunned all the talented geniuses present at the scene!

Boom boom boom~!

The hellfire roared wildly, turning into a violent fire tornado.

The sea of ​​fire was raging, and the flames were raging.

It mercilessly devoured all the weird creatures within a radius of one kilometer.

The screams of screams sounded one after another, and the sound shook the world.

Lu Ge's flame will definitely restrain the strangeness!

Regardless of whether it is hundreds of eighth-level or those few ninth-level ones, in the sea of ​​flames and hell, there is absolutely no room for retaliation.

Just burned to death!

There is no room for resistance!

at the same time.

Beyond the secret realm.

This place has turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, with high-level and strange corpses everywhere.

There are even weird wreckages at the natural disaster level!

The two heaven-level powerhouses were panting heavily, covered in blood.

And when they checked the situation in the secret territory through the crystal ball.

I happened to witness the strange scene where Lu Ge used the flame hell alone, and the group was destroyed.

The two were dumbfounded for a moment, and the shock could not be further increased.

"Is this... Lu Ge?"

"It's so fierce?"

"Is the super SSS level talent really so terrifying?"

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