Global Weird: Ghost Rider, Awakening Hellfire

Chapter 164 Zhang Haidong Was Discovered, And The Team-Killing Operation Began

"Head, Team Zhang is a person with nine-star peak strength, and he also brought more than a dozen eight-star mercenaries. If he encounters Lu Ge, he may be able to deal with him.

A senior executive looked at Chen Daguang angrily, and said with some luck.

"Hmph, tidy up? With his brain, if he can come back alive, it's considered a high incense."

Chen Daguang's face was full of dissatisfaction, and he snorted coldly, "Get in touch with him as soon as possible, and be careful of that bastard Lu Ge.

For some reason, he always felt that Zhang Haidong was very likely to be killed by Lu Ge.

And once Zhang Haidong falls to Peng Gangcheng, it will undoubtedly be a huge loss for their dark mercenary group.

It will also dampen their spirit.

After all, if Lu Ge even killed a nine-star peak captain, then this guy's combat power would be unfathomable.

It will be very troublesome for them to catch Lu Ge in the future!


The person in charge of information transmission responded immediately.

"Okay, follow the deployment and adjourn the meeting."

Chen Daguang waved his hands in displeasure, got up and left, he really didn't want to stay here any longer.

01 He didn't believe that Lu Ge couldn't be killed with such a huge hunting force.

In Peng Gang City.

At this time, it was already midnight, and there were only a few undamaged street lights flickering sporadically in the city, shining on the road like ghosts.

In a forest park, several military green tents stood in the forest, and the flag of the Dark Mercenary Group fluttered in the wind.

The bonfire was crackling and burning, but it also reflected the night more silently and strangely.

In Penggang City at night, there are even fewer active people, but at this time, it has become the world of strange creatures, just like the day belongs to the awakened human beings, and it becomes their world at night.

Not far from these tents, on top of an iron tower, Lu Ge checked the distribution of strange creatures in Peng Gang City with a compass in his hand. At any time, he had to avoid fighting on two fronts.

Even if there is a bonfire here that can dispel some of the coldness of the night, it cannot dispel the attacks of those high-level weird creatures.

At the same time, Lu Ge secretly prayed in his heart that the target of the A-level mission this time, the Thunder Manghu with natural disaster-level strength, would not appear.

Otherwise, he didn't know whether to carry out the mission first, or kill all the members of the dark mercenary group first.

I don't know if it's luck, or some other reason, although there are some weird creatures displayed on the compass, none of them have the strength of the ninth level or above.

Putting away the compass, Lu Ge took out the telescope with infrared night vision function to observe again.

In the camp of the Dark Mercenary Group, there are a total of twenty mercenaries, most of them are eight-stars, and two are nine-stars. In the large tent, Lu Ge also saw nine-star peak strength take aim.

This guy should be the captain mentioned in the intelligence.

"Fuck, are you still making out?"

Lu Ge swears directly, and really doesn't understand whether the captain is really a master of arts and bold, or he still thinks that Lao Tzu is the best in the world, and he is lingering with women outdoors like this.

"If you don't die, it's really unreasonable."

Putting away the binoculars, Lu Ge narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold arc formed at the corner of his mouth.

I'm afraid this guy didn't take him seriously at all.

According to the intelligence analysis revealed by the tongue caught in advance, Lu Ge can basically guess that this fat pig-like captain should be Zhang Haidong, who is known as a murderer and an awakened earth attribute.

There are countless awakened people who died at his hands, and many of them even came from the Academy of the Holy Spirit.

This person kills without blinking an eye, cruel and merciless.

Lu Ge knows that it is not easy to deal with Zhang Haidong who has so many guards with his current eight-star strength.

After all, the ability of the earth attribute has a certain restraint on his fire attribute.

What's more, the powerhouses of the nine-star peak of human beings are no easier to deal with than weird creatures.

Of course, saying so much does not mean that Lu Ge is timid and will not kill that guy. On the contrary, he is now full of fighting spirit and his blood is boiling.

Because before, Lu Ge had dealt with nine-star powerhouses. At that time, he was only seven-star.

Now, he has been promoted to eight stars, and he is a triple super SSS talent, so he is naturally more confident.

"Let's get rid of the mercenaries who are in the way first."

Lu Ge immediately made a set of battle plans, first targeting these mercenaries.

But now, Zhang Haidong's camp is still very tightly defended, therefore, Lu Ge did not take immediate action, but stood on the iron tower, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

The bright moon in the sky got into the clouds, and the earth immediately fell into darkness again. The whole city of Peng Gang seemed so lonely, and it was also so eerie, gloomy and scary.

The majestic wind blows over Lu Ge's face from time to time, bringing a trace of coolness.

Looking up at the thin and cool night, Lu Ge felt extremely emotional, living in an environment without weird creatures in the past, he could enjoy the starry night to his heart's content.

But now, he has grown into an awakened person, and he must desperately survive!

"Hypnotic powder? It's really God helping me.

Lu Ge held the binoculars in one hand, and took out the package of medicinal powder left by the holy healer with the other hand. Looking at the beautiful handwriting on the package, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Lu Ge's mouth.


Flapping his wings, Lu Ge soared into the air.

In the blink of an eye, he had already flown into the midair of the tent camp, opened the powder, and just sprinkled it.

Now he can only hope that the powder will do something.

Suddenly at this moment, two mercenaries raised their heads and looked at Lu Ge.

"Damn it, you won't be discovered, right?"

Frowning slightly, Lu Ge quickly flapped his wings and flew behind a big tree next to him, hiding his body.

When he poked his head out from behind the big tree, he saw that the two mercenaries were pouring beer, and at the same time took out a dick to release water.

Seeing this kind of coquettish operation, Lu Ge cursed directly in his heart: "Damn you two!"

"Fuck, the second wife of our captain is so fucking coquettish, it's really scary," the mercenary shouted while taking down the beer bottle. .

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