Global Weird: Ghost Rider, Awakening Hellfire

Chapter 62 The Academy Of The Holy Spirit: Add Lu Ge To The Sequence! Break Through Five Stars!


All eyes were on Lu Ge.

At night, it is foggy, and the strange fog that gradually dissipates can block everyone's sight, but it can't stop everyone's sight!

As if he was born with a spotlight, Lu Ge's actions at this moment are all seen by every awakened person.

Especially the cool and handsome Evil Spirit motorcycle under his crotch, the shape of burning fire adds countless mysteries and majesty to the mist!

"Ten minutes... pacify a city in ten minutes, I feel like I'm dreaming!"

"That's hundreds of fifth-order monsters! Just standing there and letting you chop with a knife, you can't finish it in half a day, right? Lu Ge will solve it all in ten minutes!?"

"Is Lu Ge still a human being? Are you sure he wasn't a god?"

"It's horrible! So scary!~"

"The point is, he only has a four-star level! It is said that he is still the weakest F-level ability!"

"Let's forget about the F-level ability.....Everyone with a discerning eye knows that it can't be F-level. I suspect that Lu Ge's ability-at least S-level!"

"This... Lu Ge will be able to enter the Holy Spirit Academy in the future, right?"

Everyone was amazed and looked at Lu Ge with awe.

The words are full of shock and awe.

This is a ruthless man!

Absolute werewolves!

Wu Di is numb.

He was so shocked by Lu Ge's strength before that he even knelt down.

Now I have witnessed Lu Ge's great feat of creating a city with one person and destroying hundreds of fifth-order monsters in ten minutes.

He has long been willing to bow down!

Wu Di looked at Lu Ge with scorching eyes, but it was no longer the previous disobedience and fighting spirit.

It is with deep admiration and admiration!

...... I didn't expect you to be much more fierce than I imagined. "

Holding a simple and exquisite black box and a sixth-order spirit crystal in his hand, Wu Zhaorong walked up to Lu Ge.

Opening his mouth is a wry smile.

Lu Ge's feat really surprised him.


After taking the black box and spirit crystal from Wu Zhaorong's hand, Lu Ge thanked him lightly, and put away the resources.

The rare space systems at the two ends have sixth-order strange intangible abilities, and the black boxes they burst out can be guessed without thinking that the resources must be rich.

However, none of the nearly a hundred awakened people present dared to covet the resources in Lu Ge's hands.

Because there is only awe in their eyes, and they dare not have any other evil thoughts.


Those hundreds of fifth-order monsters that were crushed to death by the evil spirit motorcycle did not explode, not even a single spirit crystal.

Lu Ge guessed that maybe it was because they were summoned by these two invisible sixth-order weird creatures, which were different from normal weird creatures.

Naturally, resources will not be exploded.

But there are also surprises.

Just now, a prompt sound came from the system.

Ghost Rider's template fusion rate has increased to 18%!

After this battle, Lu Ge became more proficient in controlling Hellfire and Soul Chains.

It seems that the realm of source power has not been improved in any way.

But the actual combat power has improved a lot.


The strange fog that shrouded Fangchenggang dissipated one by one.

The night also faded slowly, the moonlight was thin, and a faint sunlight appeared in the sky.

At the dawn of dawn, when the sun and the moon alternate.

Lu Ge keenly noticed a familiar figure lying on the roof in the distance.

He went up alone and found that this person was the sloppy drunk he had seen before!

"you again!"

Lu Ge stared at the drunk and said.

The drunk man didn't speak, his drunken eyes kept looking at him up and down.

Lu Ge felt terrified of being stared at.


The old drunk man stood up from his side lying position, and reached out to touch Lu Ge's chest.

Lu Ge: "!!!!!!!"

He stepped back decisively, covered his chest and asked:

"What do you want?"

"Google gurgle burp~!"

The drunk man couldn't do anything, so he simply took a big gulp of wine, burped loudly, and said:

"Your peculiar chain is also your talent, right?"

Lu Ge was taken aback for a moment, he hadn't thought about this question.

Soul Chain is just one of Ghost Rider's abilities, and it has been very useful in previous battles.

I really haven't thought about what this chain means in the eyes of outsiders.

So Lu Ge chose to ignore this question, and instead asked the identity of the drunk old man.

From the first time they met, he felt that the identity of this old man was not simple.

Definitely not an ordinary person.

However, in the face of Lu Ge's inquiry.

The drunk man just twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and laughed at himself after taking a big gulp of wine:

"who I am?"

"It's just a bad old man who wants to get drunk all day long!"

Then he stared at Lu Ge with burning eyes, and said:

"But little boy, you are not simple!"

"I suspect that you are an unprecedented dual-talent awakener! A double-talent awakener who has never been born in this world!"

"Even, the level is at least above S level!"

"Yes or no?"

Hearing this, Lu Ge opened his mouth, but he had nothing to say.

He hasn't re-tested his talent, and on the surface he is still the little weak chicken with the F-level aerobic inflammation ability.

But after thinking about it, I know that if it is really the two talents that the old drunk man said, then whether it is Hellfire or Soul Chain, I am afraid that it is stronger than SS rank!

Super SSS level talent, and two super SSS level talents, just think about how terrifying it is!


Lu Ge secretly shook his head again.

It shouldn't be two, but three, because I still have the eyes of judgment!

The Eye of Judgment can grow into the Eye of Scourge in the future!

At that time, whether it is power or effect, I am afraid that earth-shaking changes will take place!

"Don't worry about my affairs, tell me your actual identity first."

Lu Ge continued to question the identity of the drunk old man.

The drunk old man shook his head, with a light smile that might be free and easy or desolate in the corner of his mouth.

"Little boy, it doesn't matter if you don't want to tell me about your talent.

"After all, this is everyone's secret. As an awakened person, how can you not have some unknown secrets?"

"But you have to be careful, don't become a victim at that time.

After hearing this, Lu Ge's heart moved, and he was a little confused.


He felt that the old man was nagging, and his background was very mysterious.

Suddenly, the idea of ​​testing the old man came into my mind.

Lu Ge then pretended to be thinking deeply.

In fact, the focus was on finding the right timing, and the flames of hell suddenly attached to the arm, and grabbed the old man!


A flame flashed by.

Lu Ge's hand passed directly from the old man's body.

The image of the person in front of him blurred and shook, it turned out to be a phantom!

A gust of wind blows.

next second.

The phantom of the drunk old man disappeared.

Only one sentence remained in the air:

"Little doll, you are very interesting."

"I'll come back to you when the time comes."

The faint moonlight faded completely, exposing the general sun, illuminating the earth.

Lu Ge stood alone on the roof, dazed and absent-minded.

This old man appeared mysteriously again, and then disappeared mysteriously...

Lu Ge always felt that he was very unusual, as if he was carrying a big secret.

But no matter how I think about it, I can't guess the identity and purpose of the drunk old man.

After a while.

He also went back with doubts.

Psychic association, exclusive private room.

Lu Ge sat cross-legged.

There are four fifth-order spirit crystals, two sixth-order spirit crystals, and a black box in front of him.

Open the black box.

Inside lay a bottle of blue potion and three seeds.

The blue potion can sort out the meridians in the body of the awakened person, get rid of impurities, and help the source force to run better.

It is equivalent to the protective effect of automobile engine oil on the engine.

Without saying a word, Lu Ge drank the medicine in one gulp.

In an instant, a warm current flowed from the abdomen.

After being digested, the heat flows along the meridians and blood vessels to the limbs and bones.

Soon there was a numb itching feeling in the body.

Lu Ge couldn't help shivering, his body had an unprecedented transparency and clarity, emanating from the inside out.

"nice one!"

The three seeds under the blue potion are the seeds of a plant called Vast Sea Blood Coral.

It needs to grow in a certain concentration of seawater, or in the salt water prepared by the awakened.

The effect of Hanhai Blood Coral is to enhance blood energy and increase vitality.

It is a great tonic to improve the six-dimensional quality.

"But it takes time to cultivate, where do I have so much time..."

Lu Ge looked at the seeds in the palm of his hand, thinking that he couldn't stay in a certain area for too long.

Therefore, it is impossible to waste time cultivating blood corals, and to find opportunities to sell them for other treasures.

At last.

He took out the previous spirit crystal inventory.

Close your eyes and practice silently in meditation.

In half an hour!


Lu Ge opened his eyes!

A fiery sharp blade like a substance shoots out.

At this moment, the temperature in the room seemed to rise a lot.

With Lu Ge's body as the center, circles of fire waves swept away.

Seeing that the vigorous power in the body is about to dissipate and become uncontrollable.

Lu Ge jumped out of the window in a hurry, and I found a deserted open space.


The earth was shaken.

The soil under his feet cracked rapidly, and spread into a deep canyon of hundreds of meters.

The soil was scorched and curled black, and it was scorched by the terrifying hellfire to the point where smoke came out.


There was a slight surprise in Lu Ge's eyes. He looked at the cracks hundreds of meters below his feet, and it was hard to imagine that this was the movement caused by himself.

"The current me, when I explode with all my strength, the area covered by the hellfire can even reach a radius of one kilometer!"

What an astonishing intensity!

Compare that to a Hellfire that can cover a kilometer.

The 100-meter crack at the moment is really big and small.

[Ding! Congratulations to the increase in host strength! Reward template integration!]

[when there is: 19%)

A system notification sounded.

Lu Ge's expression brightened, how long has passed, and the degree of template fusion has improved again!

He clenched his fists, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

According to this progress, maybe it won't be long before I can step into the Holy Spirit Academy of my dreams.

"Sister, I will definitely walk ahead of you!"

at the same time.

Third District Psychic Association Building.

The lobby on the first floor, which used to be spacious and spacious, is now overcrowded.

Many awakened people gathered together, listening to the person in the middle vividly telling the experience of the last mission.


"You don't know, the scene at that time was called despair! It was miserable!"

"As a result, guess what?"

"The genius Lu Ge who crossed over from the second district, hey! A pair of piercing eyes

Just stare like that!"

"I saw a mysterious and obscure wave in the void, and a flaming motorcycle was summoned!"

"ten minutes!"

"In just ten minutes, Lu Ge was on fire all over his body, riding that fire motorcycle, sparks and lightning all the way, flying over eaves and walls, driving at lightning speed, killing hundreds of fifth-order spooks in Fangchenggang.

I will solve it all by myself!"

"You said, is it great or not?"

"To dick or not to dick?"


The crowd is all boiling.

There was a sensation and an uproar in the audience.

Those who listened to the story with bright eyes couldn't help shouting:

"Dick! It's not just a dick, it's a fortress!"

"Harmful! It's more than that!"

"How dangerous the situation was that day, just listening to me, you will definitely not feel that disheartened feeling."

"Let me just say that, if there was no Lu Ge that day, the casualties would have been more than 70%!"


The crowd was taken aback again.

70% mortality rate!

This is an extremely serious fog accident!

At the same time, people's hearts trembled again.

He was able to save the entire city under the strange hands with a death rate as high as 70%.

How strong is Lu Ge?

When Lu Ge returns to the Psychic Association by himself.

The large crowd has dispersed.

But there are still endless streams of awakened people who gather in twos and threes to discuss him.

Lu Ge has gained countless eyes and attention along the way.

When passing by a few people, you can even hear them bragging about themselves.

"Fuck! You don't know how handsome and powerful that fire motorcycle is!"

"You know evil spirits, right? Lu Ge was on fire at that time, his body turned into a fortified skeleton, and he was like an evil spirit walking out of the f*cking night. Just his appearance can deter all the weirdness!

"Hey, have you heard of the Ghost Rider from the night?"

"Of course I've heard of it! It's the cross-district genius, Lu Ge! It's just too fierce!"

"My mother! Did you listen..."

!Ghost Rider Lu Ge, fierce yuppie!"

What Lu Ge heard along the way was all these boasting conversations.

all the way.

His face was all black.

As for?

As for bragging about yourself!

at the same time.

A high-level office located on the fifth floor of the Psychic Association Building.

Chairman Zheng Haiyang, Chen Baixue and other senior executives sat at the long table for a meeting.

They all have a report in their hands, and the content is exactly the weird fog operation in Fangchenggang.

a long time.

A group of high-level executives put down the reports in their hands, with strong shock remaining in their eyes.

"One person, one ride, wipe out the strangeness in the whole city in ten minutes."

"Such a fierce awakener, this, this is more than just a dragon crossing the river! It is simply a monster against the sky!"

A vice president couldn't help exclaiming.

Zheng Haiyang was also shocked again and again, he turned his head to look at Chen Baixue, and questioned:

"Vice President Chen, Lu Ge came from your first district.

"Tell us the truth, this Lu Ge is really an F-level talent?"

Chen Baixue was speechless, of course she didn't think that Lu Ge had an F-level ability.

But at that time, it was the old president Jiang Yunguo who held the awakening ceremony for Lu Ge.

There were also his sister Lu Qingyi and a large group of awakened ones watching.

It is said that he is F-rank, what can she do?

At this time, a high-level association suggested:

"I actually think that with Lu Ge's current strength and record, it would be a bit foolish to think that he is an F-level talent once again."

"We can conduct a talent test again."

"The Awakening Stone! It's not a rare thing. We don't have it in the second and third districts. You can find it in the first district!"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"


This high-level proposal has been consistently endorsed by the site.

Chen Baixue also nodded.

There was a gleam in her bewitching eyes.

"Brat, I also really want to know what level your talent is..."

Holy Spirit House.

In the dark room, a ray of light shines on the simple and heavy round table through the gap of the unique window sill, shining brightly on Ye Ye, who is full of silver hair on the last old man's head.

Looking along the table, the effect of the light is getting weaker and weaker.

When it came to the end, the face of the dean Wei Qingshan who lived in the first seat was completely hidden in the darkness.

This is the highest law enforcement agency in the entire Dragon Kingdom, the highest stage of power, and there are twelve strongest and oldest heaven-level powerhouses in the entire Dragon Kingdom!


A total of twelve people sat in their positions in sequence.

In the Academy of the Holy Spirit, not only the geniuses who were the objects of investigation were sorted into sequences.

Even the order of the round table meeting is still in order.

Wei Qingshan, the sequence is one.

He spoke slowly in the darkness.

"Everyone, the detailed information about the two siblings is in the file.

"Today's memory, everyone can speak freely."

On the old and heavy round table, there are 12 very top-secret files.

The content in the file is surprisingly all the investigation reports of Lu Ge Lu Qingyi and his brother.


The silent page-turning rustled.

After a while.

"This Lu Qingyi is not bad."

An old man at the junction of light and darkness can only see half of his old face under the light.

"The SS-level Nirvana God Konglei, hehe, reminds me of an old friend from the past."

Someone chuckled in agreement.


Two more people expressed their appreciation for Lu Qingyi.

At this time.

A figure sitting near Wei Qingshan said:

"Lu Qingyi, the talent is very good, but her younger brother Lu Ge deserves more attention.

"I suspect that he is a double talent, and judging from his performance, he is definitely not just an F grade.

Dual talent...

As soon as the word comes out.

There was a brief commotion underneath.

Obviously, for them who control the highest power in this country and stand at the top of all awakened people, the dual talent is also a bit eye-catching.



The chief and dean Wei Qingshan who was hidden in the darkness chuckled twice.

So the audience was silent, silently waiting for his speech.

"This Lu Ge is very interesting."

"I am very interested in him and can include him in the sequence."

Although no one could see the face of Dean Wei Qingshan clearly.

But for some reason, everyone seemed to be able to feel the smile on Wei Qingshan's face at this moment.

There is only one person, sitting in a position close to the sun, and he looks younger, with half black and half white hair, which is very eye-catching.

He frowned, showing concern.

"It's just an F-level awakener. Even if he has some talent, is it too much to join the sequence?"

After this person spoke, the others did not speak, but waited silently for Wei Qingshan's meaning.

Wei Qingshan still smiled lightly, raised his hand in the dark, and clapped the board and said:

"His performance was amazing enough, that's all."

"This is why I put him in the sequence.

The voice fell.

The audience acquiesced.

Only the middle-aged man with half-black and half-white hair near the sun sighed indistinctly, looking at the photo of Lu Ge on the information, with a little regret in his eyes.

Time flies.

A week passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past seven days, Lu Ge has explained the profound things in a simple way.

If there is a task to perform the task, if there is no task, one will train silently.

Compared with the last surge in strength, there is no big improvement, but the breath is much more stable.

Sometimes, it may be more useful to calm down and settle down to make further progress in the future.

The only thing that bothers Lu Ge is that there are too many dog ​​legs.

Wherever I go, there are people nodding and bowing everywhere.

That gaze, that posture, looks like a Manchu slave meeting his master, a courteous yuppie!

"Hey! Lu Ge! You're here!"


From some corner, a licking dog sprang out and went straight to Lu Ge.

Well, it's still a three-eyed licking dog.

This kind of the most sinister looks paired with the most flattering expression, no matter how you look at it, it's awkward.

0 looking for flowers......

This person is Wu Di.

This man who wants to be strong all his life insists on recognizing Lu Ge as his big brother since he came back last time!

The reason is very simple, according to Wu Di's own words:

"You are better than me! From now on, you will be the big brother and I will be the younger brother. Together, we can run rampant in the third district!"

Lu Ge is really helpless, he is speechless, you are changing too fast!

The last time we met, we had to beat them to death.

Now I have to recognize myself as the big brother, the guy who is emotional is essentially a shaker?

So Lu Ge looked at Wu Di and ran over shyly, but ignored him.

Turn around and go straight to training.

The training room is overcrowded.

But when Lu Ge walked in, everyone turned their eyes over in unison.

Then all of them showed flattering smiles immediately, and said in one mouthful: "Hello, Lu Ge!"

"Good morning, Lu Ge!"

In the training room in the past, how could there be so many people training hard?

Isn't it because they heard that Lu Ge would come here for training every day, rain or shine, which attracted a large number of people to come here, just to get closer to Lu Ge, so as to curry favor?

For this reason, the equipment and props that Lu Ge often uses have become popular.

Everyone scrambled to occupy it, waited for Lu Ge to arrive and let them out, so they were familiar with each other.


In the minds of the awakened people in the third district, sooner or later Lu Ge will be a big shot in the fourth district, fifth district, or even the sixth district.

It is even said that the Holy Spirit Academy is not impossible?

Such a future star, if he doesn't fawn on him now, when will he fawn on him?

this is not

Someone trotted over, bent down to lead the way:

"God Lu, are you here? This way please, my little brother has already prepared the equipment you are used to, and no one can occupy it!"

Lu Ge looked at passerby A who was smiling apologetically in front of him, nodded slightly, and then followed him.

I can't help feeling in my heart.

After the world recovered strangely, human beings fell into dire straits.

Whether it is strong or not becomes the only criterion for judging a person!

This is really a world where power is respected!

If you have the biggest fist, you have the highest status.

What Lu Ge enjoys now is the status brought by his strength!


He is not satisfied with this.

The Academy of the Holy Spirit is the goal I will never forget......

"Hey! Brother Lu's strength has increased again!"

"Last time I was pushing four and a half tons with one hand, but now I can easily lift five tons!"

"Tsk tsk, this is just my brother Lu's physical strength!"

"When my Brother Lu's firepower is fully activated and he casts supernatural flames, that scene will be called fierce! It will be called authentic!"

"I really hope that one day, I can also see with my own eyes the spectacular scene where Brother Lu casts his power fire with all his might..."

"Damn! You'd better improve your own strength! Don't forget that Brother Lu is only in the four-star realm!"

"When he reaches five stars, I'm afraid it will be another world!"

"It's outrageous! It's not human! Four-star realm can kill sixth-order invisible monsters, and one person can save a city!"

"When I was at the fourth level, I was still in the second district! Hitting a fourth-level weirdness is enough!"



Lu Ge put down the heavy and expensive training equipment and let out a long sigh of relief.

His complexion was flushed, obviously a reaction to the intense training.

"Calculate the time, it's time to re-rank

Lu Ge thought to himself.

not long ago.

Chen Baixue approached him and said that the association had prepared him a chance to reassess his talent.

But before again.

Lu Ge is going to set the star rating first.

He felt that the source power in his body had skyrocketed a lot as he practiced and took resources during this period of time.

When I came to the grading hall.

The person in charge is a little old man, walking around the door with his hands behind his back.

As soon as he saw Lu Ge, his eyes lit up immediately, and he trotted over with a smile like a chrysanthemum.

"Brother Lu, are you here today to set a star?"

His manner was very respectful.

Because everyone knows that Lu Ge will definitely not be an ordinary person in the future.

Lu Ge nodded, acquiescing to the little old man's words.

The little old man immediately took him into the hall courteously, but he took him to the lounge.

The explanation given was: "Someone inside is fixing the stars.

Lu Ge casually asked who it was.

The little old man answered Wu Zhaorong.


Old Wu wants to be a star?

Lu Ge is very concerned about this person, after all, not every awakened person can keep his original intention.

Being able to sacrifice his life to save ordinary people regardless of comfort has proved that this person's heart is very pure.

"Go and see!"

Lu Ge immediately got up and went to the star fixing room.

The little old man hurried to catch up and followed behind Lu Ge's ass.

Just walked to the door.

Then I saw Wu Zhaorong walking out dejectedly.

Lu Ge knew the result by looking at his state and expression.

"Lu, Lu Ge, are you here?"

Wu Zhaorong didn't expect to meet him here, and seemed a bit at a loss.

Mainly because of the embarrassment of being bumped into by acquaintances just after I failed.

"Failed to fix the star?"

Lu Ge asked.

Wu Zhaorong's face darkened and he nodded.

"Hey! There is no rush in cultivation, take it step by step slowly, with your A-level talent, I believe you will succeed soon!"

Lu Ge comforted.

Wu Zhaorong was also free and easy, and immediately said:

"Don't worry, I'm not that fragile, it's just that I'm not reconciled."

"I can only work harder in the future. I hope that the star will be fixed as soon as possible, and I will become a six-star awakener."

Lu Ge was relieved to see that he was fine, patted Old Wu on the shoulder and walked in.


Chairman Zheng Haiyang and Chen Baixue also learned the news that Lu Ge is about to star.

Zheng Haiyang, who had just heard about it, almost dropped his eyes.

"What? This guy has just crossed over to my place, and he has been repaired from four stars to five stars in less than a month?"

With that said, Zheng Haiyang cast his eyes on Chen Baixue.

Chen Baixue was also a little unexpected.

The two looked at each other, and hurriedly went downstairs to check the situation.

not for a while.

Several high-rises went downstairs.

The awakened people who had been watching for a long time saw the leader coming, and gave way one after another.

Chen Baixue and Zheng Haiyang stood outside and looked in, it was indeed Lu Ge who was going to star!

They couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"too fast!"

"The old man has never seen a genius with such a speed of practice!"

Chen Baixue's beautiful eyes were full of surprise and joy.

There was a strange light in her eyes, and she silently guessed in her heart:

"Will it really be successful to determine the star so quickly?"

Do not know why.

Chen Baixue has a lot of confidence in Lu Ge in his heart, it is a kind of unreasonable honey trust.

It's like, Lu Ge can do everything strangely...

Inside the star-fixing hall.

Lu Ge has already stood on the star-fixing platform according to the instructions of the staff.

The mysterious and complicated equipment is connected to his body through various instruments.

Shine with the light.

Lu Ge also began to close his eyes, mobilizing the source force in his body with all his strength to resonate with the equipment.

The vigorous and mighty source power began to flow in every corner of Lu Ge's body like an awakened dragon.

There was a clatter.

And in the outside world.

The detection equipment quickly uploads the value to the display according to the fluctuation of the source force.

The eyes of the people outside the hall did not blink.

Including the president Zheng Haiyang, the mysterious vice president Chen Baixue, and all the melon-eaters who flocked after hearing the news, staring at the big screen of the monitor.

The atmosphere at the scene was so tense that only the beating of the heart could be heard!

Everyone held their breath, as if the person standing on the star-fixing device was not Lu Ge, but himself!


The display is on!

one star!

two stars!

three stars!

four stars!

Values ​​continue to break through!

In a blink of an eye, the fifth star lights up steadily, and finally stops!

Five stars, five-star awakener!

Lu Ge!


There was a sensation in the audience.

All eyes are attracted by the five seemingly sparse and ordinary stars.

Their hearts were shaken, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

What is unbelievable is not the five-star realm, but the time it took for Lu Ge to reach five-star from four-star, it was too short!

Short enough to make your scalp tingle!

Too short to feel unrealistic!

"How long has it been? It's five stars?"

"Is this soaring by rocket?"

"It's crazy! Labor cultivation is like an old rooster laying eggs. You can't hold one in half your life. Brother Lu's cultivation is like getting on a high-speed rail, and you rush up!"

"I can't compare, I can't compare, people are more popular than people, compared with Lu Ge, I'm more trash than trash!"

"Brother Lu has broken the record for the fastest promotion in our third district, right?"

"For sure! The last record was his sister Lu Qingyi, who also came from a four-star realm across regions, but it took a few distances to rise to five stars!"

"Tsk tsk, that's perverted enough!"

"As expected of two siblings! One is stronger than the other!"

The voices outside the hall were full of people, and the hearts of the people were sensational.

In the hall, Lu Ge slowly walked off the equipment table.

He was not surprised by his success in being classified as a five-star awakener.

Because even if the powerful blessing of Hellfire is removed.

The various resources I have taken are also an astronomical sum!

All kinds of sixth-order spirit crystals and sixth-order treasures are free to take.

Just ask.

In this world, who else can easily kill sixth-level monsters and enjoy sixth-level resources like Lu Ge at the four-star level?

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