Global Weird: Ghost Rider, Awakening Hellfire

Chapter 68: Three Hours! Slaughter The 700 Cherry Blossom Awakeners! Kill To Gao Tianyuan

Lu Ge faced the siege without changing his face.

Even if the attack landed in front of his eyes, he never blinked.

He was submerged in a sea of ​​supernatural attacks.

Soon there was no trace of him.

But next second!


Earth shakes!

Lu Ge slowly emerged like a skeleton evil spirit walking out of hell.

His eyes burned with bursting flames.

His eyes were cold and majestic.


A high-pitched and ethereal sentence.

A silver-white soul chain was born in the void, flying in the air.

The hellfire exploded, shining like the might of the sky, and the terrifying power was earth-shattering.

The waves of fire, like a vast ocean, roared like a dragon, covering all those who ambush and intercept him.

along the way.

All abilities that come into contact with hellfire automatically disappear and melt.

There was a lot of screams at the scene.

The ground was flowing with bright red blood, the blood flowed like a river, and the internal organs were scattered all over the place.

Many people who were burned by the hellfire and only had normal bodies screamed in despair while crawling desperately.

But there is still a flexible soul chain in the air that continuously penetrates the battlefield, hooking out their souls. "Three Three Zero" Lu Ge also turned into an evil spirit of hell, his eyes were burning, and wherever the eyes of judgment went, his soul was burning.

Then he extracted the memories of the people here on a large scale.

View them one by one.


Still nothing.

"Finally someone knows Kameda Genichiro, but this guy's presence in the third district is too low. Even if he is known, he doesn't know where this person is..."

After silently reading everyone's memories, Lu Ge waved his hand lightly.


A final wave of bursting fire swept past.

When the world returns to peace again.

There are no traces of this group of Sakura Country awakeners.

Another strange fog was extinguished.

Lu Ge still didn't get the result he wanted.

Think about it too.

If Genichiro Kameda is really a genius.

It will not be reduced to going to other countries to secretly plunder resources.

for the rest of the time.

less than three hours.

Lu Ge is like the cruelest god of death, shuttling through the first district of the dry cherry blossom country.

A total of nine strange fog.

On average, there are nearly a hundred awakened people in each strange fog.

Without exception, all were killed by Lu Ge!

He drives a ghost motorcycle with unpredictable speed.

Along the way, whether it is Weird or Sakura Awakened, there is only one end:

That is death!

less than three hours.

Lu Ge has slaughtered more than 700 awakened people!

He drives the evil spirit motorcycle, mercilessly harvesting the life of this land.

That is more than 700 awakened people, each of them has five-star or even six-star strength.

Not even weird!

Wu Diren was dumbfounded by such a terrifying record!

His mind went blank, and he looked at Lu Ge with awe and fear.

too ruthless!

So cruel that Wu Di completely lost the confidence and courage to stand shoulder to shoulder with him, and even forgot where Lu Ge's space system ability came from.

Lu Ge's ruthless and decisive methods were completely beyond his expectations.

Wu Di looked at this killing god, and the shock in his eyes lingered for a long time.

He feels compared to Lu Ge.

Other awakened ones are as docile as lambs!

And during this period.

Lu Ge finally found out the whereabouts of Kameda Xuan Yilang.

He went to a strange fog in Shujianting City.

After inquiring about the news.

Lu Ge didn't hesitate at all, and still grabbed Wu Di.

Then he used the dimension shuttle, and appeared in Shujianjiang in the next second.



The sky and the earth are clear here, and there is no cloud in the sky.

It turns out that the weird fog has cleared!

The Awakened ones who performed the mission with Kameda Xuan Yiro were more efficient than Lu Ge's arrival, and dealt with the fog, so they have returned to the third area "High Tianyuan".

Lu Ge and Wu Di are like stepping into a void.

"Brother Lu, why don't you forget it this time?"

"Gao Tianyuan is the Psychic Association of Cherry Blossom Country, similar to the Salvation Society on the other side of the lighthouse. It is the base camp of the awakened people in the third area of ​​Cherry Blossom Country."

"We can wait for a while, anyway, the turtle grandson will come out sooner or later.

"When the time comes, whoever we choose will be able to hang up the grandson and beat him!"

Wu Di looked at Lu Ge cautiously, and spoke carefully.

He felt that since Kameda Xuanyiro was so lucky and had already run back to Takamahara, then naturally he would have no chance this time.

after all.

No one can kill a person under the pressure of awakened people in an entire area, can they?

But Lu Ge shook his head.

He looked at the distant sky, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said softly:

"No, since Genichiro Kameda has returned to Takamahara in Sakura Country, then I will go to Takamahara and slaughter the third district!"

The words are full of vigorous killing intent and firm will!

Wu Di heard this sentence.

Totally shocked!

He never thought that a person as calm and calm as Lu Ge would have such a crazy side in his bones!

Do not know why.

Wu Di's heart beat violently.




dance nonstop!

This is crazy too!

Wu Di kept swallowing his saliva, his body trembling.


"I never thought of anything so crazy in my life!"

"Damn it, done it!"

Wu Di's eyes are burning, and he intends to follow Lu Ge in this big ticket!

Lu Ge took a deep look at him and did not refuse.

"If you want to come with me, do me a favor."

Wu Di immediately stood at attention and raised his hand in a dignified manner, "Lu Ge, give the order! Make sure to complete the task!"

Lu Ge nodded and said:

"When you get to the third district, you have to cut off their communication equipment as soon as possible."

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Di understood the truth.

He said seriously: "Don't worry, wrap it on me!"

Lu Ge then took out the recovery potion from the storage space.

Then sit down cross-legged and quietly recover.

Here to go.

One is worth one thousand!

Gotta keep everything at its peak!

At this moment 0.

The third district of Sakura Country, Gaotianyuan.

Inside an antique urn building.

A few high-ranking people in thick white socks, clogs, and Mediterranean headdresses knelt together.

They frowned, discussing something.

"Fuer-kun, have you found out why?"

"All nine strange fogs have lost contact."

"More than 700 awakened people have not heard from them so far. What happened?"

Fuji Yuta, known as Fuji-kun, frowned deeply, and he shook his head, saying that he hadn't found out about the matter yet.

"The incident happened suddenly. I have arranged for my men to investigate as soon as possible. It may take some time."


Chairman Gao Tianyuan was worried, he always had an ominous premonition.

The other high-ranking members of Gao Tianyuan were also frowning.

In less than three hours, the accident happened suddenly.

They are very afraid of any unforeseen disaster.

This is more than 700 awakened people, if something happens...

All the high-level scalps felt numb, as if a burst of electricity passed by, it was completely unimaginable!


There was a loud noise downstairs.

There was the sound of the door being smashed.

The high-level people sitting cross-legged together were all excited!

Like a stress reaction, I hurriedly got up to check.

I saw a mysterious man downstairs who was covered in flames, riding a motorcycle that was also burning with flames, rushing in brazenly!

All the awakened people in Gaotianyuan in the third district were all stunned.

They stared blankly at Lu Ge who barged in, in a daze.

What happened?


Under the urging of the source force, the bursting flame made a "sizzling" sound.

The sound waves of the scorching air entered the ears.

Everyone feels scalp tingling.

With such a terrifying high temperature, just listening to the sound makes the hair stand on end.

If the flesh is burned by this flame...5.1...

Everyone's expressions changed, and they dare not look like their daughter-in-law!

But soon.

Immediately, someone stood up, stared at Lu Ge with a gloomy and stern expression, and asked:

"who are you?"

"How dare you break into the holy land of Gaotianyuan in broad daylight?"

In the cherry blossom myth, Gao Tianyuan is a holy place to bury the gods.

The Sakura people use Gao Tianyuan to call their Psychic Association, because they think that the awakened ones are superior and cannot be desecrated~!

However, at this moment, someone drove a vehicle so rudely and broke through the gate and rushed in.

This is not contempt for the gods, what is it?


Lu Ge sneered, and his arm turned into a wavy flame sword, which flashed past!

The flame demon sword drew a bright trace in the air.


The person who stepped forward to question was instantly beheaded!

Bone Lulu

The head rolled to the ground, and the dead man's eyes widened, leaving the last panic and anger.

Lu Ge took a step forward, with a cold face, looking around the entire third district of Sakura Country, the awakened ones said word by word:

"Tell me, where is Xuan Yiro Kameda?".

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