Global Weird: I Can Simulate In Advance

Chapter 228: Spiritual fire refining, simulation restarts!

"Forget it, I won't talk about the phoenix with you..."

Looking out the window of the ward, Li Guanqi leaned back against the window, looked at Lin Xianbai in front of him, and asked curiously, "What about the thing I told you a month ago? Is it possible?"

"Do not……"

Lin Xianbai shook his head gently, "The kind of flame environment you need, of course the temperature can be achieved, but the flame required for body training is the kind of flame with spiritual power, which is completely different from the fire we create artificially. Researchers have been working on it for a month with no results."

"All right."

Li Guanqi nodded, not surprised.

A month ago, when he set out to hunt and kill curse spirits to obtain alien blood, he mentioned something to Lin Xianbai.

Three talents level, body refining realm.

His physical body has reached the limit of the two instruments, and then he must break into the third talent level in order to continue to improve the physical strength.

Wang Yanqing gave him a body-refining method called "Burning the Body in Flames". He needs to find all kinds of treasures with fire attributes, or the heaven and blessings of fire attributes, and then treat the human body as scrap iron, casting and forging with majestic flames. Remove impurities and become steel!

This body training method is enough to help Li Guanqi break into the third-level body training realm.

But where can fire-type treasures be found in reality?

Or the Heavenly Paradise of Fire Attribute?

Fire... It's not that Li Guanqi never thought to ask Han Mengyao for help, after all, she has the fire of the phoenix.

But she was still too weak.

Even Han Mengyao, who had already stepped into the first yuan level, was barely able to use the fire of the phoenix to reach the second level, which was far from what he required.

He needs a spirit fire environment of the third talent level, at least the third talent level!

Regarding this... Li Guanqi didn't have a clue anyway, so when he asked Lin Xianbai at that time, Lin Xianbai said that he would find a way.

A few days later, Lin Xianbai called back and said that he had gone to a place, but the level of spiritual energy recovery was not enough, and the environmental conditions there were not up to the standard. He said that his fourth dungeon return should be enough.

Li Guanqi was speechless on the spot.

If he can't break into the third talent level in the fourth dungeon, how miserable it will be...

Two days later, Lin Xianbai wrote back again saying that he was asking researchers to try to artificially create a paradise.

Then there is no trust.

Until now... nothing.

I can only go to the weird world to think of a way.

This result was actually not out of Li Guanqi's expectations. After all, after returning to reality, he had the idea of ​​asking Lin Xianbai for help, but when he simulated it later, the simulator did not give a corresponding explanation of the situation.

Obviously, this is a situation with no results at all.

Extraordinary power still has to be obtained in the extraordinary and strange world.

There are less than ten days left until the fourth strange world comes.

"What's your plan next?"

Lin Xianbai looked at Li Guanqi with interest, and said with a half-smile, "Stay at school and have a good relationship? Relax, and then go to the strange world for the fourth time?"

"Do not."

Li Guanqi shook his head, "I don't have so much time to waste, I want to become stronger and stronger."

He thought about it.

Tan Wenyan is right, he shouldn't listen to the so-called fate, if he really believed in fate, he should have thrown the simulator away long ago.

Although he didn't know how to throw it at all.

at this point.

Whether it's the Son of Heaven, the tide of the times, or endangering the people around you... Then come on!

He is a man, and a man should protect his girl.

Li Guanqi is going to become stronger. The reason why he hunted the curse spirits like crazy this month is to strengthen himself after collecting alien blood for Han Mengyao to strengthen his body.

In a month of frantic hunting, he killed a total of more than 8,000 spell spirits, and he also plundered more than 8,000 kinds of strange powers - is this a terrifying number?


Li Guanqi actually thought so at the beginning, so he went hunting with anticipation.

But then he became numb.

Because it's not very useful.

Excuse me, why is a magician called a magician?

Because the magician's "curse" technique was originally inspired by the "curse" spirit, he named himself "curse" magician!

That is to say, most of the powers of the magic spirits can be mastered by magicians by practicing and learning new spells.

And 99% of the spells, the power effects are almost repeated.

They are all conventional attack methods such as fireballs, ice picks, wind blades, and lightning.

At most, yours is a red fireball, mine is a green fireball, his is a golden fireball, and a certain pretty boy’s is a super cool and colorful fireball—oh yes, Li Guanqi paid special attention to this ability, because it is really dazzling.

Apart from the appearance, these rubbish abilities are no different from the ones that Li Guanqi used his spells to cast.

Ah no, that's a big difference.

Abilities use mental power, and his mental power is average.

The spell can use spiritual power, it is strong.

Those trash abilities were plundered, and it was no different from no plunder.

Li Guanqi made a special form of his own abilities, and none of those abilities could be recorded in this form.

In fact, in addition to the fireball ice pick, there are also special abilities of the magic spirit.

But even so, Li Guanqi can use the corresponding spell to achieve the same or even stronger effect.

Wanting to find a magical and special ability that cannot be replaced by spells among so many spell spirits is no less than looking for a needle in a haystack.

But looking for a needle in a haystack is better than not trying to find it.

Maybe open the blind box, open it, and he will open a treasure ability?

As long as you don't look at the simulator, these are all uncertain things, and you can have hope - well, Schrödinger's ability.

Moreover, hunting and killing curse spirits is also considered to be a good thing for the people, anyway, it is a good thing without any harm.

As for Han Mengyao...

"Lin Daochang."

Li Guanqi looked at Han Mengyao who was sleeping soundly in the ward through the observation window, and said with a chuckle, "I put a lot of foreign blood in the dormitory of Lake View No. 1, so please transfer it to her."


Lin Xianbai's face was full of disbelief, "Why do you put it there, the dormitories in the lake view series are all vacant single-family villas, I specially kept them!"

"Yeah, it's idle."

Li Guanqi nodded, "The scenery there is good, I like it very much, let Mengyao live there."


Lin Xianbai was stunned, "You know what? Your arrogant appearance made me think for a moment that this mountain belongs to your family, so you are the president of Transcendent University?"

"So, can't you give it?" Li Guanqi asked.

"Of course."

Lin Xianbai smiled, "I said, you take responsibility, I will give you rights, not to mention a small villa, I will do my best to fight for anything you want."


Li Guanqi patted Lin Xianbai's shoulder with a smile, "I've decided, you can go there and get a few bottles, I don't mind, just don't touch the bottle of three-level alien blood."


Lin Xian was at a loss for words. After a while, he said nothing, "I'm not you. I don't have two fellow practitioners.


Lin Xian paused for a while, his eyes narrowed slightly, "It is not the accumulation of power that restricts the speed of our cultivation, but the breakthrough after the accumulation of power to the current limit. The threshold of the realm is the real difficulty."

"Of course I know."

Li Guanqi turned around and waved his hand with his back to him, "Lin Daochang, goodbye, I will continue to hunt and kill the curse spirits, you help the aftermath, and cover up the traces of identity and so on."

"Are you leaving again?"

Lin Xianbai looked at his back and frowned slightly, "You've only been back for less than a night, are you really afraid that this girl will get angry? I think the walls of the martial arts hall were smashed by her."

Li Guanqi just waved his hand and walked away.

Get stronger.

he wants.

She wants too.

To be the strongest can be forever.



"He left again?"

the next day.


Han Mengyao woke up slowly, sat on the bed, and looked at Lin Xianbai in the corner of the ward, her face full of resentment.


Lin Xianbai held a cup of hot tea in his left hand, and a book of this Taoism in his right, with black lines all over his head.

No, it's weird, why every time that bastard runs away, he asks me to explain it to him?

"Your new dorm."

Lin Xianbai casually threw a key with the house number to Han Mengyao, "The procedures for transferring to the dormitory have been completed, and your fingerprints have been recorded on the smart lock on the door. The key has the house number on it, go to your new dormitory and have a look. ."


Han Mengyao was taken aback, "I-I don't want a new dormitory, my friend is still in the old dormitory."

"Go and see."

Lin Xianbai just smiled, "In the new dormitory, he left some things for you."




"Identification, student number 2002061220010701, Han Mengyao, the identity verification is successful, welcome to Lake View No. 1, this is a special reward for the first one-level student in the supernatural ability class."


The door of the dormitory like a lake view cottage was unlocked and the door opened.

Wearing a white dress, Han Mengyao stepped into the door, and after closing the door, she looked at this luxurious and chic new dormitory with curiosity.


Soon, Han Mengyao saw what Li Guanqi left her.

Living room, room, bathroom, kitchen, cupboard, wardrobe, table, locker...and so on.

All the places where things can be placed are filled with bottle after bottle of small glass bottles with different blood, at least thousands of bottles!

Thousands of colorful bottles of different blood, under the shroud of sunlight outside the window, reflect a dazzling luster, reflecting the entire house into a piece of purple and red. As the light changes, the picture scrolls composed of various colors also fluctuate.

This beautiful scene suddenly made Han Mengyao stunned in place.

"Watching chess..."

Han Mengyao was dazed, walked through the living room, and brushed out the foreign blood. Each bottle had a label written by the guy on it, and it was marked with words such as "not acceptable", "one yuan level", "two instrument level" and so on.

Even on the bedside table in her room, there is a bottle of cyan three-level alien blood.

This bottle has a distinctive label, a small heart-shaped card.

A full red heart was used in red pen on it, as well as a crooked black handwriting:

"We'll be together when I'm strong enough to protect you."


Han Mengyao tightly clasped the bottle of cyan three-level alien blood in the palm of her hand and placed it in her heart. Tears welled up in her eyes. After a long time, she muttered in a low voice, "Big idiot, how can you write so ugly."

"Don't touch yourself, little fool."

Suddenly, a coquettish female voice resounded in her mind.

"Huh? Sister Xiehuang, what do you mean?"

Han Mengyao wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and replied in surprise, "What do you mean by touching yourself?"

"You're dragging others down."

Xie Huang's voice was indescribably lazy and noble, "Little fool, why did they send you so many ghosts... Cursed spirit blood? Why did they leave after sending you, instead of carrying you over and throwing you on the ground? On the bed, then stripped naked, pressing you to roll the sheets together?

because you are too weak.

And he's not sure if he can protect you.

Who is that Li Guanqi?

At least, at least so far, he is the No. 1 new-generation alien in the world. The luck of this new era is all rolling in, converging on him and around him.

It's not a good thing, really, really not a good thing.

A synonym for opportunity is crisis.

Whether he can withstand the wave of the new era, whether he can withstand these crises, to the end, I dare not say.

but you.

Little fool, if you stay by his side all the time, you will endure the crisis he suffers along with him.

Do you want him to be distracted to protect you when he is defending against a crisis?

Come on, my little one.

I don't know what human beings are like. Anyway, in Phoenix, Feng is not the head of the family, and neither is Huang. One phoenix and one phoenix should support each other to give birth to a healthy baby Phoenix.

So, don't be a drag on him by being a vase, be his thigh and let him take the initiative to hold it, okay? "

The charming voice of the evil phoenix kept echoing in his mind.

Han Mengyao clenched the bottle of cyan three-level alien blood tightly in her hands, thinking about the white-haired figure in her mind, her eyes became more determined, "Sister Xiehuang, what should I do?"


The evil phoenix let out a burst of excited laughter.



seven days later.

Somewhere in the wild.

In a deep frozen pit.

Li Guanqi, who had just killed and plundered a two-level curse spirit, looked down at his hand with a stunned expression.

This ability...

This ability that was just plundered...

What kind of supernatural is this?

Having plundered thousands of spell spirits' abilities, Li Guanqi is now extremely sensitive to abilities, and he can accurately judge the specific effects almost as soon as he gets them, even if he hasn't used them yet.

And now, Li Guanqi has a general feeling that the effect of the ability just obtained is...

[Randomly let someone see my existence and feel that he is very similar to his descendant, and the ability cannot be actively used or restrained]?

Isn't this riding a horse to recognize the ability of father? !

"I don't want it!"

Li Guanqi wanted to cry without tears, and kept shaking his hands vigorously, "Don't! Who wants the ability to recognize his father!"

Pity it didn't work.

The loot ability is only responsible for looting, it doesn't care about losing it.

I often walk by the river, and finally get wet shoes and get a bastard ability.

"Grass, if anyone sees me in the future, I will call my son, and I will designate Bang Bang to punch him."



In the next two days, Li Guanqi slaughtered more than a dozen curse spirits. Basically, he found nothing. All of them were ordinary abilities such as fireball ice picks, and there were no special abilities similar to the "recognize father" ability.


On a cloudy afternoon with heavy rain, Li Guanqi stood in a remote cave, looking at the layers of dark clouds outside, his eyes wandering, as if he had a feeling.

It's like... it's coming?

But now it is more than half a day earlier than the fortieth day mentioned in the simulator?


"Weird world, the fourth instance is about to start!"

"Please get everything ready."

"After 3 seconds, the copy will be officially opened."



At the same time as the prompt sound appeared, Li Guanqi was enveloped in a blood-colored light.

Simulator, go!



【Spooky World Simulator】

On the ground surrounded by black mist, Li Guanqi looked at the light curtain panel in front of him.

Numerous black squares.

The first one, [Novice Trial·Sorcerer's Disciple]

The second one, [Novice Trial·Wufu Road/Forest Strange Things]

The third one, [Official Copy Frontier Battlefield/Curse Academy]

Fourth, [Official Instance·Leicheng No. 1 / Gu Village Fascinated Soul]

[You have two extraordinary powers at the same time, and you can choose your starting status. 】

[1. Deserter wanted by the government - copy: Leicheng No. 1]

[2. (The archive node of the last speller route copy) - copy: Gu Village Fascinated Soul]

[Currently the simulator has absorbed: time ring, time necklace. 】

[Simulator recommendations are as follows]:

[At present, the simulator energy is extremely sufficient. It is recommended to select "personal simulation" first to enter the simulation world of the [Leicheng No. 1] dungeon.

After you come back from the simulated world and become stronger, select the copy of "Text Simulation" [Gu Zhai Fascination], and then enter the real weird world. 】

"Simulator brother, you finally have enough energy."

Li Guanqi smiled, and then said in a deep voice: "Then come on, simulate in person, the first copy of Leicheng!"

[Wufu route copy "Thunder City No. 1" simulation is about to start. 】





White light flashed.

Li Guanqi instantly disappeared in place.

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