Global Weird: I Can Simulate In Advance

Chapter 344: Rank 7 magic weapon, wind and thunder sword!

"My apprentice Li Guanqi, meet the master!"

Li Guanqi immediately lowered his head, knelt down on one knee, and saluted Wang Xiu, who was in front of him.

"Hahahahahaha! Good!!"

Wang Xiu laughed heartily, and after helping him up from the ground, he said, "Then next, this old man will teach you all the swordsmanship that he has learned in this life, and then help you open up the rest of the divine veins and break into the Five Elements level. !"


"You triggered the mission condition!"

"You got a new main quest!"

——【The Covenant of Swords】——

Mission introduction: The sword contract between the Daluo swordsman and the shogunate is about to come to an end because the deadline for one of them is coming. Then, you can help Wang Xiu, the "legendary" romantic swordsman, to complete his final battle before his death. Long-cherished wish?

Mission requirements:

1. Understand the wind and thunder sword intent.

2. Step into the five elements of martial arts.

3. Ten years later, that is, the last blood moon day in 4881, go to the top of Xiaoshan, the cherry blossom shogunate, to make an appointment.

Mission success reward:

Two out of one.

If you have become a five-element magician before completing this task, and have obtained the magician's breakthrough reward of [Sakura Journey], then the reward for this task is:

Open the liver of wood and step into the mid-five elements of martial arts.

If you have not become a five-element magician before completing this quest, then the Wufu breakthrough reward of [Cherry Blossom Journey] will be superimposed on this quest, namely:

Continuously activate the power of the liver of wood and the kidney of water, and step into the later stage of the five elements of martial arts.

Mission Failure Penalty:

Two out of one.

1. If you fail to complete task requirements 1 and 2 within ten years, and fail to meet the appointment standard, there will be no penalty for failure.

2. If the mission requirements 1 and 2 are fulfilled, and the appointment standard is met, but the peak of Xiaoshan is not reached on time, the martial arts state will collapse and fall to the four-image level of martial arts, and it is impossible to make any further progress in martial arts in this life.

In the one-year period of the strange world, Li Guanqi didn't even take a few steps, and he successively obtained [Sakura Journey] and [Knife and Sword Covenant], two tasks that can be done for a long time and have rich rewards.

Then take it slow!


Li Guanqi looked at Wang Xiu in front of him and grinned, "When will we start practicing swords?"

"There are many tomorrows in life."

Wang Xiu stood with his hands behind his back, smiling indifferently, "But what comes before tomorrow is the next moment, and what comes before the next moment is always 'now'."

"So to answer your question."

"When do you practice swords?"

"Right now!"



Knife and Sword.

From the Sakura Shogunate, Fenglei Dao mad, female samurai, Takeda Kosai.

Fenglei Sword Demon from the Daluo Dynasty, male swordsman, Wang Xiu.

The sword and the sword of the two of them, which is better or worse?

Ten years later, Li Guanqi will go to this appointment for Wang Xiu, and use the wind and thunder sword intent that belongs to Wang Xiu to compete with Takeda Kozhai's sword intent.

He didn't know if it really took ten years, because this time he was able to stay in the strange world for only one year.

But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is to focus on the present moment.

The teaching of Fenglei Jianyi is about to begin.


In the middle of the colorful sea of ​​flowers, in a rocky clearing, Wang Xiu was wearing a gray single shirt, his left hand was behind, and his right was holding a branch.

And in Li Guanqi's right hand,

He had already held a sapphire blue long sword, and the silver-white sword was engraved with light blue water ripples.

Fourth-order magic weapon - Water Moon Sword!

"It turns out that you already have a sword intent on you."

After Wang Xiu saw Li Guanqi holding the sword, he felt his sudden surge of momentum, and on his handsome old face, he couldn't help but smile, "Very good, very good, this old man knows that you were given to me by God. Opportunity! A warrior who has already understood one sword intent will be much easier to learn other sword intents."

"Senior, let's get started."

Li Guanqi bowed slightly, clenched the Shuiyue Sword in his right hand, and stared intently at Wang Xiu's every move. The passive ability of the "Plunder" technique was almost driven to the extreme, ready to plunder Wang Xiu's swordsmanship and sword intent at any time.

"Well, before we start..."

Wang Xiu looked at him, but hesitantly, but still said: "In the first place, everyone has their own secrets, this old man is not interested in inquiring about your secrets, but you call yourself a commoner, but have learned the orifice technique. .

The old man is really curious, where did the content of your orifice sealing technique come from?

Of course, just curious, if you don't want to say it, there's no need to answer. "

Li Guanqi heard Wang Xiu's words, his body relaxed slightly, and he began to think about whether to answer truthfully. At the same time, he subconsciously danced a sword flower.

And Wang Xiu frowned when he saw this flashy action.

"My first martial arts master, named Chen Yan!"

Li Guanqi thought for a moment, and finally looked at Wang Xiu with a smile, "Master, have you heard of this name?"

"Oh, it's the old guy."

Wang Xiu obviously knew it, and chuckled: "That Chen Yan later fell, but even at his peak, his cultivation was normal, but his boxing skills were indeed extremely suitable for enlightenment to younger martial artists.

Weapons are extensions of hands and feet.

No matter what kind of family, even those big swordsmen, when breaking into the first yuan level, they must use fists to enter the Dao, and use fists to open up the blood and blood of the whole body, and then they can touch the weapons.

And Chen Yan's boxing is the most suitable for this.

Therefore, many children of one of the sixteen surnames of Da Luo would spend money to find him for martial arts enlightenment.

As I mentioned to you earlier, Yan Qing, who successfully practiced the "Fengqiao Technique" before you, was actually called Wang Yanqing, a female descendant of our Wang family.

At the beginning, that girl went to Chen Yan for the enlightenment of martial arts.

When you say that, the old man is even more confused.

It is not cheap to make Chen Yan's old man who lost his money to enlighten him in martial arts, and he doesn't need gold coins. As long as all kinds of high-level resources are required, this is not something that ordinary civilians can afford... Wait, that's not right. "

As he said that, Wang Xiu looked at Li Guanqi with a surprised face, "You're not even 25 years old this year, count the time, before you were born, Chen Yan had already fallen, and then disappeared without a trace, where did you find it? Did he enlighten you?"

"Master Chen Yan just chose to live in seclusion in a mountain village after his fall, and he didn't die."

Li Guanqi smiled slightly, "I happened to meet him in a small mountain village of an ordinary person, and by chance, I got him to teach boxing techniques, so I opened up my qi and blood, and stepped into the martial arts... And, in fact, I also know Wang Yanqing. ."


Wang Xiu frowned.

"She is my senior sister."

Li Guanqi continued: "And later, I spent some time in the Scarlet Blood Army, and I met the senior sister there, because we have the same master, we quickly became acquainted.

As for your question just now... Well, my orifice sealing technique was taught by my senior sister, but it didn't take long for me to leave the Scarlet Blood Army.

Later, Senior Sister also left the Scarlet Blood Army.

We met again, and then came to the Sakura Shogun together, but there was an accident during the teleportation process, which is why I suddenly appeared in this valley, but the senior sister did not teleport here together.

In fact.

Although I think the senior sister is likely to be alive, it is guesswork after all..."

This is what Li Guanqi said.

"She's definitely still alive, don't worry."

Wang Xiu smiled and waved his hand, "Accidents in teleportation can be divided into seriousness. Since you can survive with your cultivation, it means that the problems in the teleportation process are very small and you can survive. She has no reason not to. It's not too late to go out to find her after you learn Fenglei Jianyi... Haha!"

After saying that, the burly old man suddenly raised his head and laughed, "The things in this world are really wonderful. After messing around for a long time, it turns out that they are all a family."

After laughing a few times, he sighed again, "The Wang family is a big family, it is said to be a family, but in fact many Wang family have never even seen each other.

But the old man and Yan Qing are different.

Yan Qing's great-grandfather is my eldest brother, and when Yan Qing was born, don't say I hugged her, that girl was brought up by me, and it was not until she was 12 years old that the old man left the Wang family again. Travel the world. "

Hearing this, Li Guanqi couldn't help feeling that his fate was strange.

Uh, no.

This thing... maybe, maybe it has nothing to do with fate at all.

This may be entirely the arrangement of the strange world.

First the dungeon, then the quest, traversing the two routes of the magician and the warrior, seemingly far away in Daluo and the southern border, but in fact they are all related to each other.

Chi Xiaoxiao, Chi Gongming, Chi Yuanning, Chi Yuanan, Wang Yanqing, Wang Xiu.

First, the ubiquitous Chi family, and now, from the couple Chi Yuanan and Wang Yanqing as the hub, from the Chi family to the Wang family, it is estimated that the ubiquitous family will become the Wang family.

"Okay, stop talking about relatives."

Wang Xiu shook his head, "This old man has been traveling in the Sakura Shogunate for many years, and he hasn't returned to Wang's house for a long time. These trivial matters have already been put down, so I won't talk about it."

As soon as the words fell, the burly old man's eyes narrowed. He held a branch in his right hand and swiped it gently like a sword. A majestic discrimination erupted all over his body.

"Boy, you just made a very bad move, the old man has to say.

You just pulled a fancy sword flower, no, I don't recommend it, that's actually not necessary.

You may say that with the improvement of cultivation, the so-called one move and one move are no longer important.

It does.

However, swordsmen take kendo as their martial arts, and the basic moves and kendo concepts they bring will follow us for a lifetime.

Swordsmanship should not have any meaningless action.

In actual combat, the sword is unsheathed, just to kill!

Every strike is for the purpose of killing.

People in the world often say that swordsmen are romantic, but in fact they are all laymen.


The sword has two edges, and the tip is sharp, what do you mean?

Stab to kill, hack to kill, sweep to kill.

Swords are made to kill people.

There is nothing romantic or splendid at all.

Swords are killers.

To learn the sword is to learn to kill.

This is the old man's kendo philosophy, you can not listen to it, but the old man has to tell it. "

After saying that, Wang Xiu clenched his hands tightly, looked at Li Guanqi in front of him, and said solemnly, "When you reach the four-image level, the martial artist will no longer stick to ordinary moves, so the moves of the wind and thunder swordsmanship don't really matter to you. It's very useful, and it's useless to learn. I'm not going to waste this time.

What the old man thinks is to use the sword intent directly to make you feel it.

In personal experience time and time again, to capture the essence of Fenglei Jianyi, this will be a better way of cultivation.

So, are you ready?

At this moment, the old man has suppressed his cultivation to the four-image level, and he is about to use his sword. "


Li Guanqi nodded heavily, blocked the Shuiyue Sword in front, and watched Wang Xiu intently, staring at every change in his muscles, including the flow of his breath and the surge of momentum...

"The old man is about to use his sword!"

Wang Xiu reminded again, and then took a step, holding the branch in both hands, like swinging a sword, and slashed down towards Li Guanqi!

Even with the reminder, Li Guanqi's "plundering" technique became a joke at the moment he used his sword.

Because he saw a lot.

Subtle muscle movements, overall body movements, invisible qi flow, indescribable ups and downs...

But he couldn't understand anything.

The moment Wang Xiu pulled out his sword, Li Guanqi only felt that the windy and sunny valley in front of him seemed to have completely changed its appearance. Dark clouds were pressing on the environment, storms were howling, and purple-blue thunderbolts exploded in the dark clouds, making rolling thunder, as if a certain Thor roared above the sky, summoning hurricanes and thunderstorms to inflict divine punishment on the world—a divine punishment that destroys heaven and earth!

Martial arts imagery!

Wind and Thunder Sword Intent!


Li Guanqi looked at the hurricane and thunderstorm, and suddenly felt a deep fear in his heart, and then his face was pale, and blood was sprayed from his mouth. on the ground.

And his whole body, he knelt on the ground all of a sudden, and supported it with his left hand, so he didn't lie down completely.

"Ha ha."

Wang Xiu walked up to him and patted his shoulder with a smile, "Son, this time, this old man believes that you are really a commoner. Logically speaking, any older family will spend money when the clan members are young. They paid a lot of money for people to come for anti-stress training.”

"Anti-stress training?"

Li Guanqi breathed heavily, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, resisted the energy in his mind, and looked at Wang Xiu with an ugly face, "Master, what is that?"

"It's just asking someone to be a sparring partner."

Wang Xiu smiled indifferently, "When the children of the big clan are 10 years old, they will invite a large number of Wuxing-level to Liuhe-level warriors to regularly release the 'potential' of martial arts to them, so as to make them accustomed to being abused by various The feeling of oppression of martial arts imagery.

But you... um, maybe your talent is really good, but your ability to resist pressure is still too weak, obviously you haven't gone through such high-intensity torture training.

The old man has just suppressed the cultivation level, that is, the image of the martial arts at the level of four elephants, and the old man's wind and thunder sword intent... Well, it is barely second-rate, it is not a very superior sword intent.

To put it simply, it is very inappropriate for you to be crushed by this level of sword intent.

But it doesn't matter, the old man will give you a lot of anti-stress training next, which is not a problem. "

After that, Wang Xiu smiled and patted Li Guanqi on the shoulder.

On the other hand, Li Guanqi's eyes were complicated, and he couldn't return to his senses for a long time.

This is the gap.

The gap between Daluo nobles and commoners.

It is no wonder that the clan system of the Daluo Dynasty is so strict that it cannot be shaken at all.

Civilian warriors may have never seen a few images of martial arts since childhood.

However, the children of the rich and powerful have grown up under the pressure of various martial arts images. From childhood to adulthood, they have experienced countless martial arts images, and their resistance to this kind of "potential" has reached Amazing degree.

In addition, Li Guanqi remembered something that Senior Sister once mentioned to him.

When Wang Yanqing was a child, he often drank special medicines, combined with torture training, to stimulate his body and soul, so as to cultivate various conditioned reflexes. Finally, even in his sleep, he could automatically remind him of danger.

Are these noble children suffering?


But it is precisely because of this that the rich and powerful will be prosperous and prosperous.

The gap between commoners and nobles is multi-faceted, far more than a difference in the quality of foreign blood, and it is not just a difference in cultivation speed.


Li Guanqi gasped heavily, picked up the Shuiyue Sword with his right hand, and forcibly propped himself up.

He has to learn the wind and thunder sword intent, and learn the "potential" that belongs to the swordsman!

Da Luowufu, the reason why he can look down on the different-blooded human beings in various countries, depends on the "potential" of martial arts.

Alien-blooded humans from other countries, such as the Gu God warriors in southern borders, those alien-blooded humans who use Gu god insects and potions to break through the realm, can’t comprehend the “potential” in this life, so they face the same level of magicians. , is always a trash fish to be slaughtered.

Only Da Luowufu, who has understood the "potential", can look at the magician.

The "potential" of the swordsman is called the sword intent.

This is not the first time Li Guanqi has seen something like Jianyi.

When he was in Leicheng, facing the ancestor of the Xuan family who was hiding to the end, and facing the sword intent of the moon in the water, the swordsman of the four elephants peak, he did have a momentary trance, but in general, the impact was not large.

However, according to what Wang Xiu said, Wang Xiu had just suppressed his cultivation to the four-image level.

The same four-image level, the same sword intent.

Li Guanqi had no influence in the face of the Moon Sword Intent in the Water.

But when he faced the wind and thunder sword intent, the whole person was instantly defeated, and he had no power to fight back. If he was in actual combat, he would have already died at this moment... The wind and thunder sword intent is terrifying!

Two sword intent, high and low judgment.

Wang Xiu called his Fenglei Sword Intent a second-rate, and the Moon in the Water Sword Intent of the Xuan Family Patriarch was estimated to be an eighteenth-rate.

This is the giant warrior!

Li Guanqi's vision in the past was still too low and too low, and the people he came into contact with were still too weak and too weak. They were all a group of civilians at the lowest level. They seemed to have the same realm, but their actual combat power was comparable to those of the wealthy children who used various resources since childhood. , but it is far too much.

But now, the opportunity is in front of him.

A martial artist who came from a wealthy royal family and had a peak seven-star cultivation base, wanted to teach him swordsmanship.


Li Guanqi looked at Wang Xiu beside him, and said seriously: "Please continue, I can't bear your wind and thunder sword intent right now, so I will do it a few more times.

"Very good, with this ambition, nothing is impossible."

Wang Xiu brushed the space necklace around his neck with his left hand, and took out a long sword of purple and green.


He threw it casually, and stabbed the long sword straight into a boulder not far away. The purple and blue sword body sank in half, trembled slightly, and heard the sound of the sword.

At the end of the blade, two small characters can be clearly seen:


"This is the old man's sword."

Wang Xiu stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the purple-green long sword inserted into the boulder, his eyes flashed with reminiscence.

"It's called Fenglei, the name I took, it's a seven-star magic sword."

"I am its first generation sword master, but by no means the last generation."

"Guanqi, you will be the second master of Fenglei, and the second generation sword master of this seventh-order sword!"

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