Global Weird: I Can Simulate In Advance

Chapter 350 The Dark Crow Reappears, The Warrior Aoyagi Ryota


Li Guanqi nodded.

"But, Mr. Jincheng, you don't know something." Tanaka Chuan said again, "The full name of that young hero Aoyagi is Ryota Aoyasu. His Aoyasu is not Aoyasu from ordinary people's family, but..."

"It's one of the nine martial arts of the cherry blossoms, the Qingliu family of the wood's Qingliu."

Li Guanqi took over the words and said with a smile: "Qingliu Liangta has never reported his family, but when he fought against your city lord, he exposed his ability, which is the ability to manipulate trees, plus his incarnation. The tree man's two-form form, so his identity from the Qingliu family of Muzhi is about to come out."


Tanaka Chuan was obviously stunned, "Mr. Kinjo, you know."


Li Guanqi's expression was calm, "The scabbard is just incidental, in fact I came for him, I got news of him in the nearby Micheng, where he is very famous.

Aoyagi Ryota, born in the Aoyagi family of Sakura Jiuwu, is a mid-level Sixiang-level warrior who calls himself... a knight.

The reason why Aoyagi Ryotai is famous in Micheng is because the honey trade in Micheng is controlled by a gang called the Honey Water Gang.

But when Aoyagi Ryotai went there, he heard that the Honeyshui Gang exploited the workers, and that the little leader of the Honeyshui Gang robbed the girls, and then directly uprooted the Honeyshui Gang, and the members of the Honeyshui Gang killed most of him. , the leader of the Four Elephants Peak was beheaded by him.

I don't know how to evaluate his behavior.

Can Lu Jian draw a knife to help?


But he was so stupid that he was completely reckless.

He killed the Honey Water Gang, but paralyzed the economy of the entire Honey City.

Do bad things with good intentions.

Then the motherfucker is not a good thing.

I want to find Aoyagi Ryota, ask him about the sword, and then knock on his head again, so that he can think a little more next time. "


Tanakagawa and the others looked at each other in dismay,

In the end they were all silent.

In their cognition, knowing that the other party is from Sakura Jiuwu, and wanting to trouble the other party, is either a fool or a strong person, and it is estimated that the origin is not trivial, and it is not that they can offend.

"So, where is he now?"

Li Guanqi asked again: "I just inquired around Liuye County, but I found that no one knew about him. It seemed that he had disappeared two days ago."

"He should have gone to the Raven Forest."

Holding the wine bowl, Tanaka Chuan said hesitantly: "I happened to bump into him on the street two days ago. At that time, he was eating bean curd in a tofu shop, and then the proprietress was crying there, so he asked the proprietress why she was crying. .

The proprietress said that her daughter followed her father to the Dark Crow Forest to play, but she did not come back for a whole day.

Then Qingliu Shaoxia told the proprietress that he would help. After saying that, he picked up the sword and left.

So, if you can find Qingliu Shaoxia... the possibility of Dark Crow Forest is the greatest. "

"Dark Crow Forest?"

Li Guanqi frowned slightly, "Why is it called this name?"

"As the name suggests."

Tanaka Chuan spread his hands, "The forest was the domain of a dark crow hundreds of years ago, but the dark crow has not appeared for two or three hundred years, and the demons and curse spirits in the forest are unknown. It also disappeared.

When I was a child, we people in Liuye County still kept a distance from him, but gradually, by this age, the people of the city dared to wander in that forest. "

Li Guanqi frowned upon hearing this.

The Dark Crow is a kind of powerful demon species.

They are born at the level of two ceremonies, and they only need to live for 400 years to basically become a monster of the four-symbol level, and they are born to use a kind of soul illusion, which is extremely terrifying.

However, the dark crow likes to live alone, and usually runs away after laying eggs.

Two ravens will not appear in one area, except during mating season.

"My intuition tells me that the dark crow has reappeared."

Li Guanqi stood up from the wine table and looked at Tanakagawa in front of him with a solemn expression.

"Where is the Raven Forest? Point me in the direction."






The night was dark, thick clouds covered the sky, and even the only moonlight could not be projected through, making the forest below appear darker and deeper.

A few crows chirped from time to time, adding a bit of gloom to the forest.


The bushes were shaking, and there was a "rustling" sound, followed by a tall figure in black with white hair and blue eyes, slowly walking out of it.

Li Guanqi looked around, listening to the voices of those crows, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Dark crows like to keep crows as their pets.

But this information does not mean anything, after all, where there are no dark crows, crows will also appear.

The most important information is actually...

Li Guanqi looked sideways.

There was a bloodstain on the banyan tree in front of him, similar to the kind of blood stained on his hands. He ran here and supported the bloodstain formed by the trunk with his hands.

Li Guanqi leaned forward, twitched his nose, and sniffed the bloody smell.

Then, the extraordinary senses belonging to different blood humans began to be driven to the extreme by him.

The whole dark crow forest, the smell of leaves of different trees, the smell of flowers, the smell of dry lawn, the smell of wet grass, the smell of some monsters' nests, the unique smell of some insects... and so on, the whole A forest where thousands or even millions of different flavors overlap.

But in the end.

Li Guanqi was like peeling a cocoon from a thread. Among the vast amount of different smells, he found the bloody smell, which was exactly the same bloody smell as the bloodstain on the tree next to him at the moment.

"found it."

Li Guanqi turned his head, and his azure blue pupils flashed a cold light in the dark night.

"call out!"

He tapped the ground with his toes, and his whole body disappeared in an instant like an afterimage of a gust of wind.



Li Guanqi followed the bloody smell all the way in the Dark Crow Forest.

And as the distance got closer, he also smelled another bloody smell that belonged to a different-blooded human.


He came to the deepest part of a cave.


Li Guanqi stopped, looked at the pile of corpses in front of him, and sighed softly.

Some of these corpses were some beasts, some were rotting, some had been turned into bones, but without exception, all of them were just bitten off their heads, and the other parts did not move at all.

This is precisely the eating habits of the crow.

Just eat brains.

At the top of the pile of corpses were the blood-stained corpses of an adult man and a little girl, both of which had their heads bitten off.

If nothing else, this is the husband and daughter of the proprietress of the tofu shop... It has been dead for more than two days.


Li Guanqi walked up to the two corpses, stretched out his fingers at the severed head, dipped a little blood, and put it on the tip of his nose to sniff carefully.

"Soul blood."

The world is huge, and there are countless different kinds of physiques.

Among them, there is a physique that is not special, but it is indeed different from ordinary people - the body of soul blood.

No special abilities.

This kind of person has no special ability, only the characteristic is that the blood in the body will mix with the soul power that escapes from itself, forming a situation where blood and soul aura are intertwined.

And this physique is hereditary.

What is the benefit of the soul-blood body?


not even one.

What's the downside?

a lot of.

In the world of magic, magicians generally believe that this is a genetic disease, the scientific name: soul power blood fusion syndrome.

Because this physique has no advantages at all, but there are many negative effects.

For example, the escape of soul power can sometimes cause trance and inability to concentrate.

But that's still a small problem.

The most terrifying thing is that some demons and curse spirits who like to eat souls are very likely to be confused by the breath of this "soul and blood fusion". Son ran over.

And the Raven likes these soul-like things.

Obviously, the husband of the proprietress of the tofu shop is a body of soul blood, and he also inherited it from his daughter.

Then the two soul-blood bodies came to the forest together, smelled the dark crow, thought it was some kind of heaven and earth treasure was born, and ran over excitedly.

It turned out that this was not the case.

And the dark crow doesn't eat grass, even if it doesn't have a natural treasure, it will not let it go when it encounters a pair that confuses it to perceive human beings.

So the father and daughter were directly taken to the cave by the dark crow and ate their heads.

The people of Liuye County thought that the dark crow in the dark crow forest would not show up for two or three hundred years and just left. This kind of thinking is simply wrong.

Should be healing.

According to what Tanaka Chuan said earlier, and Li Guanqi's own journey, he did not find half a demon and a curse spirit, which is enough to prove one thing.

——The dark crow did not leave, but was recuperating in the depths of the forest.

And in order to recover, the four-elephant-level dark crow also ate all the demons and curse spirits in the forest.

And Dark Crow himself chose to live in seclusion in order to heal his wounds, disappearing from the sight of human beings for two or three hundred years.

This created the illusion of safety that "there are no dark crows in the dark crow forest, and no demons and curse spirits".

"Qingliu Ryo is not here, but..."

Li Guanqi squatted down and carefully looked at several fresh footprints on the ground, "The new footprints within two days, and there are footprints coming in, and footprints when going out, all the way to the outside of the cave."

"The crow has brought in the prey, so it is impossible to let him run away.

This should be that Aoyagi Ryota.

Aoyagi Ryota should have been here before.

But it happened that the dark crow was not in the nest at that time, and Aoyagi Ryota found the dead father and daughter, so he followed the trail of the dark crow and chased it all the way. "

Li Guanqi's eyes narrowed slightly.

Qingliu Liangtai is also a four-image-level alien blood human. With Qingliu Liangtai's sensory ability, he was able to find this cave the first time he came to the Dark Crow Forest two days ago.

In other words, Ryota Aoyagi has been tracking the dark crow for two days.

If nothing else, the two should have met.

Who wins and who loses?

Hard to say.

The dark crow is not a scumbag. In terms of talent, it has a lot to do with the dragon clan. After living for 400 years, not only the physical body will reach the strength of the four elephants, but even the soul will be promoted to the fourth order. Combined with their natural soul illusion, it can be called a forest nightmare.

But Aoyagi Ryotai is not a trash fish either.

He is not a commoner martial artist, he is a son of a wealthy family from Sakura Jiuwu, and his soul realm is likely to be the same as his own cultivation. If he can have a four-level martial arts cultivation, he should also have a fourth-order soul.

Coupled with the Aoyagi Family's Soul Defense Technique, the Dark Crow might not be able to get him.

"Qingliu Ryotai's footwork is obviously not related to lightness, and the footsteps are vigorous and heavy. Fortunately, the footprints are still very clear."

Li Guanqi stood up, followed the footprints on the ground, swept to the depths of the woods ahead, and started a new round of tracking.



In the silent forest, a dark shadow swept past, with a light movement, integrating the essence of "Three Thousand Ghosts" into the footwork, and dashing at a rapid speed like a ghost, although the speed was fast, it hardly stayed. Footprints.

However, he was different with the footprints he tracked.

With the extension of the distance, these footprints not only did not weaken, but even became more and more obvious. At the back, there was a hole in one foot, just like when running wildly, the footsteps directly blasted the ground.

Li Guanqi was even more certain that it was Qingliu Liangtai.

According to the information he inquired from the road a few days ago, the Qingliu family has a footwork called "Running Thunder", which is very famous. It relies on high bursts in exchange for high speed.

This footwork is famous in the southern border books, and Li Guanqi also saw this passage in the 800-year collection of books in Moxie Gu Village.


Suddenly, Li Guanqi stopped.

Because in the dark forest ahead, there is a silver-white light, illuminating the woods with a radius of 100 meters.

In the light, is a huge purple crow like a house, its pupils are tightly closed.

On the opposite side of it is a young man in a green shirt. Just looking at his face, he is even a little childish, a bit like 18 or 19 years old.

At this moment, the young man in green shirt knelt down on one knee, holding a blue samurai sword in his right hand... Well, according to Wang Xiu, on the land of the shogunate, there were no swords, only swords.

Let's call it the blue long sword.

The right hand of the young man in green shirt held the cyan long sword backwards, and inserted it straight into the ground. His eyes were tightly closed, but his brows were tightly knitted. Sweat was dripping from his forehead, and his face was full of pain.

"I see."

Li Guanqi suddenly realized.

"Actually caught in an illusion game."

Fantasy game.

As the name suggests, it was the Dark Crow who used the Soul Illusion Technique to pull Ryota Aoyagi into an illusion, but instead of sinking into it, Ryota Aoyagi dragged the Crow's soul into the water together, and both entered an illusion.

Originally, the illusion was built by the dark crow, but under the resistance of Aoyagi Ryota, this illusion is no longer the home of the dark crow, but has become a two-person battlefield between it and Aoyagi Ryota.

The game of illusion is another form of soul battle.

It is no different from the collision between Soul Attack and Soul Defense, and whoever wins will live.

Who loses...the loser's life or death is decided by the winner.

"Could it be that you have been fighting for two days in a row?"

Li Guanqi took a step forward and came to the outside of the forest that was shrouded in silver and white light, and looked carefully at the blue-robed warrior inside.

At this time, Ryota Aoyagi was already sweating profusely, trembling all over, her brows furrowed.

On the other hand, the big dark crow next to him was extremely calm.

Obviously, when this illusion started just two days ago, it might still be a "game".

But now two days have passed, and the dark crow has completely gained the upper hand, while Aoyagi Ryota has fallen into desperate resistance, and the defeat has been determined.


"Then add me, the three-player game is interesting."

Li Guanqi's mouth curled slightly, and he took a step forward, stepping into the silver-white light curtain.


Like passing through a piece of water, ripples appeared on the surface of the silver-white light curtain.

On the other hand, Li Guanqi's eyelids drooped down, looking drowsy.

He adjusted his posture, sat cross-legged opposite Ryota Aoyagi, and then completely let go of his mind, letting the power of illusion around him affect his soul.


His soul is like falling into a lake, sinking, sinking again...



"Mother! Mother!

! "

Dark clouds shrouded the heavens and the earth, and torrential rain poured down.

In a remote small mountain village, there were corpses everywhere and rivers of blood. Even if the rainstorm washed away, the blood on the ground could not be washed away.

Many horse thieves broke into the village, burning, killing and looting.

Men kill directly, women kill first, even teenage girls are not spared.

Outside the village, inside a crumbling wooden house.

A big man was lying on top of a woman with disheveled clothes and tears streaming down her face, doing unsightly actions.

The woman's mournful cry could not even cover the rolling thunder outside and the rain hitting the forest.

And the big man and the poor woman were not the only ones in the wooden house.


! "

A skinny little boy covered in patches was grabbed by another young man and pressed his right face to the ground. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not resist the strength of the adult behind him.

He could only cry.

The little boy looked at his mother who had been raped in front of him and cried aloud, but there was nothing he could do, and he couldn't stop this criminal atrocity happening in front of him.

After the big man is done, he is a thin young man.

After the thin young man... Outside the wooden house, there are a group of horse thieves eager to try.

One by one.

In the end, under the rough action of a dozen horse thieves, the young woman's pupils dilated, and she just slumped on the straw-covered wooden bed, motionless, scarlet blood dripped from her thighs and dripped on the floor, A pool of blood formed.

Dead restless.


The little boy was sitting under the buttocks of a fat man, his cry was hoarse, and his eyes were red as he looked at his mother's corpse.

"Tsk tsk tsk, well done."

Suddenly, a man's voice came from above.


The horse thief leader was shocked and rushed out of the wooden house.

On the roof of a room next to him, there was a strong man in a short blue jacket, with an open collar and exposed arms, all bulging out strong muscles, as if full of explosive power.

He looks rough.

The light blue hair is messy, the beard is unshaven, the short jacket he wears is obviously the worst quality coarse cloth, and even the shoes on his feet are only straw sandals.

But the strange thing is that at this time the heavy rain was pouring, and a layer of white water vapor appeared around this strong man, and no drop of rain could really fall on him.

"Hey, that dead fat pig."

With a weed in his mouth and a bit of cynicism in his eyes, the young-haired strong man looked at the fat horse thief in the wooden house who pressed the little boy under his butt, and said with a chuckle, "Hurry up and move your butt away, or wait Soon your mouth will be able to lick your ass."


The fat horse thief's face suddenly sank.


The next moment, the blood shot!


When the blood splattered, several horse thieves around had not reacted, the young-haired and strong man had disappeared, and the fat horse thief flew out in an instant, and slammed into the mud, splashing blood and mud.

When everyone looked at them, their pupils suddenly shrank.

I saw the fat horse thief. At this time, the whole person was turned into two parts, and his head was forcibly stuffed into his lower buttocks, and blood and intestines flowed all over the place.

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