Global Weird: I Can Simulate In Advance

Chapter 361 Black Feather Shin 1's Secret Item

"I've died more than 300,000 times and haven't gone crazy. I admire myself so much..."

Li Guanqi's soul body lowered his head, looked at his six hands that looked like real things, and grinned lightly.

After he completely became the master of the Demon Sword Killing Mo, he took control of the cultivation method of the Slaughter Illusion... Well, there is actually nothing that he cannot master.

This thing is mainly because after becoming the master of Lumo, when he can't hold back in the illusion, Lumo will automatically kick the master out of the illusion.

More than 300,000 cycles of death.

Li Guanqi's soul, after going through such an inhuman and terrifying torture, finally completed a qualitative change, from virtual to real, reaching the fifth rank.

Not only that, at the same time as his soul broke through the fifth rank, his comprehensive rank finally moved up one rank with difficulty.

[Spiritual power: lv.52! (52.7)] (Four Elephants Level Wind and Thunder Realm)

[Flesh: lv.52! (52.9)] (Four Elephants Peak)

[Soul: lv.49→lv.50! (50.1)] (fifth-order reality)

[Comprehensive level: lv.60→lv.61! 】

Interesting to say.

Li Guanqi's three stats all reached lv.50, but there is really a "five" in the realm, only the soul, as for the spiritual power and the physical body, all of which have exceeded the limit of the current realm.


Li Guanqi turned and left, walking towards the exit of the cave.

Soul Breaking Stage 5 is over.

Next, if you want to rise to the fifth-order peak by plundering, you need to devour a large number of fifth-order souls.

But it's a bit difficult.

Because Li Guanqi's spell cultivation level is only four-image level, such a level of cultivation cannot rely on [Tongyou] to control the fifth-level spell spirit.

If he chooses to go to a place where there are a lot of fifth-order curse spirits, there is no guarantee that he will kill and kill, and those fifth-order curse spirits will not unite and besiege him.

Facing a group of fifth-order spell spirits,

Even if he gathers a group of fourth-order curse spirits, it is useless.

So it's too dangerous.

But what if you go to places where there are few fifth-order spell spirits and kill them one by one?

That would be too slow.

After thinking about it carefully, Li Guanqi decided to raise his soul a little bit later.

Now, I still continue to find the warriors who have understood the sword intent, and strive to find the opportunity to resonate with the eight meridians, and then connect the meridians of the whole body, unlock the power of the lungs of gold, and break into the five elements of martial arts.

When he completes the [Cherry Blossom Journey] quest and gets the quest reward, he will be able to open another Wood Liver directly and enter the middle stage of the Five Elements.

At that time, if he faces the fifth-order curse spirit again, he will be able to sweep and push without fear. Even if the other party is besieged together, there will be no danger to his life at all.

"Just do it."

Li Guanqi completely established this cultivation plan.

"Now continue to inquire about the swordsman."




Sakura Shogunate, Pumpkin Village.

Next to the notice board at the entrance of the village, a group of villagers joined in the fun, because officers and soldiers came to the city at this moment, and a new reward was posted on the notice board.

——This person is about two meters tall, male, who destroyed Beiling Aoyun Kendo for no reason, and killed 296 people, including the owner of the museum, Shinichi Kuroba. A reward is issued here to hunt down this criminal in an all-round way. The arrester will If it is sent to any law enforcement office within the shogunate, it will be rewarded.

There are pictures next to the text.

It was a colorful bust, a blue boy with white hair, handsome and handsome, with broad shoulders and a strong body, with a black sword box on his back.


Among the crowd watching the excitement, there was a tall woman in red, who was more than a head than the people around her.

Wang Yanqing.

She looked at the reward notice, a little dazed.

Nearly two meters tall?

This shoulder-width physique?

And white hair and blue eyes?

They are all the same as their brothers and sisters.

The problem is that the face is different, completely different, and there is an extra sword case.

However, the younger brother will change his appearance, maybe it is him?

Wang Yanqing looked at the notice carefully again.

Killed Shinichi Kuroba?

Liuhe-level alien blood warrior?

Junior Brother killed a Liuhe-level warrior, and was rewarded?

"Then I guess it will be harder to find..."

Wang Yanqing sighed helplessly and turned to leave.

The bounty has come out, and the junior brother will definitely change his body shape and hair color.

"By the way, stinky boy, when will your pig brain remember the positioning bronze ring I gave you, take it out of the space necklace and let it breathe..."




2 days later.

Another rainy night.

The rain poured, and the thunder continued.

Shogunate North Ridge, in a forest.


Li Guanqi was carrying the magic box on his back, dressed in black and spotlessly clean, his white hair ponytail fluttering slightly in the wind and rain, but not a drop of the rain around him could get close to him.

He looked around, his eyes cold.

Two days ago, after he came out of the cave, he wanted to find a swordsman to learn from, so he planned to go back to Huangming Tavern to find Keiko Hashimoto to buy information.

As a result, Huang Mingzhen hadn't arrived yet, but now he suddenly realized something was wrong.

Due to the south, 999 meters away from him, there was the sound of a curse.

The conjurer...there is an ambush!


Suddenly, the ground under Li Guanqi's feet instantly turned into a quagmire, and even a few vines with cyan eyes shot out from it, as if trying to grab his ankle and drag him down.

Spiritual breath?

This is a five-element-level spell—the mire, and the blue-eyed ghost vine!

However, Li Guanqi had already noticed it.

So, before the vines could hold him, he took out the magic knife Slimmer from the Shenwu box.


Li Guanqi slashed down with the knife, and the wind and thunder sword qi exploded, instantly shattering the earth where the quagmire was.

When the stones and muddy water splashed, a huge crater ten meters deep appeared.

Land quagmire?

The ground is gone and there is nothing left.


Li Guanqi rolled in mid-air and landed on a boulder in the distance, holding the magic knife in his right hand, with a faint image of wind and thunder behind him.

How to use the sword to display the wind and thunder sword intent?


Just like the Sakura people, it's enough to think of the knife as a sword.

Sword Intent is also "Potential", and "Potential" is not so rigid. Wang Xiu can display Sword Intent with a branch, and Li Guanqi can also display Sword Intent with a knife.

However, a sword is a sword, and a knife is a knife. There is always a difference between the two. If Li Guanqi holds a sword, he can exert 100% of the Sword Intent, and with a magic knife, he can exert at most 80%.

The problem is that this gap is not comparable to the quality gap of the weapon itself.

The magic knife is an artifact. Although it is sealed, it is also an artifact.

With this, who still uses that fourth-order Shuiyue Sword?

What's more, Li Guanqi found out later that after the battle with Hei Yuzhen, his Shuiyue Sword had more than a dozen gaps, and he couldn't continue to use it at all.

But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is... which conjurer is ambushing him now? !

Shinichi Kuroba's person?


The sorcerer couldn't make a single blow, but he didn't make another shot. Except for the sound of wind and rain, there was silence.

Li Guanqi held the magic knife in his hand and stood there with no expression on his face.

The guy hid in a tree hole 900 meters away, thinking that he was very concealed by relying on his sacrificial vessel that covered his breath.

Little do they know that the curse insects in the body have long been countered by Li Guanqi, not only letting him know the opponent's location, but also directly controlling the curse insects, killing them inside the weak body of the magician.

In fact, Li Guanqi's favorite is the magician.

Because some of these guys like to keep the cursed insects inside their bodies, but his [Natural Opening Talent] can directly control the same-level cursed insects and bite the flesh and blood of such spellcasters, for example, directly let the cursed insects drill into the heart The location, bite a few bites, the magician will be dead.

It's just that in the magic world, in terms of the overall proportion, there are very few magicians, and there are a little more in the southern border.

Also, the inferior curse, the superior incantation.

The more talented the magician, the less likely he would choose the path of the curse.

In fact, they don't even like to use cursed beasts and sacrificial vessels.

For them, high-level spells that use laws are the way to the highest palace.


Suddenly, Li Guanqi frowned slightly.

The sorcerer seemed to be running away.

Ready to run without a hit?

"Bite him."

Li Guanqi's heart moved, and he controlled the curse insect in the magician's body to bite the flesh.


! "

The next moment, there was a wailing from the tree hole in the distance.

Li Guanqi moved forward slowly, facing the rainy night, and came to this tree hole.

In the tree hole, an old man in a black robe twitched violently, as if he was enduring some indescribable pain.

【Five Elements Magician】

"This is the fragility of conjurers..."

Li Guanqi looked down at him.

At this time, in the body of this black-robed magician, the curse insects he raised by himself were all eating his flesh and blood.

Imagine countless worms crawling under your skin, biting a piece of meat every time they walked... The pain is enough to make any spellcaster incapacitated.

Far away, the magician can control the law to destroy the sky and the earth, and the terrifying destructive power that can be caused is simply not comparable to the same level of different blood humans.

But how close is it?

The fragile body is no different from ordinary people.

Looking at the twitching magician in front of him, Li Guanqi became more and more certain that dual cultivation of the physical body and spiritual power was the correct way of cultivation.

"Who are you?"

Li Guanqi squatted down, looked at the black-robed magician, and said coldly, "Why ambushing me? Tell me everything, and I can stop the curse in your body."


The black-robed magician was obviously still enduring the severe pain, his body twitched violently, his head was sweating profusely, he gritted his teeth, and let out a low growl.

And Li Guanqi just waited quietly.

Maybe this guy shouldn't be called a magician, but a magician who has raised a curse.

Because he is a five-element spell master, but he does not have a fifth-order spell on his body. All of them are fourth-order, and there are only seven of them, all of which are small and highly poisonous spells the size of flies. They should be hidden for special use. For those who come to play underhand tricks, the main fighting method is usually spells.

But this kind of magician faced Li Guanqi the worst.

Because of the fourth-order curse insect, Li Guanqi can directly control it, but this guy doesn't have the fifth-order curse insect, otherwise if he releases it now, he can attack him anyway... But this black-robed magician doesn't have it after all.

"Have you noticed any numbness in your heart?"

Li Guanqi looked at the black-robed magician and said with a smile: "One of your curse insects has already climbed onto your heart, I will give you three more seconds, answer me, live, if you don't answer, your heart will be destroyed. The curse you raised yourself is bitten, and the alien blood warrior can survive if the heart bursts, but if the magician's heart has a small gap, it will be over."

"I-I said!"

The magician's face was pale and his voice was trembling, "I-I received a reward, thinking of attacking and killing you!"

"A reward?"

Li Guanqi was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, "Is it the reward I offered to kill Shinichi Kuroba?"


The magician gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain in his body, "Yes... it's the shogunate's reward for you, I said everything, I can give you all my belongings, please, please..."


However, Li Guanqi was still puzzled, "Isn't the Sakura shogunate the same as Da Luo? Disputes among the samurai classes, killing each other, how could the government be wanted? The battle between Shinichi Kuroba and I did not affect the city and ordinary people. "

"I-I don't know either..."

The magician's face was pale and bloodless, and it was obvious that his fragile body could hardly bear the bite of the curse insect.


"Xiong Ye, I really admire you, how dare you hide it when your death is imminent."

At this time, among the clattering rainstorm, a soft and charming female voice suddenly sounded.

Li Guanqi frowned.


She was within a kilometer, but before she made a sound, the insects within this range were unaware of this woman? No reminders given?


Li Guanqi didn't notice it at all.

He turned to look.


Suddenly, a thunderstorm exploded, illuminating half of the night sky.

Amidst the rain, a mature and beautiful woman in her twenties, like a ripe peach, was holding an oil-paper umbrella and walked towards Li Guanqi gracefully.

At this moment, not only is the rain urgent, but the wind is also in a hurry, and it whizzes past with a burst of water droplets.

This beautiful woman's short cyan skirt was soaked slightly by the floating rain, clinging to her delicate body, perfectly delineating the attractive and hot body curve.

Especially those slender, plump and white thighs.

In addition, a little rain stained it at this time, adding a touch of wet and greasy temptation to the white and tender thighs.

It's just that her beautiful legs, only the right leg is a big white one.

The left leg is a purple mechanical prosthesis full of technology, a mechanical leg.

[Five-element magician! 】

"Hello, my name is Nishimura Mina."

The beautiful woman stood 500 meters away from Li Guanqi, smiling like a flower, "I don't know what to call you?"


Li Guanqi just stared at her coldly.

There is no curse in this woman.

There's no way to deal with her like a black-robed conjurer.

So, are you going to fight a five-element magician?

This seems to be the first time since he cultivated.


Nishimura Mina stared at Li Guanqi, her beautiful eyes blinked, and she said innocently: "Sir, I have no ill intentions, don't look at others so fiercely."

"Speak normally."

Li Guanqi felt a chill in his heart and couldn't help but say.


Nishimura Mina nodded and smiled lightly, "It seems that you don't like this kind of thing, sir, that's fine, then change to another type? Why don't you say one? Pure, intellectual, I can do it."

"I'll give you three sentences to clarify your purpose."

Li Guanqi didn't want to waste any more time.

"This conjurer is lying to you."

As soon as this statement came out, the flattering on Nishimura Mina's face disappeared, replaced by a capable and serious, "The samurai class killed each other without hurting the innocent, the shogunate will not issue a reward, the reward appears, someone secretly Facilitated, the purpose is for the same thing on Kuroba Shinichi."

"And the magician who ambushed you, including me, came for this thing, because you killed Shinichi Kuroba, and this thing fell into your hands... Of course, you may not know what it is. what."


Li Guanqi smiled.

He suddenly felt that this Nishimura Mina was a bit like Qin Lubai.

Beauty is a garment, and both of them are very good at using it, but what hides under the their strong ambition.

"Shinichi Kuroba still has a secret, and you managed to arouse my interest."

Li Guanqi nodded and waved his right hand.


The black-robed magician's head shattered, and his soul was instantly shattered by Li Guanqi's Divine Sword.

The fifth-order cultivation base, the fourth-order soul, seems to be an ordinary magician.


Li Guanqi launched the "Plunder" technique, which directly devoured the soul and body of the black-robed magician.

When the black mist returned to his original body, the seven laws of wind, thunder, light, darkness, gold, wood, and water of the five-element magician also came to his mind.

This guy is still in the Five Elements Water Realm, and he is considered a magician in the late Five Elements level.

...Well, the law perception.

Li Guanqi closed his eyes and felt it.

not enough.

He was right in guessing, using the technique of plundering the law to comprehend, there is no way to make him comprehend the law just by plundering a person.

He wants to use this method to comprehend the next law of light, then he needs to kill more magicians who have comprehended the law of light... or plunder a more powerful magician who has a deeper understanding of the law.

More on that later.

Right now, there are still things to do.

"Tell me."

Li Guanqi held the magic sword in his right hand, looked at Nishimura Mina, his eyes were calm, "What's the matter with Shinichi Kuroba?"

"I need to confirm one more thing."

Nishimura Mina held an umbrella and walked slowly with her slender waist twisted. Standing a few steps away from Li Guanqi, her eyes were smiling and her voice was soft and charming: "Did you get Shinichi Kuroba's space necklace? It's inside, find it. A golden purple cherry blossom badge?"


Li Guanqi searched in the space necklace, and soon took out a golden circular badge with a purple cherry blossom pattern engraved on it.

"First Evolution"

He had already transferred everything in Shinichi Kuroba's space necklace into his own space necklace. After all, his space necklace was still very large and could fit in it.

And the things he transferred also included this purple cherry badge.

"that's it!"

When Mina Nishimura saw this purple cherry badge, she was immediately excited.

"what is this?"

Li Guanqi held the Ziying badge tightly in the palm of his hand, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked at Nishimura Mina calmly.

"It's a key!"

Nishimura Mina looked at Li Guanqi with undisguised desire in her eyes, "Benling Mountain, have you heard of it?"

"Is that the magic power that specializes in sacrificial instruments?"

Li Guanqi frowned slightly.


Nishimura Mina nodded heavily.

Seeing this, Li Guanqi was a little interested.

He had heard of Fenling Mountain, and he had heard of it in the southern border.

This is a shogunate force, which can also be called a sect or a sect, founded 300 years ago.

Their most famous place is the refining of sacrificial vessels.


wait, device?

First, it was Master Wang Xiu's seventh-order magic weapon Fengleijian, and then it was Kojima Kirisa's magic sword, the magic sword, Shimo, and then the follow-up caused by the killing of Heiyu Shinichi also involved the sacrifice sect, Burning Mountain.

What is the device?

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