Global Weird: I Can Simulate In Advance

Chapter 461 The strongest 7-star, star sequence!

Five days later.

London, a ferris wheel celebrity restaurant.

The method adopted by this Internet celebrity restaurant is to allow guests to dine in the cockpit of the Ferris wheel. The cockpit of each guest is very large, like a small private room, where you can dine while enjoying the beauty of the whole of London from a high altitude. .

At this time, it coincided with a fireworks event in London at night. The gorgeous fireworks exploded in the distance in the distance, bringing a somewhat different colorful streamer to the thick night.

"Watching chess, it's been 5 days. Your video of summoning Thunder Dragon to bomb London is still ranked first in the hot search list of major platforms."

In a cockpit of the Ferris wheel, Han Mengyao was eating steak with a knife and fork in her left hand, and a mobile phone in her right hand, watching videos.

"Hey, hey, don't talk nonsense."

Sitting across from her, Li Guanqi, who was turning his head to look at the beautiful scenery of the fireworks, was shocked when he heard this, and quickly turned around to correct him: "I obviously helped them solve the blood-colored mask outside the museum, okay?

Where did I bomb London? I sounded like a terrorist. I even kindly helped stabilize the voltage across the city, otherwise the power grid in London would be paralyzed when the thunderstorm came down. "

"It's all the same, ah~"

Han Mengyao said, stuck a piece of steak with a knife and fork and put it into Li Guanqi's mouth.

However, although Li Guanqi opened his mouth to eat, his expression was extremely complicated.

On the plate in front of him, the steak had only moved a few bites...because it was a medium-rare bloody steak.

He ate this dinner so badly that he almost felt sick.

Strange to say, Li Guanqi could eat whole raw, bloody demon-type flesh and blood, as well as fully cooked barbecued meat, but he couldn't eat such half-baked stuff.

If it wasn't for the date to take care of Han Mengyao's mood, he would have been sluggish long ago.

"Don't you like steak?"

Han Mengyao finally realized this after seeing Li Guanqi's expression and only a few mouthfuls of steak on his plate.

"I just don't like half-baked things."

Li Guanqi picked up the red wine glass on the table with a wry smile,

After taking a sip, he couldn't help frowning and put it down.

Meow, he doesn't like this wine either.


Suddenly, Han Mengyao snapped her fingers, and a flame enveloped the bloody steak in front of Li Guanqi. In a blink of an eye, it was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, turning it into a grilled steak with a fragrant aroma.

"That's right."

Li Guanqi suddenly smiled, and began to pick up the knife and fork to eat.

However, Han Mengyao, who was on the opposite side, was less attentive than him when eating, and stopped every now and then and swiped at the phone.

"Meng Yao, what are you looking at?"

Li Guanqi couldn't help but ask.

"Look at what I've become."

Han Mengyao was quite depressed.


Li Guanqi was confused.

"I'm not after the first day in the world."

Han Mengyao sighed, "Since you superhumans returned to reality, there have been many superhumans who are better than me and more beautiful than me in the entertainment industry, and they have quickly accumulated a large number of fans around the world, and now there are 7 I personally have more followers than I do, and I'm still losing followers."

"Isn't it, so exaggerated?"

Li Guanqi was a little curious, "You have accumulated five years of fans from the extraordinary 1 year to the extraordinary 5 years, so you are so vulnerable?"

"Perhaps that's the way the entertainment industry is, with rapid changes."

Han Mengyao shrugged, didn't say anything more, put down her phone and started to concentrate on eating.

Li Guanqi did not continue to talk about this matter.

He didn't feel anything about Han Mengyao going to make a movie. As for his girlfriend being a big star, it didn't actually give him any blessings to his XP. It didn't matter.

[Girlfriend is a big star] This attribute is not as real as a pair of white stockings with suspenders.

"How about the historical relics?"

Li Guanqi asked suddenly.

"All sent home."

While chewing on the steak, Han Mengyao said vaguely: "After you summoned the Thunder Dragon to bomb London, the British Museum will unconditionally 'gift' all the cultural relics belonging to us in China. Thank you Penglai for helping them, it's a gift."

"I said, I didn't blow up London... In other words, what to give, those things are ours."

Li Guanqi smiled helplessly.

"It's okay to have a good face."

Han Mengyao seemed to be accustomed to it, "And not only the British Museum, but also museums in other countries have begun to negotiate with us to discuss the return of cultural relics. It seems that they are also afraid, afraid that you will bomb their capital in the past."


Li Guanqi's face was full of hopelessness.

He didn't want to explain that he really didn't bomb the city...

"Right, Kanqi, what are your plans next?"

With a steel fork in her mouth, Han Mengyao raised her eyes to look at Li Guanqi in front of her, her moist eyes filled with anticipation.

Li Guanqi knew what she was expecting.

engagement party.

But according to the simulated situation, this engagement banquet still ended in failure, and the reasons given by her parents could not be refuted.

He spent 365 days in the weird world this time, and 3.65 days have passed in reality. Will 36.5 days pass next time? Will 365 days pass next time, and will 3650 days pass next time?

Even if the daughter and the son-in-law fall in love again, if the daughter is a widow all day after marriage, the parents will not agree.

Also, he spends so much time in another world every time he crosses, and he is not by their daughter's side for a long time, so it is difficult to guarantee that he will not change his mind and derail.

These reasons are too good.

Comparing his heart to heart, Li Guanqi himself was unwilling to give his daughter to such a person.

That being the case, how could he ask Han Mengyao's parents to agree?

But he didn't want to let Han Mengyao get married only once in her life without the blessing of her parents.

He didn't want to.

"There are still many interesting places in London, and I plan to play with you all next."

Thinking of this, Li Guanqi opened the topic with a smile.


Han Mengyao's eyes lit up when she heard this, "Bingham Palace, Big Ben, St. Paul's Cathedral, etc., we all have to take a good stroll..."


To the end, her voice was overwhelmed by the sound of fireworks blasting from the sky. The gorgeous colorful light illuminated half of the night sky, and also reflected Han Mengyao's beautiful and lovely face even more charmingly.

Li Guanqi leaned back on the seat and looked at the girl in front of him, as if he was admiring a peerless painting, his eyes wandering, as if sinking, as if intoxicated.

Master Wang Xiu, you once told me that there are so many beautiful women in the world, wouldn’t it be a pity not to taste them all?

But when you are dying, do you really have any nostalgia for those women?

I don't think so.

I'm afraid that what you will be thinking at that time is only Takeda Kosai-senpai.

Master, I do not yearn for the life you once lived.

One, one is enough.

She loves me deeply, and I love her deeply, so it is a great blessing in life.



"Hello, handsome guy, my name is Yumi Kimura, I'm a talent scout at Johnny's office. Are you interested in acting?"


Neon lights are flashing on the streets of Tokyo, Japan.

A handsome young man in a black jacket was stopped by a girl with glasses, but listening to the other party's question, the handsome and handsome guy was stunned, "You, you speak Oriental... but this is not Tokyo. Is it?"

"I am in our company and I am responsible for signing multinational artists, so I understand many languages."

The girl with glasses smiled, "And I noticed that you were talking with your girlfriend in Chinese when you were on the road earlier, didn't you?"

Saying that, a little doubt appeared on the face of the girl with glasses.

What did this handsome guy just say?


Who would call Chinese an oriental language...


At this time, at the door of the convenience store not far away, a tall woman wearing pure white short-sleeves and tight black leather pants, with her hands on her hips, shouted unhappily at this side: "Bastard, you die once and die. Sex doesn't change, right? Hooking up with other women!"

"Hey, hey, it's unfair."

The handsome and handsome guy suddenly panicked, and quickly explained: "I didn't, she came to me on her own initiative, and said she was a scout from some agency."

As he said that, he wanted to walk towards the tall slender woman.

"Eh? Handsome wait!"

Seeing this, the girl with eyes hurriedly grabbed the corner of his clothes, "Is it convenient for me to contact you? What's your name, handsome? We can still contact you again. Our company's treatment is really good."

"contact details?"

The handsome and handsome guy scratched his head, "No, I just came to your side, and the ID card problem has not been solved yet. They don't even give me a mobile phone number. It's more troublesome than our family registration system in Daluo."

"As for the name?"

The handsome guy grinned.

"My name is Wang Xiu!"



Huaxia, Longhushan, Penglai headquarters.

"Lin Daochang, the Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt, has suddenly experienced strong spiritual power fluctuations recently, and the aura concentration index has soared by 30,000 times, which is obviously abnormal."

In this hall full of high-tech equipment, many men and women in uniforms are busy.

Lin Xianbai, who was wearing a clean white shirt, was standing next to a female employee, frowning slightly at the various data on the monitor screen.

"This aura index is obviously exceeding the standard, and it is not something we can handle with our existing strength."

The female clerk turned to look at him and asked, "Are you asking for the support of the Transcendent King?"

"Not first."

Lin Xianbai shook his head gently, "After all, they are not affiliated to us, and they are not obliged to help us all day long. Moreover, they are still abroad with their wife on vacation. It would be too rude to interrupt them hastily."

"I'll go there myself."

Lin Xianbai turned around and left, flexing his arms, "I'm feeling irritated by that broken chain, maybe there's something in that pyramid that can let me move a bit to vent the fire."



ten days later.

Day 15 of Back to Reality.

Li Guanqi's behavior was consistent with the simulator's route. After visiting the major tourist attractions in London with Han Mengyao, they returned to China hand in hand.

Moreover, although he knew the outcome of the failure, he still contacted his parents and Han Mengyao's parents, held another family dinner, and discussed about the engagement at the dinner.

The result is, of course, an unexpected failure, and the simulator does not even simulate this kind of thing wrong.

The reason for rejection is also consistent with the one displayed by the simulator, without any surprises.

Of course, there is actually a way out with the simulator.

The route displayed by the simulator was the night of the failed engagement banquet. Han Mengyao chose to wear a jk uniform and white stockings to comfort his lost mood, but in reality, the other party chose fishnet socks.

Well, it's not bad actually.

Next, it is the home life of a pair of otaku and otaku. They are paralyzed together, one is playing games, the other is watching anime, or they are playing basketball together, studying various clothing bonuses and postures.

Or maybe go on a group trip with both parents, travel together or something, and see if they can change the minds of Han Mengyao's parents.

The result, of course, did not change.

All in all, when Li Guanqi returned to reality, he really lost his interest in cultivation.

There is a lot of time for cultivation, but the time for spending time with loved ones and family members is relatively small.

Even if he didn't do anything, just hugged each other with Han Mengyao, sat on the balcony rocking chair to bask in the sun, and watched the sunset, it was a kind of quiet time for him.

But Li Guanqi is very clear that a good life requires strong strength to guarantee.

So after 30 days of leisurely life, he once again focused his life on "getting stronger".


"Kacha Kacha..."

Rain City, a hilltop villa, in a spacious training room.

Li Guanqi looked at the scene in front of him with a strange expression.

In front of him, there are countless magic weapons and long swords that are stacked on top of each other and occupy most of the training room.

And now, a violet-blue long sword with a big mouth is using its big mouth that extends from the sword body and is full of sharp fangs, constantly gnawing at these magical long swords, turning the opponent into its own. part of the energy.

"I got it. I thought that the swallowing sword-like function of Qingxuanjian would be a bit taller and swallowed. I didn't expect it to grow a mouth and bite directly."

Li Guanqi looked speechless.

However, as Qingxuanjian eats more and more swords, it seems to have gradually changed.


When there were only a hundred swords left, the big mouth of the Qingxuan sword suddenly disappeared, and then the long sword began to burst into blue light, floating in the air.

Its cyan sword light began to spread out in a circle with itself as the center, and in a blink of an eye, it enveloped the hundreds of magic swords around it.


In an instant, hundreds of long swords with magical instruments shattered directly and turned into countless tiny fragments. When they were touched by the cyan sword light, it was like snowflakes meeting the warm sun, melting rapidly, turning into streamers of different colors, and escaping into the cyan sword. In the body of the sword, it turns into its power.

Seeing this scene, Li Guanqi couldn't help but nodded in appreciation.

That's called devouring.

If one bites a blade, that thing is called dry rice.


The Qingxuan Sword turned into a cyan streamer, circling rapidly around Li Guanqi. With his eyesight, it was even difficult to capture its trajectory. The speed was astonishing.

"The seventh-order magic weapon is at the extreme level. If you can swallow a few seventh-order long swords, you should be able to make the Qingxuan sword reach the level of the eighth-order magic weapon."

"According to this calculation, if you want it to become a divine weapon, don't you have to swallow a lot of divine weapon long swords?"

Li Guanqi thought about it for a while, and found that he thought a little far.

He walked to the side and sat down, and began to calculate his current comprehensive combat power.

[Spiritual power: lv.69 (69.9)] (the pinnacle of conjuration Liuhe level)

[Flesh Body: lv.69 (69.9)] (The Peak of Martial Arts Liuhe Level)

[Soul: lv.69 (69.9)] (soul of the sixth-order habitat peak)

[Comprehensive level: lv.76]

Four artifacts.

Magic Knife: Unsealing six layers, but it can be possessed. No matter how many layers are unsealed, after possessing the body, it can increase the strength of his body in all aspects.

Shun Kong: It is used for running. After swallowing Ye Kui's artifact source, you can now open the teleportation and run hundreds of thousands of times. It is a life-saving artifact when facing an enemy that cannot be beaten. Truly an artifact.

Snow Pointing Gun: Unsealing the seventh floor. At present, his strongest offensive artifact has a terrifying increase in the power of the ice attribute.

Qingxuan Sword: Possessing the ultimate level of a seventh-order magic weapon, it can help him maximize the power of "Sword Intent".

These four artifacts, with the exception of Shun Kong, have a lot of room for improvement.

But the problem is that it cannot be improved in a short period of time.

Now Li Guanqi, if he wants to improve his strength, there are two paths in front of him.

The first way, of course, is to find resources, and raise his spiritual strength and physical strength to the limit of the current realm, which is the level of lv.79.

But in reality, he didn't know where to find so many cultivation resources.

So this road is basically useless.

The second way, of course, is to break through the realm.

The breakthrough of the realm of the soul also requires resources, which is impossible in reality, so let's not mention it for the time being.

The realm breakthrough of martial arts and incantation - seven stars!

According to Shun Kong, the two fellow practitioners of Li Guanqi will be able to draw as many as 14 stars in the future. They can obtain special abilities brought by 14 different stars, and there is a high chance that they will be able to use the power of stars. Under the influence of , it led to the rebirth of the fleshly body.

So, seven-star, how to break through?

The star land.

The star method.

The weird world is the parallel time and space of the future real world. That is to say, if nothing else, the location of the star of the weird world should be able to achieve the same effect when compared to the geographical location of the real world.

As for the star method?

In the weird world, this is a monopolized cultivation method. If you want to get it, you must join the major families and serve them for many years before you can get the reward.

But Li Guanqi didn't need it.

Because of Shunkong's memory, it was not sealed at all.

"Shun Kong, is there any god-level star attraction method? Just give one hundred or eighty."

Li Guanqi asked in his mind.


Shun Kong was at a loss for words, "The method of attracting stars is used to draw the stars. To put it bluntly, it is the cultivation method used by seven-star human beings. Where does the god-level saying come from? The method of attracting stars is a seven-star thing, no matter how advanced. Not too high.

In the old era, there was no high-level or low-level method of attracting stars, only the theory of 'sequence'.

Because, each star needs a corresponding star attraction method to pull power and obtain special abilities.

But not all stars are independent.

Some stars are linked together and are called a sequence.

After pulling all the stars in a sequence, the special abilities that can be obtained will also be more blessed.

This is the sequence of stars.

In the old era, there was only one recognized sequence of the strongest stars.

Master you should have guessed.


It's the one you thought of at this time - the Big Dipper sequence! "

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