Global Weird: Something is Wrong with My Body

Chapter 121: The priority of ghosts!


Seeing the ghost servants gradually surrounding him, Shi Qian didn't stop, the ghost shadows merged into the darkness, and these ghost servants didn't even notice.

After all, they are just ghost servants.

After leaving the bishop's building.

Shiqian did not follow the asphalt road.

It was already occupied by countless ghost servants. They were all heading towards the Bishop's Building, without even noticing that a shadow was moving quickly following the shadow of the tree.

These ghost servants couldn't find that they didn't surprise Shi Qian, but the raincoat shocked him again.

It is worthy of an item that can be exchanged for abnormal code prompts.

After Lian Shiqian used the ghosting ability to melt into the darkness, the raincoat could still change freely, as if it were attached to the body, it became a mass of darkness.

Soon, the word "big canteen" appeared before Shi Qian's eyes.

But the strange thing is that there are no ghost servants around the building like locusts, and the ghost servants behind them all go to the bishop's building.

The ghost servants not far in front are moving towards the rows of buildings where the supermarket is located.

"Is there someone over there?"

Doubts arose in Shi Qian's mind, but he didn't have time to worry about that much.

At this time, on the edge of the playground, white mist has begun to diffuse.

The ghost fog is invading the campus, which means that the spirit of ghost rain has been weakened to the extreme!

"Hurry up!"

At this time, the direction Shiqian had looked at before was inside the school supermarket.

The door that was originally locked had been destroyed by Wu Tieshan, a small gap that could only pass through one person. He held a short knife in his hand, and the blade was glowing with a strange white light, which appeared and disappeared like a living thing.

Wu Tieshan looked anxious, and a ghost servant from the periphery was approaching at this time.

There was no expression on the pale face of the student, and he swooped at him.

Under Wu Tieshan's strong arm, the short knife swung extremely quickly and cut across the ghost servant's neck in front of him.

There was no expected scene of blood splattering his head.

The ghost servant in front of him, like a frustrated ball, suddenly fell limp and fell to the ground, turning into a crumpled human skin piled together.

But it didn't happen like the bishop's building Heya, where layers of skin and blood were added.

If Shiqian were here and saw such a situation, he would have noticed something.

But Wu Tieshan had never seen He Ya, and Shi Qian was not here either.

Standing behind Li Jinghui, his gaze under the silver glasses always fell on the ghost servant outside.

Wu Tieshan once again wiped out an approaching ghost servant, and said anxiously towards Dean Li.

"Dean! It's no way to go on like this!"

Of course, Li Jinghui knew that although Wu Tieshan's short knife specially made with the bone meal of the Breaker could easily destroy these ghost servants and let the spiritual power in their bodies disappear.

But there are too many ghost servants outside, and sooner or later they will be exhausted. Then they will be torn apart by these endless ghost servants!

And at the beginning, the two people discovered that these ghost servants did not have the breath of ghost rain at all.

Instead, it was filled with the breath of another ghost, and its breath continued to strengthen.

Li Jinghui frowned when he looked at a pile of human skins that had lost their spirits and became dry on the ground.

"Could it be a human-skinned ghost? The third ghost?"

He also didn't expect that in this business school, there is not only the source of ghost rain, but there is actually another ghost that can manipulate ghost servants, human skin ghosts!

This is beyond his knowledge.

It is a new academic subject.

If it is just a simple human skin ghost, in his previous research, it is impossible to produce a ghost servant. The prerequisite for the birth of a ghost servant is the birth of the spirit world.

In the spirit, only a large range of ghosts will be born with them.

This is also the killing tool of these ghosts.

"Tieshan! This human-skin ghost has mutated!"

"No, it's evolution!"

"This is your ghost, the key to how to produce the spirit!"

Wu Tieshan once again destroyed the approaching ghost servant, his expression was dazed, and he didn't look back.

"President, what do you mean? This human skin ghost is..."

"Yes! It is plundering the power of Ghost Rain!"

"It must pass the ghost rain, produce its own range, and give birth to its own spiritual world!"

Li Jinghui nodded quickly. Although he didn't watch the devouring scene, he still inferred that there was a horror happening somewhere at this time.

"But, Dean, didn't you mean that even if the ordinary ghosts have found the source of the spiritual ghosts, they can't directly swallow them?"

"Yes, so this is also one point I don't understand."

"A ghost that produces a spirit can not only hide its source, but also deceive things that fall into the spirit room. Even if a ghost enters the spirit room, it will be lost and even become a nutrient for the spirit room."

"But from the current situation, this human skin ghost is indeed plundering the power of the ghost rain. He used a certain method to find the source of the ghost rain."

Li Jinghui still had one more sentence, but he didn't say it.

At least in his opinion, this is basically impossible.

That is, the human skin ghost and the ghost rain are essentially the same, or in other words, they were born in the same place.

Just like the ancestral graveyard that Wu Tieshan found at that time, if there are other ghosts, then even within the scope of the ghost energy, that ghost may feel the source of the ghost energy.

After that, the spirit of the ghost and the spirit of the ghost itself, whoever is stronger is the active party to swallow.

At least for the fragmented ghosts, there is only one option to swallow the opponent.

"Tieshan! This human-skinned ghost must be found! How he found the source of the ghost rain is very important to me! Even the research of the Academy is a major breakthrough!"

Li Jinghui said quickly, his eyes filled with enthusiasm.

Wu Tieshan was numb.

Now that the situation is now, the inside of the man behind him is still studying Li Gui more than anything else.

Suddenly, when Wu Tieshan was about to wake up Dean Li behind him and recognize the situation at this time, he felt a different kind of ghost aura.

"This breath... is a ghost possessed!?"

"President! In that direction, there is a ghost possessor! I feel my ghost! He is using the ghost power! And, very powerful!"

Li Jinghui raised his eyebrows, following the direction indicated by Wu Tieshan, a two-story building could faintly see the eaves.

It is the canteen of the Business School.

Seeing the stairs in front of him, Shi Qian couldn't help taking a breath.

It was even stranger than the stairs of the corpse seen in the hospital.

At this time, the steps were extremely pale under the light a little further away.

And every section was wriggling strangely, and it was made of human skins, as if to welcome the arrival of Shiqian.

These creeping movements only started after Shi Qian's shadow was reflected by the rear lights.

They felt the horror of ghosts.

Whether it is a human skin ghost or a ghost rain.

As long as they have not been completely swallowed, they are only a fragment level, at least in the presence of ghosts, the spirituality of these human skins is far from enough.

I have experienced two copies of and some people and things encountered in reality.

Shiqian understands.

The priority of ghosts is very high!

According to the previous video sent to him by Subeiqiao, the guy named Tu Ling archived it.

Shi Qian felt that the level of the ghost image was at least a level or above!

Moreover, now the ghost puzzle has been completed by 20%, the duration has reached 20 minutes, and the ghost ability has also been strengthened a lot.

Shi Qian could feel that if he used all the ghost shadows, he could suppress and control these human skins, but only in the area covered by the ghost shadows.

Relying on the overbearing of ghosts, they are reorganized and spliced ​​together.

It can even form a new ghost servant!

A ghost servant who is contaminated with ghost rain, human skin ghost, and ghost ghost.

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