, Global weird: something is wrong with my body

"This is? Could it be that Old Uncle Su, the spirit created by it!?"

Wu Tieshan felt a familiar aura in this pitch-black world, although this aura was very weak, completely different from what he felt when facing Li Gui directly.

But he can still detect it, just like the old man on the second floor of the bathhouse before.

As far as ghost energy is concerned, the identification of ghosts is the strong point, and it is absolutely not wrong.

"This guy should be awakened in the spirit world."

Li Jinghui's eyes flickered, his silver-wire glasses were a little bit hidden, and he couldn't see what he was thinking. Then he took out the notebook in his arms, turned to a blank page, and wrote a sentence to Wu Tieshan.

"Don't speak out, investigate the information, be sure to win!"

When Wu Tieshan saw the words written by Dean Li, he instantly understood and nodded solemnly.

He knew that the spirit possessed by ghosts, this was the first known so far.

This is an extremely important issue for the entire research institute.

The spirit room of the masterless ghost is only used to infect and kill people on a large scale. If the person possessed by the ghost has a spirit room, what effect will it have.

he does not know.

Town Ghost Department, don’t know!

"Unfortunately, I'm too weak. The human skin ghost was caught in the first confrontation, otherwise this spiritual world..."

The bishop's building at this time.

After Liu Yang confirmed that the ghost servants had disappeared.

Carefully walked down the stairs.

Just came to the first floor.

It was instantly shrouded in darkness.

"elder brother!"

"Little Brook, don't be afraid!"

"Yangyang, what's going on?"

Everyone was nervous.

Liu Yang cautiously walked on the floor that had become completely dark, and apart from a very faint ghostly breath, there seemed to be no change.

"Is it another strong ghost?"

The ghost servants of those human skin ghosts just disappeared, and a new ghost came.

A sense of despair couldn't help but swell in Liu Yang's heart.

"Large-scale spiritual events, horror deepens into the bones."

Suddenly, the darkness was suddenly recovered, and the whole process lasted less than ten seconds.

The environment in the bishop's building returned to normal, and the extremely weak ghost aura disappeared.

"Then... that ghost is gone?"

Xu Lai said tremblingly.

Liu Yang is also not sure, he is not confident about his own cognition anymore.

"Go out first."


Feeling the recovered spirit world, Shi Qian sighed slightly.

The state just now is not normal.

It seemed that the explosion was born after absorbing the ghost rain's spirit world.

He can feel it.

If you want to use the spirit room again, the envelope range is up to 20 meters.

"It seems to have a lot to do with the integrity of the fragments."

However, in his own spirit room, because of the ghost characteristics, he can instantly appear anywhere in the range.

Melting into the darkness is just one of the abilities of ghosts.

There are many more supernatural things that he hasn't noticed.

But there is one thing, Shi Qian understands.

In this dark spiritual world, he is the master of everything.

Although very cool.

But there was one thing that made Shi Qian extremely headache. When using the ghost spirit room, the life span was several times that of ordinary ghosts!

Just now, the feeling of rapid loss of life still made his heart palpitations.

Just ten seconds.

Half a day of life has been lost.


The powerful abilities, as expected by those possessed by ghosts, will have greater restrictions.

But this kind of thing does not happen to ghosts.

The physiques of humans and ghosts cannot be generalized...

At this time, the strangeness coming from his left foot surprised Shi Qian again.

[Left foot: My debuff has been made up, so I won’t be ashamed anymore! And I have eaten the fragments of human skin ghosts. Don't worry, it won't change any more. It must be in line with Big Brother Shadow! 】

[Brain: Not bad, not bad, our big family has made another great success, step by step, bigger and stronger! Sooner or later eat him upside down! 】

[Your left foot is getting stronger, making your right foot a little frustrated, and the Vajra leg fails for one day. During this duration, it limps.]


Feeling the completely different changes in the left and right feet, Shi Qian was speechless.

However, after eating the fragments of the human skin ghost with his left foot, his ability changed significantly.

[The left foot that has devoured blood and regained a new life: Improved status in the organs, gained the filthy assimilation ability, swallowed the fragments of human skin ghosts, and gained the ability to peel human skin and cover human skin]

[Human skin ghost's supernatural can create human skin that isolates supernatural beings. Each human skin can last for one hour. Continue to use ghost power to extend the time]

Create human skin, isolate the supernatural, for one hour.

If it is another ghost possessing a lifespan of seven days at a time, then the cost of this human skin is a bit high.

But Shiqian didn't have such troubles.

What's more, you can also refill the cup.

[Human skin: The blood rain can't affect its spirituality in the slightest, and it can even become a ghost servant in the spirit]

Seeing the pile of human skins on the ground in front of him, Shi Qian did not hesitate to use the human skin ghost ability.

Those human skins slowly developed spirituality, and Shi Qian could feel that by putting this human skin on his body, he could isolate the spirituality that was lower than that of human skin ghosts.

However, ghosts are obviously much beyond this level.

If the ghost is S-class.

Then the human skin ghost is at most A grade.

The spirit of the human skin ghost and the ghost rain is a proper S-level existence! It is even possible to surpass.

After all, even ghosts can be suppressed.

For these grades, Shi Qian also inferred from the archive video produced by Tu Ling. Shi Qian had no plans to go to the town ghost headquarters to test.

If you don't reveal your identity, you have beneficial capital.


Although the life span is reduced again.

However, Shi Qian looked at the system bar, the silver treasure chest in his backpack, and the rising number in the lifespan bar, his heart was still happy.

In the bathhouse before, I used a full ghost ability.

It took seven days of life span, and it took seven days to deal with human skin ghosts just now. At this time, the spiritual power was consumed by human skin ghosts for a whole day.

He spent fifteen days of life in this campus trick.

However, the rewards were quite a lot, and I gave it for 30 days.

Plus the original 32-day life span.

The remaining lifespan of the current thousand is forty-seven days in total.

But if you want to use the spirit world, these lifespans may not even be enough for ten minutes.

Looking at the ghost camera in the system bar that took a whole year, and now the spiritual world, this shocking change in Yungang District.

Let Shiqian have a sense of tension that urgently needs to gain life.

Who knows what kind of ghosts will appear next time, you know, three copies are the novice protection period, after the expiration, the difficulty of the ghost copies may be straight up.

And there are also ghosts in reality, including supernatural items that Shiqian does not know, and Li Jinghui's gloves are one of them.

This world is far more complicated than I realize!

But this glove ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has to find a way to get it over!

Shi Qian was a bit greedy.

"Someone over there!"

Suddenly, there was a voice from the woods behind him. Hearing this tone, it seemed that the great **** stick came slowly.

Shi Qian concealed his ghostly aura, and at the same time threw away the decayed raincoat.

Silently distressed.

Toward a few people greeted the past.

When Liu Yang saw the figure in the woods, they were all taken aback.

Xu Lai opened his mouth wide behind him, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Master Suguan?!"

"old man!?"

"This old man is not dead?! Is he a ghost?!"

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