Global Weird: Something is Wrong with My Body

Chapter 147: Deliberately release ghosts


Darkness surged.

The little brother who had fallen to the ground and died was full of ghosts and spirits. The blood rushing from his neck artery stopped suddenly and was sealed by a dark shadow.

Before his consciousness was completely dark.

He opened his eyes.

"This is impossible!"

Qin Yan roared when he saw the change!

He wanted to pick up the short knife on the ground, but the knife that was only not far in front of him disappeared.

He understands that it is the ability of this terrifying guy again!

"Here, whoever I want to die can die, and no one can die if I didn't let anyone die."

Shi Qian's faint voice came from the original human skin, and the dark shadow gradually faded.

He has always stood by everyone's side.

It's just that in the spiritual world, wherever I want the sound to come from, I will come from.

See what you want them to see.

This is the spiritual world.

In the darkness in the room, a frozen human skin shook off and wrapped Qin Yan tightly, but the supernatural power did not invade his body, but prevented any small movements of him.

Qin Yan now can't even bite his tongue and kill himself.

At the same time, another human skin that had been pierced with a short knife was wrapped around the dazed little brother who had fallen on the ground and got up again.

The darkness split the two in an instant.

At the same time Shiqian's voice sounded in two places.

"Let's talk about it. If someone said something different from what another person said, I will let him know what is better than death. Believe me, the ghost will definitely satisfy you."

The human skin loosened the heads of two people.

A man appeared in the eyes of Qin Yan and the resurrected little brother.

The man looked at them with a smile, his face was a little dark, his body was thin and thin, not like that kind of vicious person, but a little harmless.

But in the eyes of the two who experienced everything just now, this guy is simply a ghost crawling out of hell!


for a long time.

The human skin squirmed slowly, and the darkness in the room disappeared.

Qin Yan's corpse was lying on the ground, his eyes open, not squinting.

The whole room, except for Qi Yaya who was lying on the bed, was all dead, and there was a ghost.

"The night bar, Ling Tianyin, the ghost possessed organization, the underground black market, the organ sales, the bone skin trading of the collapsed, the breeding center."

One by one, the information uttered from Qin Yan's mouth stimulated Shi Qian's nerves.

The key is.

Ling Tianyin, the founder of the Night Bar, had actually started studying ghosts four or five years ago, even though he was not the so-called ghost possessed at that time.

However, according to Qin Yan's suspicion, they had raised little ghosts at that time, and they existed in reality!

After the appearance of the horror game, this guy not only became a ghost possessed, but also opened an underground black market, and brought back the fellows who were former ghosts possessed by ghosts.

Co-operate this black market.

At first they sold human organs for some perverted people to study the reaction between Li ghosts and the human body. Later, it was learned that the bodies of the collapsers could imprison the Li ghosts, and even the powder made from the bones of special collapsers. The possessed are aggressive.

They began to study how to obtain these resources in large quantities.

Killing directly on the face is definitely not acceptable.

I don't know if it is combined with the results of his previous research on ghosts. Ling Tianyin discovered that ghosts in reality can also make ordinary people become breakers since the advent of the horror game.

This world seems to have undergone a fundamental change because of the advent of thriller games.

Therefore, the organization behind the night bar began to raise the collapsers in the Federation.

And this time, the abnormal change in the Honghua community attracted the attention of the Federation and led to the blockade, but it was resolved by Ling Tianyin's network.

Shi Qian faintly felt that there were people in the town ghost department.

As for the sale of human organs, Shi Qian once again reminded Shi Qian of the case about Xishan Hospital 15 years ago.

Could it be that the origin of this organization is also implicated in Xishan Hospital?

But this time Shiqian was just to help Qi Yaya, and he didn't want to contact them directly.

Find the ghost first, swallow it, not only can your strength be improved, but also Qi Yaya's weird state can be relieved.

It can be considered to have completed Qi Huajing's request.

In fact, Qi Yaya had a fate with herself. It was the purpose to eat the ghost by herself and save her.

Qi Huajing owes him such a big favor, and if he needs a bone box in the future, he can also speak to him.

If you let Shi Qian directly kill it.

He can't do it yet.

No matter how many ghosts he controls, Shi Qian still has a bottom line deep in his heart.

Unless you are threatening yourself, or like these, even though you are a human being, you do evil things.

Then he will not have any burden to kill them all.

However, the bones and skin of the collapsible are the raw materials for the bone skin box, and after adding the bone marrow of the special collapsible, the detention ability of the bone skin box will be greatly improved!

This made Shi Qian somewhat understand what Qi Huajing said about changing mobile phones.

Looking at the tragic surroundings.

Shi Qian's left foot gushed out a lot of blood, absorbing the **** smell in the room, and the human skin ghost seemed to be nourished.

After the absorption, the human skin ghost on his left foot suddenly changed!

Shi Qian did not force it to control it, allowing it to act according to his own ‘instinct’.

A pale human skin separated from his left foot and gradually covered the corpses in the room.

All flesh and blood corpses were completely absorbed by the peristaltic human skin, Shiqian felt that the exhaustion that he had just consumed his life was quickly recovering.

And this energy is gathering in his right heel and hands.

Different from killing those unconsciously broken monsters in the south of the city, this feeling is an improvement in flesh and blood.

At this time, the right foot that had benefited was no longer arrogant.


I still overestimated the generosity of his right foot.

Jealousy makes...foot completely unrecognizable.

Feel the changes in your body.

Shi Qian was slightly satisfied.

The promotion of family members is the path to comprehensive and healthy development.

Shi Qian was quite satisfied with the sense of power coming from his right foot.

But what he didn't expect was that the filthy assimilation ability of this left foot could even absorb the corpses killed by the spirit.

It fits perfectly with the abilities of human skin ghosts.

No wonder the human skin is not absorbed by the skin, but on the left foot.

Ignore the growing fever of the organs.

Thousands of thoughts.

If it is a dead breaker, can the left foot absorb it? Probably not, after all, the body of the collapser is not compatible with the spirit itself.

Unless the collapser was caused by the pollution of human skin ghosts.

However, it seems that those possessed by ghosts do not have the ability to pollute.

After cleaning, everything returned to darkness.

Seeing the room being clean and tidy again, Shi Qian quietly closed the door.

He did not stay in the room.

Also did not move Qi Yaya's body.

According to Wu Qiang and the information obtained by interrogating Qin Yan and his younger brother just now, his guesses are probably wrong.

I felt a faint ghostly breath at the gate of the community.

Qin Yan said that Ling Tianyin had been raising ghosts a long time ago.

And Wu Qiang said that he had never encountered a ghost. Wang Tiandong told him that the ghost would only appear after midnight, so Sister Ling told them to inject pollutants into people who were collapsing before then. in vivo.

Although Shi Qian didn't know, why adding that small bottle of contaminants during the collapse process would make the collapser a special category.

It must be related to the ingredients in that bottle.

But none of this is the point.

Combining the known information Shiqian overturned his previous guess.

Originally, he thought it was a ghost that appeared in this neighborhood, and the ghost's killing method appeared after midnight, and then distorted people's facial features.

Then Ling sister and their organization, figured out the logic of ghost behavior, and used loopholes to artificially create collapsers.

It now appears that he was wrong.

This ghost was deliberately released by them!

They regard the Honghua community as their own breeding ground, and after the boys finish their daily work of the Pollution Breaker, they will come to release the ghost.

Then proceed, kill, collect the corpse

Or collapse.

The former or the latter depends on the final result of the target.

"Then let me see what this artificially raised ghost is!"

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