Global Weird: Something is Wrong with My Body

Chapter 158: Eat the little girl's well?

In the evening, Tianhu Village welcomed a strange young man.

Ask people if they are caught.

Especially those problems are also strange.

"Auntie, have you ever heard of a little girl named A Xiao?"

"Uncle, have you ever heard of a little boy named Xu Lai?"

"Little sister, have you ever heard of an uncle named Wang Genshuo?"

However, all the villagers, including the children, looked at the foreigner with strange eyes.

"Am I getting handsome again?"

Shi Qian thoughtful.


After finally scaring away the third aunt, the fifth uncle, and the seventh little sister, Shi Qian realized the problem.

The span of thirty years is too big.

Even the layout of houses in the village has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The villagers who Shi Qian observed these activities in front of him, even if they were a little older, were estimated to be a few years older than Xu Lai.

I was a child at the time, and after so many years of forgetting, most of the memories are not very clear.

What's more, it's still a little girl in a story.

Not everyone has heard the story told by Wang Genshuo.

Because of his weird behavior, there was a bad news in the village, and it gradually spread through the mouth of the child.

Shi Qian squatted in a clearing while worrying.

An old grandmother with a cane looked at him for a long time, and then walked towards him tremblingly.

"Young man, you are not from the village, are you? Ask what those people do?"

Shi Qian raised her head, and the grandmother in front of her eyes was full of silver threads, her face was thin and her body was awkward, but her eyes were very clear, and she did not have the godless and muddy state of people of the same age.

"Grandma, have you heard of these three people?"

Hearing the words of the silver-haired grandma, Shi Qian suddenly became energetic. Looking at her grandma's age, she was probably as old as Xu Lai's mother at the time.

Most likely you will know!

But under Shiqian's gaze, the silver-haired grandmother shook her head, did not make a sound, just looked at him quietly.

Suddenly, Shi Qian laughed.

"Grandma, I'm not a bad person, don't worry, it's just that I have a relative who called Xu Lai. When I was a child, I visited his house. This time I just came to Haicheng for a tour, so I wanted to come and have a look."

"As a result, I found the original address. The family told me that Xu Lai’s family had moved away long ago. They didn’t know where they went. In addition, the environment of the village had changed so much that I couldn’t find anyone I knew before. Now, so..."

Shi Qian was not ashamed at all, and said nonsense with his eyes open.

The old grandma heard the words.

He looked up at the thin young man who was a little dark in front of his eyes, his clear eyes flickered, and he suddenly smiled.

"Young man, I know you are not a bad person, otherwise the iron egg will not tell you so much. Come on, go to grandma's house and sit and talk."

After finishing speaking, the silver-haired grandmother did not wait for the time to speak, turned and walked towards home with a walking stick.

Shi Qianpidianpidian followed.

Grandma's pace is slow, Shi Qian is not in a hurry, just following behind.

Just now, this grandma directly called out Xu Lai's milk name, obviously she knew Xu Lai's family, and she probably knew Wang Genshuo too.

Thinking of this, Shi Qian suddenly became excited.

"Grandma, be careful, I will support you!"


Taking a sip of the tea in his hand, Shi Qian listened to all the narration of the silver-haired grandma in front of him.

I felt a little stunned.

As expected, more than ten years ago, after Xu Lai's family moved to the city, the sacred stick surnamed Wang also moved away.

No, in fact, according to grandma's statement, it was inappropriate to move away. That Wang Genshuo didn't take away anything at all, and just disappeared like that.

These are the original words of grandma.

"The **** iron egg back then was considered a competitor of mine, but unfortunately, neither of us finally caught the man's sloppy heart."

The silver-haired grandma seemed to be in the memory again, but her face was full of nostalgia.

It seems that the memories of the year are full of happiness when relived at this moment.

As grandma said, Wang Genshuo was her sweetheart.

In fact, not only that, but in the entire Tianhu Village back then, at least half of the girls of the same age were more or less secretive.

However, Wang Genshuo was always alone. Although he usually slapped his lips, no one really took the action.

In the silver-haired grandma's home, there is a picture of her grandma's appearance when she was young.

The young grandma is also a big beauty.

Shi Qian sighed.

However, when Rao was a young and beautiful woman like grandma, she still couldn't leave Wang Genshuo's heart.

This made Shi Qian even more curious.

What kind of person is this guy?

Grandma said, in fact, the reason why so many people liked him back then.

It's not just Wang Genshuo's full of interesting stories, but that person is really too charismatic.

At the same time, it also caused the young men in the whole village to itch with hatred.

"But, this is all old things. Now those old guys, who can walk, stay awake, have some convenient legs, and follow their children to the city. There are not many people who can remember."

The silver-haired grandma woke up from the memory and sighed deeply.

"The grandma, that uncle Wang Gensuo, where did you go in the end, do you know?"

"I don't know. When he left, he didn't tell anyone, just like when he came here, he suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly."

"But I know he must be an extraordinary man, otherwise it won't make me so enamored."

"He must have something important to accomplish, I firmly believe."

"I have been waiting for him to come back for so many years."

"I am willing."

Shi Qian looked at the silver-haired grandma in front of him, unable to appreciate the emotions contained in the words, and could only sit quietly.

After a long time, grandma turned her head and asked Shiqian.

"Young man, what do you inquire about these past events, what do you do? Also, the iron egg boy, even the protagonist Xiao Xiao of Gen Shuo's story told you, I think your relationship must be very good, hehe, grandma sees you too It's not like an ordinary person, that kid must be good too, that's good, that's good."

"But kid, you don't think that the stories that guy said are all true? Haha."

When Shi Qian heard the silver-haired grandma's words, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Sure enough, grandma knew the stories that Wang Genshuo said.

So he asked directly.

"Grandma, I'm just curious, you don't know, I am a person who likes to listen to stories by nature. Now I am a freelance writer, traveling all over the Federation, and learn about the customs of various places, interesting stories and so on."

"Thinking that one day, when I have heard enough stories, I will go back, put them together, write them into a book, and tell more people."

"So grandma, can you tell me the story of the little girl A Xiao?"

Looking at Shiqian in front of her, the silver-haired grandmother also sat up a little bit. These little stories that she heard from her heart were all treasures she cherished in her heart.

"Okay, finally someone is willing to listen to me mumbling about the past. If you can write these into a book, you can be considered as giving them an ending. That guy, telling stories always like to tell half of the story, not the ending."

"Every time I asked, he smiled blankly and stupidly."

Seeing the happy expression on her grandma's face, Shiqian was inexplicably throbbing.


It was too late to leave Tianhu Village. Saying goodbye to Granny Yinfa, after asking her to take care of her body, Shi Qian got on the train back to the harbor area.

A photo was left on his phone.

It's Wang Genshuo.

The man in the photo, with a smile on his face, his eyes full of brilliance, a **** on his shoulder, some mud on his body, and rubber shoes on his feet, he apparently just returned from the ground.

However, Shi Qian didn't see the slightest sense of wind and frost on his hands, face, and hair.

On the contrary, these external clothing, as well as the mud and mess on his body, can't conceal the outstanding temperament of this man.

Shiqian stared at the photo, this man was very different.

"No wonder that grandma liked him back then, even Xu Lai's mother..."

However, this photo was kept privately by grandma for many years, and Shiqian was only allowed to take it, and he could not take it away.

When Shi Qian put away his phone, Wang Genshuo didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

What makes Shiqian even more pity is that Wang Genshuo's house was originally rented by others, and he has nothing to do with him. Just as his grandmother said, he is chic when he comes, and chic when he leaves.

The only thing left is the photos collected by grandma.

It was the silver-haired grandma's retelling of the story about the little girl A Xiao from his mouth, which made Shi Qian a little heavy.

Even Shiqian could imagine that when Wang Genshuo, who looked very warm back then, was telling this story to others, what kind of weird it was The beginning of the story was a silver-wired grandmother. In the village where you can't remember the name.

Shi Qian guessed that perhaps Wang Genshuo never mentioned that this village had a name at all.

"Little girl A Xiao, she has been an ugly monster in the village since she was a child. She has a big face and a stubborn pig nose, and her two small eyes seem a little silly. The children in the village bully her."

"And one day at night, the children in the village went crazy and sneaked into the grove in the back mountain. Ah Xiao, who wanted to get together, also followed. It was getting late. When the children came back, Ah Xiao’s Mom found out that Xiao Axiao was gone."

"When A Xiao's mother asked people to look for it overnight, she finally saw the floral clothes in the well. The clothes were from A Xiao, but the well was dry. There was no A Xiao in the well, and no one."

"From then on, there is no more Ah Xiao in the village, but there is another person who can't move in the well. That's Ah Xiao's mother."

The disappearing little girl A Xiao, the woman who died in the well.

Shi Qian thoughtfully, is it a cannibalism?

However, Wang Genshuo did not say that there was A Xiao's body in the well, only a piece of floral clothes.

Shi Qian thought of her ghost, A Xiao, before she died, she said that she felt a very warm feeling.

So, will the little girl in this story, A Xiao, be the female ghost, A Xiao? Jumping to Global Strange: My Body Is Something Wrong Chapter 159 Eat the Little Girl’s Well Green Reading-Global Strange: My Body Is Something Wrong ]

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