Glory Riding and Cutting

Chapter 102 The game is in progress (2)

Ronan already has some reputation, and many people know that he is a very strong fighter, so his odds are only a little higher than Bolton, about 1.2, that is to say, if Ronan beats Ronan by 100 gold coins If you win, you will get 120 gold coins. After deducting the principal, you will make a net profit of 20 gold coins. However, the dealer will charge some handling fees, so it will not reach 20 gold coins.

Of course, not all battles will be opened by the dealer. Otherwise, if the gap between the two sides is too large, everyone will be on one side of the dealer's opening game. If there is no miracle, the dealer will pay to death.

Ronan also only pressed some tentatively, and the win is not too much. But this also allowed Ronan to find a way to make a lot of money. Although his odds will gradually decrease as he keeps winning, more and more people will buy him to win more, and if he wins, he will get even less. .

But Aldridge is completely a little white man, no one knows him, and he doesn't know how strong he is, but as he continues to win, the dealer will definitely open the market for him in the following battles, and if his If the opponent is a relatively famous and powerful person, then most people will still trust this person more than Aldridge.

Ronan can definitely make a lot of money by taking advantage of this opportunity, so he specially instructed Aldridge to put on a disguise and don't act too aggressively, otherwise he won't make much money if the odds are too low.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Ronan and Aldridge will not be lined up together too early.

During these two days of competition, Ronan also followed Mario to overwhelm some people. There were wins and losses, and they were basically even. At the beginning, after listening to Mario's analysis, he was clear and logical, but it was like that. In the end, he She was simply the number one poisonous milk. Ronan lost a lot of money against him at the beginning, but later secretly fought against him and basically made money back.

Time passed, and finally it was Aldridge's match. He was wearing a set of composite plate armor composed of plate armor and chain armor connected in series. This type of plate armor is not as thick as full-body plate armor, and the coverage area is not as good, but the advantage is that it is lighter. , the movement is more flexible, and the joints will not sometimes get stuck like the full-body plate armor.

After choosing a two-handed sword, Aldridge stood there quietly, holding the weapon lightly with one hand, the tip of the sword hanging on the ground.

Aldridge's opponent is a local lone mercenary in Dunling, named Tasa, who has a not very good reputation in Dunling, and basically undertakes the task of bodyguards and debt collection for some rich people, because of his fierce face, he is still black. The success rate of debt collection is quite high, but it is also hated by many people.

But he is still considered cunning, knowing that he has offended many people, he usually does not walk alone at night or in places with few people, nor does he travel far, and has never given a chance to those who want to beat him.

Standing opposite Aldridge at this time, Tasa felt as if he was facing some kind of terrifying beast. Obviously that person was simply standing there without even putting on a posture, but it just gave him a strong feeling. pressure.

As if as soon as he made a move, the opponent would suddenly turn into a beast and devour him. The strong sense of oppression made his forehead sweat unceasingly. Although Tasha felt that a year had passed, it was only a few dozen Only seconds.

Tasa couldn't bear this feeling anymore, he clenched his teeth, let out a low growl from his throat, swung the long sword in his hand and rushed towards Aldridge.

Aldridge remembered Ronan's instructions, so he didn't overthrow this seemingly flawed opponent all at once.

Aldridge took a step back to the left, dodged Tasa's downward cut, and then raised his two-handed sword to block Tasa's changing horizontal cut.

With a light push, he deflected Tasa's attack, then stabbed straight with the sword, and swept away after Tasa dodged. Tasa barely blocked Aldridge's attack, but was beaten back a few steps.

Aldridge's eyes flashed, this person's strength was weaker than he imagined, and he might have to take a little more effort.

Under Aldridge's deliberate performance, the two fought back and forth wonderfully, and the two seemed to be evenly matched.

Seeing that the opponent's skill was not as terrifying as the pressure it gave him, Tasa couldn't help but relax a little, and at this time he still had a slight advantage under Aldridge's deliberate waterproofing.

Tasa thought that his chances were pretty good, while Aldridge thought that it was almost time to end. At this time, Aldridge got three points, and Tasa got four points.

Aldridge pretended to slip and staggered. Tasa was overjoyed and quickly seized the opportunity to chop off Aldridge's head.

Even if you can't hit the head, you can get two points and win directly if you hit the body part.

But Aldridge already had a countermeasure in his mind. The script had actually been written. Aldridge sank quickly, and at the same time let go of his right hand to release the weapon to block upwards, while his left hand caught the weapon and stabbed upwards diagonally.

Without a certain amount of arm strength, it is impossible to use a two-handed sword to perform this operation with one hand at this time.

Tasa's sword struck Aldridge's armor, and Aldridge's arm remained motionless, but Tasa was numb from the shock and scored another point. Before Tasa could be happy, Aldridge's weapon fell from the ground. Suddenly stabbed out from below, directly hitting Tasa's helmet.

Tasa was defeated by one point, and Aldridge's acting skills were superb. Except for a few people with keen eyesight and certain strength, they found that Aldridge's actions were not simple, and most of the people and nobles thought he was just a fluke. That's all.

Kress should not be used to this kind of scene. Looking at the audience cheering like thunder outside the stadium, Ronan was still a little shocked.

After all, Kress is a gladiatorial champion, and he has conducted more intense and bloody gladiatorial battles in much larger arenas. That kind of life-and-death battle can arouse the cheers of the audience even more than this one-stop competition. and curses.

In his previous life, Ronan had also participated in many large-scale events such as concerts, sports games, and ball games with tens of thousands of spectators, but he had never stood in the middle of the stage and felt the baptism of the audience's roar like a tsunami.

The huge sound waves can even drive your heart to beat violently, the blood flows rapidly, and the adrenaline soars. The moment you win, you seem to be the center of the world, and everyone is shouting for you.

Unlike wrestling, spectators who lose money will curse loudly, because they are nothing more than slaves, but those who participate in this competition cannot swear at will.

Because there are a large number of nobles, in this world with distinct classes and strict hierarchy, the nobles can easily be scolded, especially on this occasion, people can only discuss in private, or scold those participating mercenary adventurers, and give those mercenary adventurers a reputation. Huge boos from bad guys.

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