Glory Riding and Cutting

Chapter 35 Teldrassil

Finally came to Teldrassil, the king's capital of Xuntland, a huge city built in a vast forest.

Teldrassil is the most magnificent city that Ronan has seen since he came to this world, with a permanent population of more than 100,000, and a tall city wall ten meters high and four meters wide.

A wide moat was excavated around the city, in which ferocious piranhas were raised, and the only way to enter the town was through the steel suspension bridges on both sides.

Xantlan is divided into inner and outer cities. The outer city is the gathering place for foreigners and ordinary people. The barracks of the Xantlan defenders are also built in it. The inner city wall is shorter than the outer city, only seven meters high.

The center of the inner city is the Hinterland Palace, surrounded by the most luxurious business district and villa district.

Similarly, with Sesma leading Ronan and his party all the way unimpeded, Sesma's goal is very clear, going straight to the palace.

Ronan, who wanted to wander around the city separately, was told that the queen wanted to see him. Ronan had no choice but to follow them to the palace.

After reluctantly saying goodbye to Ronan, Daisy went to the queen's bedroom under the leadership of Belica and Thesma. Ronan and the others went down to the side hall to wait under the guidance of the lady-in-waiting. The Queen called him back after finishing the affairs.

Thinking that he might not see Daisy in the future, Ronan still felt a little uncomfortable. But the identities of the two are very different after all, one is the princess of a country, and the other is just a mercenary leader.

Ronan and his subordinates were arranged very well. The maids brought new clothes to Ronan, took a bath for Ronan, shaved his beard and trimmed his hair. After all, the queen will summon him later, so he can't make it too messy.

After cleaning up, Ronan was guided to the canteen in the side hall. The back kitchen has already prepared a sumptuous meal, including steak, roasted whole lamb, various desserts and the unique mince wine of Hinterland.

Eating the delicious roasted lamb and drinking the sweet fruit wine, Ronan murmured in his heart that he was a little flattered by the reception, and couldn't help but think that the queen was going to kill the donkey, and this meal was actually the meal that followed.

Not to mention Ronan and others who were eating and drinking, Daisy finally arrived at the queen's bedroom after a long journey led by Thesma. When she arrived at the door, Daisy couldn't help but feel a little nervous. After all, she was taken away from Hinterland by Dorothy Monroe since she was a child, and she had never seen her mother.

If Dorothy Monroe hadn't suddenly told her to go to Hinterland to find her mother this time, she would have always thought she was a single-parent family.

Thinking of Dorothy Monroe, Daisy felt sad again. After all, she would never see that gentle man again.

When they reached the door, Sesma stood aside and did not move, but Belica directly led Daisy to open the door and walked in.

There is a woman sitting behind a table full of papers facing the gate, with pointed ears, green hair, a cold face and a tall figure that can be felt while sitting, she is the Queen of Hinterland—— Serena - Silvermoon.

Serena who heard the sound of pushing the door raised her head, saw Daisy's icy face softened for a moment, waved to Daisy, motioned for Daisy to come over.

The moment they met, Daisy was no longer afraid of the power derived from her blood, and Serena didn't look as cold as it was rumored outside.

Belica made a sound when Daisy sat next to Serena and was held by Serena.

"My lord queen, the princess has arrived! The warriors escorting the princess have also been arranged to the side hall, waiting for you to summon them at any time."

"You still don't know how to read the atmosphere, teacher."

A cold voice came out of Serena's mouth, but Serena didn't even look at Belica, she just looked at Daisy tenderly, holding Daisy with one hand, and putting the other hand on Daisy's face Gently stroke.

Belica smiled, unwrapped the package from behind, walked in and placed it on Serena's table, unwrapped the package, and inside were the twin swords of Dorotamunro.

"Your Majesty, this is the relic of Dorothy Monroe!"

"Father's relic." Daisy couldn't help feeling sad again after seeing it.

Serena came back to her senses, withdrew her hands from Daisy, pulled the sword out of the scabbard slightly, revealing the inscription on the sword. Serena stroked it lightly with her hand, feeling the edges and corners of the notch.

"I carved this with my own hands back then, but I didn't expect that when I saw it again, Yin and Yang were separated."

"He fought bravely and lived up to the name of a warrior."

"Heh, it was precisely because of this that he attracted me back then. Why didn't he follow my advice and return to Hinterland?"

Serena chuckled and said slowly.

"No matter what he thought about it at the beginning, it is already in the past, and Her Royal Highness has returned to Hinterland."

"Yeah, there's no need to worry about it anymore, Belica, Sibella still has a lot to learn to become a qualified princess, you should teach her the same way you taught me back then, and the two of you are also familiar with each other .”

"The old minister is very honored!"

"But Sibella is staying with me tonight, and I have a lot to say to her."

"The old minister will leave first."

"Go ahead, let the mercenary captain who escorted Sibella come here to meet me."

Nodding, Belica opened the door and left, while Serena held Daisy back and started chatting, asking about life in these years and about Dorothy Monroe.

Belica went outside and said to Thesma, who was standing beside him, "Go to Ronan, the queen wants to summon him."

"The Queen wants to summon him here?" Sesma asked with a confused expression.

"Don't try to figure out what the queen is thinking, just go."

"I just thought the Queen would publicly reward him at tomorrow's court meeting." Sesma replied and turned to the side hall. Belica shook his head and left in the opposite direction as well.

On the other side, Ronan, who was already stunned and about to fall asleep, finally waited for Thesma, wearing a soft silk robe, and Ronan, who was used to the cold armor, was still a little uncomfortable. But it is indeed much more comfortable than coarse cloth clothes and armor lining.

When Thesma arrived, Ronan was lying on a deck chair eating fruit to enjoy the long-lost feeling, and the subordinates were catching up and practicing.

"Captain Ronan, come with me, the Queen will summon you."

Ronan suddenly turned over and stood up from the recliner, patted the robe, smoothed the folds, and said to Thesma:

"Lead the way, Captain Thesma."

Then Ronan followed Thesma through the long palace complex and walked for nearly twenty minutes before arriving at the destination. There are many guards along the road, but Ronan has not seen a single servant except the guards, and the guards are all composed of elves.

Walking to the door of Serena's bedroom, Sesma knocked on the door and said loudly: "Your Majesty, Captain Ronan has arrived!"

Then there was a cold voice in the house.

"Well, let him in."

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