Go Alone

Chapter 730: Higher one

Zong Dongyi is very talkative and familiar with Beijiang, and he has solved a lot of confusion for Ye Yu.

"We are talking about Heisei Mansion. There is an ancient religion in this mansion. This ancient religion once had the ancestors of saints. Although it is gradually declining, there are also strong people in the law realm. The leader of the law has heard that it has reached the peak of the law realm. Assault the realm of Void Saint!"

"Under the Heisei Ancient Religion, there are eight great families. Among them, our clan is one of the eight great families, ranking sixth in the eight great families, in the northern area of ​​Heisei Prefecture." Speaking of this, Zong Dongyi was a little proud.

"The front is our clan!"

Zong Dongyi took Ye Yu into a city. The city was very big and there was a lot of people.

As soon as he entered the city, someone came to greet Zong Dongyi: "My son, you are finally back. The masters are worried that you will have an accident. They have sent a few waves to look for you, but they have never found you."

"Accidents? My current strength, what are you afraid of accidents!" Zong Dong smiled, "Let's go, go back!"

Zong Dongyi was a little bit energetic, he hadn't been entangled in the outside world this time, and he was very aggrieved.

"Brother Ye, go, we won't be drunk or go back when we go back!"

As soon as Ye Yu and Zong Dong returned to the Zong family, the Zong family was indeed glorious. The mansion was magnificent and occupies a vast area. There were many powerful family members. Ye Yu saw several Dao-type realm kings. If it were in Dongsheng Shenzhou, It is a king who is enough to open a mansion and occupy an area. But these powerhouses are in the clan, but they are just like butlers. Although they have a high status, they are still subordinates.

Zong Dongyi took Ye Yu to the Zong family, and the voice of respectful addressing the son was endless along the way.

"Dongyi is finally back!" Walking all the way to the main hall, a middle-aged man put down the books in his hands, some blamed, "Dongsheng Shenzhou has a saint born, and the situation on all continents has become complicated. At this time, you are still going out. , What a mess!"

"Father, haven't I come back? This is not a big deal, and my strength is not weak!" Zong Dong said with a smile.

The middle-aged man shook his head and looked at Ye Yu: "Don't you tell me Dongyi?"

"Father, this is my friend Ye Yu. Thanks to his care for this trip!" Zong Dongyi said.

"Thanks to my nephew for taking care of Dongyi all the way. He is stubborn by nature, and I am afraid that he caused a lot of trouble for his nephew on the road!"

"My brother took care of me along the way, but it made Senior laugh!"

The middle-aged man laughed a few times and said to Ye Yu: "My nephew can call me Uncle Zong. Since he has come to my house, the nephew will treat this as his own home."

Speaking of this, the middle-aged man looked at Zong Dongyi and said, "Take good care of your nephew, and find more servants to serve your nephew."

The middle-aged man was very busy, and after talking to Zong Dongyi Ye Yu a few words, he was busy dealing with other things.

Zong Dongyi is very enthusiastic and takes care of Ye Yu in every possible way.

Ye Yu found the way to condense the ninety-nine principles, and he didn't rush to leave here.

He was not in a hurry to condense the ninety-nine principles, he has always been the spirit of the practitioner himself.

The stone sky pattern of the Shanhe Sheji map was returned to himself. Ye Yu originally thought that the essence was swallowed by the other party, and the Shanhe Sheji map returned to torn paper, but surprisingly, the Shanhe Sheji map became more crystal clear than it was when Ye Yu gave it.

Obviously... the landscape painting of mountains and rivers has absorbed the essence of countless geography.

Thinking of Shi Tianwen's destruction of several big forces, Ye Yu thought to himself that it was the landscape of the mountain and river that swallowed the land.

With the nourishment of Taoist rhyme with the pictures of mountains and rivers, Ye Yu felt that the spirits were growing very quickly.


As soon as Zong Dong came back, it didn't take long before he suddenly found an opportunity to condense the Dhamma, and break through from the Dao-type realm to the Dhammak state.

This made the Zong family ecstatic, and they all believed that Zong Dongyi had a tendency to surpass the Patriarch.

Zong Dongyi was naturally excited to find Ye Yu, and he wanted to celebrate with Ye Yuhu.

"Otherwise, when I reach the law state, I can lead the family and go one step further. At that time, it will be enough for the Patriarch to be among the top three of the eight great families." Zong Dongda smiled and showed off to Ye Yu.

"Congratulations to Brother Zong in advance, but after staying in Zong's house for so long, I Guan Zong's house is busy up and down, so I don't want to disturb you anymore, so..."

Before Ye Yu’s leaving words came out, he was interrupted by Zong Dong: “Brother Ye don’t care about this. The Zong family has been busy recently because they have to collect the share of the Pingcheng Gujiao. This time, because of the stimulation of the saints, those big The teaching capital has added a lot of tribute to the following forces. Our clan has more than doubled this year, so we are busy with this!"

"But... the Zong family will raise all the money immediately, and it won't be so busy soon!"

Zong Dongyi was very optimistic, and the Zong family thought so, until a group of people came to the door!

The Ma family, one of the eight great families, belonged to the same city as the Zong family, with one north and one south, and each controlled half of the city. But it is precisely because of this that the two families have been in constant friction, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a feud.

At this time, the Ma family came to the door, and the Zong family looked like enemies.

It is not uncommon for the direct children of the two families to meet and fight. At this time, the Patriarch of the Ma Family came directly to the Zong Family, which would naturally not be a good thing.

The result was exactly what they expected: "This time we will pay tribute to the Heisei Ancient Church. Our Ma family suggested, how about the Xuan Bingxue Chrysanthemum that your clan took out and handed it over to the Heisei Ancient Church?"

In a word, the Zong family glared at him.

Xuan Bingxueju, this is the treasure of their clan. The cultivation of the clan family is based on this snow chrysanthemum, and the techniques created by the ancestors of the clan clan back then were also created by Xuan Bing Xue chrysanthemum.

In other words, there is no Xuanbingxueju. The Zong family can't even maintain their practice, this kind of treasure is their lifeblood. Without Xuan Bingxueju, their clan's path of cultivation was cut off.

The Ma family and the Zong family have fought for many years, would they not know? So... this time he said such words, just want to die endlessly.

"Why don't you take out your Immaculate Ice?"

The meaning of Wu Gu Han Bing to the Ma family is the same as the meaning of Xuan Bing Xue Ju to the Zong family. The ancestors of these two families got these two treasures from one place, and then they each depended on this treasure to become the pinnacle of the law. The strong have built a thousand-year-old family.

"Zong Shixin, this is for your own good, don't know how to praise!" Ma Family Patriarch said.

"You should be worried about you. You ran to my clan's turf and wanted to break the foundation of my clan. Do you think we would worry about the two families going to war and dare not cut your head?"

Patriarch Ma shook his head and said, "I came here to take your Xuanbingxueju as a tribute. You have to give it or not!"

"In the ranking of aristocratic families, our clan is one place higher than your Ma family!" Zong Shixin said.


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