Go Back In Time To Be Rich

Chapter 813: smash down

Zheng Shan and the others are all in the VIP customer room, where the following scene can be seen.

Some people fainted because they couldn't stand such a big stimulus, while others went crazy.

All kinds of strange things are happening here.

And Zheng Shan also knows that this is only a small part of it now, or that this is just the beginning.

Even at this point, there are still people who are taking chances, and Zheng Shan doesn't know what to say.

Or it's not a fluke, but they can't afford to lose.

Zheng Shan watched while arranging work.

He came here, of course, not to see the "scenery", it should be said that it is not entirely, he also has his own things to do.

"What happened next?" The fifth asked suddenly.

Zheng Shan read a sentence, and then saw a group of people who were not easy to mess with rushed in, and then quickly found the target.

I don't know what I'm talking about, anyway, the target was dragged away by these people.

Looking at the miserable appearance of the target yelling, many people subconsciously took a few steps back.

In the same way, such a scene did not just happen once, but it happened countless times after that.

"It's probably borrowed from usury." Zheng Shan said casually.

You must know that just a few days ago, the Japanese started to borrow money from the bank to speculate in stocks and real estate, and then they felt unsatisfied and unsatisfied with this little income, they began to borrow various usury loans.

From this, you can also see how crazy the Japanese economy was at that time.

You must know that at that time, various banks in Japan have already released loans. Let’s put it this way, as long as you go for a loan and say you are buying a house or speculating in stocks, you don’t even need any review, and you can get the loan directly.

Even so, some people are not satisfied and want to lend more money and earn more.

So they began to look to usury.

That is to say, during that time, or before that, the rise in real estate and stock market assets far exceeded the interest of usury.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's crazy." The fifth heard the words tut tut.

Zheng Shan said with a smile: "These people have been confused by the previous situation of the stock market and real estate."

"By the way, is your money gone?" Zheng Shan suddenly thought of the fifth.

The old fifth said indifferently: "If it's gone, it's gone, and I'm not losing money in general. I got my capital back before, and now all I use to invest is the money I earn."

Looking at the free and easy appearance of the fifth, Zheng Shan was really surprised.

"Don't look at me like this, I have already adjusted my mentality. If you look at me like this again, I will feel distressed." The old five gave Zheng Shan a blank look.

Of course, she was also a little distressed. It was not a matter of more money and less money, but the loss of money, which was very uncomfortable for her.

After chatting with the fifth one for a while, Zheng Shan didn't care about the following things, and focused on the most important things.

"Boss, the new day line has fallen by 3%." Someone reported.

Nippon Line, the largest steel company in Japan, is also one of the largest steel companies in the world.

The technology it masters leads the world, especially in some iron and steel smelting, automobile pressing plate and other technologies, it has the international leading level.

From the very beginning, the domestic Baosteel Group cooperated with Japan Steel Corporation in order to be able to learn these technologies.

Zheng Shan did not forget that he also has a steel factory, which is a steel factory that cooperates with WISCO.

Of course, the main reason for Zheng Shan to focus on the Xinri Line is not for this steel plant. After all, although this iron and steel plant is developing well, it is still far behind the industries under Zheng Shan.

The main purpose of Zhengshan is to supplement the corresponding domestic technology and improve the domestic level in this regard.

In addition, if Zheng Shan can obtain these technologies, then his steel plant will naturally develop rapidly.

Let's put it this way, as long as Zheng Shan gets these technologies, his steel mill country will definitely support it immediately.

At that time, it may even be able to compare with Wuhan Iron and Steel.

"Smash down half of the shares in our hands." Zheng Shan commanded in a deep voice.

Zheng Shan still left two or three billion US dollars in assets in the Japanese stock market, and until now, Zheng Shan has not withdrawn.

The reason is this, although the big environment is here, the stocks, market value and so on of the companies with ideas in the new day line have also fallen rapidly.

But whoever makes Zheng Shan value are those companies with top technology.

Although they have been affected by these years, their development has been restricted, and even some retrogression has been carried out.

But there is no doubt that as long as they are given time, they can recover as quickly as possible.

Not for anything else, but because of the technology in their hands.

What Zheng Shan needs to do is to use the stocks he currently holds to suppress the market value of these companies he values ​​to the lowest level.

It even cooperated with some banks and the like to force these companies to sell their shares or sell their technology.

Of course, the best way is for Zheng Shan to directly invest in it, but it is not what Zheng Shan wants to see if it is only a little bit.

Following Zheng Shan's order, many people immediately discovered that the stock price of New Sun Line was falling madly.

Countless selling orders have been thrown out, but no one can afford it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The people from the new day line are also paying attention to these. Although they are nervous to death, they are powerless.

They can only watch their stock prices plummet in a frenzy.

Don't think that the stock prices of their businesses are not important. You must know that 99% of the world's companies owe money to banks.

And the collateral that these companies borrow from the bank, in addition to some fixed assets and technical assets of the company, is the stock in their own hands.

Once the stock value is too low, then the bank will not give them any sympathy.

In the afternoon, Zheng Shan asked Robert to come over. Robert was also in the exchange, but he was not with Zheng Shan.

After all, what Zheng Shan came to deal with was company secrets, and even if Robert didn't wink, he couldn't stay here at this time.

And Robert is not without his own things to do.

"How is the new sun line?" Zheng Shan didn't say anything specific, but he believed that Robert would definitely understand what he meant.

Sure enough, Robert's eyes flickered, and then he asked, "How many shares of them do you have?"

No need to say more, Robert thought of the abnormal stock price plummet of the new day line today, and understood that Zheng Shan must be doing something.

Zheng Shandao: "Not a lot, but not too little."

Zheng Shan didn't say anything specific, and Robert didn't ask any more. He thought about it and said, "Give us a little time. New Sun Line is not an ordinary company. There is a lot of preparation work that needs to be done."

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