One's birth determines one's knowledge.

Knowledge allows a person to always make the most correct choice when facing things.

For example, now Jiang Tuo was sure that he would become Fang Mu's subordinate, and after seeing Fang Mu, he directly bowed to Fang Mu.

Said to Fang Mu with a very serious expression.

"Thank you very much for your help, sir!"

"Thank you for giving my natal Beast Familiar Ice Drill a chance to survive!"

"From now on, I will pledge my allegiance to you as a servant, and strive to integrate into your power and become a part of it!"

Jiang Tuo's words stunned Jiang Weng, who had brought Jiang Tuo up since childhood, and Qin Shao, who was beside him.

Jiang Weng watched Jiang Tuo grow up, and it was the first time Jiang Weng discovered that Jiang Tuo had such a side!

Qin Shao looked at Jiang Tuo twice, Jiang Weng must have told Jiang Tuo about the current situation.

After meeting Fang Mu, Jiang Tuo did not confirm Fang Mu's promise again, but directly swore his allegiance.

He is so smart at a young age and knows how to choose his own interests. Smart people are always more likely to succeed than stupid people.

When Qin Shao was training his subordinates, he valued the wisdom of this subordinate more than his talent.

Wisdom can multiply its own strength at certain critical moments!

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows listening to Jiang Tuo's words.

Fang Mu also likes smart people very much, and dealing with smart people is often not too tiring.

Fang Mu stepped forward to help Jiang Tuo up from the ground, looking into Jiang Tuo's eyes and said with a smile.

"Now I give you two choices. The first one is that I will give you some ice element potions first, and you stay in Panfeng Royal Court to absorb these ice element potions, so as to make the ice mandrill fully develop."

"The second is to enter the ancient battlefield together with me, and then absorb the ice element potion after coming out of the ancient battlefield."

"I will also help you complete the fusion with the ice mandrill!"

Fang Mu gave Jiang Tuo two choices with great meaning.

Fang Mu didn't care which one Jiang Tuo would choose between the two choices.

Even if Fang Mu gave Jiang Tuobing element medicine, he would not give too much.

These ice element medicines are far from enough to solve the problem of the ice mandrill, so Fang Mu is not afraid that Jiang Tuo will run away after getting the medicine.

Right now, the servant soul ant queen is still sleeping, unable to give birth to new soul ant heirs.

Fang Mu would definitely have to wait until he finished exploring the ancient battlefield before he could take out the soul-absorbing ant heir to control Jiang Tuo and Jiang Weng.

In two lifetimes, Fang Mu understands the complexity of people's hearts best.

Except for his own close relatives, Fang Mu will not easily trust others when Fang Mu has a secret.

Therefore, the control of the soul with the soul ants is the best guarantee for the loyalty of subordinates.

Faced with these subordinates parasitized in the soul by the parasitic ants, Fang Mu is more willing to provide them with the resources he has.

If Jiang Tuo chooses one, it means that Jiang Tuo is only a little clever.

He said beautiful words on his mouth, but he was still anxious to solve the situation of his own beast.

If Jiang Tuo makes the second choice, it shows that Jiang Tuo is really smart, and at the same time knows how to be a good subordinate.

When Jiang Tuo heard Fang Mu's words, he subconsciously wanted to stay in the royal court of Panfeng and use the high-purity ice element medicine to solve the problem of his natal beast.

But then he thought that he was Fang Mu's subordinate now.

Fang Mu is going to explore the ancient battlefield, so why not accompany him as his subordinate! ?

Although I don't have much fighting power, my grandfather is indeed a strong man.

I followed the person in front of me to explore a large-scale ancient battlefield, which can be regarded as a major experience together.

This kind of event can deepen the bond between each other.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tuo hurriedly said.

"Sir, I'd better follow you to the ancient battlefield with Grandpa!"

"Even if I can't help you when something happens, I can still protect you sir through my body!"

Hearing this, Fang Mu glanced at Jiang Tuo appreciatively, took out two bottles of ice element medicine with a purity of 94%, and put them in Jiang Tuo's hands.

He said it seriously to Jiang Tuo.

"It's time to set off to enter the large ancient battlefield. You should absorb these two bottles of ice element medicine first."

"Save that after entering the ancient battlefield, the body will have adverse reactions due to the natal beast."

"The two of you should stay in the royal court first, and join us after entering the ancient battlefield."

Fang Mu took out two bottles of ice element potion with a purity of 94% and handed them to Jiang Tuo, allowing Jiang Weng to see Fang Mu's attitude.

He was also convinced of the authenticity of Fang Mu's words.

If Fang Mu lied in the slightest before, it would be impossible for Jiang Tuo to take out the ice element potion now.

The big stone in Jiang Weng's heart fell to the ground completely.

Fang Mu, Qin Shao and Jin Ya left the city again very low-key.

Right now, all major forces are gathering at the entrance of the Luanyue family's old house.

Void Beast Witch Meng Sha brought two Heroic Spirit Witches and an Detective Witch into the old house of the Luanyue family with her chest up and her head up, under the watchful eyes of the members of the forces.

Soon the Witch School will get the contents of the first six pages of the ancient book.

With the content of the first six pages of the ancient book, the Witch School can take the lead and take advantage of other forces.

It is impossible for the Witch School not to hand over the first six pages of ancient books, but other forces are still willing to pay for some benefits in order to obtain ancient books in advance.

At this moment, the green eyes of the hunting witch, who was walking at the end, narrowed slightly.

Although the Chase Witch does not control Void Beasts and Heroic Spirits, she has a high status in the Witch School.

The figure of the Witch Hunting is indispensable in any action team.

Luna is a member of the witch hunt "Divination December", code-named "July Cave Listening".

After Luna entered the old house of the Luanyue family, she found that all the life forms in the old house were gathered in the same area.

And the heart sounds of these living beings are extremely normal without any abnormalities, as if nothing tense is about to happen.

Whether it is the Zhenyan family or the Luanyue family, they are all fish on the chopping board now.

No matter how big the hearts of the people of these two families are, their heart sounds should not be normal!

Thinking of this, Luna snapped her fingers, and a pure white snowy owl with long ears appeared in front of Luna.

Sensing that Luna had summoned the royal beast, Meng Sha and the two Heroic Witches Qiqi turned their heads and frowned at Luna.

It can be seen that the three want to get an explanation from Luna.

You must know that the members of the major forces standing at the door can perceive the summoned beast on your side.

At that time, he will inevitably be questioned by other forces and have to explain.

One thing more is worse than one thing less. Even the Witch School should try to avoid being the target of public criticism at this time.

Luna directed the white snowy owl beside her to raise her long ears to listen, and explained what she had just detected before she spoke.

"According to the situation I just detected, I think it is necessary for Di Ting Snowy Owl to confirm the situation again."

"I think the Zhenyan family and the Luanyue family are abnormal, and we must prepare for it in advance!"

Because of the particularity of her functions, the Witch Detective must remain vigilant for a long time.

Only in a state of high vigilance can the detective witch be able to control and analyze the situation in detail as the vanguard of the team.

Luna's abilities are clear to Meng Sha and the other two Heroic Witches.

Detecting the heart sound is not only the ability to listen to the snowy owl, Luna's natal beast also exists for detection.

If it is as Luna said, then the Zhenyan family and the Luanyue family are indeed abnormal!

Before Meng Sha could make a decision, Luna frowned and continued.

"Not only did the heart sound not become faster because of anxiety, but it was a little slower than normal."

"This is a heart sound that can only be produced by a person in an extremely calm state."

Hearing Luna's story, eight tentacles suddenly drilled out from under Mengsha's robe.

These eight tentacles pushed towards the ground suddenly, causing Meng Sha to rush towards the attic where the population gathered like a cannonball.

Either way, finding talent first is the key!

With the abilities of the Luanyue family and the Zhenyan family, it is impossible to perform any tricks that are difficult to solve.

When she reached the vicinity of the attic, Meng Sha could already feel the breath coming from inside the attic.

At the moment when Meng Sha was about to crash into the attic, Meng Sha and Luna's expressions froze at the same time.

Because the two discovered that all the breath of life in the attic disappeared in an instant!

The tentacles directly drilled through the wall of the attic, tearing a big hole in the wall embedded with radium-uranium steel.

Meng Sha saw that there was no one in the attic, and the half-drunk tea on the table was still steaming.

After a brief accident and anger, Meng Sha's hairs suddenly stood on end.

If the Zhenyan family and the Luanyue family suddenly disappeared, then the Witch School would really have no way to explain to other forces outside!

All the forces will think that the Witch School solved the Zhenyan family and the Luanyue family and secretly took the first six pages of the ancient book as their own.

This is a scapegoat that the Witch School cannot bear!

But as long as the first six pages of the ancient book are not handed over, it is impossible to get rid of this scapegoat.

But where can the Witch School go to find the contents of the first six pages of the ancient book! ?

While Meng Sha was thinking about the situation gloomyly, Luna and the other two Heroic Witches also rushed over.

The two Heroic Witches had a bad feeling when Luna said that the breath of life in the attic had completely disappeared.

Looking at the empty attic, the two heroic witches immediately set off to search the old house of the Luanyue family.

The two heroic witches knew that time was running out, so they didn't go to investigate the things in the Luanyue family's old house.

Just to find out if there are still people in the old house of the Luanyue family.

As long as one of the servants of the Luanyue family can be found, it can also prove for the Witch School!

If the Witch School wanted to own the first six pages of the ancient book, it would definitely be impossible to keep them alive.

After some investigation, the two heroic witches felt very troubled.

In the old house of the Luanyue family, even the servants have been transferred!

The two heroic witches who had no results returned to the attic and told Meng Sha the results of the investigation.

Meng Sha and Luna looked at the time. At this time, the Witch School should have obtained the first six pages of the ancient book and left the old house of the Luanyue family.

In a few minutes, those forces outside will definitely come in when they see that the Witch School has not gone out.

Instead of waiting here to be liquidated by other forces, the Witch School might as well take advantage of the chaos and hide.

Hiding it is tantamount to confirming that the contents of the first six pages of the ancient book were taken away by the Witch School.

But if you don't hide it, it will be the same result.

The situation is stronger than people, and things have developed to the point where the Witch School can only choose their own interests.

Instead of waiting here like a fool!

Meng Sha took a deep breath and made her own decision.

The detective witch Luna couldn't help but speak.

"I don't think we need to hide and escape. I can try to visualize the scene within 20 minutes after the person arrives."

"Although this consumes a lot of money for me, it can prove the innocence of our Witch School!"

Hearing Luna's words, Meng Sha shook her head decisively.

"Luna, I'm not doubting your ability, your ability is obvious to all of us, and we know that you can go back to the scene."

"But regardless of whether other forces will give you the opportunity to go back to the scene, we still don't know how the other party escaped."

"The strength of the person who can plan this action must be extraordinary. Your ability to go back to the scene will be distorted if there are people stronger than you in the scene."

"Let's go, if you don't hide now and take advantage of the chaos to leave the old house of the Luanyue family, our Witch School will have no chance!"

Luna heard the words and stopped insisting, and hid with Meng Sha and the two heroic witches.

In less than ten minutes, people from all major forces entered the old house of the Luanyue family.

The leaders of the major forces all had very gloomy expressions.

Not only did the people from the Witch School not return after they came in, but after investigating the Zhenyan family, the people from the Luanyue family and the Witch School disappeared together!

The leaders of the major forces responded immediately, and surrounded the old house of the Luanyue family with layers of people in the forces.

The Witch School didn't have the power to choose to stay at the door before it was too late, and they were afraid that if they came in late, they wouldn't be able to get a share of the pie.

If all of this was designed by the Witch School, the members of the Witch School would have already run out while taking advantage of the chaos.

The leaders of the major forces present are all well-known figures.

Dr. Body Refining of the Eternal Life Alchemy Association, Green Magician, one of the "Eight Evil Species" sprouted in ancient times, and Mr. Zi of the Evil Heart Sect, are all figures as famous as the Void Beast Witch!

Now they are all played by Meng Sha!

The Green Magician's body is covered with cards, and these cards surround the Green Magician.

"I don't believe that with so many forces present, no one found the figures of the Witch School!"

"Even if the Witch School wants to take advantage of the chaos to break through, it will leave traces!"

"I propose to find these traces immediately, so as to determine the location of the Witch School!"

The middle-aged woman who was the leader of Poison Gu Villa punched the stone pillar beside her.

A large number of Gu worms covered the stone pillar the moment the fist just touched it, turning the stone pillar into fly ash abruptly.

"Each force sent a man to form a joint team to check what is still in the old house of the Luanyue family."

"Maybe people from the Zhenyan family backed up the contents of the first six pages of that ancient book!"

The words of the leading middle-aged woman in Poison Gu Villa caused a change in the eyes of the leaders of many forces.

Right now, this can be said to be an impossible solution!

In less than 20 minutes, the members of the witch school could not have searched the old house of the Luanyue family from the inside to the outside even if there was a witch hunted down.

The leaders of the major forces all know that it is a waste of time for the various forces to form a joint team to explore the old house with one person.

But this is also a way out of nowhere.

The major forces don't trust each other, and this incident has reduced the trust between the major forces to a minimum.

Any force that does not participate in it will not be at ease.

At this time, Shu Liangjun, the Zhenyan family and the Luanyue family were all transferred to the ingenious bunker.

Fortunately, the space in the ingenious bunker is large enough.

Coupled with the devouring of a large number of spirit weapon fragments and various metal spirit materials during this period, the strength of the ingenious bunker has once again increased.

The internal area has also become larger on the original basis, with an area of ​​500 square meters on the first and second floors.

At this time, Fang Mu had already found a sand dune outside the city that could block the wind, summoned the belly worm, and stepped into the ingenious bunker.

Fang Mu knew that at this time, Shu Liangjun had already moved with someone.

Unexpectedly, Gu Anxing would cheat the Witch School severely before the transfer.

Gu Anxing's behavior did not affect his plan. Instead, he threw everything on the Witch School and asked the Witch School to help bear the pressure.

Without the content of the first six pages of the ancient book, plus many maps in the ancient book copied by Shui Miao are real.

It's just that the front map is put behind.

It is very likely that because of Gu Anxing's arrangement, the Zhenyan family will not immediately become the target of public criticism.

As long as the Zhenyan family and the Luanyue family don't show up for a day, the suspicion of the Witch School will not be cleared for a day.

Thinking about it, Yanfeng City is already in chaos.

Fang Mu communicated the situation to Liu Xi through the contract, so that Liu Xi could prepare early.

Liu Xi also dispatched core members of the Qing Dian family to guard outside the old house of the Luan Yue family.

In order to show that the Qing Dian family attached great importance to this matter, Liu Xi directly arranged for three elders.

In this way, after the people from the Zhenyan family and the Luanyue family disappeared, Liu Xi could explain to the major beast powers.

Let the major beast-following forces put their anger on the people of the Witch School.

As soon as Liu Xi received Fang Mu's news, people from the Beast Familiar Force had already found Liu Xi.

The major beast-following forces have also planted eyeliners in Yanfeng City.

All the major beast-monitoring forces became angry.

If it is not inconvenient to show up in Yanfeng City, I am afraid that the major beast-following forces have already formed a group to arrest the four witches of the Witch School!

At this time, Jiaofeng, the great elder of the Jiaosnake clan, was also in the royal court of Panfeng.

After hearing the news, for some reason, Fang Mu's face suddenly flashed in his mind.

Jiaofeng had a premonition that this incident was very likely to be related to the boy named Yan Luo he had traded with.

Even though he thought so in his heart, Jiao Feng would not say it out loud.

First of all, he had already led the White Snake Clan to betray the Beast Familiar, and revealed the purpose of this trip.

Secondly, the young man named Yan Luo controls the continuation of the Jiao Snake clan.

I have obtained great benefits from the young man named Yan Luo, and I am still waiting to make a deal with Yan Luo again!

If it is really confirmed that Yan Luo did this, Jiaofeng will try his best to help Yan Luo cover it up.

Prevent being targeted by other beast-monitoring forces!

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