Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 327: Court of True Knowledge and Radiant Angels!

Summoning a beast in the world of the beast master represents a confrontational attitude.

Especially when exploring in the wild, if both parties summoned the imperial beast when the two parties collided, it meant that both parties had plans to fight.

Now even one-third of this large ancient battlefield has not been explored.

Once a fierce battle takes place here, the aftermath of the battle will inevitably attract other forces.

This is not in line with the plan of his group.

With Shui Miao, Qin Shao, and Shu Liangjun ready, the summoning of the imperial beast can be completed in an instant.

Besides, the strength of a six-pointed star beast master through the ghost weapon is not much worse than that of summoning a beast!

Jin Ya has the least sense of presence among Fang Mu and his party.

Firstly, because three of the group were elders, Jin Ya couldn't get in the way.

Secondly, Fang Mu is the absolute core of the team. Qin Shao, Shu Liangjun, and Shui Miao have always been around Fang Mu.

But this does not mean that Jin Ya has no talent and is a bastard.

On the contrary, Jin Ya is the real proud daughter of heaven!

Sensing the purity of the energy of the light element gushing out from behind these undead, Jin Ya said softly.

"Although undead, a kind of life formed by the accumulation of dead energy, is supposed to restrain life energy, light elemental energy has a far stronger damage effect on undead than life energy!"

"This is also the main reason why scholars classify undead-type beasts as dark-type beasts!"

"The other party can release such pure light elemental energy, or the ability of the imperial beast has been amplified by using high-purity light elemental potion."

"Either the other party has contracted a light attribute angel beast!"

Hearing Jin Ya's analysis, Fang Mu raised his eyebrows.

Fang Mu didn't think about the angelic beast at all, because Fang Mu was very unfamiliar with the angelic beast.

Coupled with the fact that angel beasts are very uncommon, Fang Mu doesn't have much idea about angel beasts.

But since Jin Ya said so, there must be Jin Ya's basis.

I can play the role of the founding master, but no matter how I look at it, I am not as good as Jin Ya in terms of mastery of knowledge!

The foundation of knowledge is exactly what Fang Mu will focus on strengthening in the future.

This is why Fang Mu has not given up the habit of reading until now.

Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun knew that Jin Ya was an official member of the Star Wheel representing the authority of Gemini, and they never underestimated Jin Ya.

Both Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun agreed with Jin Ya's words.

It is for this reason that Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun took out the ghost weapon.

Angel beasts are not so easy to cultivate, and the opponent can control an angel beast to sweep here at such a fast speed.

It shows that the other party must have come prepared!

Some of these undead ran to the direction where Fang Mu was, and all of these undead were dealt with by the Juyang clam held in Fang Mu's hand.

And the rest of the undead ran into the corridor on the other side.

After the undead ran out of this corridor, a group of people appeared in front of Fang Mu and others.

The team wore white robes with scrolls and clocks embroidered with gold thread.

This group of people obviously changed their appearance before entering the ancient battlefield.

Fang Mu deliberately observed the forces that appeared at the party of the Panfeng royal court, and there was absolutely no one dressed like this in front of him!

Suddenly Fang Mu remembered that when the scavenger saw a tantric book about the establishment of forces, a force was mentioned in the tantra.

This force is marked by scrolls and clocks!

This force is called "Trinity of True Knowledge".

The court of true knowledge happens to be famous for its angel beasts. Only members who possess angel beasts can be called official members of the court of true knowledge and participate in the council of the court of true knowledge.

Those who don't have angel beasts, no matter how strong they are, are just extra members of the court of true knowledge.

While Fang Mu was observing this group of people, the people from Zhenzhiduting were also observing the people on Fang Mu's side.

Five extremely mediocre people were able to rush here ahead of themselves and the others, and they didn't leave any traces of fighting on their bodies.

It shows that this group of people is extremely powerful!

The dangers within this large ancient battlefield did not harm the group.

The ultimate goal of this group of people is probably the same as their own, which is to compete for the ruins.

Because of the overlap of goals, the group in front of them is destined to be the enemy of the Zhenzhi family.

It's just that at this time, it's not convenient for me to wait for others to fight against this group of people.

Once the advantage of the True Wisdom Family is lost.

It is the secret of Zhenzhi Duting that aura can promote the transformation of angel beasts.

Wang Xu personally led the team as one of the twelve archangels of the Court of True Knowledge.

The purpose is to find more beasts that can generate aura before scrambling for the ruins.

Then bring these beasts that can generate aura back to the court of true knowledge.

A holy chief referee of the Court of True Knowledge is about to die, and the vacant seat of the chief referee will be chosen from among the twelve archangels.

If you can't even take back a beast that produces aura, the opportunity that Wang Xu finally won this time will become Wang Xu's entanglement and affect Wang Xu's status in the Court of True Knowledge!

Thinking about it, as long as the other party is not a fool, he must have the same concerns as himself.

Thinking of this, Wang Xu coughed lightly and spoke first.

"I don't know which faction the friend on the other side comes from!?"

"Your Majesty, Wang Xu, is right!"

As one of the twelve archangels of the Court of True Knowledge, Wang Xu's attitude can be said to be extremely low.

Seeing that Fang Mu and his group didn't summon the Royal Beast, Wang Xu had already given himself face.

So he returned the face, forming this two-way show of favor.

Shu Liangjun, Shui Miao, and Qin Shao all come from different forces, and each of them has a famous name.

But it is obviously inappropriate for Shui Miao, Shu Liangjun, and Qin Shao to report their influence.

It is impossible for everyone to use their power to represent others.

This game was created by Fang Mutuan, so it is undoubtedly most appropriate for Fang Mu to use his own power to make a statement!

In addition, Fang Mu also has plans to build up power.

When Jiang Weng asked which force he came from before, it established Fang Mu's idea of ​​wanting to establish a force.

Fang Mu, who had just come up with an idea at the time, did not choose to make up a name for a faction.

Now Fang Mu felt that it was necessary to make up one!

Let the name of your power spread here!

"We come from the Boundless Tower, and I am Yan Luo, one of the Boundless Twin Envoys!"

Fang Mu, who blurted out the name of the force he just made up, was extremely embarrassed in his heart.

His toes had already dug out three rooms and one living room in the ground, but there was a hint of arrogance on his face.

It was as if he didn't take Zhenzhiting in his eyes.

Fang Mu secretly sighed in his heart.

The feeling of this kind of registration number is no different from wearing women's clothing and shouting ba la la energy under the gaze of the square dance aunt.

They are all the same society!

But the powerhouses in the world of beasts still really eat this trick!

Fang Mu said the name of his power and his identity almost without a pause, but when he said it, Fang Mu had many thoughts in his heart.

In the end, Fang Mu chose the latter among the two ideas of the Well of God and the Infinite Tower.

Although Fang Mu has the current resources mainly because of the abundance of blood.

However, the innate supernatural power [Ragnarok] obtained by the Shadow of the Fool's promotion to the perfect quality directly negates the concept of God.

So it is not appropriate to call it the Well of God!

Infinity is vast and boundless, which represents Fang Mu's expectations for the future of his natal beast and power.

The limitless is always stronger than the limitless.

The tall tower is that Fang Mu wants to stand on the top of Ling Jue in this life, and see the smallness of everything.

This is not in vain to live an extra life!

Originally, Fang Mu didn't want to come up with the title of Infinite Dual Envoy, but when Wang Xu introduced himself, he specially emphasized that he was one of the twelve archangels of the Court of True Knowledge.

In this case, if you don't declare yourself a name, it is tantamount to a kind of contempt for Wang Xu.

Fang Mu now has three identities, the original identity Fang Mu, Qixing's disciple Jian Mu, and Yan Luo, who has only played a few battles on Battle.net and has not officially debuted yet.

Fang Mu thought to himself, it's better to just let Fang Mu be the Lord of Infinity, and Jianmu and Yan Luo each occupy a seat of Infinity Shuangshi.

Let Fang Mu's three identities trinity occupy the core of the infinite tower.

Wang Xu frowned when he heard the name of the Tower of Infinity, with a pensive expression on his face.

After a while, Wang Xu was sure that he didn't have any impression of the power of the Tower of Infinity, and it was definitely the first time he heard of it!

Wang Xu has never even heard of the name of the power of the Infinite Tower, let alone the Infinite Dual Envoys.

But Wang Xu did not show the slightest contempt.

Wang Xu has already confirmed that the group in front of him definitely comes from a hidden and powerful force.

This faction is so secretive that it has not left any legends in the main world!

There are only two possibilities for this to happen.

One is that this force has no desires and needs, and its members hardly walk in the world.

But this faction has joined the exploration of the large ancient battlefield, so the first guess may not be true.

The second is that all people who understand this force have been eliminated by this force, and only in this way can the secret of this force be kept.

Thinking of this, Wang Xu's heart tightened.

Wang Xu is not a person who likes to make up his mind. On the contrary, as a high-level executive of a big force, Wang Xu prefers to use force to solve problems than use his brain.

However, the Juyang clam held in Fang Mu's hand, the two ghost weapons, and the speed of exploring this place made Wang Xu have to work hard to figure it out.

Seeing the expression on Wang Xu's face, Fang Mu was sure that there would be no conflict between the two parties.

To be honest, Fang Mu just announced the establishment of the Boundless Tower, which is not a grassroots team.

There are square logs in the infinite tower, which is equivalent to having at least six or more creation masters.

It satisfies the resource gap of all the creators of a faction, and can also have a large surplus.

In addition to Fang Mu, there is also a master creator and Jiang Weng, a master of forging spirits.

A spirit forging master can continuously forge spiritual weapons for the infinite tower, even ghost weapons.

The Boundless Tower has high-end resources that are unmatched by other forces. In terms of force, Liu Xi, who is an earth evil spirit, can carry the banner of the Boundless Tower.

Let the Boundless Tower have a prototype that can rival the top forces as soon as it is established!

Qin Shao, Shui Miao, and Shu Liangjun were the first to hear Fang Mu mention the Tower of Infinity.

The three of them knew the identity of Fang Mu Qixing's disciple.

Every word and deed of a disciple who created a master represents the dignity of the master.

Therefore, it is impossible for Fang Mu to make up random facts about the power he belongs to.

This shows that Fang Mu's claim that he was born from the Tower of Infinity is true!

I just don't know whether this force called the Tower of Infinity is a force that Qixing joined or a force that built it!

In the past few decades, Shu Liangjun has been thinking about how to improve his longevity, and has not spent much time on other things.

After hearing the name of the Tower of Infinity, I didn't feel much in my heart.

But Shui Miao and Qin Shao are different.

Qin Shao is the actual controller of the Brilliant Clan, and Qin Shao can be sure that the Brilliant Clan doesn't have any records about the Tower of Infinity.

As the head of the twelve pavilions, Shui Miao is the head of intelligence, and what he does is to collect intelligence.

The Twelve Pavilions even have channels to find out the internal situation of the Federation of Nations, but they have never heard of the Boundless Tower.

This gave Shui Miao a strange feeling in his heart.

Shui Miao decided to wait until she returned to the Twelve Pavilions, and then take care of the responsibilities of the twelve sub-Tevil Pavilion Masters.

It seems that the intelligence collection work of the Twelve Pavilions is still not in place!

Seeing that Wang Xu didn't speak for half a minute, Fang Mu said loudly.

"This ancient battlefield has a large area, and everything must be said first come first served."

"We chose this road, and there are several other roads beside it that can be reserved for the court of true knowledge!"

Fang Mu's words made the faces of several members of the True Knowledge Court behind Wang Xu turn cold.

But since Wang Xu didn't speak, it's not easy for these members of the true knowledge family to intervene.

Not all people have the pattern and insight, and not all people can distinguish between good and bad.

These people only felt that Fang Mu's words were somewhat contemptuous of Zhenzhi Duting.

Wang Xu instinctively felt that the road in front of him was the best choice.

But in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, Wang Xu still said it.

"Of course there is no problem!"

"It's human nature to come first and then arrive. Let's choose the next road to explore."

"Brother Yan, do you think there is something wrong with the content of the ancient books provided by the Zhenyan family!?"

"Until now, I have not been able to match the situation of the ancient books with the current environment!"

On the one hand, Wang Xu said these words to increase the distance between him and Fang Mu, and on the other hand, he was indeed complaining.

Fang Mu smiled lightly when he heard the words, Wang Xu is dishonest!

It is human nature to come first, first come first, this is empty talk.

If his own strength is weak, Wang Xu will definitely not waste his tongue if he can do it directly!

As for not being able to match the situation of the ancient books with the current environment, that's normal!

If you can match the number, wouldn't Ah Shui have been busy for three days in vain! ?

Wang Xu will not complain for no reason, there must be something else waiting for him.

"I don't know if there are any problems. We didn't check the content of the ancient books, and we crossed the river by feeling the stones."

"I don't know if the Qing Dian family knows the content of the first six pages of the ancient book!?"

"People from the Witch School took away the first six pages of the ancient book, the Qing Dian family must not let people from the Witch School get in!"

Fang Mu mentioned the Qing Dian family twice, but he had nothing good to say.

In Wang Xu's eyes, Fang Mu probably has deep dissatisfaction with the Qing Dian family.

It also let Wang Xu probably know why Fang Mu and his group came here before he and others.

To know that your Angel Beast has the ability to perceive special death energy, you can roughly deduce the direction of other era relics by analyzing the death energy on the relics of the era.

Most of Fang Mu and his group knew that the Witch School had snatched the first six pages of the ancient book, so they couldn't know the first six pages of the ancient book.

Immediately set off to wait outside the ancient battlefield.

They were the first group of people to enter the ancient battlefield!

Otherwise, they would not have known that the Qing Dian family did not participate in the exploration of the ancient battlefield, and was only responsible for rescue.

In order to show his goodwill to Fang Mu, Wang Xu told Fang Mu the situation and then invited him over.

"I think you also plan to explore the ruins, why don't we form an alliance to help each other when exploring the ruins."

"This will allow us to gain more benefits!"

"When it comes time for both of us to compete for interests, everyone will rely on their own abilities!"

"I don't know what to do!?"

Wang Xu's invitation to Fangmu is a standard template for major forces to enter the ancient battlefield to explore the ruins.

Fang Mu didn't expect Zhenzhi Duting to help him when exploring the ruins.

But one more verbal ally is not a bad thing after all.

Zhenzhi Duting gave himself this path very much to save face, and he had to show something anyway.

"Our Tower of Infinity never likes verbal allies, our Tower of Infinity likes sincere allies."

Having said that, Fang Mu turned around and walked deep along the established route.

A young man who followed behind Wang Xu asked in an old voice.

"Archangel, we originally planned to explore this road, are we really going to give up this road!?"

Wang Xu frowned and said.

"We don't need to conflict with hidden forces like the Infinite Tower, which will waste our time searching for resources."

"Follow the guidance of the Radiant Angel, let's go this way!"

While leading the way, Wang Xu wondered what Fang Mu's words meant just now.

Our Boundless Tower only likes true allies, but who can trust whom in the ancient battlefield! ?


A large dark green cloak covered four petite figures, and these four petite figures were avoiding other forces and constantly groping forward.

A somewhat hesitant voice came from behind the dark green robed figure.

"Meng Sha, do you think we sneaked in too smoothly!?"

"There are sequence powerhouses in the Qing Dian family, and these sequence powerhouses have summoned the Beast Familiar, so it shouldn't be impossible to detect our existence!"

"I always feel that they are tacitly allowing us to enter!"

Luna's pretty brows were tightly frowned, but the wide dark green robe made it impossible to see the expression on Luna's face.

The figure leading the way at the front slowed down a bit after hearing the words, but then said indifferently.

"The Qing Dian family is not worthy of our attention!"

"Even if they found us, do they still have the ability to control us!?"

Neither Meng Sha, the Void Beast Witch, nor Luna, who was the Witch of the Investigator, noticed when they spoke.

Behind him, a delicate pink poppy bloomed in mid-air!

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