Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 330 Fang Mu's Black Moon Curse!

Meng Sha's words were like a thunderclap, causing Mr. Zi and Dr. Lianshu to fall into contemplation at the same time.

The Void Beast Witch of the Witch School will form an alliance with the Immortal Alchemy Society and the Evil Heart Sect to jointly explore the ancient battlefield.

How fresh that sounds!

When did people from the Witch School start to know how to cooperate! ?

Neither Doctor Refining Body nor Mr. Zi wanted to believe Meng Sha's words.

But Meng Sha's words made it hard for the two of them to say no.

It is of great benefit to have one more alliance at this time.

The relationship between the Eternal Life Alchemist Association and the Evil Heart Sect is very good, because the senior officials of the Eternal Life Alchemist Association and the Evil Heart Sect overlap. Only the core members of the Eternal Life Alchemist Association and the Evil Heart Sect know this news.

This gave Immortal Alchemy Society and Evil Heart Sect a prescient cooperation condition.

Both of them can't stand the group of Meng Sha from the Witch School, but there is no problem in guarding against Meng Sha.

Meng Sha has always stayed by their side. As long as Meng Sha wants to gain something in the ancient battlefield, she will definitely move to a place with abundant resources.

Thinking about it, the first six pages of the ancient book in Meng Sha's hands were really snatched away!

Otherwise, Meng Sha wouldn't have said the words about staying by her side and others.

In this large ancient battlefield, the final battle for the ruins is the most important thing.

Both the Immortal Alchemist Society and the Evil Heart Sect are eligible to compete for the last relic.

If the Witch School can be brought into the group, Meng Sha can be sold if necessary, and the danger can be handed over to the Witch School to resist.

Mr. Zi still hesitated.

Mr. Zi and Meng Sha are old acquaintances, and have suffered several times from Meng Sha's hands.

But the body refining doctor of the Immortal Alchemy Association has already agreed.

"Since you say so, then you will follow us!"

"At that time, the harvest will be distributed according to the ratio of three to two to one!"

"Our immortality alchemy will take the most, and your Witch School will take the least."

"If the evil spirits are captured, they will be given priority to the Witch School according to the quality of the evil spirits. This is the bottom line of our cooperation."

Dr. Lianju didn't intend to discuss with Mr. Zi at all. Dr. Lianju could see that Mr. Zi didn't want to accept the Witch School from the bottom of his heart.

On the one hand, it is because accepting the Witch School needs to take risks, and on the other hand, the three parties will inevitably reduce the original income.

The troops sent by the Xiexin Sect this time are not as good as the Eternal Life Alchemy Society in terms of overall strength.

Not to mention competing with other forces, just competing with the Immortal Alchemy Society will not have an advantage.

Therefore, Mr. Zi didn't think about obtaining inheritance in the ruins, but more about collecting resources.

So that when I return to the evil sect, I can do business.

Because he knew Mr. Zi's purpose, Dr. Body Refining made a slight increase in the proportion of resources to the Evil Heart Sect when allocating resources.

Added the loss of resources allocated to the Evil Heart Sect after the Witch School joined.

Dr. Body Refining said that it is the bottom line for the Witch School to take 10% of the resources.

The Witch School is targeted by both the Eternal Life Alchemist Society and the Evil Heart Sect. It is impossible for Dr. Body Refining to give the Witch School more resources.

Otherwise, it will affect the interests of the Immortal Alchemy Society, and no one is willing to do things that are against their interests.

Meng Sha's words were told by Liu Xi at Fang Mu's behest.

Fang Mu heard that what Dr. Refining Body said was indeed the bottom line.

Fang Mu originally wanted to use the people from the Eternal Life Alchemist Association and the Evil Heart Sect, so there was no need to go back and forth on the bottom line.

But Fang Mu couldn't agree directly, as this would definitely arouse the suspicion of Mr. Zi and Dr. Lianshu.

Fang Mu let Meng Sha ponder for a moment before speaking in a very serious tone.

"I can accept the allocation of 10% of the resources, but evil spirits, you must ensure that they are allocated to us first!"

"Even the evil spirits are the same!"

"If you agree to my request, I will take you to explore the materials based on my understanding of the first six pages of the ancient book!"

After Fang Mu discovered Meng Sha in the Eternal Life Alchemy Association and the Evil Heart Sect, he facilitated Meng Sha to integrate into it.

He intends to benefit the Eternal Life Alchemist Society and the Evil Heart Sect through real ancient books.

Anyway, no matter what Fang Mu did, there were some areas where Fang Mu could not obtain supplies.

After all, there are many forces going to the ancient battlefield, and Fang Mu is unlikely to gather all the resources in the ancient battlefield into his own hands.

Once Meng Sha obtained the right to lead the way, she could guide the people from the Eternal Life Alchemist Society and the Evil Heart Sect to block Fang Mu's periphery.

Once other forces approached, Meng Sha could bring the Eternal Life Alchemists and the Evil Heart Sect to block them in advance.

Cut off the troops of other forces at the periphery to prevent the troops of other forces from affecting the opponent.

Fang Mu's only hostile force in this world is the evil sect.

JA City is the place where Fang Mu was born, and Fang Mu has lived in JA City for 16 years.

In this life, he is an out-and-out native of JA City, Longteng Federation.

The evil sect attacked JA City and destroyed a large number of infrastructures in JA City, killing millions of people through the dimensional rift.

The dormitory building of Jinghai Yushou High School where Fang Mu was located, the small auditorium and many other infrastructure collapsed.

More than a third of the students were killed or seriously injured.

Many teachers have also been brutally murdered by high-dimensional creatures and evil sects, Mr. Gray and Mr. Red.

Fang Mu has never been a sheep, and he has no reason not to take revenge when he encounters an opportunity!

Ever since he knew that the Evil Heart Sect was going to participate in the exploration of this large ancient battlefield, Fang Mu had no intention of letting the Evil Heart Sect members leave!

All forces are extremely cautious when choosing their partners, and what they fear most is being stabbed by their partners at a critical moment.

The body refining doctor of the Immortal Alchemy Association believed in Meng Sha so easily, not because she recognized Meng Sha's character.

It was because behind Meng Sha was the Witch School.

The Witch School will endorse what Meng Sha has done.

At the critical moment, Meng Sha manipulated her Earth Void Beast Void Tentacle Wrist, Earth Heroic Nunshield Nun, and the handsome peak Heroic Spirit White Horse Female Wuqi to attack suddenly.

It is absolutely capable of severely injuring all the people of the evil sect!

Fang Mu has nothing to do with this blame on the Witch School.

With Liuxi Fangmu, Shui Miao, Shu Liangjun and Qin Shao can no longer be all honored, but they can do things quietly!

Shui Miao looked at the ancient books and said with regret.

"All things related to aura have been taken by Amu."

"It's a pity that none of the three imperial beasts obtained are particularly high-quality."

"I heard that two evil generals from the ancient germination teamed up to break into the Star-Moon Grand Canyon, and obtained a plant-like beast named Stuffed Spirit Blueberry from the Star-Moon Grand Canyon!"

"The aura contained in each blueberry fruit produced by stuffed spirit blueberries is equivalent to the output of a spirit-absorbing goldfish of the same rank in a day."

"Stuffed Ling blueberries are said to be very productive."

"It's a pity that the ancient germination never took out this kind of resources to trade with other forces."

Shu Liangjun has conducted many transactions with the ancient sprouts, and his understanding of the ancient sprouts is no less than that of Shui Miao.

Shu Liangjun once had stuffed blueberries.

The efficacy of stuffed blueberry is exactly as Shui Miao said.

It's just that what's inside a large ancient battlefield is not up to me and others to decide, so naturally I can't force it!

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows, Shui Miao's dislike for the spirit-absorbing goldfish really went deep into his bones!

But Fang Mu didn't believe in evil, and planned to properly cultivate the spirit-absorbing goldfish.

Wufu Lanshou, a special species of spirit-absorbing goldfish, has proved the potential of this group of spirit-absorbing goldfish.

Fang Mu has pure life energy, water elemental energy and the liquid aura purified by the gathering and purification of five blessings, Lanshou Spirit Absorbing Goldfish.

Have confidence to try to breed the spirit-absorbing goldfish!

Maybe those spirit-absorbing goldfish eggs can bring him unexpected gains! ?

Suddenly Fang Mu found that the road under his feet had changed.

Originally, the road under Fang Mu's feet was covered with mud and dust, and corpse fungus produced by combining with dead air.

But at this time, the road in front of Fang Mu was suddenly paved with bluish-white jade tiles. These bluish-white jade tiles gave people the feeling of both clouds and moonlight kneading and diluting in the water waves.

This place happened to be the place marked with a heart-shaped symbol that was not noted in the ancient books.

This location is very different from other markers, which means that it must have been carefully designed by the people who built this ancient battlefield.

Qin Shao looked at the green and white jade tiles on the ground, and suddenly exclaimed.

"Amu, I suggest we spend some time putting away these jade tiles!"

"If I'm not mistaken, the material used to make these jade tiles should be the legendary complete jade wood!"

"According to ancient books, when wood is permeated with high-purity spiritual energy, it will turn into a non-metallic and non-stone state, but it is extremely strong."

"Will not corrupt under any circumstances!"

"I think these jade tiles are very likely to be some kind of completely jadeized wood!"

While speaking, Qin Shao squatted down and picked out a piece of jade tile from the ground, wanting to make a final judgment on the material of the jade tile.

After Fang Mu heard Qin Shao's words, he immediately used the [Eye of All-knowledge] to check the jade tiles under his feet.

[Xufeng Pear Wood] (completely jade-like): The metamorphosis of the Xufeng pear tree in a high-purity aura environment has the effect of anti-corrosion and releasing the aura to maintain a fresh environment. The original color of light illuminates the surrounding environment.

Fangmu has a certain understanding of fully jadeized wood, which cannot be produced under the seventh era.

This is a product of the Reiki era, and people today can only obtain it by exploring the ruins or digging in the geology.

Fully jadeized wood of any kind is an absolute luxury!

Because the size of completely jadeized wood is not too big, it is difficult to keep it intact.

So it is rarely made into furniture by artisans.

Most are ground into buttons for use by weavers in designing custom garments, or jewelry worn by members of great powers.

This extremely extravagant resource was actually used as a floor!

Fang Mu is very interested in the tiles made of Xufengli wood.

Worm's [Secret Space] will be built into an aura-filled environment by square wood in the future. These tiles made of completely jade-like pear wood can be placed in the [Secret Space] to pave the way and make furniture.

The use of the wind pear tree is equivalent to adding electric lights to the secret space of the belly worm.

Fang Mu had been thinking about what kind of beast should be used to illuminate the secret space of the belly worm.

Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao didn't pay much attention to the tiles used to pave the road under their feet.

After Qin Shao's reminder to confirm the value, he took the initiative to help Fang Mu collect it.

After the collection, the two put these tiles into a piece of silver space equipment, and handed the silver space equipment to Fang Mu.

Qin Shao was also very greedy for the completely jade-like Xufeng Limu, but in the end Qin Shao did not ask Fang Mu for a deal or ask for a deal.

In Fang Mu's place, it is the most cost-effective to exchange for the opportunity to increase lifespan!

At the end of the tile road is a stone platform, on which there is a stone box like a chessboard.

Shui Miao, Qin Shao, Shu Liangjun, and Jin Ya all frowned when they saw the chessboard-like stone box.

Don't understand what this is.

There are some traces engraved on the side of the stone box, and these traces are very similar to some kind of font.

But it seems to have been deliberately erased.

The stone platform and the stone box are made of the same material, and the notch on the stone box has not been affected.

It is impossible for the nicks on the stone platform to be weathered!

When Shui Miao, Shu Liangjun, and Qin Shao frowned, Fang Mu's eyes suddenly widened.

Because Fang Mu found that the stone box was the same as a chessboard, which was very similar to a game called Huarong Dao that Fang Mu played in his previous life.

Fang Mu raised his hand to fiddle with the first mechanism on the stone box, and suddenly a strange energy in the stone box injected into Fang Mu's body.

A round of night-like tattoos appeared on Fang Mu's face.

Fang Mu's two souls actually came into contact with the stone box at the same time.

The machine orifice that Fang Mu fiddled with before actually consumed Fang Mu's soul energy.

Fang Mu could feel that every time he fiddled with the mechanism, he would consume part of his soul energy.

When Fang Mu was young in his previous life, Hua Rong Dao was regarded as the most basic puzzle game, which could be solved in nine moves at the fastest.

The soul energy contained in Fang Mu's two souls is only enough to walk twelve steps.

The soul energy of a beast master is not like spiritual power, it will grow with the improvement of strength.

Soul energy is defined as the quality of the soul.

A person's soul energy will only increase slightly after being continuously drained and then recovered.

But even a beast master like Shui Miao can only take eight moves at most if he fiddles with the chessboard.

Even the fastest cracking steps are not enough.

Fang Mu didn't know for a while that he should suspect that people in the fifth and sixth eras had a way to temper their souls.

Or this game or the test itself is set up for people who are born with two souls.

Fang Mu casually reached out and fiddled with the stone box, and Shui Miao, Qin Shao and Shu Liangjun all noticed it.

The three of them didn't find the energy fluctuations and special aura from the stone box, but they didn't expect that the stone box would affect Fang Mu!

The dark crescent moon on Fang Mu's face was like a curse.

Shu Liangjun asked Fang Mu eagerly.

"Amu, can you feel how you have been affected!?"

Curses are such a mysterious thing.

Except for the person who was cursed, it is difficult for others to investigate the specific circumstances of the curse.

Unless the curse is in the outbreak stage.

Although I don't know Fang Mu's state at this time, I can feel Fang Mu's soul energy being aroused.

This can be described as the biggest bad news!

Because the curse related to the soul can kill a person in an instant, there is almost no possibility of cure!

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