Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 340 God damn witch!

During the scolding, a sharp light flashed in Yin Qingzhi's eyes.

Yin Qingzhi was indeed swayed by the Witch School, but the Witch School swayed not only the Tianfang Academy represented by Yin Qingzhi.

And all the other forces present.

Yin Qingzhi and the Witch School did not have a deep hatred. The reason why she chose to target the Witch School now was because Yin Qingzhi felt that this was an opportunity to break the situation.

Using the Witch School as an excuse to break the situation, any other forces can't say anything.

When Sun Kumei waved her hand, a plum tree with golden branches appeared at Sun Kumei's feet.

The plum petals were scattered freely, and each petal of the plum blossom bloomed with a strong metallic aura, cutting towards Meng Sha who exposed the Void Beast's tentacles.

The short and thin old man beside Sun Kumei summoned a small eel.

The eel's pitch-black skin is covered with brilliant purple streaks.

The black-purple arc followed the golden plum petals and attacked Meng Sha.

The eel opened its mouth wide, and spit out a mouthful of plasma like thick phlegm.

The plasma caused a tingling sensation to all the people present.

Yin Qingzhi is young and has limited strength, so she can only command the strong men around her to take action.

And Chun Wu had already swung her robes long before Yin Qingzhi opened her mouth, and two goblins appeared in front of Chun Wu.

One of the goblins had wings on its back, and its whole body was rosy red.

His figure, which was not as big as a normal person's forearm, exploded with majestic momentum.

The short hair that hangs down to the neck and shoulders burns with rose red flames.

The other fairy has two pairs of wings on its back, and the color of the flapping wings of the four wings is far less intense than that of the previous two-winged fairy.

This shows that it hasn't been long since this goblin was promoted to Four Wings.

Most beast masters control natural elements, and a few use spirit, soul, and mind as means of attack.

Or simply rely on the flesh to fight.

But the ability used by this goblin is not within the usual inherent range.

A repulsive force kept appearing beside the four-winged fairy, a whirlwind of rose red flames and dozens of ups and downs of repulsive force blasted towards Meng Sha.

Meng Sha yelled loudly when she snatched the brocade box and the relics of the era from Fang Mu's hand with the Void Beast Tentacle.

"Mr. Zi, Dr. Body Refining, I have already got the things!"

"The things inside are very important, you help me block the attack, the things inside are ours!"

Then Bi Mengsha withdrew and walked towards the direction where Mr. Zi and Doctor Refining Body were.

Although Mr. Zi and Doctor Refining Body set up a battle, they did not expect that Meng Sha would directly use the Void Beast Tentacle to reveal her identity.

Is it really necessary for Meng Sha to expose herself before the young man fights back just to snatch the item from that young man's hand! ?

However, Mr. Zi and Dr. Lianju have been placed here at this time, so there is no room for them to think too much.

For the time being, she had to help Meng Sha defend against the attacks of the two strong men under Yin Qingzhi's command, as well as Chunwu.

Whether it was Yin Qingzhi's two strong men or Chun Wu, although they didn't use all the means when attacking, they didn't hold back either.

Mr. Zi did not choose to summon his own beast master, but directly used the innate magical power of his own beast master.

A gray halo appeared behind Mr. Zi, and the halo kept getting bigger and shrouded in front of Meng Sha.

There is a worm like an earthworm drilling around inside the aperture, as if the inside of the aperture is an independent space.

The attack hit above the aperture, and most of it was absorbed by the aperture.

The earthworms on the aperture also expand after absorbing the energy.

Every time you drill out of the aperture, you will spit out several energy bombs.

Although the Void Beast Witch doesn't transform her body like the body-refining doctor of the Immortal Alchemist Society.

But because the Void Beast Witch will use her body as a container to contain the Void Beast when contracting the Void Beast, her physical fitness is much stronger than that of an ordinary Beastmaster.

The aftermath of such an attack could not hurt Meng Sha at all.

Mr. Zi blocked the attack by relying on the innate supernatural powers of his natal beast, and Dr. Body Refining took this opportunity to release his body.

At this moment, Meng Sha, who was flying towards Dr. Lianju and Mr. Zi, suddenly turned around and flew towards the opposite direction of the stone platform.

The two Heroic Witches, whose bodies were shrouded in cloaks, shot out suddenly, and the strong bright breath blasted directly at the unsuspecting Mr. Zi.

And after the one-hit attack, several attacks were made up one after another.

Damn it! Under these two robes is not the Heroic Witch, but the two Heroic Spirits controlled by the Heroic Witch!

Sister Niandun quickly fled in the direction of Meng Sha after the attack.

The handsome heroic spirit, the white horse female warrior, guards behind Sister Niandun and helps Sister Niandun resist the attack.

Completely disregarding the fact that he will be harmed when resisting the attack.

The sudden sneak attack of Sister Nian Dun and the white horse female warrior did not kill Mr. Zi, but it stunned Mr. Zi and Dr. Body Refining, who was about to complete the release of the body ban.

A thought came to the minds of both of them at the same time, that is, the two of them were tricked by the Witch School!

The hateful witch didn't tell the truth from beginning to end!

Thinking back carefully, both of them had the feeling of being led by Meng Sha on the road.

Meng Sha snatched her things and ran away, but she made the Evil Heart Sect and the Immortal Alchemy Society a scapegoat and became the target of public criticism.

God damn witch!

If the two were allowed to choose again, even with the risk of being injured by the original source, they must kill Meng Sha and the two heroic spirits when they meet Meng Sha!

Suddenly, a trace of doubt arose between the two. The two heroic spirits were hiding under their robes, and where were the two heroic witches at this time! ?

Not only the people from the Eternal Life Alchemy Association and the Evil Heart Sect were stunned, but also people from other forces present could not digest the scene in front of them.

Mr. Zi and Dr. Body Refining supported the Witch School, but they were backstabbed by the Witch School in a blink of an eye.

Even Mr. Zi was injured by a surprise attack from the Witch School.

Those two heroic spirits only attacked Mr. Zi but not Dr. Body Refining, as if Mr. Zi was a soft persimmon!

Yin Qingzhi came to his senses first, and yelled at Mr. Zi and Dr. Lianju in a cold voice.

"I need you to give me an explanation for Tianfang Academy."

"The other forces who want to be present also need an explanation from you!"

There has been a long-standing grievance between the Demon Binding Palace and the Witch School. At this time, Chun Wu did not put on a posture that it had nothing to do with her, but chose to stand on Yin Qingzhi's side and shouted softly.

"It turns out that the Evil Heart Sect and the Immortal Alchemy Society have been messing with the Witch School!"

"The Witch School stole the first six pages of the ancient book, and it should have been shared with the Evil Heart Sect and the Eternal Life Alchemy Association!?"

Yin Qingzhi and Chun Wu, the two heavyweights, launched an attack on the Evil Heart Sect and the Immortal Alchemy Association, bringing the scene into a confrontation again.

Right now, Yin Qingzhi and Chun Wu are clearly gaining the upper hand.

Mr. Zi and Dr. Lianju were already very angry because of Meng Sha's deception, but now they are almost vomiting blood because of Yin Qingzhi and Chunwu's words.

What explanation do we need to give? We also want an explanation of Witch School!

Say we got involved with the Witch School, are you all blind! ?

I didn't see how Meng Sha backstabbed us just now! ?

We also wanted to obtain the first six pages of the ancient book from Meng Sha, but Meng Sha said that someone took it away when we first entered the ruins.

Tell me now, will you believe it? ?

Especially Mr. Zi is the most depressed.

If I really got involved with the Witch School, how could I get eight million dead souls from Huang Yuankeng! ?

Although angry, both Mr. Zi and Dr. Lianshu were very clear-headed.

Now is not the time to fight against other forces. What I and others need to do most right now is to get rid of the blame that was forced on me and others.

The two looked at each other, and finally all their eyes fell on Fang Mu who had just stepped off the stone platform.

"Just now you clearly had a way to resist the attack of the snowy sea lion. You were able to kill the Baorui ground spider, and you were able to influence Li Jie to kill Liu Wei in a state of confusion."

"Why was it so easy for Meng Sha to snatch the harvest from her hand!?"


Before Mr. Zi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Fang Mulang's voice.

"How come I was robbed and it became mine instead!?"

"Could it be that you want to say that the Witch School who has been with you before is actually with me?"

Fang Mu's words were full of anger and contempt, and it was impossible to hear the slightest difference from the tone.

Just kidding, Fang Mu has always been an excellent actor!

Fang Mu's words directly blocked Mr. Zi's mouth, and he said the actual situation lightly in the most playful way.

On the contrary, it will not let other forces think about it again.

A meandering stream of water came from a distance, passing through the crowd of the Gang Jinyu Group and the Crystal Mine Group.

This stream of water pierced through the bodies of the remaining members of the Jinyu Group and the Crystal Mine Group like a sharp sword.

He directly wiped out the Jinyu Group and the Jingkuang Group, showing his dominance!

Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun came to Fang Mu's side from both sides.

As for Jin Ya and Qin Shao, Fang Mu had already taken them into the ingenious bunker.

The moment Shu Liangjun arrived at Fang Mu's side, he sent a voice transmission to the green magician.

"Master Boundless Envoy wants to make a deal with you, exchange the sources of pollution and pollutants in your hands with the resources of the creation master!"

"I hope that in this exploration of the ancient battlefield, we can carry out in-depth cooperation."

"Our Boundless Tower has the ability to fill the vacancy in the resources of creating a master for you personally!"

After speaking to the green magician, Shu Liangjun informed Fang Mu.

Fang Mu's pupils coincided with the green magician's emotionless pupils.

Mr. Zi was already on the verge of losing control, and now Fang Mu hit a hard nail.

"Anyway, you must have a problem. If you have the ability to deal with the Baorui spider, why didn't you resist being snatched away by Mengsha so easily!?"

"If you want to prove Qingbai, you must hand over the space equipment for us to inspect!"

Mr. Zi's words made the brows of many leaders of the forces present frowned tightly.

What Mr. Zi said is indeed a problem, but there are many methods in this world that are one-off.

And even if the other party can prove this point, it is impossible to prove it in public for the sake of his own face.

Not to mention being checked for space equipment!

This is an extremely serious insult to any force.

Mr. Zi made it clear that he wanted to forcibly transfer the blame to this group of three people!

Fang Mu smiled at the green magician, then turned his head to look at Mr. Zi with sharp eyes and said coldly.

"Originally, I just wanted the Eternal Life Alchemy Society and the Evil Heart Sect to give me a reasonable explanation, but now I want you Evil Heart Sect to pay for what you just said!"

As soon as Fang Mu finished speaking, Shu Liangjun raised his hand.

A purple flame in the silver rose up in Shu Liangjun's hand.

A bracelet with a golden bell at the bottom was put on Shu Liangjun's hand.

Behind Shu Liangjun appeared a huge ghost bound by silk threads, and a string of golden bells was tied at the end of each silk thread.

The ghost with long silver hair suddenly raised his head, tears streaming from his eyes.

He showed a sinister grin.

The nine golden bells under the bracelet swayed lightly to make a crisp sound, and the nine golden bells pierced the void.

Silk threads spewed out from the front ends of the nine golden bells, and in a short while, fifty specialized version of the body-sewing hackers were tied tightly with silk threads!

The silk thread pierced into the body of these slit hackers and kept rolling.

The soul of a strong man living in the body-splitting hacker and used as a source of power for the body-stomping hacker is wrapped in the body of the body-splitting hacker by these threads.

Completely severed the connection with the hacker.

Shu Liangjun tugged on the bracelet-wearing hand, and the fifty hackers galloped towards Shu Liangjun's direction.

Then Shu Liangjun directly put all of them into the space equipment.

As early as the moment when the ghost figure appeared behind Shu Liangjun, the pupils of all the strong present shrank suddenly.

The addition of a ghost is a symbol of the unity of the ghost weapon and the user, which is extremely difficult to achieve!

There has always been a stalemate between the major forces present.

After being targeted by the evil sect, this force named Boundless Tower directly attacked the evil sect!

And seized 50 enhanced version of body seam hackers in one shot!

Not to mention Mr. Zi, even Mr. Hei couldn't bear such a loss!

It is a foregone conclusion that there will be a battle between the Infinite Tower and the evil sect.

The Boundless Tower only took action against the Evil Heart Sect. It is not known whether the Body Refining Doctor of the Immortal Alchemy Society will help the Evil Heart Sect as an ally at this time.

If Dr. Body Refining decides to join the battle with the people of the Immortal Alchemy Society, it will cause chaos before the ruins are opened!

Once this chaos expands, it will be difficult for any force to be alone.

If it is normal, even if they are involved in it, the major forces are willing to watch the evil sect fight with this force called the Boundless Tower.

With this conflict, a preliminary screening of the forces entering the ruins can be carried out.

Even if everyone is involved, it must be the forces in the center of the vortex that have suffered the most!

But right now, apart from human forces, there are also a large number of beast-following forces that have also entered this ancient battlefield.

These beast-monitoring forces are also eyeing the ruins.

The human forces and the Beast Familiar forces are naturally hostile.

Once the strength of the human forces is weakened, it is difficult to guarantee that they will gain the upper hand in the battle with the beast powers!

Just when Yin Qingzhi and Chun Wu were about to persuade the fight, Wang Xu, the Archangel of the Court of True Knowledge, actually joined the battle by standing in line!

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