Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 346 Evil Beast: Splitting Evil Lizard!

Outsiders only know that Yin Hanrong is a founding master, and even people inside the Federation of Nations do not know the relationship between Yin Hanrong and Han Ming.

In fact, Yin Hanrong had worshiped Han Ming when he was young, and was carefully taught by Han Ming.

It is precisely because of Han Ming that Yin Hanrong, who has always been only obsessed with the study of beast control, joined the Federation of Nations.

Become the enshrined creation master of the Federation of Nations!

The founding master who was assassinated by the Bliss Palace was also Han Ming's disciple.

It's just that it's not a direct disciple like Yin Hanrong, the founding master is just a named disciple who has been mentored by Han Ming for a period of time.

But this founding master has an extremely close relationship with Yin Qingzhi's grandfather, Yin Hanrong.

He has been in hiding in the Palace of Bliss for nearly two hundred years, and his grandfather has always been scarred by the death of his younger brother.

This scar made it difficult for his grandfather to rest assured, and his ability as a creator has not been improved.

Yin Qingzhi very much hoped that finding the trace of the Bliss Palace this time would help her grandfather untie the knot in his heart.

Now four of the five candidates for the battle have been confirmed, Yin Qingzhi stepped forward with a frosty face and said.

"The last seat will be filled by my Tianfang Academy!"

"As for who will be sent to the field, I won't introduce too much now!"

"My Tianfang Academy will definitely try my best to win the duel and obtain 20% of the qualifications for our human forces to enter the ruins."

Chunwu saw the expression on Yin Qingzhi's face.

Chunwu knew about the grievances between Bliss Palace, Yinhan Rong, and several other founding masters.

Almost every founding master has close friends, and most of the close friends of the founding masters are also those founding masters.

If not, it would be difficult to find common topics with each other.

Yin Qingzhi's appearance must be still thinking about the grievances with the Palace of Bliss.

The Palace of Bliss uses people's money to ward off disasters, and never does those meaningless things.

Unless this matter is of great benefit to the Palace of Bliss.

So as long as Yin Qingzhi doesn't stir up trouble, there will be no conflict with the Palace of Bliss.

Immortal Yongle, the owner of the Palace of Bliss, had already suffered a great loss because of the death of the founding master.

This incident alarmed Han Ming and made Han Ming take action himself.

The Palace of Bliss has already paid the price for her two hundred years of seclusion.

Bringing up the old story again, I am afraid that Immortal Mother Yongle will never let it go!

I hope that Yin Qingzhi and Yin Hanrong masters will not be confused.

Right now the five candidates have been finalized, just wait for the Beast Familiar force to send someone to a duel.

There are quite a few factions present who have cards, but no faction is willing to take the initiative to send people to participate in the duel.

One reason is that there is no real benefit in not being able to gain the limelight if you win, and you will be blamed if you lose!

Secondly, although it has been agreed not to kill the opponent, it is impossible for this level of duel to really come to an end! ?

You have reached the end, and there is a high probability that you will be attacked by the opponent while taking advantage of this gap, and the outcome will be reversed.

In such a situation where there is a high probability of being injured, those leaders of the forces who were usually quite strong have now become dull gourds.

Qianying is about to be the first to play, and at this time, Qianying is fiddling with the ends of her hair like a normal person.

But anyone who is familiar with Qianying in the Demon Binding Palace knows that Qianying is very excited at this time.

Qianying believes in killing, and there are very few chances for Qianying to kill in the demon-binding hall on weekdays.

Chunwu knew that Qianying was overwhelmed.

Fortunately, Qianying knows the depth, so she won't lose control in the battle with the Beast Familiar forces.

As the two leaders of the Palace of Spring, Chunwu, who is the decision maker, always feels that Qianying, who is the guardian, is a complete lunatic!

When a little white rabbit believes in killing and is addicted to blood, this little white rabbit can tear gray wolves apart!

Everything was in order, only to see Sun Kumei made a gesture, and the three girls slid the long needles in their hands together.

The enchantment was separated in an instant, and the Beast Familiar forces were already preparing for it.

It's just that when Fang Mu saw the lineup of the Beast Familiar Force, Fang Mu only felt that he was cute.

Only the leader of each beast-monitoring group shows his body, and the other members of the group maintain a state of mimicry.

Those mimetic royal beasts are like an old hen followed by a group of chicks, as if the duel after a while is not so serious.

It's more like playing a game of eagle and chicken!

The crane fluttered its wings and let out a cry, and then asked in a very serious tone.

"Should we both send out the strong ones directly, or will one side send one first and then the other side?"

Yin Qingzhi asked with a frown.

"In the first way, it is inevitable that one side's personnel will be dispatched slower, and it is very easy to be targeted by the opponent's temporary substitution!"

"The second method is not bad, but in the five rounds, there will definitely be a situation where one side will send three people first, and the other side will send two people first."

Before Yin Qingzhi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Liuli Chiyanlu's cold voice.

"You humans love to make meaningless calculations."

"We don't know who you are going to send to fight, and how to achieve temporary targeting."

"If we have the ability to detect the situation of your human beings, we won't be deadlocked with you here now!"

"Of course you humans do the same to us. We don't bother to argue with you here because of which side takes priority."

"Our Beast Familiar forces go out first, so we go out three times and you go out twice. According to your human thinking, let you take advantage of it!"

After ten minutes of calming down, Liuli Chiyanlu realized that he had been generalized by that young man.

After that young man led his own army, he ruined the advantages of the entire beast-monitoring group by himself.

This made Liuli Chiyanlu furious.

So as soon as Yinqingzhi opened his mouth, Liuli Chiyanlu spoke sarcasticly.

Liuli Chiyanlu's words made He Xin almost hold back the small brain that waved his wings and slapped the deer crookedly.

He Xin originally planned to take advantage of the human forces in this matter, and fight for some advantages and conditions for the beast control forces.

In the end, before he started to operate, all the advantages were ruined by Lu Zhuo!

Next time, even if he is alone on a mission, He Xin is not willing to have an impulsive and irritable stupid teammate by his side!

Lu Zhuo had already agreed with pride, so it was naturally impossible for him to go back on his word.

Yin Qingzhi was taken aback for a moment, then said with a chuckle.

"It's worthy of being the strongest of the Beast Familiar Force on the Beast Emperor List, what a hero!"

"Then we thank you in advance!"

After finishing speaking, Yin Qingzhi stretched her hand forward, indicating that the Beast Familiar force would send the first strongman to participate in the duel.

Chunwu glanced at Yin Qingzhi, seeing through Yin Qingzhi's careful thoughts.

What Yin Qingzhi did was to show the feeling of being a representative of human power in front of the Beast Familiar Clan.

Now the human forces are competing with these beast-fencing forces for the qualification to enter the ruins, but when it comes to the outside, the human forces and the beast-fencing forces still have to cooperate.

Chun Wu secretly thought, she still thinks highly of Yin Qingzhi!

Even though she is the granddaughter of Grandmaster Yin Hanrong and has been practicing outside, Yin Qingzhi is still too young.

Compared to Yin Qingzhi, Chun Wu paid more attention to the low-key Fang Mu.

As soon as the human forces appeared, the assessment was completed, and the infinite tower that suppressed the evil sect and let Mr. Zi of the evil sect escape far away has already stood at the core circle of human forces.

When the Boundless Tower decided to dispatch two strong men in the battle with the Beast Familiar, Fang Mu's influence among the human forces had surpassed that of Yin Qingzhi by a large margin.

After a while, after seeing two dueling strongmen sent by the Infinite Tower, the Beast Familiar force will also find this out.

Therefore, Yin Qingzhi's behavior is tantamount to doing a kind of useless work.

A sound similar to that of the Dragon Beast, but a bit less rough and majestic than the roar of the Dragon Beast, and a bit more sharp and cold roar sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a ferocious lizard beast with a brown background and purple-green spots on its body walked out of the team of the royal beasts.

Every time the lizard beast took a step forward, there would be a greasy sound on the ground.

One after another, muddy footprints stained with mucus appeared behind the lizard.

Horny spikes protrude from the joints, but from the appearance, Fang Mu thinks that this lizard should be very good at melee combat.

The human forces will seriously discuss and actively prepare for the battle, and the same is true for the beast-following forces.

This lizard beast, which Fang Mu has never seen or heard of, must be an extremely powerful existence in the royal beast group!

Fang Mu turned his head to look at Shu Liangjun, and saw the serious look in Shu Liangjun's eyes.

Shu Liangjun did not use soul transmission this time, but spoke directly.

"The Emperor Beast Court is really willing to release even the Lizard Lizard!"

"If this kind of evil beast with the title of 'Crack of Extinction' dies, the Emperor Beast Court will lose a large-scale destructive strategic resource!"

Fang Mu looked through many books in the Scavenger Hall of Merit, and one of the books contained an introduction about evil beasts.

Things like evil beasts are far away from ordinary beast masters, because each evil beast can create a disaster no less than a natural disaster-level dimensional crack!

Evil beasts are not unique to the Seventh Era. There are also many records about Evil Beasts in the ancient books of the fifth and sixth epochs.

It's just that people at that time preferred to call the evil beast a cancer spirit.

In the Insect Valley related to the Poison Gu Villa, many evil beasts of insects were raised and enshrined.

The evil beast named Lianyi Lizard in front of him can be said to be the first existence that Fang Mu saw with his own eyes.

The strength of this Fissure Lizard obviously surpassed the diamond level, and Fang Mu couldn't detect it with the innate supernatural ability [Eye of All-knowing] of the Shadow of the Fool's natal beast.

However, according to Fang Mu's feeling, the rank of this Fissure Lizard is not too high, it is about at the level of Sequence Eight to Sequence Nine.

An evil beast of this level is actually able to be the first to fight on behalf of the Beast Familiar Force!

The title "Crack of Extinction" is enough to prove the power of the Fissure Lizard.

There is no group of evil beasts, they are all individuals that exist alone.

This is also why Shu Liangjun said that if something happened to this Lizard, the Emperor Beast Court would feel distressed.

If this Lizard Lizard dies, there will probably be no more Lizard Lizard in the whole world!

Creatures like evil beasts are very special, and they simply cannot reproduce like normal royal beasts.

It is precisely because of this that the evil beast has the possibility to exist in the world.

Otherwise, not to mention human beings, even the Emperor Beast Court would not dare to cultivate evil beasts as they do now, and use evil beasts as weapons!

Shui Miao spoke to Fang Mu through soul transmission.

"The Emperor Beast Court has sent evil beasts, and the things in this ruins are by no means as simple as we imagined!"

"Jiao Feng, the elder of the Jiao Snake Clan, either really doesn't know anything, or is deliberately hiding some information."

"If a Sequence Eight Sinister Beast is placed outside, it will be difficult to kill this Sequence Evil Lizard unless there is a Sequence Beast that transcends the Sequence level."

"Even if the current environment restricts the Fissure Lizard, the offensive of the Sequence Eight Fissure Lizard may not even be able to parry many Sequence One beast masters!"

"The thoughts of evil beasts are chaotic and violent, and they cannot make contracts through spiritual power."

"Even if the ranks step into the sequence, their thoughts are still children under one year old."

"There used to be a small federation that secretly cultivated an evil beast, but it was finally eaten back by the evil beast, and the entire federation became a dead zone."

"Amu, if Mr. Shu played in this match, he would probably be much better than Qianying!"

"Old Shu's ability to control beasts and ghost weapons just happened to be able to restrain this Lizard Lizard."

Before Shui Miao could finish her words, the beautiful figure standing beside Chunwu had already turned into a phantom, standing right in front of the Lizard Lizard.

Qianying flicked the tip of her hair lightly, and a goblin with two pairs of wings came out of Qianying's hair.

This goblin has dark skin, and the black mermaid skirt on her body basically blends in with her skin color.

The long black hair is slightly curly, and the long hair hangs down just to half-wrap the figure of the four-winged fairy.

In a battle of this level, no one would step forward and announce the start.

The moment one side showed aggressiveness, the battle started naturally.

The Fissure Lizard's hind legs were raised high, and its front paws climbed forward.

A large amount of turbid mucus secreted from the Lizard's limbs, and Fang Mu saw Lizard split open suddenly.

The originally less than three-meter figure was divided into two.

Fang Mu keenly discovered that the fissure lizard can clearly see the flesh and blood tissue covered with fascia during the process of splitting its body.

This kind of splitting was beyond Fang Mu's cognition, and then the split lizard was divided into two into four, four into eight, and eight into sixteen.

In just a few seconds, it split more than ten times.

Nearly 4,000 Lizard Lizards flocked to Qianying like a tide. This fighting method not only shocked Fang Mu, but also shocked many strong human forces present!

While the lizard beast group was rushing towards the shadow, the splitting of the Lizard Lizard continued.

The proliferation speed of this terrorist division reminded Fang Mu of the bacteria in the petri dish in the laboratory.

It turns out that this is the so-called evil beast!

Right now is not the time to ask questions, after entering the ruins, Fang Mu is going to ask Shui Miao, Shu Liangjun, and Qin Shao about the situation of the evil beasts.

Ask how the evil beast should be cultivated.

Can I contract evil beasts through contract blood? ?

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