Fang Muke once heard about it from Jiao Feng of the Jiao Snake clan.

The reason why so many imperial beast forces went to the Panfeng Federation to explore this large ancient battlefield.

It is because according to the secrets of the Beast Clan, there are things related to sages in this ancient battlefield!

Fang Mu didn't know which person the name sage represented and what meaning it would have.

But this did not prevent Fang Mu from being curious about the sage.

If there is a chance, Fang Mu also wants to find out the legend of the sage.

Things or anecdotes about sages that can be frantically fought over by the Beast Familiar forces that have never broken their inheritance must be extremely precious.

Shu Liangjun used the silver mirror to take Fang Mu to the north direction and teleported four times in succession.

Fang Mu carefully felt the temperature of the full moon pendant on his chest, Fang Mu found that the third time the full moon pendant was so hot that Fang Mu's chest felt a little tingling.

But after the fourth teleportation, the temperature of the full moon pendant decreases.

This allowed Fang Mu to be sure that the thing that made Xuanyue Pendant heat up was near the previous teleportation location.

"Old Shu, please take me back to the previous place, let's search that area!"

Shu Liangjun nodded when she heard the words, but she didn't understand what was so special about the teleportation location just now.

After each teleportation, Shu Liangjun would check the surrounding environment during the two to three minutes while the silver mirror was cooling down.

In the place where Fang Mu obtained the rough phoenix blood jadeite before, he could still find some relatively rare resources.

But the more you explore towards the north, the less supplies you get.

There are no forces in the vicinity. I am afraid that some human forces and beast control forces have been teleported here. After learning about the situation here, they all moved towards the other three directions.

Although Shu Liangjun was somewhat puzzled, his movements were not slow.

As soon as the silver mirror's cooling time expired, it brought Fang Mu and Shui Miao back to the previous area.

Fang Mu tentatively took his feet as a dot and walked 100 meters in each of the four directions.

Then choose a location where the full moon pendant is hotter than the center point, but draw an arc in that direction.

Soon Fang Mu decided to head towards the northeast at a 21-degree angle to make the full moon pendant the hottest.

So Fang Mu waved to Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao, and walked towards the direction he accurately sensed.

Looking at the endless plain terrain in front of him, Fang Mu frowned.

I have walked nearly one kilometer in the direction of the 21-degree angle to the northeast.

This plain stretches as far as the eye can see, and Shu Liangjun's fourth teleportation location is also on a plain, probably on the same plain.

Could it be that the place where the full moon pendant is scorching hot is on this endless plain! ?

Fang Mu turned to look at Shu Liangjun and Shui Miao and said.

"Ah Shui, Mr. Shu, I can be sure that there must be something wrong with this place ahead!"

"I wonder if you can help me check it carefully?"

Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun have been following Fang Mu's side. Seeing Fang Mu's words are so sure, the two of them released their mental power and began to feel the environment in front of them in detail.

Shu Liangjun shook his head first, indicating that he didn't notice anything.

But Shui Miao's expression changed slightly.

"This environment seems calm, but Mr. Shu, have you noticed that there is no wind here!"

"The grassland 500 meters ahead is obviously darker and more lush than the grass next to it."

While speaking, Shui Miao gave instructions to the Juyang clam held in Fang Mu's hand.

A curtain of water suddenly sprayed out from the giant clam's body.

The water curtain covered the grassland with a radius of one kilometer, scouring the grassland violently.

A large amount of turf is pushed away by the water curtain.

Fang Mu keenly discovered that the turf planted at the spot mentioned by Shui Miao before did not leave the ground.

Shu Liangjun turned the silver mirror, and directly brought Fang Mu and Shui Miao to the edge of the turf.

Shui Miao knelt down and pressed on the turf, and then the folding fan in her hand turned into a flower.

A water blade chopped on the fast turf, directly splitting the turf in two.

Accompanied by the parting of the turf, there was a piercing sound of metal splitting.

Looking at the energy circuit carved on the separated metal plate, Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun frowned at the same time.

Energy circuits can be drawn by any blacksmith in the seventh era.

But in the Fifth and Sixth Era, spirit weapons were made by creators.

It was the creator who didn't know how to perfectly blend the effects of various precious spiritual materials together.

In some ruins, spirit weapons refined by the creators of the fifth and sixth eras have been found.

These special spiritual weapons are called treasures in ancient books.

Most of those treasures have lost their effectiveness under the erosion of the long years, and the spiritual materials used to make treasures have also decayed and deteriorated, which has no value for research.

It is just telling the people of the seventh era that there was a brilliant civilization in the fifth and sixth eras.

If the turf is cut open, the energy circuit carved on the metal will not be exposed.

Neither Shui Miao nor Shu Liangjun changed their expressions.

There will be a metal plate with an energy circuit here, indicating that the concealment here is probably not arranged by the arranger of this ruin.

Shui Miao carefully studied these energy circuits, and finally determined that these energy circuits absorb the elemental energy in the surrounding environment, and use these elemental energies to hide the breath.

If it was just a general method, Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun would not be unable to detect it with their mental strength.

The Juyang clam sprayed out two streams of water again, and the two streams were like arms under the control of the Juyang clam, opening the metal plate that was divided into two under the turf.

A secret passage leading to the underground appeared in front of the three of Fang Mu.

Looking down from the entrance of the secret passage, the entire entrance is wrapped with a diamond-grade metal spiritual material called radium uranium steel.

The secret passage is a staircase that keeps going down. On the handrails on both sides of the stairs, there is a totem of a beast head carved with radium-uranium steel every few steps.

Each of these animal head totems is different, but without exception they all look like dragon heads!

Even if Fang Mu is not a blacksmith, he knows that radium-uranium steel is the hardest ceiling among all diamond-level metal spiritual materials.

It is very difficult for the serial monsters to leave scratches on the radium-uranium steel plate, let alone such fine carvings!

Fang Mu can basically confirm that the inheritance of this ruin must be stored inside this secret passage.

Otherwise, a secret passage would never have been carved so finely.

These radium-uranium steel-carved dragon heads have become mottled over the long years, and it is impossible to artificially create such mottled marks.

Even if the entrance of the secret passage is covered by someone from the seventh era, the existence of the secret passage has nothing to do with the person covering it.

"Let's go, let's go down and have a look together!"

"Look who is doing it here!"

"Even if someone enters the secret passage and the metal plate covering the secret passage has not been put away, it means that the last person who entered the secret passage has not yet come out!"

"Human blacksmiths generally only create spiritual tools that can be used, and metal plates with energy circuits carved are functional tools."

"The people who come here are well-prepared!"

"There are no traces of footprints or stampedes left outside, indicating that the force that entered the secret passage first either flew into this secret passage, or carefully covered it up."

"If I'm not mistaken, most of the people who entered this secret passage are the forces of the beast master."

"It's not ruled out that it's luck that the Beast Familiar force can find here so quickly."

"But all the signs are showing that the forces of the Beast Familiar came prepared."

"We can obtain the map outside the ruins, and it is very likely that the beast master forces have the map inside the ruins!"

Fang Mu nodded slightly upon hearing this.

What Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun said were speculations, not necessarily the truth.

But now that we have come here, there is no reason not to fight for it.

Shui Miao walked into the secret passage first and spoke.

"Old Shu, follow Amu."

"If there is something wrong, you can send it out with Amu directly, and don't worry about me."

"The actual leader of the Beast Familiar Force is Yinyang Li Anbao."

"Yin Yang Li An Leopard's promotion to the order level is not necessarily my opponent, no matter how bad it is, I can easily escape after you bring Amu out."

Shu Liangjun heard the words and did not insist on staying with Shui Miao to fight the enemy together.

Even if two powerhouses at the order level fight against Yinyang Li Anbao, a royal beast at the order level, they can gain the upper hand.

He was even able to kill the Yin Yang Li An Leopard in the end.

But there is no guarantee that Fang Mu will be protected from the swift and fierce offensive of the Yin Yang Li An Leopard.

It is the best choice to take Fangmu out of the field by yourself and ensure Fangmu's safety first!

"Before Ah Shui leaves, I will release my imperial beast to assist you."

"We saw very few beast-controlling forces along the way, but the proportion of beast-controlling forces entering the ruins accounted for a full 40%."

"The Beast Faction is more united than our human forces. If the Beast Faction has a large number of people and the Black Feather Shocking Crane and the Glazed Red Flame Deer will assist you, you will most likely be restrained. "

Now that we have reached the final stage of snatching the inheritance of the relics, encountering a situation here is destined to be a life-or-death situation!

Fang Mu took a deep breath and followed Shui Miao.

Fang Mu never liked to take risks. In his previous life, Fang Mu's family was considered a scholarly family. He was influenced by his parents since he was a child, so Fang Mu understood that a gentleman can't stand a wall.

But Fang Mu has his own courageous side, Fang Mu will still be reckless when the critical moment comes!

This is related to Fang Mu's deep hole cards.

If it weren't for this, Fang Mu wouldn't dare to step into the dangerous situation easily.

Fang Mu is very sensitive to the energy of the blood system. As soon as he entered the entrance of the secret passage, Fang Mu noticed the fresh blood radiating from the bottom of the secret passage.

Before Fang Mu reminded Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun, Shui Miao and Shu Liangjun also discovered this.

Shu Liangjun directly summoned the ghost weapon, and the nine purple gold bells under the silver bracelet trembled slightly, but there was no sound.

Once in danger, the nine purple golden bells will blast out the bell immediately.

The hanging ladder has been going down, but the light of the surrounding environment has not dimmed.

The dragon heads on the handrails on both sides of the hanging ladder are inlaid with a special crystal that emits a faint shimmer.

Fang Mu did not choose to remove the special crystals on these dragon head statues immediately.

A bright environment is beneficial for Fangmu and others to explore.

When the inheritance of the relics is obtained, the dragon head square wood made of radium-uranium steel on the handrail of the hanging ladder can all be removed.

These animal heads carved with radium-uranium steel are very valuable, there is no need to take the spar inlaid on the dragon head alone and damage the dragon head.

The hanging ladder is very wide and can easily allow more than ten people to walk side by side.

The three of Fang Mu walked along one side of the hanging ladder, and suddenly saw a pile of metal fragments scattered on the hanging ladder in front of them.

Shui Miao, who was walking in the forefront, bent down, picked up a piece of metal fragment and studied it for about ten seconds.

"The owner who left this ruin is a master of ingenuity!"

"Most of these parts come from a clever puppet, but this clever puppet has been smashed."

"The body of the ingenious puppet has also been taken away."

"There is still some blood on the ground that hasn't dried up, and this blood must have come from the side that fought the clever puppet!"

After finishing speaking, Shui Miao took out a cork stick used by the blacksmith to wipe the energy circuit during the process of carving the energy circuit.

Shui Miao dipped the blood that hadn't dried up on the ground with a cork, sniffed it lightly and said firmly.

"The blood comes from beings with the blood of a giant elephant."

"Among the beast-monitoring groups that entered the ruins, those who can match up with this bloodline are either Biluo Rhinoceros or Shaking Mountain Rock Elephants."

"It seems that those who made that arrangement are indeed the people of the Beast Familiar Force!"

"Whether it's the Biluo rhinoceros or the regrettable rock elephants, they both have amazingly high defenses."

"These ingenious puppets can penetrate the defense of these beasts, which means that the aggressiveness of these ingenious puppets has reached the top level of the sequence!"

Hearing Shui Miao's words, Fang Mu fully realized the danger of the underground palace in front of him.

Ingenuity is a craftsman skill in the fifth and sixth epochs.

In the seventh era, craftsmen and blacksmiths would use this technique.

There is an essential difference between a puppet created with ingenuity and a mechanical beast.

The mechanical beasts are alive, and the mechanical heart allows the mechanical beasts to have emotions and life.

But the ingenious puppet is indeed a dead thing with an energy core.

The person who makes the golem adds instructions to the golem's power core.

As long as the person who made the clever puppet does not change the order, the clever puppet will always act according to the previously established instructions.

For the clever puppet, what is really powerful is never its offensive ability, but its defensive ability.

The more you go down, the more pieces of clever puppets are scattered on the ground, and the blood stains also become more.

Looking at the bloody purgatory-like hanging ladder in front of him, Fang Mu was sure that the Beast Familiar Force must have suffered heavy casualties!

It's just that the corpses have been taken away by the living beasts.

At this moment, Fang Mu couldn't help feeling that the predecessors held umbrellas and the descendants enjoyed the shade.

As the saying goes, when the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman benefits.

Regardless of whether the beast-monitoring force is a snipe or a clam, Fang Mu is the fisherman.

Fang Mu and the others finally reached the end of the hanging ladder all the way forward, and they saw an extremely large underground square.

There is an altar in the center of the square, and there are only a few leaders of the Beast Familiar force scattered around the altar.

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