Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 36 Blood Fortress, Blood Race Newborn

"Scavenger" will give out points in order for regular members to bring newcomers.

It is tantamount to setting up a newcomer as a regular employee's task.

But the task belongs to the task, but not everyone is so serious and responsible.

He Qing put his hand on Fang Mu's shoulder familiarly.

As soon as his hand was slightly exerted, his brows immediately frowned.

He Qing could feel that Fang Mu's bone age was very young because of the contract to guard the beast.

He came to be a "scavenger" at such a young age, I really don't know what his family thinks! ?

It seems that I have to frighten this child for a while.

Really scaring him back is also a merit of mine.

Otherwise, in the process of incinerating the corpses of the alien beasts, without the protection of a powerful imperial beast, it would be too late if they inhaled the gas produced when the corpses of the alien beasts were incinerated.

Even just once, the damage caused can leave lifelong sequelae.

He took the elevator with Fang Mu to the seventeenth floor and was on his way to the vanguard-level incineration house.

He Qing noticed that Fang Mu's eyes were looking around from time to time.

Observe the surrounding environment.

While being novel, it is also very stable.

Just when He Qing was about to take the initiative to communicate with Fang Mu, he heard a clear and pleasant voice from his side.

"I would like to ask, how to accumulate points after dealing with the corpse of the alien beast?"

When He Qing heard this, he almost choked on his own saliva.

On my side, I was thinking about how to persuade people to give up, but it turned out that they were lucky, and they were already thinking about how to earn points.

"In the vanguard-level incineration room, there are piles of corpses of various vanguard-level alien beasts."

"These corpses have varying degrees of decay. You need to use tools to divide these corpses and throw them into the incinerator."

"When you come out, someone will go inside to check."

"After the inspection is over, points can be added to you immediately."

"It is calculated according to one point for each vanguard-level alien corpse."

"One leaf needs one hundred points."

"That is to say, after dealing with the corpses of 300 pioneer-level alien beasts, you will become an official member of the scavenger."

While speaking, He Qing said towards the medal with two flowers and three leaves on his chest.

"After you become a full member, then deal with the corpses of the vanguard-level beasts."

"Although points are still distributed according to one point for each corpse, when counting the promotion rank, it is only counted according to zero point one point."

"After becoming a full-fledged member, you have to deal with the corpses of heavy artillery-level alien beasts so that you can quickly upgrade your rank."

Speaking of this, He Qing said again with a serious tone.

"Every day, many unofficial members are carried out of the cremation chamber."

"They all died at their jobs because they inhaled the gas produced by the incineration of overdose alien beast corpses."

"This is No. 2293 Pioneer Class Incineration House."

"Think carefully before deciding whether to go in."

When Fang Mu just read the introduction manual, he already knew that one hundred corpses of different beasts of the corresponding level would be stored in each incineration house.

So when checking points, it is impossible to make mistakes.

Fang Mu ignored the second half of He Qing's words.

Because there is Fang Mu to rely on, there is no need to think about his own safety at all.

Fang Mu had other problems in his mind.

"If I have cleaned up all the corpses of alien beasts in the room, how do I need to add them?"

He Qing originally thought that if he frightened the boy in front of him, the boy in front of him would shrink back.

Never thought that this young man would be so courageous!

Not only was he not afraid, but he was even worried that the corpse of the alien beast would not be enough for him to handle.

He Qing said angrily.

"The corpses of alien beasts can't be finished at all."

"If you want to continue processing after everything has been processed, you can choose an empty vanguard-level incineration room to enter after checking the points."

"Proceed to deal with the remains of the alien beast."

As soon as He Qing finished speaking, Fang Mu thanked He Qing.

Then entered the No. 2293 Pioneer-level incineration room.

In the rest room of only three square meters in the incineration house, they put on high-temperature protective clothing.

Looking at the closed door in front of him, He Qing couldn't make up his mind for a while.

The beasts contracted by each beast master belong to their own secrets.

Some "scavengers" deal with the corpses of alien beasts, and even use their own natal beasts.

Therefore, there is no monitoring in all levels of incineration houses.

This is why so many people died in the incineration house but could not be rescued.

He Qing didn't plan to deal with the corpses of heavy artillery-level alien beasts today.

Even if He Qing can provide strict protection through the beast master, he still needs to provide the beast master with a rest time.

So He Qing went to the heavy artillery level incineration house every two days.

He Qing had nothing to do, so he decided to just look at the kid at the door, how long it would take to get out of the incineration room.

He Qing remembered that when he entered the vanguard-level incineration room for the first time, he couldn't even bear the scorching heat inside.

After holding on for about an hour, five and a half corpses of alien beasts were burned.

He Qing, who never liked to wait for others, took out a table from his space-type spiritual weapon, took out a stack of sauced beef, and poured a glass of shochu.

Prepare to watch when you finish eating the sauced beef and drinking soju.

Will Fang Mu crawl out of the incineration room in a panic?

He Qing didn't want to see Fang Mu's jokes.

Instead, based on the principle of saving one is one, after Fang Mu came out, he was taken to see the therapist inside "Scavenger" as soon as possible.

Minimize the impact on later life.

However, He Qing miscalculated.

When Fang Mu changed into the high-temperature protective clothing, he felt the heat wave coming from inside.

This heat wave is more sweltering than the dog days of midsummer in JA City.

Fang Mu summoned his natal illustrated book.

A dark green black pattern is flying around Fang Mu's natal illustrated book.

Fang Mu directly summoned all the suction and water purification spirits.

Purifying Water Spirit is a water elemental beast that evolves towards a half-elf.

As long as the whole body of the square wood is wrapped, it can have a good cooling effect.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Mu, who had changed into the high-temperature protective clothing, let Xiexi activate the skill [Garbage Recycling] and stepped into the work area.

As a key high school in Jinghai Province, Jinghai Yushou High School has rich educational resources.

Therefore, Fang Mu had already seen many vanguard-level alien beasts in the observation class.

Even the heavy artillery-level beasts have been observed by Cui Ruochen several times.

So Fang Mu was no stranger to strange beasts.

However, at a glance, a small part of the corpses of alien beasts piled up here showed bones.

But it can be seen that many of them are species that Fang Mu has never seen before.

Among these alien beasts, the main species of alien beasts are insects, and a small amount are demons and underground creatures.

In addition, there is a humanoid creature with a very delicate face piled up among these strange beasts.

Behind this creature, there is a pair of bat-like wings.

Based on the knowledge he had, Fang Mu immediately recognized that this should be a newborn of a blood race.

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