Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 364: Great Transformation of the Abdominal Space!

There are many creators who say they want to explore the secrets of the fifth and sixth epochs.

But in Fang Mu's view, what these creators say is not so much a goal as a slogan.

Goals are things that are possible to achieve through hard work, while slogans are more of an empty vision.

Even spiritual energy cannot be prepared and used freely, so what are you talking about exploring the fifth and sixth eras! ?

Realizing the freedom of aura is the foundation of exploring the fifth and sixth eras.

Although Fang Mu was quite curious about the situation in the fifth and sixth eras, Fang Mu's mind was not on the exploration of the fifth and sixth eras.

Instead, they set their goals on their own development in the seventh era, after all, people have to look forward!

Fang Mu took out the aura condensed by the silver-level skill [Liquid Spirit Compression] from the Wufu Lanshou Spirit Absorbing Goldfish during the past few days.

These auras were jointly released by the sun and moon jellyfish and the Yunling hibiscus. Fang Mu did not immediately feed the aura purified by the Wufu Lanshou spirit-absorbing goldfish to the abdominal worms.

Instead, he first summoned the suction, let the suction swallow up the aura, and purify the aura.

I want the abdominal worms to absorb the aura and use the aura as the energy source of the secret realm. The purer the aura, the better!

Purifying these auras is nothing more than a trivial matter for Xie, and the 100% pure aura is purified by the suction.

Fang Mu carefully fed the aura to the belly worms.

Fang Mu found that the moment he absorbed the pure aura, the color of the abdomen worm's body gradually changed from silver gray to transparent.

And in the process, the size of the abdominal worm was also getting smaller and smaller, and finally the abdominal worm turned out to be only the size of Fangmu's forearm!

The ingenious bunker is affected by the space energy of the belly worm, and its size has also shrunk.

Even if the worms in the abdomen that have absorbed the pure aura and changed in front of them are not covered by void fog, it is difficult to be found.

After covering the fog of the void, unless you have extremely strong probing skills, you won't be able to find any traces of the bellyland worms at all.

Of course, although the size of the abdominal worm has become smaller, if Fang Mu wants to increase the size of the abdominal worm.

The abdominal worm only needs to fill its body with space energy, and its size will immediately become huge!

Abdominal worms have absorbed the pure aura and undergone such a big change, obviously it has nothing to do with the abdominal space, but the evolutionary effect of the pure aura itself on it.

Now the pure aura has become the secret energy bound by the belly worm.

Fang Mu communicated with the abdominal worm, and the abdominal worm directly pulled Fang Mu into his own abdominal space.

After Fang Mu entered the abdominal space, he measured the area of ​​the abdominal space.

At this time, the area of ​​the abdominal space is nearly 500 square meters, which is enough for square wood to use!

As the rank of the worms in the abdominal environment becomes higher and higher, the area inside the abdominal environment space will become larger and larger.

The abdominal space can be modified at will, but Fang Mu himself is not a craftsman, and he does not have the ability to independently create the abdominal space.

To change the environment, artisans are not as good as goblins produced in the underground world.

The climate of the Panfeng Federation is arid, dominated by deserts and wastelands.

In such an environment, it is easiest to open the cracks in the underground dimension. There must be goblin reserves inside the Panfeng Federation!

Fang Mu communicated with Liu Xi, and asked Liu Xi to control Huang Yuan to dispatch two goblins for his own use.

After Fang Mu brought the two goblins to the abdominal space, he began to negotiate with the two goblins.

Let these two goblins help them use sapphire fragments to create a winding stream that can place vegetation and springs.

This creek, which covers an area of ​​nearly 100 square meters, can maximize the use of the springs of the grass and clear springs.

After the goblin is captured by humans, the most basic thing is to guide the goblin to learn human language.

These two goblins can clearly understand Fangmu's needs.

Goblins are insidious, greedy, cunning, and very timid, which makes goblins meet human requirements to the greatest extent in order to survive.

After the two goblins understood Fang Mu's meaning, they perfectly completed the construction of the stream.

This meandering stream is one meter wide and about eighty centimeters deep.

The winding shape has a very elegant beauty, which is the talent of goblins in construction.

In terms of talent in this area, even a master craftsman can hardly compare with goblins!

I thought that when I was conducting the assessment in the ancient battlefield, I had harvested a lot of fully jade-like Xufeng pear wood.

After metamorphosis in the high-purity aura environment, Xufeng pear wood has the effect of antiseptic, releasing Xufeng and maintaining fresh air.

Under the nourishment of aura, it will emit the original color light that matches the wood.

There is no light in the abdominal space of the belly worm, and Fang Mu is now using a plant-like animal called the sun morning glory for lighting.

Sunshine morning glory, a plant-like beast, needs to absorb sunlight from the outside world in order to obtain a short-term lighting function.

Using it in the abdominal space can be used for a short-term solution, but it is not a long-term solution!

After Fang Mu took out the completely jade-like Xufengli board, Xufengli board felt the clear amber light released by the aura.

A piece of Xufengli wood board can illuminate the environment within at least two square meters!

Fang Mu collected at least a thousand pieces of Xufengli planks, and Fang Mu asked the two goblins to spread the Xufengli planks on the inside of the stream.

In Fang Mu's hands, nearly a thousand pieces of Xufeng pear planks have just finished laying the stream that winds hundreds of meters.

Fang Mu placed the grass springs in the stream, and the grass springs from the grass springs completely filled the stream within 20 minutes.

And the water flow is circulated from the tail of the stream.

Looking at the environment in front of him, Fang Mu felt like he had laid a star river in the night sky!

The creek channel exuding amber light has a different sense of atmosphere, making the entire abdominal space beautiful in an instant!

Fang Mu plans to get more precious wood in the future, and then put these precious wood in the abdominal space.

As the concentration of aura in the belly space continues to increase, the precious wood placed in the belly space will naturally become jade!

Fang Mu placed the four sun and moon jellyfish in his hand, and the five blessings and life-absorbing goldfish in the stream.

In an instant, there is life in the stream.

When Fang Mu collected this Wufu Lanshou spirit-absorbing goldfish, he also harvested a special algae named Yuweizao.

Fang Mu planted the beautiful waste fishtail algae under the spring of Lingquan.

The water flow hits the mermaid, making the mermaid bloom like a white dress.

Immediately, Fang Mu placed the eggs of those spirit-absorbing goldfish in the fishtail algae.

Under the washing of the grass, trees and clear springs, these fish eggs absorb the water element energy and aura, and it shouldn't take long for them to hatch.

After these spirit-absorbing goldfish hatch, there will be at least two to three hundred spirit-absorbing goldfish swimming in this winding 100-meter channel!

After carefully placing the eggs of these spirit-absorbing goldfish, Fang Mu planted the Yunling hibiscus in a position in the middle of the stream.

The square wood in this area was specially designed by the goblins, and some substrates suitable for plants to take root were placed.

The square trees in this area will be used to breed plant beasts in the future.

After arranging the harvest in the ancient battlefield, Fang Mu didn't forget to take out the plant-like beast named blood vine.

The blood vine is the harvest that Fangmu got when he opened the first era relic.

After using [Eye of All-knowing] to explore the data of the blood-making vines, Fang Mu is looking forward to the blood-making vines bearing fruit.

If one can eat the fruits of blood-making vines to increase one's own hematopoietic speed, then the speed at which Fangmu coagulates the blood of the contract will be greatly improved as it is now!

Fang Mu placed the blood vines planted in plain jade pots beside the winding stream.

Make the grass spring water just enough to cover the plain jade basin, so that the blood-brewing vines can freely absorb the grass spring water.

Fang Mu did not forget the Xizhao Yalian and Banlian Yuchan collected in the ruins.

Sunset Yalian is also a royal beast that can produce aura. Before Fang Mu planted Sunset Yalian in the culture medium in the stream.

Then he took all the lotus roots from Xizhao Yalian.

These square logs of lotus roots will be ground by She Wan as soon as possible to make lotus root powder for storage.

After returning to the Longteng Federation this time, Fang Mu should be able to regenerate Fang Qin's severed finger and make Fang Qin's right hand intact!

The companion lotus jade cicada obediently landed on the bud of Yalian in the setting sun.

It will take some time for Xizhao Yalian to bloom.

After the sunset ya lotus blooms and enters the sunset state, the brightness in the abdomen space will be improved.

The whole stream will give birth to a feeling of being illuminated by the setting sun!

Even if Banlian Yuchan flies around, she can't escape this five-hundred-square-meter abdominal space.

Right now, I have finished arranging all the things that should be arranged, but it will take a certain amount of time for the concentration of aura in the abdominal space to increase.

One reason is that even if enough life energy is provided to the belly worm, there is a certain limit to the belly worm's consumption of life energy to produce aura.

Once there are too many targets absorbing spiritual energy in the abdominal space, the demand for spiritual energy is too great.

Then the concentration of aura in the abdomen space cannot be increased!

Secondly, the ranks of the Sun Moon Jellyfish, Yunling Hibiscus, and Xizhao Yalian are still too low.

When the ranks of Sun Moon Jellyfish, Yunling Hibiscus, and Xizhao Yalian increase, the ranks of those spirit-absorbing goldfish will be raised above the silver rank after being hatched.

The concentration of aura in this abdominal environment space will be very impressive!

Fang Mu only made a simple layout of the abdominal environment space, and then Fang Mu will improve the abdominal environment space little by little.

After leaving the belly space, Fang Mu put the belly worm back into the purple ice crystal ring.

After the belly worm steps into the diamond stage and can mimic freely, Fang Mu can bring the belly worm with him!

Fang Mu had just left the abdominal space when he heard someone knocking on his door.

Fang Mu lightly tapped the table twice with his hands.

After receiving the response from inside, Lu Xiaoyin opened the door and walked in.

"Master, I have checked the transaction list with the green magician who sprouted from ancient times."

"The pollutants and pollution sources provided by Green Magician are calculated based on the conditions you give."

"You need to provide the green magician with a total of thirteen bottles of life potion with a purity of 90%, and eighteen bottles of potion of wood element with a purity of 90%!"

"The Green Magician says he can provide you with the resources on the list immediately."

While speaking, Lu Xiaoyin handed the list to Fang Mu.

Lu Xiaoyin made it very clear that the Green Magician wanted to make a deal immediately.

But Lu Xiaoyin wasn't sure if Fang Mu could come up with so many potions now.

Therefore, Lu Xiaoyin did not give an affirmative answer to the green magician, but came back to report to Fang Mu, and Fang Mu made a decision.

It was Fang Mu's first transaction with the Green Magician, and the entire transaction was done in private.

Therefore, Fangmu has no reason to delay the time limit of the transaction.

On the contrary, I immediately provided these medicines to the green magician, which made the green magician pay more attention to the transaction with me.

Know your own strength more clearly!

Fang Mu took out thirty-one bottles of potions that needed to be traded from the Purple Ice Crystal Ring, and placed these potions in a suitcase specially for storing potions.

"Xiaoyin, send these medicines to the Green Magician now, and then take Miss Wan to check the pollutants and pollution sources."

"Bring me back these pollutants and pollution sources after confirming that they are correct!"

Hearing this, Lu Xiaoyin carefully took the suitcase from Fang Mu's hand, and said to Fang Mu before leaving the room.

"Master, the Green Magician wants to invite you to be a guest in Germination City. I wonder if you are interested?"

Fang Mu couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard this.

Germination City is the old nest of Germination in ancient times, divided into inner city and outer city.

Only the core members of the ancient sprouts can enter the inner city, while the outer city is more like a large trading market.

It's just that there is no guarantee for trading items in the trading workshop outside the Germinal City, and it is easy to be hacked!

Only those vicious people who are desperate will choose to come here to try their luck.

Fang Mu has no interest in going to Germination City.

So Fang Mu shook his head at Lu Xiaoyin.

"Xiaoyin, tell Green Magician that we still have a chance to trade in the future."

"If he wants to contact me conveniently, just ask him to prepare a beast that can communicate with me."

Lu Xiaoyin's heart was finally relieved when he heard the words.

In the process of negotiating with the green magician, Lu Xiaoyin could feel the oppression brought by the green magician.

This kind of person who has contracted pollutants and has no feelings is very dangerous.

Lu Xiaoyin was very afraid that the green magician would harm Fangmu.

What Lu Xiaoyin didn't know was that his young master Fang Mu had already been regarded as an eyeball by the green magicians.

The green magician really didn't expect that Fang Mu could immediately take out thirty-one bottles of master-level potions.

This transaction allowed the green magician to fully see the background of the Boundless Tower, and he shouted in his heart that he had found a treasure.

For Fang Mu's rejection of his invitation, the green magician didn't feel regretful at all.

Anyway, my invitation was just a polite way to show my favor to Fang Mu!

What the green magician valued more was the opportunity to keep trading with Fang Mu in the future.

And Fang Mu had already promised himself this opportunity.

Long-distance communication beasts are extremely precious, but for this opportunity, the green magician is willing to take out a pair of such communication beasts and give one of them to Fang Mu.

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