Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 367: Zhanlan Six Parts!

On the eve of such grand events as the Chamber of Commerce Festival, major chambers of commerce will invite some famous people to join their camp to attend the Chamber of Commerce Festival.

The greater the reputation and status of the invited people, the more they can demonstrate the status of a chamber of commerce.

On the eve of the Chamber of Commerce Festival, I don't know how many presidents of the Chamber of Commerce are using their own face to entertain all kinds of gods.

If it is said that Fang Yuan invited Yi Han, the master creator, by virtue of his relationship, it would be fine.

But through Fang Yuan's words, the two learned that Grandmaster Yi Han was in a hurry to attend the Chamber of Commerce Festival with Fang Yuan!

Passive invitation and active joining are two completely different natures!

Building a Wood Chamber of Commerce on the Chamber of Commerce Festival is afraid that it will go to heaven!

What is the identity of Grandmaster Yi Han! ?

The third founding master of the Dragon Federation! Is the hot upstart!

Last month, Grandmaster Yi Han held a big banquet to celebrate his joining Di Yuan.

At that time, Fang Yuan personally brought congratulatory gifts for Grandmaster Yi Han.

At that banquet, Grandmaster Yi Han showed that the other party was far more affectionate. Now, looking at Master Yi Han, the other party is far from being so simple.

Liu Jihui carefully sized Fang Yuan up.

Behind Fang Mu there is a master who created it, and Liu Jihui knows it.

Unexpectedly, as Fang Mu's older brother, Fang Yuan would also be associated with a founding master!

Now, the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce already has the relationship with two founding masters.

If any chamber of commerce dares to challenge the Jianmu chamber of commerce at the chamber of commerce festival, then this chamber of commerce will definitely not end well!

Since Liu Jihui brought the Lionheart Brigade to Wangdu to help the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, he moved the headquarters of the Lionheart Brigade from JA City to Wangdulai.

As a mercenary organization led by a strong sequence, it is very popular with the major local forces in the capital.

Although Liu Jihui has been serving the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, there are still many forces who take the initiative to show favor to Liu Jihui.

Hope to have the opportunity to cooperate in the future.

This allowed the Lionheart Brigade to have some access to outside news in the capital.

Liu Jihui learned that several top chambers of commerce wanted to curb the development of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

The speed of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce's development is so fast that it has shaken the cakes of those chambers of commerce.

Those top chambers of commerce took this Chamber of Commerce Festival as an excellent opportunity to suppress the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

But when these forces see Grandmaster Yi Han and Fang Yuan stepping into the venue together, they might immediately dispel their thoughts about the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

I'm glad I didn't do such a ridiculous thing.

Yi Han laughed when he heard this.

"What is there to prepare for?"

"Nephew, I just don't want you to make preparations, otherwise I would have told you in advance!"

"Attending the Chamber of Commerce Festival with your Construction Wood Chamber of Commerce is an itinerary that I have made a long time ago."

"There's been no news of little friend Fang Mu recently, remember to say hello to little friend Fang Mu for me!"

After finishing speaking, Yi Han hung up the phone and did not greet Fang Yuan again.

The reason why Yi Han was so enthusiastic about attending the Chamber of Commerce Festival was that during this time, Yi Han had often traded high-purity master-level potions from Fang Mu.

Yi Han's three main battle beasts were all improved by the potion provided by Fang Mu.

This made Yi Han owe Fang Mu a lot of favor.

When Fang Yuan attended the banquet last month, Yi Han specifically asked Fang Yuan why no one answered Fang Mu's cell phone.

Only then did I learn from Fang Yuan that Fang Mu had gone out to practice.

This let Yi Han know that if he wants to trade with Fang Mu again, he can only wait for Fang Mu to return from his experience.

During this period of time, I must perform as much as possible so that Fang Mu can trade more high-level creator resources with me.

Originally, Yi Han was extremely arrogant, and hated others to neglect him the most.

But after he really became the master of creation, Yi Han no longer paid attention to these things.

Standing on a high ground to really look at things that you originally admired and longed for, you will only feel ordinary.

Yi Han finally understood why Grandmaster Xiaoxiang and Grandmaster Shuoyang always looked calm and calm on weekdays.

It turned out that it wasn't because these two old guys like to pretend to be aggressive, but because they showed it naturally.

Yi Han is also changing towards this attitude.

Fang Yuan has not contacted Fang Mu for a while. Although he knew that Fang Mu went out to practice with his master, Fang Yuan was still somewhat worried.

This is the first time that Fang Yuan lost contact with Fang Mu for such a long time.

Fang Yuan sighed softly, wondering when Fang Mu will be able to come back?

Fang Yuan really lost his mind.

Master Yi Han's attendance at the Chamber of Commerce Festival was obviously Fang Mu's previous plan.

Xiaomu is afraid that he will suffer a disadvantage at the Chamber of Commerce Festival!

Originally, Fang Yuan's heart had just been filled with warmth, but Fang Yuan's face soon became serious.

Fang Yuan tapped the table twice, and asked Liu Jihui and Wu Shuang.

"I heard that the Lionheart Brigade and the Suwang Pavilion clashed while protecting the caravan, resulting in injuries."

"You two should know about this, right?"

Hearing Fang Yuan's words, neither Wu Shuang nor Liu Jihui dared to try to defend themselves.

Although Fang Yuan asked this question, Fang Yuan must know the specific situation.

The development of the matter is not a secret, and the members of the Jianmu caravan are all witnesses.

Wu Shuang took the lead in self-criticism.

"President Fang's matter is that our Suwang Pavilion is not strict, which led to the conflict between the people of Suwang Pavilion and the Lionheart Brigade."

"I have notified the Pavilion Master about this matter, and the Pavilion Master will definitely deal with this matter seriously!"

As soon as Wu Shuang finished speaking, before Liu Jihui explained the situation, Fang Yuan asked in a cold voice.

"Isn't it the first time you reacted to Gu Dong, the owner of Suwang Pavilion, in a similar situation?"

"I didn't ask you to find out about the situation before, but Lu Bo has already looked for you at least twice."

"It seems that you, Suwangge, don't pay much attention to this!"

"It's not uncommon for a chamber of commerce to hire multiple mercenary teams to deliver supplies, but I haven't heard of any mercenary teams hired by a chamber of commerce having frequent infighting!"

When Wu Shuang heard this, cold sweat rolled down in an instant, soaking the clothes behind her.

But Wu Shuang couldn't defend herself.

Because what Fang Yuan said is indeed true!

Originally, Gu Dong was very concerned about the cooperation with the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce. It was only after Gu Dong learned that he had helped Fang Yuan that his attitude became lax.

Wu Shuang bit the bullet and said.

"President Fang, Suwang Pavilion will cooperate with Jianmu Chamber of Commerce in the future, and a similar situation will never happen again!"

"I will ask the troublemakers to personally apologize to the Lionheart Brigade and compensate the injured Lionheart Brigade for their losses!"

Wu Shuang's words were not only a pledge of resignation, but also an attempt to find out Fang Yuan's tone.

Fang Yuan's beautiful palm slapped the table lightly and gently.

"Since it was picked by you people from Suwang Pavilion, apologizing to the Lionheart Brigade should have been something you Suwang Pavilion had to do!"

"If other forces find trouble with the Lionheart Brigade, our Jianmu Chamber of Commerce will also find its place afterward!"

"Since Gu Dong, the owner of the Suwang Pavilion, is incapable of restraining his subordinates, there is no need for us to cooperate in the future!"

"After you have compensated for the loss of the Lion Heart Brigade on behalf of Suwang Pavilion, you can go to Master Lu Zhong to settle the bill."

After talking about the decision to deal with Suwang Pavilion, Fang Yuan spoke seriously to Liu Jihui.

"These missions have caused you Lionheart Brigade to suffer. If there is any situation in the future, you can just report the situation to me directly."

When Liu Jihui heard the words, he quickly bowed to Fang Yuan.

"President Fang, our Lionheart Brigade has not suffered much grievance, especially if you are willing to uphold justice for our Lionheart Brigade!"

"Even the seriously injured brother will feel warm in his heart when he finds out!"

Liu Jihui heard the news that Suwang Pavilion had helped Fang Yuan, and Gu Dong, the patron of Suwang Pavilion, was not low-key about this matter.

This made Liu Jihui only able to be calm in his heart even if the people in Suwang Pavilion picked things up, but he couldn't worry about it at all.

What Fang Yuan did today really made Liu Jihui admire him in his heart.

Unexpectedly, at such a young age, Fang Yuan had the bearing of such a high-ranking person!

Even Liu Jihui, in the process of running the Lionheart Brigade, couldn't help his relatives.

But Fang Yuan did it!

Suwang Pavilion lost the opportunity to hug the thigh of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, which can definitely be called a major loss for Suwang Pavilion, and it directly affects the future of Suwang Pavilion.

However, there is no regret medicine in this world.

If Gu Dong, the owner of the Suwang Pavilion, had been able to seriously rectify the Suwang Pavilion when he was reacted to by Lu Bo a few times before, such a situation would not have happened today!

The best way to use kindness is to let this kindness continue to deepen.

It's not because of some of my own practices that have caused the little kindness to be wiped out.

Wu Shuang wanted to plead for mercy, but after seeing the expression on Fang Yuan's face, Wu Shuang finally failed to say so.

Wu Shuang was both regretful and annoyed in her heart, it was no one's fault that Gu Dong couldn't handle it well.

Over the years, Suwang Pavilion has continuously recruited new people, and Gu Dong reused Zhang Peng, which made the atmosphere inside Suwang Pavilion worse and worse.

These disturbances were caused precisely because of the hostility inside the Suwang Pavilion.

If it was placed a few years ago, the people in Suwang Pavilion would not take the initiative to provoke.

After Wu Shuang went back, she planned to explain the situation to Gu Dong carefully.

If Gu Dong can't learn his lesson and rectify Suwang Pavilion, Wu Shuang feels that there is no need for him to stay in Suwang Pavilion.

After Wu Shuang and Liu Jihui left, Fang Yuan sighed softly.

Fang Yuan is the kind of person who values ​​kindness very much.

Fang Yuan was very grateful to Suwangge back then, otherwise he would not have appointed Suwangge as the mercenary team of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

There are many high-quality mercenary teams in contact with the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, and some of them are stronger than Suwang Pavilion.

Although Fang Yuan attaches great importance to kindness, Fang Yuan understands what he should do and what he should not do as the president of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

Fang Yuan didn't know the situation of Suwang Pavilion before, and he didn't know that Suwang Pavilion would cause trouble in the process of cooperating with Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

After all, Fang Yuan's recent thoughts have been spent on the Chamber of Commerce Festival and the creation of the visualization hall.

If Fang Yuan had known about the situation earlier, he would have dealt with Suwang Pavilion as he did today.

Otherwise, I will soon be ashamed of my trust in Fang Mu!

In the evening, Fang Yuan invited Feng Chenhao to a banquet.

Fang Yuan was never the kind of person who put on airs, which made Feng Chenhao and Fang Yuan get along very comfortably.

This time he came to Wangdu to meet Fang Yuan, Feng Chenhao was full of sincerity.

Taoyao has not released any new products for two months, but this time it has brought a total of six collection series gift boxes.

Even if you don't get it at the Chamber of Commerce Festival, putting it in any store can lead to a wave of enthusiasm.

Feng Chenhao has been looking for and reading ancient books recently, and has also updated a wave of Taoyao's exclusive brand painters.

These six collection gift boxes are a series called "Zhanlan Six".

Feng Chenhao learned from ancient books that there was a giant federation named Zhanlan Federation in the fifth and sixth epochs.

In the Azure Federation, there are twelve tribes with the bloodline of special beasts.

It's just that this ancient book is a fragment, and there are only introductions to the special beasts of six of the tribes.

This kind of imperial beast was called the Azure Beast in the Azure Federation at that time, and it had a special meaning.

Zhanlan Liubu is based on these six kinds of Zhanlan beasts.

Among these six imperial beasts, Feng Chenhao's favorite is the blue clouded leopard.

But each flower is eye-catching, and these collection gift boxes created by the artist will definitely sell well!

Because Taoyao's products have always been robbed when they go on the market.

Those who want to choose products often lose the opportunity to obtain Taoyao products to keep youth forever.

Everything on Fang Yuan's side has been prepared, just waiting for the Chamber of Commerce Festival to be held smoothly.

Fang Mu has just met Jiao Feng, the elder of the Jiao Snake clan.

Now that Fang Mu has already controlled Yin Yang, Li An, Leopard Day An, there is no need to insist on trading with the Bright Snake Clan.

But Fang Mu did not miss the appointment.

The Jiao snake family also brought a lot of sincerity.

In order to exchange high-purity life potions and element potions from Fang Mu, the White Snake Clan basically turned their backs.

As the saying goes, you can't hang yourself on a tree, Fang Mu's current approach is tantamount to infiltrating his power into the beast-controlling forces.

Just like no one knows about my control over Day An, I also don't know about my control over the Bright Snake Clan and other beast-following forces.

As the power of the White Snake Clan continues to grow stronger, the status of the White Snake Clan in the Beast Familiar Clan will also become higher and higher.

At that time, the Bright Snake Clan will be able to bring effect to Fang Mu!

This trip to the Panfeng Federation was perfect, and everything that should be dealt with was handled.

It's time to return to the Dragon Federation!

After returning to the Longteng Federation, Fang Mu was going to retreat and hit the star level of the beast master with all his strength.

Then sign up for the National High School Graduate Beastmaster Professional League.

This kind of single-player duel can best demonstrate a person's personal strength, and Walnut will definitely participate.

Getting a good ranking will help Fang Mu to form his own team after entering Jinghai Tianyu University.

After the evil sect attacked JA City, Fang Mu left Wangdu for Ludu and lost contact with Hutao.

I don't know how the walnuts are doing now!

Hu Tao is currently limited by resources, even after awakening the three black patterns, her strength is still not too strong.

But whether it is Hu Tao's main battle royal beast, Iron Winged Jujiu, or the natal beast and bird pretending to be a puppet, they all have extremely strong potential.

As long as enough resources are given for its use, Walnut will become stronger in an instant.

It can be said that Hu Tao's parents chose such a beast for Hu Tao with good intentions.

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