Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 372 Yama's Journey!

After the people from the Brilliant Clan arrive at the specific location of the transaction, they will contact Fang Mu again.

Fang Mu did not hide this, but directly told Jiang Weng and Jiang Tuo the good news.

"Xiao Tuo should be able to recover in about a week."

"One week later, members of the Brilliant Clan will go to the Soaring Dragon Federation and provide Xiaotuo with two ice-attribute natural disaster-level ghost beasts for Xiaotuo's contract."

"My side has pure death energy, both dead soul and ice elemental energy, and Xiao Tuo's strength will be improved soon!"

"The Brilliant Gold Honey that I traded with the Brilliant Clan will also provide part of it to Xiaotuo."

"Not only that, Xiaotuo can also follow me, and share with me the refinement of the spiritual power of the holy object, the essence of falling cherry blossoms!"

When Jiang Tuo was young, he was pleasantly surprised by Fang Mu's words, but he didn't understand the weight contained in these words.

But Jiang Weng knew the weight contained in these words.

As a spirit forging master, Jiang Weng was well-informed, but at this time his body still couldn't help shaking.

Fang Mu's original promise to Xiao Tuo was already full of weight, but now Fang Mu has once again increased his promise to Xiao Tuo.

It is the most correct choice for Xiao Tuo to be by Fang Mu's side!

Even the arrogance of the top forces, the resources obtained cannot be better than this!

Brilliant golden honey is extremely precious, because brilliant golden honey can directly temper the spiritual power of a beast master.

Fang Mu not only provided Xiaotuo with treasures such as Brilliant Golden Honey, but even his own sacred objects were willing to share with Xiaotuo.

Fang Mu regards Xiao Tuo as his confidant, and in the future, he will provide more and more resources for Xiao Tuo.

And Fang Mu actually has a relationship with the Brilliant Clan!

The ancient survivors of the Brilliant Clan are truly behemoths in the world.

Jiang Tuo once again realized the energy contained in Fangmu.

Jiang Tuo knelt down on one knee and bowed to Fang Mu seriously.

"Master, I will definitely live up to your expectations, and I will grow up as soon as possible!"

After thinking about it, Jiang Tuo still thinks it's most appropriate to call him Master Fang Mu.

After seeing off Jiang Weng and Jiang Tuo, Fang Mu enjoyed the snacks brought by Jiang Tuo.

Ludu's special candy is wrapped in syrup on the surface of the fruit, which is very similar to the candied haws that Fang Mu ate in his previous life.

The only difference from candied haws is that the candied fruit is not frozen hard and loses some flavor.

Fang Mu didn't have an ice-type beast on hand, otherwise Fang Mu would definitely freeze these candies before eating.

In addition to candy, Fang Mu also loves to eat all kinds of fried goods on the streets of Ludu.

This kind of fried food is eclectic, it may be fungi, it may be vegetables, it may be chicken fillet and heart, or the leftovers of some kind of animal.

Ludu is rich in sweet peppers. This kind of sweet peppers is dried and ground into powder and then sprinkled in fried goods as a seasoning. The flavor is very outstanding.

The Longteng Federation has extremely high standards for food safety, and the management is extremely strict.

So even street food is very healthy.

Fang Mu ate all these snacks, still feeling unsatisfied.

Fang Mu stretched out his hand and rubbed his stomach, took out his mobile phone and told Lu Xiaoyin to prepare some Ludu snacks for himself in the space equipment.

These flavored snacks can add some flavor to Fang Mukuang's nutritious meals in daily life.

Fang Mu secretly sighed, he is becoming more and more like a fool now!

Fortunately, these nutrients can be digested by the blood-colored aging, and going to the toilet is no different from ordinary people.

Otherwise, in addition to being an idiot, Fang Mu would also become a jet fighter blocking the toilet.

After receiving Fang Mu's call, Lu Xiaoyin immediately went to Ludu's snack street to make purchases.

Fang Mu gave Lu Xiaoyin a secondary card of the Dragonrider Black Gold Card. With this secondary card, Lu Xiaoyin can use the Dragon Coins in the main card.

Ever since she became Fang Mu's personal butler, Lu Xiaoyin can always feel this kind of extravagant spending.

She Wan had just handed over the demon scorpion to Lu Xiaoyin.

Lu Xiaoyin has never seen the Yaosha lion and scorpion so suitable for her royal beast in her life.

If She Wan, the royal beast, didn't take it out of She's house for her, even if Fang Mu helped her find it, she might not be able to find it.

Because the demon yarn scorpion is obviously a mutation of some kind of lion and scorpion.

This kind of specially mutated royal beast is full of chance and is not common.

In addition to the joy that he has obtained a beast that can be contracted and is suitable for him.

Lu Xiaoyin was even more grateful for She Wan's ability to think of herself!

She Wan wants to befriend Lu Xiaoyin, and Lu Xiaoyin also has plans to befriend She Wan.

She Wan is also someone who is valued by Fang Mu. As a personal butler, if she does not have a good relationship with these people, it will be difficult to do a good job as a personal butler.

Fang Mu looked at the time, and it was about an hour and a half before Fang Yuan finished attending the Chamber of Commerce Festival.

For the rest of the time, Fang Mu didn't use Lanhe Yumu's fairy heart to strengthen Yunyu doll.

Now is not the best time to strengthen Yunyu doll with the spirit heart.

After the Yunyu doll transforms into the Huyan twins, then strengthen the Huyan twins, which will help the transformation of the Huyan twins' bloodline.

It is possible for the Huyan twins to have a further bloodline when they are promoted to the platinum rank.

Fang Mu is going to take advantage of this time to use his identity as Yan Luo to have a few duels on Battle.net.

Fang Mu, who had just finished nurturing the Royal Beast, was very itchy in his heart.

Battle.net and Yuwang are very lively at any time. The combination of Battle.net and Yuwang can be called the second world of the Dragon Federation.

At least half of the citizens of Longteng Federation will work on Yuwang to earn money.

Basically all beast masters will register and log in to Yuwang and Battle.net.

It's just that rather than looking for the resources they need on the Yuwang.com, the beastmasters prefer to fight with others on the Battle.net and hone their fighting skills.

The rank on Battle.net can demonstrate the strength of a beast master. Because of the fairness of Battle.net matching, all official forces of the Dragon Federation recognize the rank on Battle.net.

Fang Mu never had the habit of logging onto Battle.net posts to check for hot news.

If Fang Mu went to investigate, he would definitely find that his identity as Jianmu was still the hottest topic on Battle.net.

It was discussed enthusiastically by netizens on Battle.net.

[Maple Shadow's War]: No, I must watch the video of Jianmu's competition in the Silver Palace again later! Why is a beast master who does not exceed the silver rank so powerful! ? It doesn't make sense!

[Futu Baiye]: People have high-level creator resources as backing to cultivate royal beasts, what's the point? If I had the resources to create a master, I could be that strong!

[Forget Shonan]: Don't talk nonsense! Jianmu's imperial beast cannot be cultivated by the resources of a master creator! The master creators I know can't breed half-elves at the silver level!

The account of Wang Shonan is very famous in the forum area of ​​Battle.net.

One reason is that Wang Shonan's personal strength has already reached the diamond I (90/100) victory point, and he has a chance to be promoted to Xingyao long ago!

It's just that for the sake of the effect of the live broadcast, Wang Xiangnan became the goalkeeper of Xingyao's rank.

Blocked out the door of countless beast masters who dreamed of sprinting to Xingyao, and some of them were official members of the club and guild.

Secondly, it is because Wang Xiangnan himself is an assistant of the master creator, which makes every word Wang Xiangnan says has the master creator's endorsement behind him.

If Wang Xiangnan speaks nonsense on Battle.net, it will affect the reputation of the creator behind him.

That's why many people in the Battle.net forum area believed in Wang Shonan's words.

Many people watched the Jianmu Silver Palace video on Battle.net.

Many of them went to the scene to watch in person during the exhibition match.

It's just that the vast majority of people just watched the excitement and couldn't see the doorway clearly.

Now that Wang Shonan has punctured the doorway, those netizens watching the excitement on Battle.net know the background represented by Jianmu's imperial beast.

Jianmu's popularity on Battle.net had already fermented before.

It's just that for some reason, Jianmu's battle video will be deleted as soon as it is sent out.

Because there is no video to watch, the popularity has not been able to show an explosive trend.

The video of Jianmu's battle before has been deleted by the nine sacrifices of the three major flower bishops of the scavenger.

Later, Fang Mu voluntarily participated in the public exhibition competition of the Silver Palace, and Jiuji did not ask people to do so again.

Now that there are videos that can be viewed at any time, more and more people pay attention to Jianmu on Battle.net.

Originally because of Fang Mu's existence, Wang Huan became a loser in life.

In the battle lost to Jian Mu in the age division, Wang Huan directly broke his character design.

But ever since Wang Huan rowed up the top wood one after another, he was picked up by someone who had an evil CP with Jian Mu.

The number of people in Wang Huan's live broadcast room skyrocketed.

After just one month, Wang Huan's current income is more than his previous income in age divisions!

Every time Wang Huan's live broadcast room has a seven-figure audience, as long as Jianmu is mentioned, he will accept gifts and accept them softly.

This made Wang Huan no longer spend his mind on his spiritual weapon shops.

The income of the spirit tool store is no longer comparable to that of Wang Huan's live broadcast.

Wang Huan believes that with the improvement of Fang Mu's strength, Fang Mu's popularity on Battle.net will definitely explode!

At that time, the popularity of my live broadcast room will continue to increase through Fang Mu's light!

I just need to manage the CP with Jianmu well!

The only thing that makes Wang Huan a little sad is that he falls in love with this anchor who has matched with Jianmu.

Because of spending a lot of money to buy the qualification to broadcast the Jianmu Exhibition Competition, Qingxin rose rapidly.

Since Qingxin revealed her identity as a Jianmu fan girl before the exhibition match, this made it possible for Qingxin to set up the character set of a Jianmu fan girl very smoothly.

If you don't fall in love, you can at least double your income!

Every time Wang Huan thought of this, he felt a little jealous and helpless.

Qingxin herself has attracted some fans by relying on her appearance, and she is also a female anchor.

On these two points, Wang Huan lost to Qingxin.

With the continuous improvement of Jianmu's rank, it is impossible for Wang Huan to match Jianmu again and continue the evil relationship with Jianmu.

Before Jianmu participated in the exhibition competition, there were always people comparing Yan Luo and Jianmu.

But now even those fans who like Yan Luo can only enclose themselves, and dare not compare Yan Luo and Jianmu anymore.

But even so, because someone compared Yan Luo with Jianmu before, Yan Luo still got a lot of blackmail.

Whenever someone praises Jianmu, he always pulls out those younger generations who were compared with Jianmu for a walk.

Most of the younger generation are proud and arrogant. If they were put on the usual younger generation who were pulled out for a walk, they would definitely openly challenge Jianmu.

But now these people dare not speak at all.

One is because they are afraid of the powerful forces behind Fang Mu. It is not that there have been precedents on the battle net that caused revenge in reality due to scolding.

The second is that I really don't have the ability to compare with Jianmu.

I and others have already become two-pointed star beast masters, even if a two-pointed star beast master wins against a one-pointed star beast master, there is nothing to be proud of.

The age gap is there, and the only people named are Yan Luo and Jian Mu who are not much different in age.

It's just that Yan Luo has contracted so many undead beasts, it is probably difficult to comprehend the mysterious patterns.

Although Jianmu also used three imperial beasts, the netizens on Battle.net believe that a person with a founding master behind him definitely has other ways to comprehend Xuanwen.

Fang Mu didn't know the turmoil caused by his two exhibition matches on Battle.net during this period.

Fang Mu Yan Luo's status has reached Silver One in rank, and the rank of Silver One can basically be 100% ranked as a gold-ranked beast.

Before, the high-quality gold-ranked beasts could bring Fang Mu a lot of trouble, but now Fang Mu's undead beasts have been upgraded to the tenth-level legendary quality of the silver rank.

In terms of strength, a legendary quality beast of the tenth level of the silver rank can compete with a perfect quality beast of the fifth level of the gold rank.

Even if Fangmu Yanluo's identity doesn't expose the existence of the ghost-type beast-familiar Hell Prajna, he can still defeat the platinum-ranked beast-familiar.

Fang Mu has already pressed the match button and is ready to start matching his opponent.

Cai Boshen has been very sad for nearly a month, and his mentality has changed from being a proud man above the clouds to being mud under the roots of a tree.

Cai Boshen was born in a powerful family, and he joined the Poyu Club just for fun.

Cai Boshen values ​​his reputation very much.

But in the duel field of the Silver Battle Hall, his reputation was completely shattered.

Because I used a special method, I was able to make the beast master rank when I was the two-pointed star beast master.

However, his two Platinum Tier 1 legendary quality sub-dragons were instantly killed by Jian Mu's summoned tiger beast with two dragon tails!

Zhang Kai, this trash, has been in a stalemate with Jian Mu for so long, which makes others instinctively think that he is not as good as Zhang Kai.

If he had a duel with Zhang Kai, he could easily kill Zhang Kai's imperial beast.

I don't know how much Cai Boshen's thoughts and family resources have been spent on the two platinum-level legendary dragons.

Jianmu's tiger-like imperial beast suppressed the blood of his two sub-dragons, and until now it still made his two sub-dragons a little timid.

Cai Boshen's fans lost a lot of fans, and some fans even turned to Zhang Kai.

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