Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 374: The Fifth Undead Familiar Beast!

A beast of legendary quality at the tenth level of the silver rank is already comparable in strength to a beast of perfect quality at the fifth level of the gold rank.

Not to mention that the strength of his two sub-dragons has reached the platinum level, and the quality has also been upgraded to the level of legendary quality.

Everyone's quality is the same, and the quality has no increase for the battle.

His two sub-dragons overwhelmed Yan Luo's three hunters by two full ranks, and the gap in such ranks could not be bridged at all!

Yan Luo will definitely lose to himself, if you want to blame, blame Yan Luo's beast master star level is too low!

Cai Boshen didn't underestimate Yan Luo, and if he gave Yan Luo a few more years to wait for Yan Luo's beastmaster star level to rise, he probably wouldn't be Yan Luo's opponent anymore!

But before that, he was the "father"!

"Son" Yan Luo, come and feel the paternal love brought by "Father" two platinum rank dragons!

Because he was eager to prove himself, Cai Boshen didn't have the slightest intention to hold back.

The huge body of Yatyrannosaurus Shattered Rock rushed towards the giant violent butcher.

Giant Storm Butcher is a dwarf in front of Rockbreaker Yatyrannosaurus.

[Bayan Armor] This skill can activate the energy of the earth element, and attach the earth element to the body surface of the rock-breaking sub-tyrannosaurus, which can enhance the defense of the rock-breaking sub-tyrannosaurus.

At the same time, the aggressiveness of claws, teeth and other parts is greatly increased.

Putting on the [Bayan Armor] to fight, the rock-shattering sub-tyrannosaurus is a ruthless killing machine.

[Smashing] and [Broken Ridge], as the Bronze-level and Silver-level skills of the Rock-Smasher, can be regarded as the two commonly used fierce moves of the Rock-Smasher.

[Smashing] is to jump high and smash the target with the dragon claws, smashing the target with its own powerful strength.

[Broken spine] uses the specialized hard scales under the dragon's tail to hit the target, and the amplitude of the hard scales at the tail can cause bones to shatter.

Relying on the suppression of ranks, Cai Boshen had expected that the blow of the Shattered Rock Sub-tyrannosaurus would complete the instant kill of the Giant Storm Butcher.

At this moment, Cai Boshen saw Yan Luo raise his hand, and a terrifying baby-like undead appeared in front of Yan Luo.

This undead is none other than the Infant Infant.

Under any circumstances, it is very difficult for a silver-ranked tenth-level epic-quality worm baby to control a platinum-ranked beast master.

But this is Battle.net, even if the beast master stimulates its own energy to affect its own origin, it will not suffer any damage in reality.

This is also the reason why beast masters with the ability to sacrifice are often very strong on Battle.net.

As soon as the baby hook was summoned, he raised his hands with long and slender nails.

Immediately after, the tentacles behind him extended, after the tentacles hooked onto the body of the giant violent butcher.

The worm-hearted crawling baby directly pulled itself onto the giant violent butcher's neck through its tentacles, unblocking its tentacles.

The tentacles curled up in the body of the Goblin Wormborn stretched nearly ten meters, and most of the tentacles were smashed into pieces by the sharp claws of Yatyrannosaurus Shattering Rock.

However, a small number of tentacles still hit the body of the Shattered Rock Yatyrannosaurus.

The Heartworm Babies let out a shrieking howl because its tentacles were destroyed, but at the same time, it also gave the Rockshatter Yatyrannosaurus a heart tart mark.

While causing the broken rock sub-tyrannosaurus to be traumatized, it also lowered the broken rock sub-tyrannosaurus' psychological defense line.

This made the movements of Yatyrannosaurus Shattered Rock involuntarily paused.

The torment of the soul aroused the fear of the rock-shattering sub-tyrannosaurus of the crouching dragon and the nightmare tiger.

After the attack was successful, the Insect Creepy Baby stretched out the remaining tentacles using the giant violent butcher's shoulder as a springboard.

It was hooked on the neck of the broken rock Yatyrannosaurus.

After the body of the crooked baby was attached to the neck of the broken rock sub-tyrannosaurus, the broken rock sub-tyrannosaurus shook its body violently, trying to shake the hooked baby off.

And at this moment, the baby hooker cast its own skill [Claw of Chaos].

The sharp claws slammed into the heart of Yatyrannosaurus Crusher, causing Yatyrannosaurus Crusher to enter a state of chaos.

This chaotic state can not only reduce the psychological defense of Yatyrannosaurus Crusher, but also make it easier to torture the mind of Tyrannosaurus Crusher, and add a heart tart mark.

It can also make the Rockshatter Yatyrannosaurus indiscriminately attack targets other than the worm baby.

After the rock-shattering Yatyrannosaurus stopped attacking the baby worms, the baby worms desperately used the skills [chaotic claw] and [heart-touching tart].

And try to inject your own spiritual energy into the body of Yatyrannosaurus through the exclusive feature [Skeleton Toy].

The psychic energy of the chaotic and evil psychic worm baby is not enough to control the rock-shattering sub-tyrannosaurus, but it can further affect the rock-shattering sub-tyrannosaurus' mind.

A set of control at its own expense with Conspiracy Babies buys Grimbutcher plenty of time.

The giant violent butcher came to the front of the broken rock sub-tyrannosaurus, held the broken rock sub-tyrannosaur's dragon claws with both hands, and grabbed the two short and short rock-crusher sub-tyrannosaurus claws into his body.

The giant violent butcher activated the skill [Meat Erosion Trap], turning his own flesh and blood into a quagmire to imprison the Shattered Rock Yatyrannosaurus.

Because Fang Mu let the giant storm butcher's muddy flesh and blood melt into the bones of the serial beasts, the bones of these serial beasts are like a solid frame supporting the flesh and blood of the giant violent butcher.

Under the violent struggle of the Rock Crusher, Yatyrannosaurus would not tear the Giant Storm Butcher into shreds.

The giant violent butcher has the ability to devour the corpses of serial beasts, and can completely resist the rock-shattering sub-tyrannosaurus with its exclusive characteristic [Flesh Armor].

Fang Mu glanced at the big mouth that was about to bite the giant violent butcher's head.

Fang Mu gave an order to the giant violent butcher, so that the bones in the giant violent butcher's body will be brought down with two dragon claws.

Then the body jumped up high, and the big mouth monster of the Shattered Rock Yatyrannosaurus hit the giant violent butcher's chest.

This bite made a violent collision sound, and the teeth of the Shattered Rock Sub-tyrannosaurus must not be able to bite off the skeleton of the Sequence Royal Beast.

Under the strong force, Yatyrannosaurus Shattered Rock had a feeling of biting the steel plate.

The giant violent butcher used the newly acquired exclusive feature of the upgraded epic quality [Flesh Imprisonment], so that the flesh and blood wrapped the dragon's head of the broken rock.

The fire of the giant butcher's soul began to burn, and the rockcracker sub-tyrannosaurus could not break free from the control of the giant violent butcher before he died.

The pregnant woman, the father and the boy were not idle, and the three seized this opportunity to use the skill [Swift Hunting Claw] to open one wound after another on the body of the broken rock sub-tyrannosaurus.

The broken rock sub-tyrannosaurus's defense is strong, but the three treasures of the grave sacrifice have reached the legendary quality of the tenth silver rank, which is comparable to the fifth rank of the golden rank.

It has the ability to break through the defense of the Shattered Rock Yatyrannosaurus!

The death energy penetrated into the body of the broken rock sub-tyrannosaurus through the wound, and the giant violent butcher also used the ordinary skill [Gluttony] to tear the flesh and blood from the broken rock sub-tyrannosaurus' neck.

Heals his wounds with the flesh and blood of the Rockcracker Yatyrannosaurus.

Originally, Cai Boshen's script was that after Shaanyan Yabalong killed the giant violent butcher in seconds, he would directly attack Yan Luo himself.

Three hunting corpses were not enough to block the path of the Shattered Rock Subtyrannosaurus, but in the end Yan Luo summoned another imperial beast.

And through this imperial beast, Yatyrannosaurus Broken Rock fell into a state of confusion, and its mind was affected.

It turned out that the Giant Storm Butcher controlled the Shattered Rock Subtyrannosaurus!

Since the worm baby has been using the skills [Touching Heart Tart] and [Running Claw] to attack the Rock Crusher, Cai Boshen was unable to issue effective commands to the Rock Crusher for a while.

There is no oxygen in the body of the giant violent butcher to supply the rock-shattering sub-tyrannosaurus. Such a huge body of the rock-shattering sub-tyrannosaurus already has a great demand for oxygen.

In the process of violent struggle, a large amount of oxygen will be consumed.

Cai Boshen knew that it was necessary to get Yatyrannosaurus out of control as soon as possible.

The attack of the three hunters was not enough to threaten the life of Yatyrannosaurus Crusher, but the ants could kill the elephant after a long time.

Just when Cai Boshen commanded the Lanfeng Subpterosaur to use the skills [Wind Slash], [Wind Roar Thorn] and [Whirlwind Positioning] to attack the three hunting corpses.

The barrage in Cai Boshen's live broadcast room was like a midsummer shower, so dense that it was impossible to see clearly!

[Mo Xue Cangsong]: What the hell? Cai Boshen wants to prove every day that he has become like this now? It is too underestimating the enemy! Knowing the ability of Yan Luo's beast master, why didn't he just let Lanfeng Yapterosaurus deal with Yan Luo's beast master remotely?

Moxue Cangsong belongs to Cai Boshen's old fan.

Before Cai Boshen lost strength when facing Jianmu, Mo Xue Cangsong not only did not blame Cai Boshen, but comforted Cai Boshen.

After Cai Boshen started the live broadcast, Mo Xue Cangsong often sent gifts to Cai Boshen.

Because Mo Xue Cangsong knew very well that Cai Boshen couldn't beat Jianmu because Jianmu's imperial beast was too heaven-defying.

Cai Boshen's two royal beasts have the bloodline of the main dragon species, dinosaur-like beasts, which are considered to be extremely good.

When you fall in love with an idol, you can't easily abandon him when he is at a low point.

But seeing Cai Boshen underestimating the enemy, Mo Xue Cangsong couldn't bear it anymore.

A person who has no awe of fighting is really not worthy of being regarded as an idol!

Compared with Mo Xue Cangsong's focus on Cai Boshen, most of the audience in Cai Boshen's live broadcast room are still focusing on Fang Mu.

[Flower Carrot]: Hahaha! My Yan Luo husband is simply too 6! When will Husband Yan Luo open the live broadcast room, I don't want to buy gifts in Cai Boshen's live broadcast room! In Cai Boshen's live broadcast room, my husband can't receive gifts again!

[Xiaobai, Xiaobai]: Am I the only one who cares about why Yan Luo still has beasts? He actually contracted five royal beasts! Can a one-star beast master really contract so many beast masters! ? Can anyone shed some light on what's going on here?

No one in the live broadcast room answered [Xiaobai, Xiaobai]'s question.

Because except for people like Wang Shonan who vaguely guessed the truth, most other people couldn't understand it.

The number of Yan Luo's animal-monitoring contracts has obviously exceeded the perception of many viewers.

The bullet screens in the live broadcast room kept swiping, but the fighting didn't stop.

Lanfeng Yapterosaur is a royal beast who is good at both close combat and long-range elemental attacks.

The long-range elemental attacks are extremely fierce.

[Whirlwind Positioning] Allows Lanfeng Yaptosaurus to directly designate a target and perform whirlwind attacks on a target one after another.

These whirlwinds not only have the ability to interrupt attacks, but also greatly reduce the enemy's movement speed.

Because the grave-worshiping father is the fastest attack on the broken rock sub-tyrannosaurus, Cai Boshen regards the grave-worshiping father as the target of [Whirlwind Positioning].

A violent whirlwind formed in front of the Shattered Rock Yatyrannosaurus, rushing towards the grandma who sacrificed the grave one after another.

Let the grave sacrifice dad be directly bound in mid-air by the whirlwind.

With the strength of the grave sacrifice dad, it is not enough to escape from the whirlwind.

The grave-official boy cast the skill [Spine Lock] and dragged the grave-official father who was controlled by the whirlwind, so that the grave-official father barely escaped [Wind Slash].

But he was still shot into a sieve by [Wind Roar Thorn].

【Wind Slash】It is the wind blade that the Lanfeng Pterosaur swings its wings to cut out. The wind blade has a strong tearing effect when it hits the target.

And [Wind Roar Thorn] is to compress the wind into a wind thorn by roaring to attack the target.

The wind thorn formed by high frequency has a certain stealth effect.

As the saying goes, it's easy to hide an open gun, but it's hard to defend against a hidden arrow.

This kind of skill [Wind Roar Thorn], which cannot be detected by the naked eye, is extremely difficult to dodge.

Because Fang Mu could see through the data of Lanfeng Yapterosaur, when Lanfengya pterosaur took action, Fang Mu ordered the pregnant woman to hide behind the giant violent butcher.

It doesn't matter whether the grave-offering boy and the grave-offering daddy are dead or not.

As long as the pregnant woman who sacrificed the grave survived, the team of Three Treasures sacrificed to the grave could continue to operate.

This is exactly the power of Shadow of the Fool's innate supernatural power [Eye of All-knowing]!

In the battle with other people, Fang Mu can give priority to understanding the ability of other people's beast control, so as not to capsize in the gutter.

But the opponent didn't understand Fang Mu's ability to control beasts at all.

If Cai Boshen also had the ability to see through his opponent's Beast Familiar, Cai Boshen would definitely not let the Shattered Rock Yatyrannosaurus collide with the Giant Violent Butcher as soon as he came up.

Instead, they will give priority to trying to kill the pregnant woman who sacrificed the grave.

The father who was shot into a sieve by Lanfeng Yapterosaurus's skill [Wind Roar Thorn] is dead.

At this moment, the pregnant woman who sacrificed the grave rushed out directly.

The grave-worshiping pregnant woman did not use the exclusive feature [Bones and Chill], but used the exclusive feature [Cruel Maternity] obtained by upgrading the legendary quality.

He directly bent down and used his sharp claws to tear the body of the grave-offering daddy into pieces, and then quickly swallowed it into his stomach.

The pregnant woman's abdomen grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then a boy was born by the pregnant woman by virtue of the exclusive feature [Flesh and Flesh Newborn].

At this time, the fight had lasted more than two minutes.

Cai Boshen seemed to have ignored the baby hook, and never attacked the baby.

But the worm baby did not stop using the skills [Touching Heart Tart] and [Ranging Heart Claw].

The thinking of Yatyrannosaurus Broken Rock became more and more chaotic, and the number of layers of heart tart marks in its body reached the limit.

The Crawling Baby's claws were crossed, and he stabbed his slender fingers into the shoulder of the Shattered Rock Subtyrannosaurus, using the exclusive feature [burning slavery].

Since the rank of the Rock Crusher sub-tyrannosaurus is two levels higher than that of the Heart-Shattering Creeper, even if the Heart Tart mark has reached the limit, it is still impossible to control the Crusher Rock Sub-tyrannosaurus.

However, it was able to completely restrict the movements of Sub-Rock Dragon, so that Sub-Rock Dragon would no longer be an enemy on his side.

However, the living are not enemies to the undead beasts, they can only be bait.

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