Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 389: Flower Beads and Magic Jade in the World!

Fang Yuan knew his own situation very well.

Fang Yuan is very aware of his strengths and weaknesses, and his perception of Xuanwen is innate.

Some people can easily comprehend Xuanwen in the process of traveling.

Some people visit famous mountains and great rivers, spend a lot of resources but finally get nothing.

Things like Xuan Wen have always been regarded as a gift from heaven by the beast master, and they can only beg for but cannot be forced.

Even some founding masters and even some founding masters are unable to condense the first-class Xuanzhang because of their lack of ability to perceive the Xuanwen.

To know a master creator, the resources accumulated by a master creator are simply unimaginable for ordinary people.

And these people who have resources are extremely willing to improve their own strength.

Even these founding masters and founding masters can't force them to spend all their wealth, so why should I be obsessed with my understanding of Xuanwen?

It can be said that Fang Yuan has earned countless funds since he became the chairman of the Construction Wood Chamber of Commerce.

Now, no matter Fang Mu, Fang Qin or Fang Yan, they all have a good way out.

The money Fang Yuan earned can already be spent on himself.

During this period of time, Fang Yuan often went to the visualization hall, and he also chose the top service in the visualization hall extravagantly.

But in the end, Fang Yuan had nothing to gain.

The comprehension of Xuan Wen became a mountain that pressed Fang Yuan to improve his strength.

However, Fang Yuan had no ability to change this point, and Fang Yuan gradually became relieved after a long time.

Fang Yuan thought that he might as well seek a breakthrough from other aspects.

Otherwise, you will always be stuck here, and just relying on two leopard-like beasts with your natal beasts and evil monsters, you will not be able to stand out among the younger generation!

When Fang Mu heard the words, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't given the flower beads of Tianxiang Peony to his brothers and sisters yet.

During this period of time, Fang Mu went to the ancient battlefield, sucking and using the skill [Scenery Sealing] to condense a lot of Scenery Magic Jade.

Most of these Jingyi Huanyu seals are some scenes in the ancient battlefield, which are more suitable for the beast master who has contracted the undead beast master to absorb.

These Jingyi fantasy jade can only be reserved for Fang Mu himself.

But in the future, Fang Mu will be able to condense a lot of Jingyi Magic Jade with the skill [Jingyi Sealing].

Fang Mu directly took out a brocade box and handed it to Fang Yuan.

"Second brother, in fact, if you want to comprehend Xuanwen, you don't have to rely on your own spiritual power to comprehend it."

"There are still some things that can assist you!"

"For example, these flower beads in my hand, when you hold the flower beads in your mouth when you visualize, the spiritual power released by the flower beads will increase your perception ability!"

"This kind of flower beads are exclusive to the master, and I have quite a few here."

"Eldest Sister, Second Brother, Third Sister, the three of you can use Huazhu to learn about Xuanwen every few days from now on."

"Although using flower beads to comprehend the profound pattern may not be able to feel it, but it does have a very strong comprehension effect!"

"In addition, you can tell me the type of profound pattern you want to comprehend. In this world, there is a special kind of phantom jade that can condense natural scenes and help the beast master to comprehend the profound pattern."

"You tell me now, after a while I will personally ask Sister Wan to come to the capital to see you off."

Speaking of this, Fang Mu's tone became serious.

"When you use these resources, don't be afraid of wasting them. Improving your strength is the most important thing!"

"Since we have this condition, the four of us, siblings, must condense the first-class Xuanzhang, and we must not make a living!"

"Even if we contract a lot of beasts, we don't have to be restricted by these two things to assist us."

Fang Mu's words were easy, but they completely overturned Fang Yuan, Fang Qin, and Fang Yan's cognition in their hearts.

The three of them never thought that Fang Mu could produce something of this level!

If this kind of thing is known by other forces outside, I am afraid that someone will find Fang Mu immediately, hoping to get the so-called flower beads and magic jade from Fang Mu!

Even if there is a founding master who protects Fang Mu, it may be difficult for Fang Mu to guarantee safety in this vortex!

Thinking that these three people were not delighted to be able to use such resources in the future, but worried about Fang Mu's safety from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially Fang Qin, as the eldest sister, Fang Qin couldn't help but began to ask Fang Mu.

"Xiaomu, how can you take out such a precious thing so easily!?"

"Let's not talk about whether your master is willing for you to give these resources to your family. If you take out these things and let others know, how will your safety be guaranteed?"

"If I'm not mistaken, these resources should be allocated by Grandmaster Qixing himself."

"Other founding masters should not have such means."

Fang Qin's words are very firm. After becoming a disciple of Dragon Mother, Fang Qin's vision is much higher than before.

Whatever resources Long Mu provided for Mo Shang, she would provide those resources for herself.

Among the resources provided by Dragon Mother for herself and Mo Shang, there is no existence to increase the perception of Xuanwen.

Mo Shang is also trying his best to comprehend the Xuanwen and condense the Xuanzhang.

Still making a choice between condensing the first-level Xuanzhang and the second-level Xuanzang.

If there were such resources in the world, with Mother Long's love for Mo Shang, I'm afraid she would have figured out a way to obtain them long ago!

Hearing this, Fang Mu nodded seriously.

"Sister, you are right. These resources are indeed unique to my master."

"I will use the master for you, the old man will not feel bad."

"I have been providing you with resources during this time. If the old master is not willing, I won't have so many resources for you!"

"Master, he is very optimistic about you and is willing to help you grow."

"Actually, these flower beads and magic jade are not so difficult to mix. They are precious because they are rare."

"The reason why Taoyao can sell so well is because Taoyao's full line of skin care products have functions that other skin care products do not have."

"I'll give you these resources for use, so naturally you don't have to worry about this or that!"

"Could it be possible that you can still trick me by leaking the situation of Huazhu and Huanyu!?"

"Sister, I will try my best to ensure my own safety."

"The master also equipped me with top-notch guards, and I also have a guardian above the sequence."

"So you don't have to worry about my safety!"

"On the contrary, you should pay more attention to safety!"

Hearing what Fang Mu said, Fang Qin accepted these flower beads provided by Fang Mu.

Fang Mu is so kind to his family, Fang Qin has always been afraid that Fang Mu would annoy Grandmaster Qixing because of taking care of the family.

Fang Mu understood everything so clearly, if he tried to evade it, it would appear that he was ignorant to find someone to be the eldest sister.

Qixing's willingness to arrange for Fang Mu to be a guardian above the sequence is enough to show that Qixing cherishes Fangmu.

The level above the sequence has gone beyond Fang Qin's cognition.

Fang Qin wasn't even sure if his master Longmu had reached the top of the sequence.

Fang Yuan opened the wooden box and distributed the flower beads on hand.

There are a total of thirty flower beads in the box, Fang Yuan, Fang Qin, and Fang Yan each have ten.

After Fang Yuan finished dividing the flower beads, he spoke to Fang Qin and Fang Yan very seriously.

"Miss Xiaoyan, both of you have masters now, but you should know that there are some things you got from Xiaomu that you cannot let your masters know!"

"Otherwise, this is likely to bring trouble to Xiaomu!"

"I hope you can understand this."

Fang Qin and Fang Yan looked at each other, and they naturally understood what Fang Yuan said.

Both Fang Qin and Fang Yan are sensible people, and they know why one of them can be accepted as a disciple by Longmu, and the other can be accepted by Yi Han.

Before Fang Mu was accepted as a disciple by the founding master, no one cared about the two of them.

It will become a hot existence in an instant, all because Fang Mu has a founding master behind him!

Fang Qin has been a disciple of Dragon Mother for a while, and Fang Qin respects Dragon Mother very much.

But Fang Qin's heart was always on Fang Mu.

If there is a choice between Fang Mu and Dragon Mother, Fang Qin will choose Fang Mu without hesitation.

The same is true for Fang Yan.

Not to mention that the two of them will not share such resources that cannot be held in front of others with their masters.

Even Fang Qin and Fang Yan would not share the master creation resources that Fang Mu provided to him on a daily basis.

The most important thing is to silently improve your strength!

In addition to meeting his family during this trip to the capital, Fang Mu also had to help Fang Qin reconnect his severed finger, and help his brother and sister quickly comprehend Xuan Wen.

Now Fang Mu's goal has been achieved.

Fang Mu ate the hot and sour melon strips that Fang Qin gave him in two bites, and said to Fang Yan.

"Third Sister, I will invite several master craftsmen from Cornerstone Construction to go to your club guild in a while."

"In the morning, apart from inspecting the team arranged for you by the second brother, you will communicate with these craftsmen and masters to see if there are any hardware facilities to be added in the club."

"After all the preparations are done, you can go to select the team members!"

When Fang Yuan bought the land for himself to build the infrastructure of Muyan Club, he found a team with goblins.

Now Fang Mu directly moved several master craftsmen to his place.

This made Fang Yan feel that she set up a club guild, and she became the one who contributed the least.

Basically, everything on my side has been arranged by Fang Mu and Fang Yuan.

Fang Yan enjoyed the feeling of being taken care of by her family.

The little guy who was always guarded by him when he was in school in JA City has started to guard himself now!

Fang Yan can ask Fang Mu and Fang Yuan to help her with these external matters.

But Fang Yan had to do it herself when it came to selecting players.

Otherwise, I would have lost my original intention of preparing for the Muyan Club guild.

"In fact, Xiaomu's second brother has given me a lot of furniture made by master craftsmen, and placed them in the club."

"Every piece of furniture is worth millions of Dragon Coins. There is nothing missing in the club!"

"It's a bit wasteful to let the master craftsman spend money in the club."

Fang Mu shook his head with a smile.

"Second Sister, if your plan for the style of the club is to only display a few works created by master craftsmen, then there is really no need to spend money and energy."

"But the facilities of a top club guild can't just be furnished with furniture made by master craftsmen."

"It is even more necessary to make the overall decoration style seamless!"

"Third sister, you don't have to be afraid of spending resources. The land is our own. Even if you don't plan to continue to prepare this club guild, you want to sell this club guild."

"All our initial resource investment can be recovered in the process of sale!"

"If you have any requirements and ideas, just mention them to those master craftsmen. Those master craftsmen are eager to work for us and get resources from us!"

"After Grandmaster Yi Han announces your identity as the disciple of the founding master, a large number of forces will come to you."

"These forces will try their best to curry favor with you, you must grasp yourself in these favours!"

Fang Yan nodded half-understanding when she heard the words.

What Fang Mu said was the real situation that Fang Mu encountered after he pretended to be a disciple of the founding master.

Fang Yan has no way to understand what Fang Mu said now.

Don't look at Fang Yan's maturity since she was a child, but compared with those old guys who have managed power for decades, Fang Yan is still a child after all!

Because of Yi Han's face, those people only dared to take advantage of Fang Yan's resources at most, and did not dare to let Fang Yan suffer any big losses.

During this process, Fang Yan's mind will be greatly improved!

After several years of hard work, Fang Mu no longer has to worry about Fang Yan!

After breakfast, Fang Mu and Fang Yan drove to the headquarters of the Muyan Club Guild in the standard beast car of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

Anyone who knows the Muyan Club in Wangdu knows that behind the Muyan Club is the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

So no one dares to make trouble.

Fang Yan heard that when many clubs in Wangdu are opening, those powerful clubs will always make a big move ahead of time.

This is an unspoken rule in the club industry.

It is true that some managers and persons in charge of clubs and guilds have visited Muyan Club, but at most these people only dare to say a few words that make them unhappy, but they dare not directly smash the scene.

"About ten minutes ahead of Xiaomu, you can see the whole picture of Muyan Club headquarters through the Falling Dragon Square!"

"The piece of land my second brother found for me is top-notch in the entire Royal Capital."

"At the beginning, the second brother spent a lot of real money in order to win this piece of land and compete with the two forces, and he got it at a premium!"

Speaking of this, Fang Yan felt somewhat distressed.

It is too extravagant to buy this piece of land with billions of Dragon Coins!

When Fang Yan was preparing to build the club, she didn't think about spending too much resources at the beginning, she just made small fuss.

As a result, Fang Yuan opened up Fang Yan's situation as soon as he made a move, so Fang Yan had to hold herself to high standards.

Otherwise, I am really sorry for Fang Yuan's investment!

Fang Yan does have some promising players.

Some of these players are in other clubs and guilds, and some are Fang Yan's senior brothers and sisters.

There are also some of the most popular anchors on Battle.net.

For a while, Fang Yan really didn't know how to draw these people into her club guild.

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