Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 391: Mifeng Gesang!

Fang Mu first placed Haitao Siju on a desk in the rest area.

There was originally a tiger statue carved by the master craftsman with Huang Huangjing on the desk.

Huang Huangjing carried a ferocious air, and it was appropriate to carve ferocious beasts.

With the craftsmanship of the master craftsman, the tiger carved by Huang Huangjing can be said to be lifelike!

It's just that it's really against the law to place such evil things in the rest area.

This kind of evil spirit will make people's nerves alert. Generally, such things are placed in the meeting rooms of mercenary guilds or adventure groups.

The purpose is to focus people's attention with fierceness.

In addition, the shape of the tiger is also inconsistent with the fresh decoration direction of Muyan Club.

Presumably this statue will be arranged here, entirely because this statue of Huang Huangjing was made by a master craftsman.

When Fang Mu came to Muyan Club like before, he would only be shocked to see such an arrangement.

Just like Fang Mu went to the headquarters of the Lionheart Brigade for the first time.

But now Fang Mu will only feel rustic and tasteless when he sees these things.

Third-rate forces have the way third-rate forces display resources.

Because of the difference in background and level, the third-rate forces cannot learn how the second-rate forces show their background!

The third-rate forces pay attention to putting precious things on the bright side, while the second-rate forces began to try to learn how to match them.

And first-class forces only need to place a few decorations in the elegant room to show the style of the elegant room to the maximum extent.

For example, these pots of auspicious plants and beasts that Fang Mu took out.

When Fang Yan saw the four pots of auspiciousness, she only thought that the four pots of auspiciousness were beautiful.

Seeing that Fang Mu was about to put the sapphire basin planted with Haitao silk chrysanthemums on the desk in the rest area, Fang Yan hurried over to help.

Seeing this, Lu Yuyu was shocked and at the same time quickly walked two steps to block Fang Yan and said.

"Your arm is injured, let me do this kind of work for you!"

"I'm going back to JA City with Fang Mu in the future, and I'll be back in two days until I finish decorating the Muyan Club with you."

"When the design drawing is finished, you can tell me the feeling you want. I can find more master craftsmen according to your feeling, and make furniture that fits this feeling as soon as possible, and then you can choose it."

Lu Yuyu spoke very sincerely, and while speaking, he walked up to Fang Mu in three or two steps, and helped Fang Mu lift the Huanghuangjing statue on the desk.

Fang Mu took advantage of the situation and put Haitao Siju on it, and the feeling of the whole rest area changed in an instant.

Although Fang Yan didn't get all the eyes from childhood, she seldom received help from outsiders.

It's not that Fang Yan is not likable, but because the world of beasts, which respects the strong and regards resources as the king, is indifferent in general.

Feeling Lu Yuyu's kindness and care for her just now, Fang Yan smiled at Lu Yuyu.

"Brother Lu, I should be at least ten years younger than you, so just call me Xiaoyan!"

"After that, I should trouble you a lot!"

Lu Yuyu hurriedly said with a smile when he heard the words.

"One family doesn't talk about two different languages, that's what it should be!"

"If you want to start a club, I come from a family of craftsmen, and I can't let you have problems with hardware!"

Fang Mu liked Lu Yuyu very much.

Fang Mu doesn't like others to flatter him. Although Lu Yuyu's approach may be suspected of flattery, it is more thoughtful in doing things.

It is precisely because of Lu Yuyu's thoughtfulness that Fang Mu still cooperates with Keystone Construction until now.

With Fangmu's current level, the foundation stone construction and other forces have long been unable to touch Fangmu's edge.

Lu Yuyu didn't hold the tiger sculpture in his hand all the time, but put the tiger sculpture in an idle golden space equipment.

In the future, I will be the supervisor of the Muyan Club guild, and I will have to move furniture back and forth.

Until now, Lu Yuyu is still shocked by the value of the four plant-like auspicious beasts that Fang Mu took out.

"Brother, if your chrysanthemum auspicious plant is put on the auction house, those top forces will definitely snatch it up."

"I don't know what price you bought this chrysanthemum auspicious plant?"

There are many kinds of auspiciousness. Among all auspiciousness, the auspiciousness that can enhance the spiritual power, which is helpful to the beast master, is called a holy object, and it is the most precious of all auspiciousness.

In addition to holy objects, auspiciousness is divided into eight categories.

Plum, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum, which has a beautiful meaning of auspiciousness, is the second of the top three, embellishing similar auspiciousness.

This kind of auspiciousness can be placed in any environment and arrangement, without overwhelming the guests and adding style.

At some point, they are more loved by big forces than those auspicious beasts.

Lu Yuyu was very curious about the value of such auspiciousness.

The influence of cornerstone construction has become stronger and stronger because of the large square wooden ship.

Lu Yuyu intends to add some such auspiciousness to his old house.

What Lu Yuyu said was not so much concerned about Haitao Siju herself, but rather that Lu Yuyu wanted Fang Mu to help her find an auspicious way to make a deal.

Fang Mu naturally understood Lu Yuyu's plan as soon as he heard it.

If other people ask him for such auspicious connections for no reason, Fang Mu will definitely ignore him.

Because if you want to cultivate this kind of auspiciousness, you need to consume bloody aged wine.

Even if it doesn't consume much, it will still affect the coagulation speed of the contract's blood.

But Lu Yuyu had helped him a lot before.

Although I provided the cornerstone construction with the master creation resources, the cornerstone construction owed me far more than I asked the cornerstone construction for help.

Lu Yuyu is paying back his favor now, but it is undeniable that Lu Yuyu has indeed brought Fang Mu a lot of convenience.

With Fang Mu's means and contacts at that time, he couldn't buy the beautiful hilltop near Tianyu University in Jinghai.

It is impossible to build a mountain manor in a short period of time.

So Fang Mu is willing to provide some convenience to Lu Yuyu.

"Brother Lu, I still have some auspicious things on hand."

"There are two pots of Mifeng Gesang that have grown eight auxiliary branches, and six clusters of flowers can easily grow on the auxiliary branches."

"The petals of each cluster of flowers are stacked to more than six layers, showing a warm yellow color, which has the effect of purifying the air and detoxifying."

"It can also attract some non-aggressive bees to collect honey among the bee Gesang."

"It's a beautiful sight to raise some jewel bees near the two pots of Bee Gesang."

"If you are interested in these two pots of Bee Gesang, I can send someone to help you tonight!"

"Count it as your thanks for helping my third sister!"

"These two pots of Mifeng Gesang are probably not available in the market, and they are specially bred like these four pots of auspicious plants."

"Although it can't reach the high-grade auspiciousness, it is still at the peak of the medium-grade auspiciousness!"

In fact, the servant Lu Xiaoyin assigned had harvested a total of six pots of auspicious things for Fang Mu.

Those two pots of Mifeng Gesang can really add to the style of the environment.

However, Fang Yan has been afraid of insects since she was a child. If a group of bees are allowed to come and go in and out of the Muyan Club, Fang Yan can't bear it at all!

Fang Mu doesn't like Mifeng Gesang, and he didn't plan to put Mifeng Gesang in the manor in JA City, because the jewel bee is a kind of insect beast that likes to fly far away.

Once the gem bee is caught by someone with a heart, it is easy for someone with a heart to touch their own manor.

After all, the price of gem bees is not low, and the corpses of dead gem bees will be made into brooches by many ladies.

If an adventure group discovers the gem bee, the adventure group is likely to commit theft or even plunder.

Fang Qin had told Fang Mucai not to reveal it since he was a child, and had to instruct Fang Mu several times every few days.

It's because they are afraid that Fang Mu and Fang Yan will be targeted by someone with a heart when they are in JA City.

The law and order of Longteng Federation is very good, and it also has extremely strong punishment measures.

But one's own safety cannot be based on the cowardice of bad guys.

Therefore, in Fang Mu's hands, these two pots of Bee Gesang are of no value.

Lu Yuyu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and he really liked the Mifeng Gesang that Fang Mu said.

Keystone Construction The body of a Gem Bee is always used in the crafting of furniture and things.

The bodies of gem bees are more malleable than real gems.

Not as brittle as gemstones and prone to chipping during setting.

This makes the gem bee carcass more versatile than traditional gems.

Three colonies of jewel bees were bred in the building of the cornerstone, one of which was the rare purple gem bee.

Obviously it looks like a ruby ​​bee, but it can produce a purple effect under the light, switching back and forth between red and purple.

Because the jewel bees like to go hiking to collect honey, sometimes the jewel bees will not return to the colony when they fly far away from the control of the queen bee.

If any jewel bee does not return to the group, it is the loss of the cornerstone building.

If two pots of bee Gesang are placed inside the cornerstone building, it will not only greatly increase the return rate of the jewel bees, but also add a landscape to the cornerstone building.

"Brother, I really like the Mifeng Gesang you mentioned."

"We have built jewel bees in our cornerstone building, but I can't keep taking advantage of you, brother."

"In this way, I will tell Grandpa about this matter, and then let Grandpa and his old man create a mural by himself and embed it on the wall of the Muyan Club Hall!"

"Grandpa, his old man just reached the level of a peak craftsman last month."

"After reaching this level, the old man has been thinking about it, and he has never created it before!"

Master craftsmen have quite a status in the Dragon Federation, but there is still a big gap between master craftsmen and master craftsmen.

But if you reach the peak craftsman master, you are only one step away from reaching the time of the holy craftsman.

Then the status of this pinnacle craftsman master can already be compared with the newly promoted master craftsman!

The first and last works of a master craftsman after reaching the pinnacle are the most collectible.

Lu Yuyu's grandfather Lu Jirui is best at carving murals.

Lu Yuyu really didn't take advantage of him, this kind of feedback can be said to be full of sincerity!

This made Fang Mu appreciate Lu Yuyu even more, and it also made Fang Mu sure that he would continue to cooperate with Keystone Construction in the future.

"Then trouble brother!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Mu placed Gong Dai Diemei at the entrance of the reception area and the rest area.

The rain of flowers has become a beautiful partition.

Panlong Fangzhu was placed by Fang Mu at the first entrance.

The potential of Panlong Fangzhu to take off as a dragon can be described as an excellent omen.

Although it is only moderately auspicious, if it is really going to be auctioned at an auction, the price of Panlong Fangzhu may not be lower than that of Qiongjing Chuilan!

Qiongjing Chuilan Fang Mu was not in a hurry to arrange, Fang Mu turned his head and said to Fang Yan.

"Third sister, it is enough to arrange these three auspicious plants on the entire first floor."

"You can place this Vigorous weeping orchid on the second and third floors."

"Whether it is placed in the dining area or the meeting room, it is a good choice!"

Fang Yan hurriedly said with a smile when she heard the words.

"Then it's better to put it in the dining area. In fact, the place I want to modify most is the dining area."

"The design of the dining area is too old-fashioned, and some are too functional!"

"We have professional nutritionists, and when the nutritionists are preparing meals in the dining area, there are only staff in the dining area."

"Therefore, there is no need to take into account the range of activities of the staff and players in the dining area."

"And when you eat, you can see Qiongjing weeping orchids in full bloom."

"I believe that even if the battle is lost, the mood of the players can be healed!"

Lu Yuyu laughed secretly when he heard Fang Yan's words.

The Muyan club is still not well-known, mainly because the club has not officially recruited people.

When the Muyan Club officially recruits people, let outsiders know the background of the Muyan Club.

Thinking about it, neither Fang Mu nor Fang Yan treated their own players badly!

Soon Muyan Club will bring together a group of top players, and it will be difficult to lose in some large competitions!

Before those players join a club, the most important thing is the background of the whole club.

The more established a club is, the more resources you will get from joining this club.

This is also the reason why some strong players of the younger generation are still in large clubs and are unwilling to be the main force in small and medium-sized clubs even if they are substitutes for the third and fourth teams!

Fang Mu stretched out his hand and put it on Fang Yan's shoulder.

"Third Sister, Muyan Club is your world, you can follow your own heart and do whatever you want!"

"In the future, when I want to participate in big competitions, I still have to join the Muyan Club!"

Fang Yan's eyes lit up when she heard this.

"Xiaomu said so, do you have a chance to be on my team in the future!?"

Fang Mu hurriedly shook his head when he heard the words.

"When Muyan Club becomes a large club guild, two teams can participate in any competition!"

"If I want to form a team to participate in the competition, I must recruit my own team."

"Third sister, our two teams will be competitors by then!"

Lu Yuyu listened to Fang Mu and Fang Yan's conversation with envy.

Everyone wants to be reborn in a powerful force.

It is difficult for a powerful force to have brotherhood!

From the moment they were born, the younger generation had to start fighting and fighting.

And after growing up, people from the same force are mostly cold in brotherhood.

At this moment, a rough voice came from the door.

"Hey! Where is the head of this club?"

"Does your club plan to participate in the knockout rounds this year?"

"If there is such a plan, I will extend an invitation to you on behalf of the Xuanjian Club, and the two sides will have a training match!"

Fang Mu frowned slightly when he heard this.

The tone of this rough voice was really blunt, Fang Mu didn't like such impolite people.

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