Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 393: The Waves of the Gathering of Winds and Clouds!

Fang Mu is not the kind of person who cares about every detail, and is very open-minded when things happen.

But Fang Mu is also not a holy mother, he can still forgive others indifferently after others make trouble again and again.

In Fang Mu's previous life, the Virgin Mary still had room to exist, and a harmonious society could tolerate the existence of the Virgin Mary.

But in an extremely cruel place like the World of Beasts, the Holy Mother will not only harm herself, but also those close to her!

The Muyan Club has just been listed, if the outside world knows that a small player like the Xuanjian Club would dare to trouble the Muyan Club.

And the Xuanjian Club has not received any retaliation afterwards.

That will undoubtedly make people feel that Muyan Club has no courage.

Many players will also consider if they encounter trouble after joining Muyan Club, whether Muyan Club will be a good old man or help themselves out.

Making an example of others is the best defense against outside interruptions.

Fang Mu will not immediately find a bad guy to kill others to scare monkeys.

But now that the Xuanjian Club has hit the muzzle itself, there is no need for Fang Mu to be soft!

Lin Lu, a team leader serving top clubs, has a wide network of contacts in the club field.

In fact, one afternoon is enough to deal with this kind of thing.

Fang Mu gave Lin Lu two days to see what Lin Lu would make of this incident after he finished handling it.

A good club leader must know how to manage the reputation of the club.

Lin Lu heard Fang Mu's words and hurriedly said.

"Master Mu, before five o'clock tonight, I will be able to tell you the result of the Xuanjian Club."

"Before tomorrow afternoon, I can take advantage of this matter, so that no one from other club guilds will dare to come to Mu Yan's club for trouble!"

Lin Lu has now understood Fang Yan's generous and soft nature, while Fang Mu's eyes cannot be rubbed with sand.

Just by looking at the name of the Muyan Club, you can tell that Fang Yan and Fang Mu worked together.

Through Fang Yan's attitude towards Fang Mu, Lin Lu can confirm that although Fang Yan is the actual person in charge of the Muyan Club on the surface.

But when it comes time to make up your mind, Fang Mu's words are the most useful.

When Fang Mu heard Lin Lu's reply to him, he knew that Lin Lu understood what he said.

A person who is both smart and capable is worth investing in resources for training!

"Mr. Lin, I don't know what my elder brother promised you, as long as you lead the team in the Muyan Club and assist my third sister in running the Muyan Club."

"I will give you a bottle of life potion with a purity of 90% every year as an extra bonus for you!"

"As long as you have worked in the Mu Yan Club for five years, the life potion you get every year with a purity of 90% can increase the purity by two percentage points!"

Fang Mu's words are a promise to Lin Lu.

As for whether Lin Lu is eligible to receive such an award, it depends on Lin Lu's future performance!

If Fang Yan or herself is dissatisfied with Lin Lu's performance, Lin Lu will be replaced directly.

With the current momentum of the Fang family, it is not difficult to find a team within the scope of the Longteng Federation that can rival Lin Lu's side.

If the Muyan Club recruits publicly, there will be many such teams coming to their door.

When Lin Lu heard Fang Mu's words, his habitually smiling face was completely broken!

Lin Lu's face showed extreme ecstasy. The 90% pure life potion appeared on Yuwang last time, and the price was 300 million Longteng coins.

Lin Lu's current annual income is only 12 million Longteng coins.

To put it bluntly, I am the person in charge of serving a large club, but to put it bluntly, I am the head of a service team!

The money earned by the team must be shared, otherwise there would not be so many outstanding talents following him!

Fang Mu's annual bonus directly equals his twenty years' income!

With Fang Mu's promise, Lin Lu had to deal with all the affairs even if he tried his best, and led the team to stay in the Muyan Club guild.

A life potion with a purity of 92% has never appeared on the market.

Medicines of this level of purity can be exchanged for any resources in the entire Longteng Federation.

The selling price was more than six billion Dragon Coins at least.

With such a prospect after five years of work, Lin Lu feels that he has become a winner in life!

It is the basic quality of an excellent manager to be indifferent to emotions.

After Lin Lu realized that he had lost his composure, he quickly adjusted his mood, and then took the initiative to speak to Fang Mu.

"Master Mu, I see a construction team has come outside, and I can just lead the team to carry out layout and infrastructure construction."

"There is no need for you and Miss Yan to bother here!"

"After dealing with the matter of the Xuanjian Club and Guild, I will take the initiative to make appointments with a few clubs and guilds with good strength."

"After the selection of the main team members of our Mu Yan Club, we will be able to have an exhibition match with those powerful teams."

"In this way, we can quickly increase the popularity of our Muyan Club through vigorous publicity!"

Fang Mu nodded noncommittal upon hearing this.

Fang Yuan and himself have spent so many resources to find a professional team like Lin Lu, there is no need to spend any more time on Muyan Club.

As for Fang Yan, Fang Mu and Fang Yuan agreed that Fang Yan did not have management skills.

If Fang Yan finds out her own shortcomings and puts effort into training her abilities in this area, it will definitely affect Fang Yan's improvement in strength.

This seems to be worth the candle!

Fang Mu brought the four auspicious plants to the Muyan Club. After seeing the team that Fang Yuan had chosen for Fang Yan, there was nothing left to do at the Muyan Club.

Just now Fang Mu received a call from Yi Han.

The Yi family prepared a sumptuous lunch and invited Fang Mu and Fang Yan to go.

Fang Mu happened to be planning to bring Fang Yan to visit Yi's house, so he didn't refuse Yi Han's personal invitation.

Regardless of Yi Han's purpose and considerations for taking Fang Yan as his disciple, Yi Han is now truly his elder.

Fang Mu's attitude towards Yi Han must be more respectful than before!

There was Lin Lu staring at the Muyan Club, and Fang Yan also took her heart back.

"Third sister, let's go to Yifu for dinner later."

"Yesterday, Uncle Yi just accepted you as his apprentice, and today he invites you over, planning to introduce the Yi family to you."

"As Yi Han's only direct disciple, your status in the Yi family will be higher than that of the direct descendants of the Yi family!"

Fang Yan couldn't help becoming nervous when she heard this.

Fang Yan felt a little apprehensive about going to meet so many dignitaries at once.

Fang Yan is not like Fang Yuan who has been the president of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce for as long as she has long been used to getting along with big shots.

At best, Fang Yan is just a student who has not graduated from university.

"Xiao Mu, you said that I will always go to Yi's house, will those juniors of Yi's house be hostile to me?"

"When the teacher just became the founding master before, there were many powerful people with top forces who brought their children to visit."

"The teacher has publicly stated that his direct disciples have to make a choice among the younger generation of the Yi family."

"It's like cutting off my identity as a direct disciple."

After Fang Mu understood Fang Yan's worry, he shook his head and said with a smile.

"Third sister, you worry too much!"

"Whether the direct descendants of the Yi family are the younger generation or the older generation, as long as they don't become insane, no one will dare to offend you!"

"You don't need to worry about being unhappy with them!"

"You have to remember that there is me behind you, this is my gift for Grandmaster Yi Han."

"After I leave, you remember to hand over the contents of these five brocade boxes to Grandmaster Yi Han, and you don't have to worry about the rest, I can take care of it for you!"

"Third sister, there are many outstanding young people in the Yi family."

"If they have the idea of ​​joining the Muyan Club after they know that you founded the Muyan Club."

"You can consider those Yi family juniors who have expressed their intentions to you."

Fang Yan felt at ease when she heard Fang Mu's words.

Fang Mu said that if he can help him take care of everything, he will be able to do it.

It's just that Fang Yan is a little curious, when will Fang Mu start to pay attention to the situation of his team's players! ?

After thinking about Fang Yan, she understood why Fang Mu said that.

Fang Mu's words are intended to tell himself to make more friends with the juniors of the Yi family.

Take advantage of Yi Han's identity as a disciple of Grandmaster Yi Han to make more contacts.

This network resource can help me in some cases, the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce and my eldest sister Fang Qin!

"Xiao Mu, I understand what you mean. I know why the master and his old man accepted me as a disciple, and I also know what I should do after I become a disciple of the founding master."

A bright smile appeared on Fang Mu's face upon hearing this.

Each of the four members of my family has now grown into a towering tree.

At this moment, Fang Mu's heart was very comfortable and comfortable.

On the way to Yi's house, Fang Mu thought of the news Yi Han revealed to him last night and was quite curious.

Why does the Dragon Federation select leaders from the younger generation of different age groups?

Based on Fang Mu's understanding of the Longteng Federation, the Zique Academy of the Longteng Federation mainly trains students from poor families who are average or relatively good.

Those younger generations who really came from great powers spent most of their growth on the resources of their own families.

Those people are not within the scope of training at the Zique Academy of the Longteng Federation.

As an official force, it is impossible for Zique Academy to throw out so many precious resources to a small number of people.

However, Zique Academy now wants to select this part of geniuses as leaders of all age groups.

Presumably such a decision would be made suddenly, and there must be some purpose.

Otherwise, the Longyu Research Institute and the Founder Alliance will not invest a lot of resources to support this matter.

More importantly, Fang Mu learned part of the situation from Liu Xi, and the Royal Court of Panfeng Federation, which was far away from Longteng Federation, also received similar news.

It is said that a master creator affiliated with Diyuan went to the Federation of Nations to announce the decision of Diyuan.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world! ?

If it is said that this selection of young people of all ages is advocated by Diyuan, then the selected leaders of all ages are very likely to lead the world.

Fang Mu is very fortunate that he has been providing resources for his brothers and sisters since his rise.

After two or three months of comprehensive cultivation of the master resources, whether it is Fang Qin, Fang Yan or Fang Yuan, they have all entered the ranks of the top talents of all age groups.

All three of them are top matchers in the beast master, and the only limitation is the level of the beast master.

Fang Mu handed over the lotus root powder of Xizhao Yalian to Fang Qin as early as the family gathering, and then distributed the existing brilliant golden honey.

With Brilliant Golden Honey assisting the three of them, their level of beast masters will increase rapidly.

Fang Mu also handed the flower beads of Tianxiang Peony to the three of them.

Then use Jingyi Huayu to assist the three of them, and it is basically a certainty for the three of them to comprehend the first-class Xuanzhang.

This upsurge led by the younger generation of the main world has just settled down and has not yet started.

There should be a lot of preparation time!

If all four members of the Fang family can stand on top of this wave, it would not be in vain for Fang Mu to come to the world of beasts and carry the "well" away from home.

Fang Mu not only wants to help Fang Qin, Fang Yan, and Fang Yuan plan, Fang Mu himself also wants to be the champion in this wave.

Thinking that Fang Mu was going to wait until he went back, he took a breath to purify a wave of aura in the abdominal space of the abdominal worm.

Use the purified aura to cultivate blood vines.

Each auxiliary vine on the blood grape vine has been branched in a cross shape, showing a tendency to bear fruit.

As a royal beast capable of producing blood energy, the blood vine hopes to speed up the coagulation speed of the contracted blood.

Before Huang Yuan, who was the head of the Royal Court, received the news from the Panfeng Federation, the Longteng Federation had already started to implement the plan.

This shows that Diyuan's attitude towards federations with different levels of strength varies greatly.

Go to Yi House today, after Yi Han discloses Fang Yan's identity to everyone in the Yi family.

Even if Fang Mu didn't take the initiative to find Yi Han before leaving, Yi Han would take the initiative to communicate with him in private.

Talk to yourself about trading and creating master resources.

Fang Mu is going to take this opportunity to ask Yi Han carefully what is the fundamental purpose of selecting the younger generation of different age groups.

As soon as Fang Mu's beast car arrived at the door of Yi's house, he saw Yi Han wearing a black silk robe, standing at the door of Yi's house with his hands behind his back.

Obviously waiting for himself and Fang Yan to arrive!

Yi Han, the founder of the Yi family, is the face of the Yi family. Yi Han is waiting for Fang Yan and Fang Mu at the door, and he is more sincere than everyone in the Yi family except Yi Han standing at the door!

The person driving the beast chariot was Lu Bo. Lu Bo had been with Fang Yuan for a long time, and he often had the opportunity to meet Grandmaster Yi Han.

Even so, Lu Bo was still very cautious when meeting Grandmaster Yi Han.

Lu Bo jumped out of the driver's seat of the beast car, and was about to help Fang Mu and Fang Yan open the car door.

He heard a majestic and dignified voice coming from his ear.

"The old man's apprentice, the old man can pick it up by himself!"

After that, Yi Han raised his hand and opened the car door.

Seeing this, Fang Yan jumped out of the car and helped Yi Han.

"Master, I am a little late to visit you, how can I bother you to pick me up at the door!"

Yi Han laughed twice when he heard this.

"As a teacher, in the creation of a grandmaster, even those who are not too old still have to go on the road, but you are not too late to come!"

"The family banquet is not ready yet!"

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