Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 395 Genius Brother and Sister Development Plan 1.0!

A smile appeared on Fang Mu's face when he heard Yi Han's words.

Yi Han lowered his figure in his words, which is very rare for Yi Han.

And Yi Han's words are indeed very frank.

Now Fang Mu and Yi Han have become close partners who can share secrets because of the interests as a bridge!

This kind of relationship is what Fang Mu most wants to foster with Yi Han. This kind of relationship will quickly bind Fang Mu and Yi Han deeply and become a community of interests.

In the future, Yi Han can get more master creation resources from Fang Mu.

If Fang Mu encounters any troubles in the future, just tell Yi Han, and Yi Han has to help Fang Mu solve it.

"Uncle Yi, you accepted my third sister as your disciple, we are already our own people."

"One family doesn't talk about two families, you first tell me how many master-level potions you need, and see if I can help you solve it!"

Fang Mu said so, but he had already made up his mind.

This time, Yi Han would agree no matter how much resources he wanted, and let Yi Han owe him a big favor!

The current rhetoric is nothing but Fang Mu's performance.

When Yi Han heard what Fang Mu said, he couldn't help feeling grateful for Fang Mu, a junior in his heart. The more he looked at Fang Mu, the more pleasing it was to his eyes.

Yi Han knew very well that Fang Mu had to take a risk to help him obtain the master-level potion from Qixing.

"I can prepare Xiaomu's 90% pure life potion and elemental potion by myself."

"What I need are life potions and wood element potions with a purity of over 94%!"

Speaking of this, Yi Han raised two fingers at Fang Mu.

Seeing this, Fang Mu twitched the corners of his mouth indiscriminately, Yi Han really dared to open his mouth like a lion!

The 94% pure life medicine and the wood element medicine need 20 bottles each, which is the resource output of a high-level master creator for nearly three months.

Dongfangmu can take it out, but Fangmu is very curious about what Yi Han will exchange with himself for these resources.

Fang Mu put on a surprised expression.

"Uncle Yi, you need this batch of resources too much! After all, the high-level master-level medicine you want needs to be prepared by my master."

Hearing what Fang Mu said, Yi Han was quite disappointed.

At the same time, Yi Han keenly grasped the content of Fang Mu's words.

The resources of the high-level master creator need to be allocated by the Qixing master himself, and those intermediate and low-level master creator resources cannot be allocated by others! ?

It is very likely that there is not only one founding master standing behind Fang Mu, but a small team of founding masters headed by Qixing Grandmaster!

At this moment, Yi Han only heard that Fang Mu seemed to have made a lot of determination, and said in a very solemn tone.

"Uncle Yi, I can help you get this resource from the master, but you also have to tell me your chips!"

"Otherwise, if the master asks, I can't explain to the master!"

Where does Yi Han have any bargaining chips?

Just a week ago, Yi Han received an invitation from Diyuan, and he is eligible to join this mysterious organization that he has longed for.

Only after entering the organization of Diyuan did Yi Han realize that his new founding master was only the most marginal existence in Diyuan.

There are some internal meetings of Diyuan that they themselves are not qualified to attend.

Moreover, Diyuan is not a platform for creating exchanges between masters as I imagined.

Any piece of news in Diyuan must be exchanged with resources.

If Yi Han wants to communicate with other founding masters, he needs to provide other founding masters with remuneration.

Those newly-promoted founding masters will find intermediate-level or above founding masters to rely on. Only in this way is a path that is conducive to their own growth.

After seeing the situation clearly, Yi Han also had a plan in his heart to rely on a high-level creative master.

The two most suitable candidates appeared in Yi Han's mind, one was Shuoyang and the other was Qixing.

Grandmaster Xiaoxiang has the deepest friendship with Yi Han, but Xiaoxiang is only an intermediate creation master.

Attaching to Xiaoxiang's help to Yi Han is really limited.

After thinking about it, Yi Han felt that Qixing was stronger than Shuoyang in every aspect.

I don't have any friendship with Shuoyang, and I offended Grandmaster Shuoyang because of disputes with several rival families.

As a result, when I asked Grandmaster Shuoyang for resources, Grandmaster Shuoyang didn't even let me enter the door of Longyu Research Institute!

Although Qixing has never met, but because of Fang Mu, Qixing is very generous to him.

A generous person can allow a guy like himself who is attached to him to get enough benefits.

"Xiaomu, I only discovered after I became a founding master that I have just started on the road of creating a master."

"I hope to have some like-minded partners to rely on on this road."

"You tell Grandmaster Qixing what I said, and tell him that as long as these resources are provided to me, I am willing to be his staff for ten years."

"In addition, my Yi family's annual income will contribute 20% to Grandmaster Qixing."

"In addition to this, I will take an extra 2% of my income as a reward for helping me facilitate this!"

Fang Mu was thinking about what kind of resources Yi Han would bring up for the transaction, and Fang Mu felt that Yi Han probably had nothing in his hands that could match such resources.

If Yi Han can take out this material, he can trade with other founding masters of Di Yuan after Yi Han has joined Di Yuan.

Fang Mu never expected that it would be Yi Han's defection, and this defection lasted for ten years!

Fang Mu has had a founding master as his subordinate in ten years, and he will also receive 22% of Yijia's income in dividends every year.

This amount of money is an astronomical amount without thinking about it.

Fang Mu would not question the earning power of a family with a founding master!

Such a good thing fell on him, Fang Mu would never refuse no matter what!

Fang Mu took a deep look at Yi Han.

"Uncle Yi, I will communicate with the master immediately after I go back, and I can give you an answer within two days."

"If this matter can be facilitated, the master will probably ask me to bring you the forty bottles of medicine directly."

"But you should understand that the most untrustworthy thing in this world is a verbal promise."

"The master will probably use special beasts to control you. You have to make it clear that you can accept this and I will communicate with you!"

"Otherwise, it's meaningless for me to finish the communication."

"To be honest, a similar situation happened to you before."

Fang Mu didn't distrust Yi Han by doing this, but Fang Mu couldn't place his relationship with Yi Han on his trust in Yi Han.

It is the safest way to control Yi Han with the servant soul ant queen.

If it was placed in the past, Fangmu would never dare to make such a request to a founding master.

But the trip to the Panfeng Federation allowed Fang Mu to broaden his knowledge, and also gave Fang Mu enough cards to maintain his self-confidence.

Yi Han frowned suddenly when he heard Fang Mu's words, feeling a sense of displeasure in his heart.

But Yi Han didn't vent his anger on Fang Mu.

In Yi Han's mind, Fang Mu is a microphone, a bridge for him to communicate with Qi Xing.

It was also because Fang Mu regarded himself as his own that he explained the situation to himself before asking his master for instructions.

Just when Yi Han was about to refuse, Yi Han suddenly thought that Fang Mu said that as long as he agreed, he would directly bring the forty bottles of medicine to him.

Such a resource reserve is enough to prove the rich heritage of Qixing.

Now it is said that the Immortal Mother of Yongle in the Palace of Bliss has become the Holy Creator, and Yi Han can't help but wonder if Qi Xing has been in retreat all the time, is it also to step out of this level.

Instead of simply making a breakthrough towards the top creating master.

How could a high-level master craftsman store so many master craftsman resources!

If you can rely on such a creative master, even if you lose your freedom, it is not a loss!

Thinking of this, Yi Han gritted his teeth and said.

"Xiaomu, I understand the situation you said, you should convey the words to Grandmaster Qixing according to what I said before!"

Fang Mu said with a smile when he heard the words.

"Since that's the case, then Uncle Yi and I don't need to discuss resource transactions in this conference room anymore."

"If you become the master's staff, we will have more opportunities to contact in the future than now!"

"After the master retreated, several other staff members have always been in single-line contact with me."

Yi Han couldn't help but look up at Fang Mu when he heard this.

Fang Mu was able to contact Qixing's staff, this kind of trust and love is not comparable to Qixing's resources for Fang Mu!

Fang Mu can already be regarded as a figure in the central area in the Qixing interest group!

"Xiao Mu, we can talk about other things if we don't talk about transactions."

"Haha, we still need to exchange more feelings between us!"

"Do you still remember what I revealed to you yesterday that the Dragon Federation will select the younger generation according to their age?"

"After I came back last night, I specifically inquired about this matter. After I learned that this incident was initiated by Diyuan, I asked several colleagues of Diyuan to learn about the specific situation of this incident."

"The reason why Diyuan is so honorable is that it is above all forces. Even the Federation of Nations is only a part derived from Diyuan."

"It is because Di Yuan will provide a large number of founder resources to the major federations of the main world every four years."

"In the past, those resources were all robbed by the older generation. Your eldest sister's master, Mother Dragon, took the lead in fighting the severed finger of the beast because the source was injured in the competition."

"For the sake of these founder resources, it is common for the older generations of the major federations to be seriously injured, and sacrifices are not uncommon."

"Now Di Yuan suddenly decided not to completely let the older generation of powerhouses compete for these resources, but put the competition for these resources on the younger generation."

"Although the competition of the older generation still exists, it can only account for 10% of the allocation of creator resources."

"The age divisions of the three younger generations each determine 30% of the resource allocation."

"For this grand event for the younger generation, Di Yuan divided the entire world into four competition areas."

"Our Dragon Federation is located in the East Division."

"The Eastern Division is at the bottom of the four major divisions, and the allocation of resources is based on divisions, so our Dragon Federation is under a lot of pressure!"

"These crown princes of the Longteng Federation will definitely carefully select among the younger generation, and even restart the Federation envoy plan according to the records in the ancient books!"

Speaking of this, Yi Han stretched out his hand and patted Fang Mu's shoulder.

"The transformation of this turbulent society is your stage, and your younger generation will rise up!"

"Once you become famous in this regional competition, you will become a common star on all continents of the world."

"But the same honor duel will be extremely risky. I estimate that the casualties will not be less than 30%!"

Fang Mu wanted to ask about Yi Han's situation before leaving, but he didn't expect Yi Han to tell him the situation directly.

Fang Mu suddenly became clear about the situation.

As Yi Han said yesterday, there is one group under the age of twenty, one group of twenty to thirty, and one group of thirty to forty.

If I want to join this grand event, I want to fight in the group under the age of twenty.

My third sister, second brother and eldest sister are in the group of twenty to thirty.

Originally, Fang Mu intended to let Fang Yan, Fang Qin, and Fang Yuan participate in it.

But after hearing Yi Han talk about the risks involved, Fang Mu retreated.

Fang Mu didn't want the three of them to be injured or even die in the competition between the competition areas after being selected!

Fang Mu is going to tell Fang Qin, Fang Yuan and Fang Yan about this after going back, so that the three of them have a preparation in mind.

As for whether the three of them decide to participate in this grand event, it depends on the choice of the three of them!

Just like Fang Mu will not interfere with Fang Qin's continued service in Jinghai after he has the resources.

Everyone has their own path to choose, and only an individual can make a decision on this path.

If the three of them plan to participate, Fang Mu is going to use his inexhaustible resources to arm the three of them to the teeth and make them into real monsters among the younger generation!

Let alone an ordinary master creator, even a saint creator can't compare with himself at the speed at which Fangmu produces the resources of a master creator!

Fang Mu still has confidence in this!

Through the communication with Yi Han, Fangmu learned that a bottle of master-level potion cannot be prepared casually.

To prepare potions, you first need spiritual materials, and the higher the level of potions, the higher the level of spiritual materials consumed.

It is also reluctant to fail once to create a master.

But here in Fangmu, even those garbage that no one wants are excellent raw materials for the preparation of medicines.

Fang Mu has enough creator resources to dominate the entire world, and his brothers and sisters are all outstanding among the younger generation, so there is no reason to be compared by others.

Thinking of this, Fang Mu made a plan in his mind, which is tentatively called "Genius Brother and Sister Development Plan 1.0".

Of course, the premise of cultivation is to make three people into iron buckets, so as to ensure that they will not be harmed in the battle with other Tianjiao!

Yi Han didn't know that when he introduced the situation to Fang Mu, he could make Fang Mu think so much.

After talking with Yi Han for a while, Fang Mu didn't stay for dinner, but let Lu Bo take him back to the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

Fang Yan stayed behind.

Fang Yan has just been accepted as a disciple by Yi Han, and Fang Yan will live in Yi's house these days.

Yi Han didn't wait for Fang Mu to respond to him, and started sending out invitations to other forces, announcing to the major forces in the Longteng Federation that he had accepted Fang Yan as his disciple.

For a moment, this news became the biggest news circulating among the major forces in the Longteng Federation!

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