Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 403: Fang Mu's Temperament!

Under normal circumstances, no party would use the dead soul as a reward during the transaction.

Dead souls are not commonly used. Except for those beast masters who have contracted undead beast masters, dead souls are only needed if they want to cultivate evil spirits.

Apart from Fang Mu, it is difficult to find a few people who dare to cultivate evil spirits in this world.

Fang Mu's ability to breed evil spirits is based on Fang Mu's ability to control evil spirits.

In the case of absolute control over the evil spirits, all resource investment is worthwhile.

If someone else is cultivating the evil spirits, one needs to always be on guard against the evil spirits' counterattacks.

Lang Huan would not specifically mention dead souls for no reason, and Fang Mujianmu's identity did not contract any undead beasts.

It seemed that Lang Huan must have known some news.

Fang Mu wore a faceless paper mask when he went to the Panfeng Federation to explore the ancient battlefield. It is impossible for anyone to know Fang Mu's real appearance.

Shu Liangjun, Shui Miao and the others beside Fang Mu also changed their appearances, Lang Huan regarded himself as Yan Luo!

Fang Mu felt that it was not without reason that Lang Huan made such a guess.

Firstly, the time I left Longteng Federation coincided with the time when a large-scale ancient battlefield appeared in Panfeng Federation, and the time I came back coincided with the time when the event ended.

Secondly, the way Yan Luo releases the creator resources to the outside is not much different from the way he releases the creator resources to the outside.

In the past three years, most of the situation was caused by Shu Liangjun.

Fang Mu has noticed Lang Huan and Li Xu's eyes on Shu Liangjun more than once.

At first, the eyes of both of them were a little puzzled, but after several observations, there was a clear look in their eyes.

It is difficult to hide oneself when strong men of equal strength meet at such a close distance.

The two of them had probably already guessed Shu Liangjun's identity.

Considering that in the ancient battlefield, Yan Luo has a strong orderly man who can control space-like beasts in the field, smart people will naturally think about this.

There is no need for Fang Mu to hide his identity from Lang Huan and Li Xu.

Fang Mu could admit it openly, but Fang Mu didn't do that.

Fang Mu doesn't like being deliberately spied on by his partners during the cooperation process.

"The 20% discount for all spiritual materials above the master level is actually only allowed or not allowed. Such a discount can be offered by others at the same price even for short-term cooperation."

"The addition of the first three relics of the era is a bit small. Every time we trade, we use 20 bottles of potions as a group. I need five relics of the era!"

"As for the dead souls, I don't know how much you can take out?"

Fang Mu was obviously very warm and gentle in the transaction just now, why suddenly changed into a business-like tone now?

Soon Lang Huan and Li Xu figured out the reason.

I think it was my temptation just now that made Fang Mu, a little guy, pissed off.

The expression on Lang Huan's face remained unchanged, but he started to laugh in his heart.

This fried-haired little guy is really cute. His words seemed to be dissatisfied with the price he quoted, but in fact he had already agreed.

The relics of the era are really just an addition to the transaction, because no one can know whether the contents of the relics of the era are good or bad.

Therefore, the price of some small era relics is not high.

Lang Huan and Li Xu wouldn't take this kind of thing that could be traded on the black market at all.

Common era relics are not like those found in large ancient battlefields, which can ensure the value of the contents inside.

Even senior scholars who have studied the relics of the era for decades cannot judge the origin of the relics of the era.

This makes any formal auction house dare not guarantee the provenance of the era relics during the auction process.

In the past, there were a few well-known powerhouses whose reputations were eventually ruined because of guaranteeing the relics of the era.

If you want to determine the origin of the era relics, you can only go to the large ancient battlefield to find and compete for the era relics.

Fang Mu didn't change the topic after blowing his hair, and still brought up the dead soul.

In fact, it was equivalent to confirming Lang Huan's guess.

Lang Huan knew that what he did just now was a little rude, and later in the process of cooperating with Fang Mu in the transaction, Lang Huan also understood what he should observe.

Changlefang has a stable channel to obtain dead souls.

Chang Lefang has been running a branch in the corpse area.

The branch of Changlefang Corpse Field is second only to the headquarters, and a large number of dead souls are paid every day.

A large part of the reason why Lang Huan would test Fang Mu was also because Lang Huan wanted to determine whether Fang Mu had a need for dead souls.

If Fang Mu had no demand for dead souls, he would no longer be able to trade dead souls as resources.

"If every transaction is based on twenty bottles of medicine, then I can provide you with an additional three million dead souls."

"If you want to use the dead soul as part of the trading resources, the dead soul can also be discounted at 20% of the market price!"

Fang Mu was overjoyed when he heard this.

Three million dead souls! And dead souls can also be traded at discounted prices!

This is simply too good to be true!

The ancient battlefield of the Panfeng Federation will not be closed after it is opened.

The Panfeng Federation can still obtain dead souls in the ancient battlefield.

Only because the ancient battlefield has been developed, the number of undead has decreased.

The efficiency of Panfeng Federation in collecting dead souls will also be greatly reduced!

But within a few hundred years, this large ancient battlefield can still generate income for the Panfeng Federation.

Although the dead souls produced by the Panfeng Federation are owned by Fang Mu, even so, they still cannot meet Fang Mu's needs for dead souls.

Liuxi and the evil spirit who can use the enchantment ability are both big consumers of dead souls.

With the growth of Hell Prajna, Hell Prajna also has a tendency to become a big consumer of dead souls.

The transaction with Changlefang can be said to provide Fang Mu with a channel to obtain dead souls, saving Fang Mu a lot of trouble.

"So good!"

"For each subsequent transaction, give 40% of the shares to the dead souls!"

Because Fang Mu needs to cultivate evil spirits, there is a huge demand for dead souls. The branch in Changlefang's corpse area is developing so well, but Lang Huan and Li Xu have never paid much attention to the branch in the corpse area.

It is because there are too few valuable materials produced in the corpse area.

Being able to replace spiritual materials above the master level with the continuously obtained resources of dead souls has saved Chang Lefang a lot of costs.

Lang Huan was curious as to why Fang Mu had such a high demand for dead souls.

But because of the feedback given by testing Fang Mu before, Lang Huan did not test Fang Mu again this time.

Lang Huan spoke frankly to Fang Mu.

"You chose to trade like this, which saved Changlefang a lot of costs."

"In this way, I will add another two million dead souls to Chang Lefang for each transaction, and make up five million dead souls as extras."

"In addition, if you really have such a large demand for dead souls, I can make a deal with you at half the market price."

Fang Mu said with a smile when he heard the words.

"After visiting the two masters this time, I will leave the capital."

"If I need to find two traders in the future, I will send someone to visit the two masters."

Lang Huan raised his hand when he heard the words, and a pair of purple gemstones appeared in Lang Huan's white palm.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, we will soon leave the Dragon Federation."

"The next time you send someone to Changlefang, it is very likely that they will fail."

"This pair is the core of the soul-moving amethyst mine, not the imperial beast."

"But the communication effect is better than most of the communication beasts."

"Each message will consume the energy of the soul-moving amethyst mine, but as long as the soul-moving amethyst mine is placed around the soul-moving amethyst, the soul-moving mine will absorb the energy of the soul-moving amethyst to itself to fill in."

"If there is anything going on in the future, you can just communicate with me directly with the soul-moving mine heart."

Hearing this, Fang Mu reached out and took a piece of soul-moving mine core, and put the soul-moving mine core away.

Up to now, all Fang Mu has are the communication beasts or communication items given to him by others, but Fang Mu himself does not have any communication items or communication items to use.

Messenger-type items and monsters rarely appear on the market.

Fang Mu asked Lu Xiaoyin to pay attention, but he has not found it until now.

Fang Mu thought that he might as well use the existing communication beasts as templates, and recreate a brand new communication beasts through the exclusive feature of "Natal Creation" of Xue Zhifeng Rang.

Most of the messenger beasts communicate with each other, and it is rare that there are more than one messenger beasts that can communicate together.

However, Fang Mu artificially created the same bloodline of the communication beasts, which can realize communication between multiple beasts.

After Fang Mu is created, not only can he give it to his family members, but it is convenient to contact each other when they cannot use mobile phones.

In this way, Fang Mu, Fang Yuan, Fang Qin, and Fang Yan don't have to worry about their own safety even if Fang Mu goes out to practice again.

In addition, this kind of communication beast that can communicate with each other can allow all members of the infinite tower to realize instant internal communication without barriers.

Let Fang Mu know the corresponding situation in the first time.

Lang Huan gave Fang Mu such a great convenience, and Fang Mu would not take advantage of Lang Huan's convenience for nothing, so he would naturally give Lang Huan some feedback.

"In the future, if Changlefang encounters any difficulties in terms of resources, you can come to me."

"Maybe I just happen to be able to help!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Mu stood up, cupped his hands at Lang Huanli and continued.

"I've come to bother the two workshop owners for half a day, so I'm leaving now."

"I will prepare the resources for the first batch of transactions within five days."

"If Changlefang can prepare resources, the transaction can be carried out at any time!"

Both Li Xu and Lang Huan developed a lot of affection for Fangmu on the basis of the original foundation.

Although Fang Mu is just a young man, he is extremely particular about his work.

When Chang Lefang encounters ordinary troubles, it can be solved by force, but in terms of resources, Li Xu and Lang Huan can only seek help from the outside world.

Now Li Xu and Lang Huan have confirmed that Fang Mu's master is a holy creator, and Fang Mu's promise to them is almost equal to Qi Xing's promise.

Because Fang Mu can use Qixing's creator resources, Qixing's respect and favor for Fangmu makes Fang Mu far more valuable than other disciples of the holy creator.

Li Xu and Lang Huan also stood up.

"You must be busy to leave in a hurry, so I won't force you to stay here for dinner."

"Within five days, our Changlefang will prepare the resources that should be prepared. If you return to JA City, I will ask Zui Le and You You to bring the supplies to you."

Lang Huan and Li Xu sent Fang Mu to the foot of Yale Mountain, and watched Fang Mu's beast-chariot drive away.

Now Fang Mu has completely reached a solid relationship with Chang Lefang.

Under such cooperation, Mu is against any force, and Chang Lefang will stand on Fang Mu's side without hesitation.

When Fang Mu returned to the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, Fang Yan also rushed back from Yifu.

In the Yijia Fang Yan thoroughly felt what is called VIP-level treatment.

Yi Han's apprentice banquet was scheduled for two days later.

Now is the busiest time for Fang Yan, but because Fang Yan knows that Fang Mu will leave the capital tomorrow, she and Yi Han asked for leave tonight to accompany Fang Mu.

Yi Han now regards Fang Yan as a treasure in his palm.

The brocade boxes that Fang Mu gave to Fang Yan were handed over by Fang Yan to Yi Han.

The resources in these five brocade boxes are enough for Yi Han to complete the transformation of a main battle royal beast bloodline.

The things in these five brocade boxes certainly could not have been prepared by Qixing.

Taking Fang Yan as his apprentice has nothing to do with Qi Xing.

These five brocade boxes not only allowed Yi Han to see Fang Mu's attitude towards accepting Fang Yan as his apprentice, but also allowed Yi Han to experience the energy contained in Fang Mu once again.

If Fang Yan knew what was in the brocade box.

For Fang Mu to give such a precious thing to Yi Han, he felt a little distressed.

This kind of heartache is like the heartache that the juniors of the Yi family felt when they saw Yi Han pouring resources into Fang Yan.

After Fang Yuan decided to focus on improving his own strength, he has already started to distribute the work.

And decided to change the scope of the wood building chamber of commerce's functions, and no longer sell low-end and mid-end commodities.

Instead, it only deals in high-end products.

In the entire Longteng Federation, there has never been a force that only deals in high-end products.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it may feel that high-end products are extremely difficult to circulate, but in fact, the circulation capacity of high-end products is no worse than that of mid-range and low-end products.

One reason is that beast masters who need those high-end products have more resources in their hands.

Secondly, it is also because the number of high-end products is too scarce.

In a situation where there are too many monks and too little food, even if you have resources, you still need favors.

For example, some powerful beast masters are willing to double the price to buy these high-end spiritual materials because they are short of certain spiritual materials when they ask the creators to help strengthen the beast masters.

It is too difficult to get an appointment with a creator, and it is impossible for a creator to wait patiently to make an appointment with his own creator to slowly collect spiritual materials.

The Jianmu Chamber of Commerce deals in high-end products and can accumulate contacts in a subtle way.

After working in the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce for so many years as a gold glove, Fang Yuan's team is very good at handling contacts.

More importantly, the Wood Building Chamber of Commerce has the capital to only deal in high-end products.

Fang Mu has created such good conditions for himself, Fang Yuan has to realize his dream no matter what.

Otherwise, in Fang Yuan's view, this is a kind of betrayal of the other party.

After dinner, the four siblings talked until late.

In the early morning of the next day, Fang Mu was ready to leave for JA City, where he had been away for nearly three months, and there were still people waiting for him there.

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