Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 411: The new skill of Lian Poison Wang Lian!

He Qing asked directly to the middle-aged man who stopped him.

"You should be members of the fourth security team?"

"I'm He Qing, who is in charge of handling the corpses of the alien beasts."

"I just left the Scavenger Branch this afternoon. What happened in front of me? Even I was not allowed to enter!"

The middle-aged man had already seen the sign He Qing was wearing.

Judging from the signs, He Qing has been able to easily clean up the corpses of heavy artillery-level dimensional creatures.

It can be regarded as the backbone of the Scavenger Division.

Scavenger members are generally included in four departments, of which the department responsible for cleaning up the corpses of alien beasts has the highest status.

On the one hand, it is because this department is the core of the entire ecology of Scavenger.

On the other hand, it is also because the people in this department are really using their own safety and health to seek the well-being of the entire Dragon Federation.

The middle-aged man bowed to He Qing, and then said.

"I was notified of the task temporarily. It is said that at noon today, a destructive swamp dimensional crack opened in the suburbs of JA City."

"Several Medusa snake monsters appeared inside!"

"Although the raging in the suburbs did not cause much casualties, it polluted a lot of the environment."

"In order to prevent the environmental pollution from spreading to the urban area, Your Excellency Fang Lin personally took action to eliminate the Medusa snake demon and the poison-drinking snake dove that spewed out from the crack in the swamp dimension."

"These carcasses could not have been exposed to the wild for extended periods of time."

"Once it's not transported to the incinerator within two days, spoilage occurs."

"It seems that the Beast Familiar Chariot, which is specially used to transport the corpses of high-level alien animals, has some problems when filling the corpses."

"The interaction of toxins that led to the corpses of several alien beasts exploded, destroying this beast-chariot."

He Qing pursed his lips tightly when he heard the words.

The scavenger directly opened the buffer zone to isolate the area where the outbreak occurred, indicating that the situation must be very critical.

The beast-chariot that exploded was probably the poison-drinking snake-dove and the Medusa-snake demon who hadn't taken out the heart of the poison-drinking snake-dove in advance and plucked out the eyes of the Medusa snake-ghost when they were put together.

Even if the Medusa snake demon dies, the double pupils still have the ability to turn the elements in the staring target's body into earth elements.

The heart of the Poison-drinking Snake Dove is covered with a large amount of toxin, and once the elements in the heart of the Poison-drinking Snake Dove change, there is a certain chance that it will explode.

The scavenger transports different corpses, and has different specifications of beast chariots.

The carcasses of high-level alien animals must be transported in different vehicles.

After this bombing, He Qing can imagine how terrifying toxins were released into the nearby environment.

Fang Mu has been listening to the conversation between He Qing and the member of the scavenger in the beast car.

Hearing this, Fang Mu immediately jumped out of the beast chariot, and said to the middle-aged man in front of him.

"I'm also an official member of the Scavenger, and the contracted beast master has the ability to gather the dead energy in the environment."

"I apply to join the governance of the environment."

After saying that, Fang Mu stepped forward with his left foot, and Eden Fantasyland unfolded in front of Fang Mu.

Ye Zhan, who was more than three meters tall, appeared behind Fang Mu.

[Name of Royal Beast]: Lian Du Wang Lian

【Genus of Royal Beast】: Nymphaeaceae / King Lily

[Beast Familiar Level]: Gold Rank (10/10)

【Family of Beasts】: Wood

[Beast Familiar Potential]: Platinum Rank

[Quality of Royal Beast]: Legendary Quality


[Poison Accumulation]: Through the root system, the toxins near the roots are gathered and locked within the range of the root system, which has a slight healing effect on the range covered by the root system.

[Poison Fragrance]: The lotus transforms the absorbed toxin into fragrance and spreads it out. The poisonous fragrance can stimulate one's own mental power, weaken the control of the spirit, and make the enemy's spirit fall into a chaotic state.

[Poison Healing]: Collect the toxins on the leaves, the leaves absorb the toxins and transform them into healing energy, and heal the units above the leaves.

Exclusive features:

[Leaf Lotus Dance]: The lotus leaf will spontaneously resist external attacks, burst out the poison accumulated inside, and improve its own defense. The lotus can gather the poison collected in the battle and compress the poison into a lotus heart. target to strike.

[Cicada Frog Sending Lotus]: Every time a lotus leaf grows, you can choose to let a frog whose rank is not higher than your own parasitize. The souls of cicadas are parasitic. (The parasitic soul has a symbiotic relationship with the poisonous lotus. If you want to continue to improve your strength, you need to share the energy in the poisonous lotus.)

[Earth-bound lotus body]: Deepen the roots into the ground, absorb the nutrients from the deep ground to strengthen your lotus body, and make your lotus body gigantic. The target standing on the lotus body can be quickly supplied by the lotus body. Replenish lost energy.

Evolution route:

①: Wugou lotus, ②: Poison-shooting lotus, ③: Poison-manipulating witch lotus.

Because Fang Mu contracted the spirit mayfly, Lian Du Wang Lian broke through the gold rank early when Fang Mu was still a one-pointed star beast master.

It has been raised to the level of the tenth-level legendary quality of the gold rank.

The newly acquired skill when promoted to the gold rank is called [Poison Healing].

Originally, Lian Du Wang Lian did not have the ability to heal, but the skill [Poison Healing] allows Lian Du Wang Lian to work part-time as a healing beast.

Among all the abilities, Fangmu's healing ability only relies on Eden Gensokyo.

It can be said that the healing ability is the weakest side of Fang Mu, a hexagonal fighter.

The ability of Lian Du Wanglian's skill [Poison Gathering] will be good or bad from an objective point of view.

Because of the exclusive characteristic [ground-bound lotus body], Wang Lian's body can be enlarged.

Don't look at the leaves of Lian Du Wang Lian, which are now three meters in diameter, which are very huge.

But once the [Earth Binding Lotus Body] is cast, a leaf of Wang Lian can be as small as 20 meters long, and as big as 30 meters away!

It can lift a large number of beast-monitoring units and treat multiple beast-monitors.

The fly in the ointment is that the skill [Poison Healing] is limited, and the toxin must be absorbed by Liandu Wanglian.

Otherwise, [Poison Healing] cannot be used.

Fortunately, Fang Mu contracted Yunyu Doll, and Yunyu Doll's poisonous rain can create an environment for Liandu Wanglian to use the skill [Poison Healing].

Fang Mu is very satisfied with Liandu Wanglian's skill [Poison Healing].

This kind of skill that can be linked with other beasts is rare.

In an environment full of toxins, Lian Du Wanglian can use the skill [Poison Healing] to dissipate the healing energy into the environment and transform the toxins only.

When Fang Mu created the kind of imperial beast that can control the environment, he thought about using Liandu Wanglian as the core of the template.

Eden Fantasy Township can also be promoted to the gold rank at the moment, but Fang Mu has not yet found other plant beasts suitable for planting in Eden Fantasy Township's exclusive feature [Above the Green Field].

Add two plant-like beasts to Eden Fantasy Township, so that there are three plant-like beasts in [Above the Green Field].

Fang Mu's strength can continue to improve on the current basis.

Back then, it was not unreasonable that there were so many strong people in the scavenger who took a fancy to Eden Greenland, a wood-type domain beast.

It's just that most people would be intimidated by this kind of beast that requires a lot of resources to cultivate, and they will not easily make a contract with it.

The middle-aged man saw that Fang Mu was going to send an imperial emissary to control the polluted land in the buffer zone.

The middle-aged man was a little confused for a while, not knowing whether to let Fang Mu in or not.

The toxins in the buffer zone fused and spread, and the intensity of the toxins was far from comparable to that of vanguard-level and heavy artillery-level beasts.

The middle-aged man was very afraid of Fang Mu's safety.

In case something goes wrong with Fangmu, it will be my responsibility to track it down.

He Qing saw the concern of the man in front of him, and said directly.

"We have an agreement with Your Excellency Fang Lin, and I can guarantee what I said."

"You can check with Your Excellency Fang Lin later."

After finishing speaking, He Qing took off the badge on his chest and handed it to the middle-aged man in front of him.

After carefully checking He Qing's identity badge, the middle-aged man gave way to a passage.

In fact, the best way for Fang Mu's subordinates to deal with the dead energy is to release the suction, and let the suction use its skills to filter the toxins in the air.

But now that He Qing is by his side, it is impossible for Fang Mu to expose the existence of Xixi in front of others.

You can guess the essence of sucking just by looking at the shape of sucking, Fang Mu doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

The gold-ranked Poison King Lian was constantly absorbing the toxins in the environment while using the skill [Poison Healing].

A large amount of healing energy evaporated on the lotus leaves, filling the air with a light green luster.

In the land where Lian Du Wang Lian has passed, the soil pollution has been completely eliminated.

Fang Mu secretly sighed in his heart.

It would be great if Liandu Wanglian could be promoted to Wugou Wanglian when she was promoted to the gold rank!

But this is obviously impossible.

After Lian Du Wang Lian came into Fang Mu's hands, her bloodline had transformed once.

It is impossible for the bloodline of the imperial beast to transform one after another at the same level.

According to Fang Mu's perception, the bloodline of Lian Du Wang Lian transformed into Wugou Wang Lian when she was promoted to Platinum Rank, which can basically be regarded as a certainty.

It is not far away for Fang Mu to want Liandu Wanglian to be promoted to the platinum rank.

Because Fang Mu will soon be able to be promoted to the two-pointed star beast master.

With the spirit mayfly, Fang Mu became the two-pointed star beast master and could control the tenth-level platinum beast master.

He Qing didn't expect that Fang Mu would have such a powerful royal beast that could control the pollution of alien beasts.

If this ability to deal with the environment can be popularized, I am afraid that the Longteng Federation will be able to redevelop and utilize the land that has been seriously polluted by alien beasts.

A good land environment in Yushou World is an extremely precious resource.

Because a good land environment can establish a breeding base for royal beasts, and produce a large number of high-quality royal beasts and spiritual materials.

Since the opening of the dimensional rift is often without warning, the scavengers and city guards cannot immediately clean up the tide of alien beasts spewing out of the dimensional rift.

As a result, a large amount of high-quality land in Longteng Federation is polluted every year, including some land in urban areas.

For example, the North District of JA City has isolated a large area.

There are no residents living in this area.

This area is extremely polluted by dead air. Fang Lin has been treating this piece of land in the northern urban area.

Although the toxins contained in it have been greatly reduced, there is still a long way to go before people can live there.

Just then Fang Mu's cell phone rang.

After picking up the phone, Fang Mu only heard Fang Lin's dignified voice coming from the other end of the phone.

"Fang Mu, let He Qing take you to my office first."

"You should already know about the accident that happened here, and I need to deal with it overnight."

"Otherwise these toxins would quickly spread through the buffer zone and contaminate the urban area."

Fang Mu hurriedly said upon hearing this.

"Aunt Fang, please tell me your location. I have a royal beast with a strong ability to deal with toxins, especially good at cleaning up toxins in the ground."

"I will definitely be able to help when I go over."

"Before I go over, Aunt Fang, you first collect the corpses of the alien beasts and transport them to the warehouse dedicated to storing the corpses of these alien beasts."

"It's also good to prevent these alien beast corpses from continuing to affect the environment!"

If other teenagers said that to Fang Lin, Fang Lin wouldn't care at all.

But Fang Mu's words had to be taken seriously, because behind Fang Mu was a founding master.

Although Fang Mu is just a one-pointed star beast master, a silver-ranked beast master may not be able to clean up the toxins in the land.

Besides, Fang Mu had already spoken, and it was really hard for Fang Lin to refuse Fang Mu.

"I just took the corpse of the alien beast myself and cleaned it up."

"But the content of dead air in the land at present is very likely to exceed your cognition."

"The hearts of more than twenty poison-drinking snakedoves exploded, and six of them reached the level of terror."

"I suspect that this incident was not an accident, but man-made!"

"I have applied to the headquarters to send someone to investigate the matter."

Fang Mu frowned when he heard this.

Scavenger has a set of extremely strict standards for the delivery of goods.

It would be excusable if the heart of a poison-drinking snake-dove was not dug out.

But all the poison-drinking snake doves forgot to dig out their hearts, which is a bit weird.

If you want to detonate the hearts of so many poison-drinking snake doves, you need at least five pairs of Medusa snake demon eyes.

Half of the people responsible for handling these high-level alien corpses are old scavengers, and they are handled by more than two members.

I am afraid that one member will be sloppy and cause disaster.

Before Fang Mu could speak, Fang Mu heard Fang Lin speak in a pleading tone.

"Fang Mu, I hope you can inform Lord Dragon Mother of this matter."

"Recently, I have noticed that there are always some strange incidents in JA City, which involve blood race."

"I suspect that the cooperation between the Blood Race and the Evil Heart Sect is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Most of the Blood Race has not given up yet."

"I don't want another tragedy like before to happen in JA City."

Fang Lin wouldn't aim at nothing, so of course she had already discovered something, so it's inconvenient to say more on the phone.

Fang Mu was going to wait until the toxin pollution of this incident was cleared up, so he asked Fang Lin why she made such a guess.

With Shu Liangjun, a strong man of order, at Fang Mu's side, Fang Mu could investigate the situation without notifying Dragon Mother.

In comparison, Shu Liangjun should be stronger than Dragon Mother.

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