Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 415: Blood Clan's Conspiracy!

The dimensional creature Medusa Snake Demon and the poisonous Fang Mu of the Poison-Drinking Snake Dove are very satisfied.

The toxins contained in the land not only come from the Medusa snake monster and the poisonous snake dove, but also a large number of other swamp dimensional creatures.

These toxins have greatly improved the fighting ability of the Lake Flame Twins.

Fang Mu enjoys witnessing the process of improving his beast power.

Sucking and poisonous king lotus together absorb the toxins in the land, which greatly improves the efficiency of purifying the land.

Fang Lin directed a group of scavengers outside to pile up the toxin-rich soil near Fang Mu's house.

At the beginning, Fang Lin tried her best to limit the speed of replacing the piled soil, for fear that the toxins in the soil would exceed the limit that the square wood could handle.

Later, after finding that the speed of piling up the soil on her side could not keep up with the speed of purification, Fang Lin ordered to start speeding up.

Fang Mu had nothing to do and sat on the huge leaves of Wang Lian, soaking up his life energy, and read a book.

This ancient book comes from the ancient battlefield that Fang Mu explored before.

Most of the ancient books collected in this ancient battlefield are masterpieces.

Fortunately, the characters of the Fifth and Sixth Era were successfully passed down to the Seventh Era.

The text has not changed much, which allows Fang Mu to read the contents of the ancient books smoothly.

The ancient book focuses on the role of a force named Gengyuan under the changes of the Sixth Era.

Fang Mu had never heard of the Gengyuan power before.

However, according to the content in the ancient books, the farming garden should be the storage department of a certain federation, responsible for hoarding livelihood resources for the federation.

Dragon Federation also has a similar department.

Compared with the department itself recorded in the ancient book Gengyuan, Fang Mu cared more about the changes in the sixth era mentioned in the book.

It's just that the specific content of the change has not been elaborated.

Fang Mu always felt that the changes in the sixth era were the key to the loss of civilization.

Fang Mu finished reading this ancient book, and most of the ancient books mentioned in the back of the ancient book are the methods of the farm to hoard materials.

Fang Mu was greatly inspired after reading it.

Fang Mu found that he had fallen into a misunderstanding, that is, he usually only cared about the storage and trading of high-end materials.

But in fact, the reserve of low-end materials is equally important.

Farming is to use its own low-end resource reserves to make the Federation where it is located persist for a long time when the change comes, until the change is stopped.

Fang Mu also wanted to hoard some resources needed for life.

It's just that there is no suitable place to store these resource blocks.

Using a space artifact like the purple ice crystal ring can indeed store a large amount of supplies at one time.

However, the price of a piece of space storage equipment is too high, and the price of the storage resources in it may not be as high as the cost of a piece of space equipment.

Unlike the Sixth Era people did not lose the practice of the so-called Diamond Staircase.

From the ancient book Zhong Fangmu, we learned that the cost of the sleepy spirit box is extremely low.

If Jiang Weng can really see through the mystery of the diamond-level trapped spirit box, and reproduce the diamond-level trapped spirit box.

Nafangmu can use these diamond-level spirit boxes to stockpile resources in case of emergencies.

Just when Fang Mu was lamenting that a revolution had disrupted civilization, Fang Mu's phone rang.

Fang Mu had just finished a phone call with his family, and this call was definitely not from his family.

The only one who can call Fang Mu with his personal mobile phone is Walnut except his family members.

Hu Tao would choose to call herself at this time, presumably she should have explained the situation to her parents.

Fang Mu felt that his invitation was a blessing for Hu Tao, and Hu Tao had no reason to refuse him.

If it wasn't for the accident at the scavenger branch, Fang Mu would have been waiting in the mountain manor now.

While taking Shu Liangjun to soak in the hot spring, he waited for Hu Tao to arrive.

As soon as he picked up the phone, Fang Mu heard Hu Tao whisper happily.

"Fang Mu, my parents have already agreed!"

"It's just that my dad wants you to give him a call."

Fang Mu was not surprised by what Hu Tao said.

Even if Hu Tao's father didn't make such a request, Fang Mu would call Hu Tao's father and mother afterwards to explain the situation.

Since Fang Mu's parents died, Hu Tao's parents were very good to Fang Mu.

In Fang Mu's heart, they are all his elders.

"Walnut, I'll call my uncle in a while."

"I have some things to be busy here, and I can't finish it until tomorrow evening!"

"Come back to the mountain villa after six o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Brother Lu will arrange the room for you in advance."

Hu Tao felt a little shy when she heard the words, but she didn't show any shyness in her words.

"Xing Fangmu, see you tomorrow night!"

After hanging up the phone, Hu Tao sat beside the bed excitedly.

After a while, Walnut turned around and lay down on the bed, burying her face in the pillow.

After a while, Hu Tao logged on to Battle.net and started fighting in the rank division.

Prepare to sharpen your fighting skills again.

Don't hold Fang Mu back after becoming Fang Mu's teammate.

Hu Tao thought to himself before logging on to Battle.net.

After he finished playing the Battle.net duel, Fang Mu should have finished calling his father!

Fang Mu was not as nervous as he is now when he confronted all the beast-guarding forces in the ancient battlefield.

Fang Mu calmed down a little, and then dialed the number of Hu Tao's father.

This is the first time that Fang Mu took the initiative to call Hu Tao's father since he saved Hu Tao's father's phone number at Hu Tao's house for the first time.

The phone was picked up soon after it rang, and Fang Mu took the initiative to say hello.

"Hi Uncle Hu, I'm Fang Mu."

"I called you because I wanted to tell you about my finding Hutao as a teammate."

Even when Fang Mu was on the phone with Yi Han, the founding master, he was never as polite as he is now.

As soon as Fang Mu opened his mouth, he stated his purpose for making this call.

Hu Xu had known for a long time that Fang Mu's identity was unusual.

Hu Xu is in the business of selling spiritual materials, and he has met many people with status and status.

The identities and status of these people are not as high as Shang Mu's, but they are all very arrogant.

Hu Xu would not put on the airs of an elder in front of Fang Mu just because of Fang Mu's politeness to him.

"Xiao Mu, I heard Hu Tao talk about you inviting her to be a teammate."

"It's just that Hu Tao's talent is limited. Whether it's acting as a puppet or iron-winged pheasant, it hasn't been too high-quality training."

"I'm afraid that she will hold you back as a teammate with you."

Hu Xu spoke out at the beginning to explain the shortcomings of Walnut.

This is because Hu Xu didn't want Fang Mu to invite Hu Tao just because of the passion in his heart.

The shortcomings and shortcomings of walnuts are not considered.

Fang Mu did not answer Hu Xu's question directly.

To be honest, the cultivation of Hutao's iron-winged pheasant dove and the natal imperial beast and bird puppet are not very good in recent years.

Especially with Fang Mu's perspective at this time.

However, these deficiencies can be made up for with high-star creator resources.

And want to make up for this, as long as the resources are put in place, it won't take long.

During Fang Mu's contact with Hu Xu, he knew that Hu Xu was a very strong person.

So Fang Mu did not say that he would directly provide resources for Walnut.

Instead, he changed the subject and refuted Hu Xu's words from another angle.

"Uncle Hu, Hu Tao has comprehended three profound patterns now!"

"Having comprehended three profound patterns at such an age, how can it be said that her aptitude is limited?"

"This has limited aptitude, so how can other geniuses survive?"

"Hutao comprehended two identical profound patterns at the same time, which gave Hutao the ability to sprint towards the first-level Xuanzang before the age of twenty-five."

"To be honest, I have such abilities because of my master's training."

"My master is also quite interested in Hu Tao's talent, and is willing to invest resources in Hu Tao."

Hu Xu was shocked when he heard Fang Mu's words. What Hu Xu was most afraid of was that Fang Mu invited Hu Tao only because of the impulsiveness of young people.

Fang Mu can use Walnut as a teammate for a short time.

But wait until later, slowly as the strength of the two continues to grow.

Even if Fang Mu didn't dislike Hu Tao, with Hu Tao's self-esteem, he would never allow himself to drag Fang Mu down.

Listening to what Fang Mu said now, Fang Mu chose Hutao as a teammate not because he didn't want to lose Hutao as a partner.

It was Fang Mu's master who took a fancy to Hu Tao's talent, which made Hu Xu feel relieved.

From the perspective of comprehending Xuan Wen, Hu Tao is indeed the best among the younger generation.

Looking at the entire Jinghai Yushou High School, there has never been a student who has successfully comprehended the three black patterns before entering Jinghai Tianyu University.

Hu Xu had already heard from Fang Mu's words that he wanted an answer, so Hu Xu didn't ask any more about it.

"Xiao Mu, when do you have time recently, come to the house and ask your Aunt Lin to cook you two good meals."

"Your Aunt Lin has been talking about walnuts all this time, why didn't she bring you breakfast!"

Fang Mu said with a smile when he heard the words.

"Uncle Hu, I have been going out to practice some time ago."

"I just returned to JA City the day before yesterday, and I have time the night after tomorrow."

"I've always missed Aunt Lin's craftsmanship!"

Fang Mu has already talked with Hu Tao's father on the phone, and he will go home with Hu Tao to have a meal the day after tomorrow. Hu Tao's father and mother will definitely be able to completely relax.

Just during this day, Fang Mu can upgrade Hu Tao's natal beast and bird costume puppet and iron-winged pheasant dove.

When returning home, let Hu Xu and Lin Wei take a look at the improvement results of Hutao Yushou.

This is Fang Mu's reassurance to Hu Xu.

Afterwards, Hu Tao had to meditate with her next to the porcelain vat that kept the sacred carp, the essence of Luoying, for at least ten hours a day.

This makes Walnut have little time to return home in the future.

Fang Mu and Hu Xu didn't talk much, so they hung up the phone.

The queen servant ant who built a nest in Fangmu's soul has been protesting against Fangmu for several days.

It's been a while since Fang Mu let the queen servant ant extract his soul energy.

Nothing happened right now, it's time to rest.

Fang Mu let Qi servant soul ant queen drain his soul energy.

Fang Mu fell into a coma.

Lian Du Wang Lian and Xi Su are still absorbing the toxins in the land.

A handsome blond boy stood beside the sleeping Fang Mu.

This figure is dressed in a gorgeous moon-white tuxedo, with ornaments made of large gemstones on his body.

The whole person looks like a noble son in the middle ages.

This figure is the blood prince Carlos who was sucked and controlled by [Electronic Butterfly].

The Blood Prince controlled by [Electronic Butterfly] looks the same as the living Blood Prince.

It is impossible to distinguish with the naked eye.

Fang Mu released the blood prince Carlos to protect himself while he was asleep.

Once there is a situation that threatens his own safety, Carlos, the blood prince, will take action immediately.

Of course, Carlos, the blood prince, is just Fang Mu's card on the bright side.

If someone really took advantage of Fang Mu's deep sleep, he would attack Fang Mu.

The serial spiritual weapons on Fang Mu's body and the exclusive characteristic of Feng Rong of Blood [Jin Dye End Yan] will get rid of those who are plotting against Fang Mu.

Even the strong who set foot in order may not be able to guarantee 100% that they will not die under the judgment of [Jin Ran End Yan]!

Fang Mu woke up the next morning only feeling refreshed.

Fang Mu fed the crystals of the poisonous system that had been sucked and condensed to the Huyan twins.

After communicating with Fang Lin, Fang Mu learned that he would be able to leave this temporary infrastructure in about four hours.

Fang Lin originally wanted to invite Fang Mu to participate in the celebration of the pollution cleanup.

But Fang Mu directly rejected Fang Lin's invitation.

Ask Fang Lin not to spread the information about how she solved the accident.

Since Fang Lin has a lot of things to do now, Fang Mu postponed the time he agreed to meet with Fang Lin.

Anyway, Fang Mu plans to stay in JA City recently.

As long as you think about it, you will have a chance to see Fang Lin anytime.

After thoroughly solving the pollution problem, Fang Mu returned to the mountain villa in the beast car driven by He Qing.

Because of the addition of suction, the cleanup of the pollution is faster than Fang Mu expected.

Fang Mu checked the time and called Shu Liangjun.

It took Shu Liangjun a long while to answer the phone, and said in a serious tone.

"Amu, I have already finished investigating what you told me to investigate."

"There are indeed high-level blood clans operating in secret in JA City."

"The strongest of the three blood princes has reached the level of Sequence Seven."

"I'm very curious about what is in this JA city, so that the blood clan is willing to send three blood clan princes to go deep into the land of the human federation."

"All human federations are extremely disgusted with dimensional creatures, and blood races are no exception."

"These blood races have to take great risks when sneaking in."

"If someone from the official department of the Longteng Federation finds out, report the matter."

"The Dragon Federation officials will definitely send strong men to clean up these three blood princes."

"The population of the blood race is not prosperous. Most of the blood race sent to walk in the human federation are blood races transformed from humans."

"Among the vampires, the purebred vampire itself is the most precious asset of the vampire."

Fang Mu narrowed his eyes slightly upon hearing this.

The official forces in JA city all thought that the previous disaster was caused by the evil sect.

The blood race is just a partner invited by the evil sect.

Now it seems that the previous disaster in JA City, the blood race is very likely to be the real leader!

The blood clan attracted the evil sect just to cover up their purpose.

The evil sect is the blood clan's gun!

"Mr. Shu, I want you to follow these blood princes and find out the purpose of these blood clans staying in JA City!"

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