Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 417 Promotion of Blood Rich Soil!

Not only Lu Xiaoyin was stunned by Cai Guili's behavior, Fang Mu was also stunned by Cai Guili's behavior.

In Lu Xiaoyin's eyes, Cai Guili can be regarded as number one.

Although the ranking of the Bluestone Chamber of Commerce is not high among the major chambers of commerce, the Bluestone Chamber of Commerce has started cooperation and trade with forces outside the Longteng Federation after dabbling in mineral resources in recent years.

Introduced a large amount of metal spiritual materials to the Longteng Federation.

To a certain extent, the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce led by Cai Guili can be regarded as a contribution to the Dragon Federation.

In the process of power trading, the introduction of resources is more beneficial to a federation than the outflow of resources.

A character like Cai Guili has no problem cooperating with Fang Mu's humility.

Fang Mu discovered that the identity of the master's disciple was higher than that of Cai Guili.

What's more, Lu Xiaoyin has already determined that Fang Mu is far from being a disciple who created a master.

However, among people with the same status as Cai Guili, there are not many people like Cai Guili who completely put down their dignity and put aside their dignity to please Fang Mu.

Lu Xiaoyin looked at Cai Guili's tall figure kneeling down, and looked up at Fang Mu who was stepping on the hanging ladder.

As long as Fang Mu turned around and was willing to accept the allegiance of Cai Guili leading the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce, the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce would become Fang Mu's subordinate force.

With Fang Mu's generosity, a large number of high-star creator resources flowed to the Bluestone Chamber of Commerce.

The Qingshi Chamber of Commerce will surely usher in a stage of rapid development.

After knowing that the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce is cooperating with Fang Mu and Yi Han, Lu Xiaoyin feels that the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce is expected to be among the top ten chambers of commerce in the Longteng Federation within 30 years.

But now Lu Xiaoyin has changed his mind.

As long as Cai Guili's kneeling works, within three years, the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce will be able to rank among the top ten Chambers of Commerce in the Dragon Federation.

Future development will not be restricted by region.

Will travel caravans across the world's major federations.

It is impossible for someone like Cai Guili who has such a good face to have a whole body of cheap bones.

Cai Guili must have made a lot of determination to do this.

Lu Xiaoyin regards Cai Guili as a smart man who is good at speculation.

Cai Guili knelt down in front of Fang Mu here.

As long as Fang Mu doesn't say anything, the outside world won't know about it.

As Fang Mu's personal butler, he naturally has the same tongue as Fang Mu.

It is impossible for Fang Mu to talk nonsense about things that he does not say.

Fang Mu turned his head to look at Cai Guili, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly after thinking about it for a while.

After persuading Fang Yuan to stop focusing on the management of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, the business of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce will continue to tighten.

In this case, Fang Mu can cultivate a force that acts as a glove for the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

The Bluestone Chamber of Commerce is just right!

If a too small chamber of commerce chooses to pledge allegiance to Fang Mu, Fang Mu still needs to invest a lot of resources to lay channels for this small chamber of commerce.

With such skills, it is better to find a few professional teams to assist Lu Bo and others to continue to prop up the stall of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce!

Fang Mu's current subordinates are all master creators, spirit forging masters, or hexagram beast masters with sequence one and two beast masters.

Compared with these people, Cai Guili is not even a fart.

But the appearance of Cai Guili just fits his idea.

Fang Mu winked at Lu Xiaoyin.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaoyin hurriedly leaned over to help Cai Guili, who was kneeling on the ground, up.

Cai Guili kept his head down from kneeling down.

Seeing Fang Mu's butler come to help him, Cai Guili felt very entangled and uneasy.

I don't know what Fang Mu's intention is.

I was afraid that after being helped up by Lu Xiaoyin, Lu Xiaoyin would directly see off the guests and send him away.

As long as I am rejected by Fang Mu this time, I will probably never have the chance to join Fang Mu again in the future!

For a moment Cai Guili secretly blamed himself.

The near shore chamber of commerce has just provoked Fang Mu, and the people who have just dealt with the near shore chamber of commerce choose to be loyal to Fang Mu and want to cling to Fang Mu.

It is very likely that Fang Mu's anger has not subsided yet!

At this moment, Cai Guili only heard the young and cheerful voice ringing in his ears.

"President Cai's words really moved me."

"After the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce manages high-end spiritual materials, it really needs a chamber of commerce as a channel for the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce to control low-end resources."

"It's a coincidence that you lead the allegiance of the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce."

"It's just that you have to be clear, your Qingshi Chamber of Commerce was able to tolerate the nearshore Chamber of Commerce's misconduct before, but I can't tolerate unnecessary incidents caused by the Chamber of Commerce under my command!"

"If your Qingshi Chamber of Commerce causes trouble for me, the end will only be worse than that of the Nearshore Chamber of Commerce!"

"You think it through first and then give me an answer."

Having said that, Fang Mu was going to let Cai Guili leave.

Although Cai Guili is the chairman of the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce, the Presbyterian Council generally has a lot of power for such a big family.

Even Yi Han couldn't ignore the decisions of his elders' council in many cases.

Cai Guili was overjoyed when he heard Fang Mu's words.

Cai Guili is not afraid of Fang Mu making demands on himself, or sharing some difficult burdens with him.

Because Fang Mu will definitely give Qingshi Chamber of Commerce corresponding benefits in the process of making demands for himself.

Cai Guili was afraid that Fang Mu would directly reject him.

Listening to what Fang Mu said now, it shows that Fang Mu is willing to give himself the opportunity to lead the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce to be loyal.

This made Cai Guili's heart calm down all of a sudden, and his eyes couldn't hide the ecstasy.

Before Cai Guili came to JA City, he had just attended the dinner party hosted by Yi Han for Fang Yan.

Cai Guili was invited to the dinner because of Fang Mu.

And had the opportunity to chat with Yi Han for a few words.

In the conversation with Yi Han, Cai Guili mentioned Grandmaster Qixing.

When Yi Han talked about Grandmaster Qixing, his eyes were full of respect, which gave Cai Guili a faint feeling that Yi Han seemed to be attached to Grandmaster Qixing.

When it comes to Grandmaster Qixing, Yi Han has far more respect than Grandmaster Shuoyang.

This shows that Qixing is at least a top creative master.

If your own chamber of commerce can rely on the command of a top manufacturing master, why not worry about a good development! ?

There is no need to guard the spirit mayfly to beg other master creators to live!

"Your Excellency Jianmu, I have already thought it through."

"Our Bluestone Chamber of Commerce is different from other forces. The elders of the Bluestone Chamber of Commerce are completely controlled by the Patriarch."

"The head of the house can make all the decisions."

"I can declare my position to you now, I am willing to lead the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce to pledge allegiance to you!"

"If the Bluestone Chamber of Commerce causes any trouble for you, our Bluestone Chamber of Commerce is willing to bear your punishment!"

While saying these words, Cai Guili's tall body knelt down again.

Crawling forward with both hands, his head hit the ground under the hanging ladder with a crisp sound.

When replying to Fang Mu, Cai Guili thought to himself.

After returning home, we must seriously rectify the members of the family.

Make sure that after the Bluestone Chamber of Commerce is attached to the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce, the Bluestone Chamber of Commerce will not deceive itself for internal reasons!

Hearing this, Fang Mu stepped down the hanging ladder and helped Cai Guili up from the ground himself.

"President Cai, since you have pledged your allegiance to me, I can't help but show it."

After finishing speaking, Fang Mu took out a palm-sized brocade box and handed it to Cai Guili, and then continued to talk.

"I have something to do later, you go back first!"

"My second brother will hand over to you after tomorrow."

Cai Guili first bowed to Fang Mu when he heard the words, and then hurriedly left the mountain manor where Fang Mu lived.

Fang Mu already said that he would have something to do soon, and issued an order to evict the guest.

It is impossible for Cai Guili to say to stay with Fang Mu for a dinner.

After he brought the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce to attach himself to Fang Mu, he became Fang Mu's retainer.

The relationship is much closer than before.

When leaving, Cai Guili stepped into the night breeze and got into his own beast chariot.

Cai Guili, who was sitting on the beast chariot, was both excited and disappointed.

Among the resources Fang Mu gave him, the most precious ones were those grand master potions.

But the brocade box that Fang Mu handed him could only hold three bottles of medicine at most.

Even if the purity of these three bottles is 94%, it is a bit shabby for him to take the allegiance of the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce.

Cai Guili sighed and opened the brocade box.

After opening the brocade box, a fresh green luster bloomed in the imperial beast compartment.

There are green light spots floating in one of the bottles of medicine, causing the life energy that escapes to show a flowering tendency.

Where is this life potion with a purity of 94%?

Among the three bottles of life potion, two bottles have a purity of 96%, and one bottle has a purity of 98%!

A life potion with a purity of 98%, this... this is the ability of the Holy Creator!

There was a shocking surge in Cai Guili's heart.

Can't help guessing that Fang Mu's teacher, Qi Xing, is a senior and top creative master, and by chance, he concocted a bottle of life potion with a purity of 98%.

It was also Fang Mu's teacher, Qi Xing, who was a holy creator who concealed his identity.

After thinking about it, Cai Guili felt that Qixing should be a holy creator!

If it weren't for such precious holy creator resources, how could Fang Mu give it to himself! ?

Cai Guili didn't think that the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce was so important to Fang Mu.

With this kneeling, I actually kneeled under the command of a holy creator.

How honored it is for the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce to be able to bear the shadow of the Holy Builder with a humble body!

Cai Guili's coachman is a talented beast master from Cai Guili's mother's family.

If you really want to talk about it, you can be regarded as a cousin of Cai Guili.

The relationship between the driver and Cai Guili is excellent.

After seeing the smile on Cai Guili's face through the thin curtain.

The driver couldn't help asking.

"Master, have you reached a certain cooperation with Your Excellency Jianmu again?"

"I don't know how many leaders of forces have come to step on the threshold of our Qingshi Chamber of Commerce during this time."

Cai Guili laughed twice when he heard this.

Cai Guili's laughter spread far away along the evening wind.

"Xiao Kai is indeed good, but it's not as simple as reaching a certain cooperation."

"The good days of our Qingshi Chamber of Commerce are coming!"

When Cai Guili was running the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce, he always felt like walking on thin ice when interacting with those powerful forces.

Especially for those hidden forces outside the territory, Cai Guili always had to weigh whether the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce's small body would be eaten by these hidden forces when trading with these hidden forces.

But now Cai Guili can stand upright when dealing with any force.

Cai Guili felt a sense of something to depend on.

The emergence of this feeling changed Cai Guili's temperament.

When one power is attached to another power, the lower power expresses its submission to the upper power.

They will send their best offspring to the forces they are loyal to as a show of attitude.

Among his own forces, Cai Boshen contracted the spirit mayfly early on, and was trained as the young master.

Cai Guili decided to send Cai Boshen to Fang Yuan when he went to the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce to contact Fang Yuan tomorrow.

Even if Fang Yuan doesn't like Cai Guili, he can still send Cai Boshen back after going through a formality.

Cai Guili wanted to express the attitude of the Qingshi Chamber of Commerce, and let Fang Mu know that he was not only so submissive when facing Fang Mu.

The same is true when facing other members of the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce.

After Cai Guili left, Fang Mu gave Lu Xiaoyin an order.

"Xiaoyin, when Hutao comes, you will notify me immediately."

After saying that, Fang Mu came to his cultivation room and closed the door of the cultivation room.

Fang Mu is not an ordinary creator, and there is no need to worry about being disturbed during the process of cultivating the beast.

When Lu Xiaoyin came to find him, he took Hu Tao out for a meal.

When I come back, I will start to help Hutao cultivate the royal beast!

After cultivating Hutao's royal beast, I will go to see Hu Xu with Hutao tomorrow, and Lin Wei will be able to confess.

Entering the cultivation room, Fang Mu moved all the metal spiritual materials in the silver space spirit tool into the cultivation room.

Then he placed the test tube containing ten parts of blood on the table.

Fang Mu used [Eye of All-knowing] to investigate the ten blood essences.

After exploring, Fang Mu knew which ten messenger beasts these ten blood essences came from.

From the quality of the essence and blood of these summoned beasts, it can be seen that Cai Guili must have put a lot of thought into this matter.

Just when Fang Mu was about to summon Feng Rang of Bleeding, let Feng Rang of Blood use his exclusive characteristic [Blood Life Creation] to fuse the essence and blood of these communication royal beasts after matching.

Fang Mu only felt a strong sense of bulging in the bloody Feng Rang.

Seeing this, Fang Mu was overjoyed, knowing that Xue Zhifeng Rang was probably going to evolve towards the silver rank!

Xue Zhifeng Rang has been stuck on the Bronze Rank for a long time.

It was after Fang Mu contracted the spirit mayfly, and his mental power was improved by the spirit mayfly.

It was only at the peak of the Bronze Rank that Xue Zhifeng Rang showed a tendency to be promoted.

Fangmu contract spirit mayfly has been there for nearly a week.

But during this week, the abundance of blood has been brewing.

Fang Mu wasn't sure how long it would take Fengrong of Blood to brew before he could be promoted to a rank and acquire new skills.

Fang Mu is very much looking forward to the new skills of Xue Zhifeng Rang.

The only thing that Fang Mu can be pleased with is the abundance of blood, that is, the speed of promotion has always been ahead of Shadow of the Fool.

Shadow of the Fool is not to mention promoted to the silver rank, but there is still a long way to go to upgrade to the epic quality!

During this period of time, Fang Mu has fed Shadow of the Fool and Feng Zhifeng of Blood the Shadow Eye Stone and the heart of the High Blood Race.

As soon as Xue Zhifeng appeared in front of Fang Mu, a thick blood-colored mist covered the entire cultivation room.

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