Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 419: Xu Nianlan Butterfly!

The blood flowing from Fang Mu's palm seemed to contain a kind of magical power.

After being in contact with the blood essence of the Soul Sound Pink Butterfly, Soul Flooding Hummingbird, Soul Thought Beetle and Variety Sound Bee, the four types of blood essence were immediately fused.

During the period, these four blood essences from different imperial beasts did not produce any rejection reaction.

After Fang Mu's blood fused the blood essence of these four messenger beasts, it began to change its shape continuously according to the genes of these four beasts.

Since the Soul Sound Butterfly is the subject chosen by Fang Mu, the blood outlines the shape of the butterfly.

Immediately afterwards, colorful colors appeared at the end of the butterfly wings.

The butterfly wings are rolled backwards and flapped extremely fast.

This way of flapping its wings and the color of its wings have inherited the blood of the Banana Bee.

The gorgeous butterfly wings cleverly played an invisible effect while flapping.

The bloodline characteristics of the soul beetle and soul flocculent hummingbird are not shown externally, but endow this new messenger beast with strong soul power and soul transmission ability.

Fang Mu gently raised his hand, and this colorful butterfly fluttering like a bee landed on the knuckle of Fang Mu's ring finger.

Fang Mu immediately used [Eye of All-knowing] to investigate the messenger beast he created.

This messenger beast specially bred by him is named Xu Nianlandie.

Because of the exclusive characteristic of Xue Zhifeng Rang [Blood Life Creation], it can screen the genes of the royal beast and subjectively determine the expression part of the genes.

This made Xu Nian Landie meet Fang Mu's expectations.

As a beast of communication, Xu Nianlandie can do long-distance spiritual sound transmission, and the sound transmission method is still based on soul sound.

Judging from Xu Nianlandie's current performance, Xu Nianlandie can be used as a top-notch communication beast!

It's no worse than the Communication Beast used by the Brilliant Clan at all!

In terms of appearance, it is obvious that Xu Nian Landie is even better.

A messenger beast does not need a contract, and no beast master would foolishly use mental power to contract a messenger beast.

Even if Fang Mu created a messenger beast with [Blood Life Creation], it only needs one-tenth of the mental power of an ordinary beast to make a contract, and there is no need for a contract.

Fang Mu didn't intend to let those who he gave Xu Nian Landie contract with Xu Nian Landie.

Xu Nian Landie's skill [Die Nian Network] can encrypt the communication content.

Only the messenger beast who is also Xu Nian Landie can perceive the content of the message.

It will not be cracked by other messenger beasts through the perception ability of soul thoughts.

Since the Xu Nianlan butterfly can meet Fang Mu's current requirements, Fang Mu simply bred more than a dozen Xu Nianlan butterflies at one time.

Seeing that Lu Xiaoyin hadn't come to find him, Fang Mu simply left the cultivation room on his own initiative.

Fang Mu called She Wan and Lu Xiaoyin, and put the jar containing five Xu Nian Lan butterflies in She Wan's hands.

"Sister Wan, this is the messenger beast we use to communicate."

"You choose one to take with you to the capital, and distribute the three to my eldest sister, second brother and third sister respectively, and give the remaining one to Yi Han."

"And help me pass a word to Yi Han."

"Tell Yi Han that the matter is over, and let him communicate with me through Xu Nian Landie."

She Wan was born in the She family of Ludu, and as a noble daughter of the She family of Ludu, she can be considered to be from a not low family background, and she thinks she has seen the big world.

But when did such top-notch communication beasts become so popular! ?

Although Fang Mu only gave himself five, Fang Mu put the five in Lu Xiaoyin's hands and explained to Lu Xiaoyin.

Most of these top-notch and high-quality communication beasts were bred by special means.

She Wan secretly sighed, every time she stayed by Fang Mu's side, her vision would be greatly improved!

She Wan kept a Xu Nianlan butterfly by her side, and then hurried towards the capital.

Lu Xiaoyin kept one Xu Nian Landie himself, and used the rest of Xu Nian Lan Die as a reserve.

When Fang Mu has instructions, hand them over to the person designated by Fang Mu at any time.

He Deen, a senior creator, was entrusted by Fang Mu to protect Jinghai Yushou High School's main battle Yushou and died.

After receiving the resources given by Fang Mu, He Deen has been repairing his mental power.

Basically the traumatized mental power has healed.

Fang Mu asked He Deen to search for the contracted beast by himself, and Fang Mu would be responsible for all the expenses for the promotion sequence of the beast selected by He Deen.

This is a great fortune for He Deen.

He Deen can choose the beast that suits him best according to the profound pattern he has comprehended.

He Deen knew that Fang Mu was a disciple of the founding master early on, so he didn't dare to bow in front of Fang Mu.

After experiencing what happened in JA City, Fang Mu went to Ludu, and then experienced in Panfeng Federation for more than a month.

For more than a month, Fang Mu and He Deen have been out of contact.

This made He Deen extremely insecure.

He Deen has been contacting Lu Xiaoyin, hoping that Lu Xiaoyin can mention himself more in front of Fang Mu.

Try to let Fang Mu keep himself by his side.

Lu Xiaoyin was quite helpless about this.

A master creator like Lu Zhong didn't have the chance to follow Fang Mu, so how could He Deen be left behind by Fang Mu?

But He Deen always finds himself, and He Deen really helped Fang Mu.

When He Deen asked, he should really mention He Deen in front of Fang Mu.

"Master, He Deen has been recuperating at the branch of the Founders Guild in JA City."

"The injury is basically healed now."

"I wonder what arrangements you have for He Deen?"

Fang Mu's heart moved when he heard the words, he really forgot He Deen's existence during this time.

The resource square wood prepared for He Deen has long been handed over to Lu Xiaoyin.

If He Deen is willing to follow him, the best way is to ask He Deen to go to the Jianmu Chamber of Commerce and work in the Jianlum Chamber of Commerce.

Maybe He Deen can still be guided by Lu Zhong, and make great strides forward.

But right now Mu Mu has other thoughts in mind.

That is, it is better to simply let Walnut hang under He Deen's name.

Known as He Deen's disciple.

In this way, not only Hu Tao's parents can rest assured, but He Deen can also guide Hu Tao's homework in normal times, so that Hu Tao's grades can be improved.

He Deen, a senior creator, must be better at explaining courses than Fang Mu.

Although it seems a bit overkill to do so, Fang Mu can provide He Deen with more resources.

Used to compensate He Deen.

"Xiaoyin, go and ask Mr. He if he has had dinner."

"If you don't eat, ask him if he is interested in having dinner with me and Hu Tao, two students from Jinghai Yushou High School."

After hearing what Fang Mu said, Lu Xiaoyin knew that Fang Mu was going to reuse He Deen.

Otherwise, Fang Mu would never invite He Deen, an irrelevant person, to have dinner with him.

Lu Xiaoyin felt that even if He Deen really ate dinner, he would definitely say that he didn't eat it.

He Deen will not let go of this opportunity to contact Fang Mu.

In less than five minutes, Lu Xiaoyin replied to Fang Mu, saying that He Deen hadn't eaten yet.

I really hope to have a banquet with Fangmu and Walnut.

After Hutao arrived, Fang Mu asked He Qing to lead himself and Hutao to the Creator Guild.

After pulling He Deen together, I went to a hot pot city that Walnut has always loved.

As the weather gets cooler in late autumn nights, hot pot is the choice of most people.

There are so many people in this hot pot city, under normal circumstances Mu Hutao can only sit in the hall.

However, the owner of this hot pot city recognized He Deen, and immediately became respectful.

It was hard for He Deen to squeeze out of a box.

Sitting in the box, Fang Mu joked to He Deen.

"Thanks to Mr. He being invited to this banquet, otherwise we wouldn't have the chance to sit in this box!"

The juice had already been brought up by the service staff.

Fang Mu held up the watermelon juice in front of him, and said to Hu Tao with a smile.

"Walnut, let us offer a toast to Mr. He, and thank Mr. He for his generous support of Jinghai Yushou High School!"

Hu Tao is not cautious in front of Fang Mu, an old classmate, but is very nervous in front of He Deen, a senior architect.

Hearing Fang Mu's words, he quickly raised the iced watermelon juice and said.

"Mr. He, thank you for protecting our school!"

Fang Mu raised his glass, and He Deen naturally didn't dare not raise his glass.

He Deen was flattered by Fang Mu's courtesy, but he didn't answer Hu Tao's words.

Before Fang Mu asked Hu Tao to speak to him, He Deen had already received Cui Ruochen's invitation.

But He Deen rejected Cui Ruochen.

He Deen never wanted to guard Jinghai Yushou High School in his bones, and he would guard Jinghai Yushou High School entirely because of Fang Mu's face.

"I was just invited by Your Excellency Fang Mu, and I was entrusted by others to be loyal."

After finishing speaking, He Deen drank the watermelon juice in the glass in one gulp.

Fang Mu only drank half of the glass before putting the glass back on the table.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Mu said something that shocked Hu Tao's jaw.

"Mr. He, I wonder if you are interested in tutoring my classmate in cultural classes?"

"My classmate will live in my mountain manor in the future."

"If you are willing to tutor my classmate's culture class, you will probably not be able to live in the Founder's Guild in the future, and you will also live with us in the mountain manor."

Hu Tao has always wanted to find a remedial teacher to give him systematic remedial knowledge about the observation of imperial beasts and the analysis of spiritual materials.

It is difficult to get high marks in the exam by memorizing this kind of knowledge by rote alone.

Not everyone is like the monster Fang Mu.

It's just that Hu Tao didn't think that Fang Mu would ask a big man like a senior architect to guide her homework!

Characters like He Deen, at the level of walnuts, are usually out of reach even if they want to get in touch.

Hu Tao was very afraid that He Deen would dislike him, but he didn't know that He Deen was so happy because of Fang Mu's words that he almost jumped up.

If he could live in the mountain manor because of teaching Hu Tao, wouldn't it mean that he would be able to stay with Fang Mu in the future! ?

If I stay with Fang Mu, I will have more opportunities in the future.

Lu Xiaoyin didn't have any skills of her own, but she became Fang Mu's personal butler because of Fang Mu's appreciation.

I heard that even the heads of the top chambers of commerce in the capital would greet Lu Xiaoyin on their own initiative when they saw Lu Xiaoyin.

Seeing Hu Tao's shocked and terrified gaze, Fang Mu smiled and blinked at Hu Tao.

At this moment, Walnut only heard He Deen's excited statement.

"If Ms. Hu doesn't dislike my lack of knowledge, I am willing to sort out the courses for Ms. Hu."

Walnut was once again shocked by Fang Mu's energy.

Fang Mu's words actually made a senior creator teach his culture class!

If you say this, no one will believe it!

Before the hot pot started, Hu Tao had an extra teacher for no apparent reason.

Because Fang Mu opened his stomach and ate hundreds of boxes of nutritious meals when he evolved the Fengfeng of Blood.

It can be said that Fang Mu is not hungry at all.

I have always restrained my appetite in front of people, and people will not see the clues.

After the meal, Fangmu, Hutao, and He Deen returned to the mountain manor together in the imperial beast car driven by He Qing.

She Wan, who was teleported to the royal capital through the teleportation circle of the Beastmaster Alliance, also rushed back at this time.

On the way back, Fang Mu had already received Fang Yuan, Fang Qin, and Fang Yan's soul transmission to him through Xu Nian Landie.

This sound transmission is very clear, only because the sound transmission is carried out by the soul of Xu Nian Landie.

This makes the tone, tone, and emotion of the information received by Fang Mu completely consistent.

Once Xu Nian Landie is lost, others can also send messages to Fang Mu through Xu Nian Landie.

But Fang Mu will not be deceived by this trick.

Every Xu Nianlan butterfly was cultivated by Fang Mu through the exclusive characteristic of Feng Rang of the beast's blood [Blood Life Creation].

Fang Mu can perceive the surrounding environment through these thoughts and butterflies, and determine who is sending him a message.

In addition to Fang Yuan, Fang Qin, and Fang Yan, the three communicated with Fang Mu through Xu Nian Landie, and Grandmaster Yi Han also sent a message to Fang Mu through Xu Nian Landie.

After receiving the affirmative news from Fang Mu from She Wan, Yi Han's uneasy heart was finally relieved.

As a middleman, Fang Mu has already established a relationship between himself and Qixing.

Qixing accepted his refuge, and Qixing will also provide the resources he needs.

Qixing was able to promise himself these resources, which made Yi Han more convinced of the fact that Qixing is the Holy Creator.

Not to mention myself, even a mid-level founding master like Grandmaster Xiaoxiang would be very willing to attach himself to a holy creating master.

This is not the first time for Walnut to come to the mountain manor.

Last time, because he had just experienced life and death, Hu Tao didn't have the heart to appreciate Fang Mu's mountain manor.

Hu Tao has been to the Sea Banquet Palace twice, and thought that the decoration and layout of the Sea Banquet Palace was already the ceiling.

Now it seems that the decoration and layout of Haiyan Palace cannot be compared with Fangmu's mountain manor at all!

"Walnut, come with me to the cultivation room."

"I have obtained a lot of metal spirit materials, which can be used to cultivate natal beasts for you."

Hearing Fang Mu's words, Hu Tao was full of anticipation.

Hu Tao has listened to Fang Mu's suggestion for the past two days, and has been fighting in the rank division of Battle.net.

With Hu Tao's strength, he climbed up to the silver rank easily.

But as soon as they hit Silver Four, Hutao couldn't maintain a winning streak, and began to lose and win.

After struggling to reach Silver III, Hutao found that it was difficult for him to gain an advantage in the battle.

Even if he wins, it is often because his recklessness in the battle has had an effect.

In the duel on Battle.net, it is inevitable that Hutao will come into contact with news related to Jianmu.

Hu Tao recognized Jianmu who was discussed by everyone on Battle.net at a glance, and it was actually Fang Mu!

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