Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 445 Clear sky beaver and thorny soil thorn monster!

That wriggling white substance is the brains of the slap-tailed baboon.

The blow of the Huyan twins wearing the blood earl's dress shattered the skull of the baboon.

This scene not only shocked the audience present, but also shocked Zhao Bo and Liu Jun.

Liu Jun used his own Xuanwen.

This blow of lightning energy in the surrounding environment of the slap-tailed baboon, even if the Huyan twins turned into blood earls, there was no possibility of dodging it.

At this moment, Liu Jun suddenly thought of something, and raised his eyes to look at the giant silver bird standing in front of Fang Mu and Hu Tao.

Such a situation must be the result of the silver giant bird assisting the blood count.

It's just that this giant silver bird is just a silver-ranked royal beast. Why does it have such a strong defensive ability?

When Zhao Bo and Liu Jun looked at Mocheng Luanjiu in amazement, Mocheng Luanjiu shook his body twice.

Weakly supporting the ground with his wings, he didn't let himself fall.

The city guard Luanjiu helped the Huyan twins bear part of the damage.

The skill [Strong Protection] allows the city guard Luanjiu to transfer part of the damage received by the target it guards to itself.

And use these injuries to increase your fighting spirit.

And the exclusive feature [Barrier Protection] can not only improve all defense effects, but also form a barrier after the shield is blown up when it withstands an attack that is enough to break the shield.

Barriers continue to help the target resist damage.

It was by virtue of such protection that the Huyan twins were able to ignore the outbreak just now.

The blow from the Huyan twins exposed the most vulnerable part of the baboon's body.

The cruel side of the Huyan twins hit the quivering white brain with their elbows.

The slap-tailed baboon died in front of the Huyan twins.

If the two sides adopt a real physical confrontation, the slap-tailed baboon under the boost of the charged marmoset will not lose at all.

And even if you lose, you will never lose so fast!

The Huyan Twins can easily kill the Tailed Baboon because Zhao Bo and Liu Jun did not allow the Baboon to take defensive considerations at all.

After killing the slap-tailed baboon, the Huyan twins canceled their transformation and returned to their original bodies.

Immediately afterwards it began to rain heavily.

Explosions sounded on the slap-tailed baboon.

Exclusive feature [Poison Broken Seal] will be exploded every time it is stacked three times.

Because the explosion damage is related to the strength of the toxin, this makes it easy for these explosions to blast the flesh and bones of the baboons.

In the eyes of outsiders, Fang Mu easily won the duel.

Zhao Bo and Liu Jun didn't have any sense of existence at all.

Intense cheers erupted from the Silver Battle Hall.

As the saying goes, experts watch the way, and laymen watch the excitement.

Laymen are lamenting the power of the Huyan twins, but those inside have already set their sights on Hutao's imperial beast.

If it is said that all defensive beasts follow a pattern, then Hutao's defensive beast is obviously beyond the mold.

This kind of defensive effect can actually establish a victory in a duel comparable to platinum rank!

After Fang Mu killed the three charged marmosets and the slap-tailed baboon, the figures of Hu Tao and Fang Mu disappeared in the Silver Battle Hall.

Returning to the preparation area and looking at the dazed Hutao, Fang Mu quietly waited for Hutao's expression to recover.

Then he said to Hu Tao seriously.

"A Tao, do you feel that the moat Luanjiu is very strong this time?"

"If it weren't for your protection of the Huyan twins, the Huyan twins who turned into blood earls in the explosion just now would have been severely injured, and the situation on the battlefield would have been reversed."

Fang Mu has been emphasizing that Walnut is not weak.

But no matter how much you say, it's better for Hu Tao to realize the value of a city-defending Luanjiu in actual combat, and it can build up Hu Tao's self-confidence.

Hu Tao's eyes finally glowed with the familiar look of the past.

That confidence finally returned to Hu Tao.

Hu Nuo nodded vigorously to Fang Mu.

At this moment, Hu Tao no longer doubted her own strength.

With Luanjiu's defense ability, he could indeed help Fang Mu in the battle, instead of being protected by Fang Mu as a defensive animal master.

Fang Mu didn't give Walnut much emotional time.

"A Tao, the next duel will be held in ten minutes."

"Actually, my main purpose tonight is to help you build up your confidence."

"Now that your confidence has been established, I will make a quick decision in the next duel."

In fact, Fang Mu could have won this duel long ago.

The reason why it has been delayed until now is all because of Walnut.

In the subsequent confrontation, Fangmu will solve the opponent in the first time.

This can gather more popularity for the Taomu team.

Fang Yuan, Fang Qin, and Fang Yan all knew Hu Tao.

The three of them had a very good impression of Walnut.

When Fang Mu was sent to Jinghai Yushou High School, the three of them were very worried about Fang Mu's situation.

Fortunately, Fang Mu got acquainted with Hu Tao as a friend.

The three of them did not think of the relationship between Hu Tao and Fang Mu as boyfriend and girlfriend.

At first, the three of them did not object to Fang Mu's object.

Fang Mu has been extremely mature since he was a child, and even if he really fell in love with him, he will definitely be able to balance the relationship with him.

Second, if Fang Mu really fell in love with someone, Fang Mu would never choose to hide it when he and others asked Fang Mu.

When calling last night, Fang Yan deliberately teased Fang Mu.

Because Fang Yan heard the news that Hu Tao lived in the mountain manor.

But Fangmu only said that Hutao was his teammate.

Even if the two have a good impression of each other, they certainly have not developed to the level of boyfriend and girlfriend.

After Mo Shang had an overview of the battle, he had already seen Fang Mu's desire to help Hu Tao build up his confidence.

Indeed, the best way to help a person build confidence is to let the person recognize their own value.

Fang Mu's behavior made Mo Shang see the leadership temperament from Fang Mu.

Originally, Mo Shang would have a battle meeting to be held soon, but now Mo Shang is going to postpone the battle meeting.

Watch the next match between Fangmu and Walnut first.

Yang Mingyu, the person in charge of the silver division of Battle.net, watched the exhibition match seriously.

The performance of the two players in Jinhai Club was not good.

But Yang Mingyu was not angry at all.

Because the number of viewers and popularity of the first exhibition match surpassed that of Jianmu's exhibition match in the single division.

You must know that the tickets for the two-person area of ​​the Silver Battle Hall have been selling less than the single-person area.

Now Fu Yang should be quite disappointed and have a headache.

By the way, Yang Mingyu observed the increase in fans during the battle between Zhao Bo and Liu Jun.

The combined increase in fans of the two is not as much as one-fifth of that of the newcomer Hu Tao.

In addition, the two people's personalities had become a joke, and no one could see it at all.

On the contrary, it makes people feel that the two had conflicts before the game.

But no matter what, Fu Yang did owe him a favor.

Yang Mingyu still had to go to Fu Yang's banquet on the weekend.

Yang Mingyu thought to himself that this second duel should bring some troubles to Fang Mu and Hu Tao.

The opponent in the second game was from a big club.

This large club has several teams in the silver division.

It was after focusing on analyzing the strength of Jianmu Yushou that they finally decided which team to send to meet Jianmu's Taomu team.

Yang Mingyu would contact this large club in order to repay the favor of this large club.

This big club is very ambitious and has a plan to beat Jianmu to monopolize popularity.

Yang Mingyu was not used to the arrogance of large clubs.

It's just that the age of Jianmu and Walnut is there.

The team members sent by this large club have all graduated from college.

Given the age gap, even if Jianmu and Hutao lose, their popularity will basically not drop much.

On the contrary, it will make people feel that the Taomu team is more real.

In fact, when Yang Mingyu finalized this duel, he was struggling a little.

I am afraid that Jianmu will lose the duel because of this, and the people behind Jianmu will make trouble for him.

However, only the heat generated by this kind of duel can make him stand out by defeating his competitors.

Under Yang Mingyu's entangled and expectant mood, Fang Mu and Hu Tao returned to the Silver Battle Hall again.

If it is said that 95% of the previous cheers were for Fang Mu, then some of the audience also shouted Hu Tao's name.

Hu Tao heard someone shouting towards him, and subconsciously waved his hands around.

Seeing this, Fang Mu smiled.

Walnut's behavior can be described as unrestrained and generous.

The interaction with the audience is the professional quality of the star players of the major club teams, and Hu Tao has already mastered it after just two duels.

Looking at the two opponents he had hit on the opposite side, Fang Mu had a look of surprise on his face.

Opposite is a pair of sisters who look very similar.

It's just that one has long hair and the other has short hair that reaches the ears, making it easy to distinguish between the two.

Fang Mu was surprised because these two were honorary alumni of Jinghai Yushou High School.

It's just that after graduating from Jinghai Yushou High School, the two did not enter Jinghai Tianyu University.

Instead, he passed the exam to the capital.

On the honorary alumni list of Jinghai Yushou High School, there is also an introduction to the Yushou that the two used in high school.

The beast used by a young beast master in high school is often trained as the main battle beast before becoming a pentagram beast master.

When this pair of sisters appeared here, Fang Mu always had the feeling of being targeted by the person in charge of the Silver Battle Hall.

The beasts of these two people have a strong ability to restrain water attribute beasts.

According to the talents they showed in high school, most of them have already been promoted to three-pointed star beast masters now!

I am about to bring walnuts to fight against an opponent who has a platinum rank beast.

When Fang Mu was observing the pair of sisters, the pair of sisters also paid attention to Jianmu.

The two waved to Fang Mu politely together, and then nodded to Hu Tao with a friendly expression.

It can be regarded as saying hello to Fangmu and Hutao.

The host and commentator enthusiastically introduced the situation of the sisters.

This pair of sisters has won so many awards, it took Yu Kaiguang a full minute and a half to introduce the awards and honors.

After introducing the pair of sisters, Yu Kai changed the topic.

"Presumably some of the audience present should have seen Feng Yue and Feng Xing's performance in the club league."

"Let's see what kind of sparks will emerge when the Star-Moon team collides with the Taomu team!"

"I announce the official start of this duel!"

Feng Xing and Feng Yue are very serious, and they came with the purpose of defeating Jianmu.

Therefore, at the moment the battle was announced, the two immediately summoned the imperial beast, preparing to show the fiercest offensive from the very beginning.

At the moment Feng Yue and Feng Xing summoned the imperial beast, Fang Mu immediately inspected Feng Yue and Feng Xing's imperial beast through the [Eye of All-knowing].

【Name of Royal Beast】: Clear Sky Beaver

【Genus of Royal Beast】: Furacidae/Bracubus

[Beast Familiar Level]: Platinum Rank (4/10)

[Beast Royale]: Earth/Light

[Beast Master Potential]: Diamond Rank

[Beast Royal Quality]: Perfect Quality


[Beaver Nest]: Build a nest in the environment at an extremely fast speed, transform the surrounding environment, and stimulate the viscous properties of the energy of the earth element.

[Clay Adsorption]: Make the surrounding earth elements that activate the viscous property absorb other elemental energies, and then imprison other elemental energies.

[Clay torrent]: Activate the energy of the earth element near the raccoon nest, engulfing other elements to form a turbid mud flow that surges around.

[Temporary clearing]: Use the light element to dispel the water element and electricity element in the surrounding environment, and keep the weather in a sunny state for a certain period of time.

Exclusive features:

[Light-soaked body]: The body is filled with light elemental energy, which will heal the designated things around.

Evolution route:

①: Clear sky beaver, ②: Laser beaver, ③: Soil sand beaver.


[The name of the royal beast]: Thorny soil thorn demon

【Genus of Royal Beast】: Cactaceae / Brachycarpus

[Beast Familiar Level]: Platinum Rank (6/10)

[Beast Royale]: Earth/Wood

[Beast Master Potential]: Diamond Rank

[Beast Royal Quality]: Epic Quality


[Body-penetrating stinger]: Shoots armor-piercing spikes at the target. These armor-piercing spikes are poisonous to paralyze the target's body.

[Reverse stabbing wall]: The high wall containing poisonous thorns is condensed through the earth element. When the high wall resists damage, the poisonous thorns in the high wall will attack the target according to the attack intensity.

[Toxin Absorption]: Absorb the toxins in the surrounding environment, use the toxins to nourish itself, and increase the effect of the toxins contained in the stinger.

[Earth Swinging Strike]: Inject the stinger into the ground, use the stinger as the core to condense the energy of the earth element, and strike the target powerfully from the target's feet.

Exclusive features:

[Very poisonous]: Enhance the strength and content of toxins secreted by the body, as well as the degree of toxins that can be accommodated by the body, so that the poison can protect itself from toxin damage.

[Flower Demon Wrath]: Use mental power to intimidate the target and make the target in a state of fear. Once the target is in a state of fear, it can give spiritual hints to the target and at the same time reduce the damage caused by the target to itself.

Evolution route:

①: Fertile Thorn Demon, ②: Thorn Soil Thorn Witch, ③: Poison Thorn Demon.

Feng Yue and Feng Xing each have only one imperial beast, and only Feng Yue has a natal imperial beast.

This is no secret among the major teams.

The fact that only one beast master player is trained in each major team is not because the club is unwilling to invest resources in the player.

On the contrary, these players are the key targets of these clubs!

The club would rather give up the opportunity to improve the strength of these players in a short period of time, but also let these players understand Xuan Wen as much as possible.

This will not only make the club invest a lot, but also reduce the short-term returns of these players.

The fact that Feng Yue and Feng Xing can receive such treatment is enough to show their talent in comprehending the profound pattern!

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