Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 447: The Boundless Silver Silkworm!

Feng Xing and Feng Yue made a plan from the beginning.

Even if the beasts of the two of them are capable, they can restrain Jianmu's beasts.

In order to ensure that there are no mistakes, Jianmu must be dealt with first!

Although it is very unlikely that Jianmu has other imperial beasts.

But what if Jian Mu really took out another one! ?

The two sisters knew that the green land at the foot of Jianmu could grow huge lotus flowers like hills.

The lotus has a very strong defense, and its defense is likely to be stronger than that silver bird of Jianmu's teammate!

No matter how you look at it, getting rid of Jianmu first is the best choice at the moment!

What's more, now I just discovered that the rainwater from Jianmu's half-elf has the effect of eroding the energy of the earth element.

Mental attacks are invisible and qualityless, and those who are not targeted can't even feel the mental fluctuations.

The spirit-type black pattern is the rarest among all the black patterns.

With the blessing of the spiritual system's black pattern, the spiritual attack of the beast master can often achieve the effect of leapfrog fighting.

Feng Xing has used this method to defeat his opponent many times.

For a long time, the outside world only knew that Feng Xing had mastered a spiritual-type black pattern.

But in fact, a year ago, Feng Xing comprehended the second black pattern by chance.

The second black pattern has been requested by the Zeyuan Club, and it is used as Feng Xing's trump card.

This time Feng Xing will expose the second black pattern, which was tacitly approved by the club's senior management.

Otherwise, because of the contract, even if the situation is urgent and there is no acquiescence from the club, Feng Xing can't play his cards rashly.

Because of the star players cultivated by the club, every hole card has an extremely precious meaning.

As long as it works properly, any hole card exposed can gain a lot of popularity.

As a mutated elf, the thorny earth thorny demon has even stronger mental power than ordinary diamond-rank beasts.

With the increase of the two black patterns, even the diamond rank beasts will be severely injured by the spiritual attack of the thorny soil thorn monster.

Not to mention the human being Jianmu!

But Fang Mu didn't groan as Feng Xing expected, and fell to the ground bleeding from his seven orifices.

On the contrary, Feng Xing felt as if a gray shadow appeared in front of his eyes.

The gray shadow was covered in mist.

At the moment when the mental power collided with this gray shadow, the majestic mental power directly bounced back to him.

In the last second Feng Xing thought that what he saw was hallucination, in the next second Feng Xing lost consciousness.

Fang Mu touched his nose in embarrassment.

Fang Mu really didn't have any effective means of preventing mental attacks.

But after this battle, Fang Mu discovered that the Shadow of the Fool has the effect of rebounding mental attacks.

This ability of the Shadow of the Fool is not clearly reflected in the data.

Of course, the strength of this rebound mental attack is limited.

Once the rebound limit of the Shadow of the Fool is exceeded, Fang Mu's mental power will still be attacked!

However, the mental attack that the Shadow of the Fool could not rebound had basically reached the level of triggering the exclusive feature of Blood Abundance Rang [Jin Dye End Yan].

Not only did Feng Xing lose his breath of life, even the thorny soil thorn demon who attacked Fang Mu also followed Feng Xing and lay down on the muddy soil.

Except for Fang Mu, no one present could have expected such a change.

Yu Kai didn't know how to explain the situation in front of him.

Fang Mu didn't expect that Feng Xing would make the thorny soil thorn demon use its exclusive feature [Flower Demon Fury] to attack him.

The deaths of Feng Xing and Jitu thornyao relieved the offensive pressure of the Huyan twins.

To make the Huyan Twins only need to kill the Clear Sky Beaver.

The skill acquired by the Huyan twins through the golden stage is called [Huzhen Yanliu].

[Lake Town Flame Stream] Let the Lake Flame Twins release all their energy, turn the flame stream into a lake to suppress the target, and limit the target's mobility.

At the same time, in an instant, the water element is converted into fire element energy with a burning effect, eroding the target.

Fully trigger the evaporation effect!

Huyan Twins, as a legendary beast of the tenth level of the gold rank, is as strong as the perfect quality of the sixth and seventh ranks of the platinum rank.

It is stronger than the clear sky beaver itself.

After receiving Fang Mu's order, the water elements in the entire Silver Battle Hall immediately vibrated.

The figures of the Huyan twins dissipated into the environment.

The sky condensed into a Milky Way, which fell from the sky and smashed into the raccoon of Clear Sky Beaver.

In an instant, the raccoon nest of the clear sky beaver was wrapped up.

Immediately afterwards, the waters that tightly wrapped the raccoon nest ignited a raging fire.

Even the sword feathers of Luanjiu, the city guard on Fangmu's side, were bent by the flames.

Under the infiltration of the evaporation effect, the blazing flame first steamed the clear sky beaver thoroughly, and then turned it into fly ash in just two seconds.

But Feng Yue was affected by the aftermath, and lost her life one step ahead of the clear sky beaver in the raccoon nest.

The second duel still ended with the victory of Fangmu and Walnut.

It took Fang Mu and Hu Tao disappeared from the Silver Battle Hall for a full five seconds before fierce admiration erupted from the scene.

Fang Mu's Huyan twins can be said to have completely subverted the audience's perception of the golden rank beast.

It turns out that the gold-rank beasts can be so powerful!

I'm afraid that Jianmu's gold-ranked half-elf can kill some diamond-ranked beasts!

Hu Tao looked at Fang Mu with flickering eyes in the preparation area.

Seeing Hutao's expression like this, Fang Mu could truly feel Hutao's admiration for him.

"A Tao, our Taomu team is now a gold-ranked team."

"After that, I will come up to play a few duels with you every day."

"It's getting late today, let's go to bed and rest!"

Walnut's heart was agitated at this time.

Walnut thought for a while, and Fang Mu said.

"Now should be the most popular time in the live broadcast room tonight, I'm going to say hello and chat with the audience!"

"Strive to get more fans!"

"I'll chat for half an hour before downloading."

Hu Tao admires Fang Mu's psychological quality and Fang Mu's normal heart.

At this time, Fang Mu didn't feel excited at all because of the victory.

Walnut is ready to learn from Fang Mu.

A strong psychological quality is the best magic weapon to solve problems in difficult situations!

Hu Tao has always felt that her psychological quality is far beyond ordinary people.

In the actual combat class before, the teacher often praised Hu Tao for his psychological quality.

But now compared with the square wood, the walnut is obviously not one-tenth of the square wood.

Sure enough, the more powerful you are with, the easier it is to make progress.

Fang Mu really wanted to make Walnut a star, but Fang Mu didn't request or plan for Walnut's live broadcast time.

The team formed by himself and Walnut will face off every night.

During the duel, Hutao will naturally broadcast live.

The duel itself can attract a large number of fans.

Walnut didn't need to spend time running the live broadcast room at all.

But since Hu Tao is willing to do this, Fang Mu will not object.

If Hu Tao has plans to run a live broadcast room after the duel.

The number of fans of Walnut will be much faster than the current accumulation!

"Okay, then I'll go first."

"For the time being, don't go to the single-player division for ranking."

"I will find a second suitable beast-familiar contract for you as soon as possible."

"When you have the second two royal beasts, it will be much easier for you to fight in the solo rank division than now!"

This is the second time Fang Mu has reminded Walnut.

Fang Mu felt that he had to remind Hu Tao before going to Battle.net.

Fang Mu was very afraid that Hutao would play high, and then went to the single division for ranking.

Before, Hutao was still small and transparent when ranking, and no one noticed Hutao at all.

But now through tonight's live broadcast, Hu Tao has transformed into a big anchor with seven-figure fans!

Walnut will become the hottest topic in the anchor circle.

Once Hutao loses the duel, it will inevitably be used for malicious hype.

This will have an extremely negative impact on the reputation of walnuts.

After Fang Mu left, Hu Tao returned to the live broadcast room.

With the experience of the previous two duels in the Silver Battle Hall, and facing the fans in the live broadcast room, Hu Tao is not so nervous anymore.

Walnut didn't stay long on Battle.net.

Just like what I said to Fang Mu, I left Battle.net after half an hour.

Tomorrow, Walnut still has heavy schoolwork.

After He Deen discovered the missing part of the walnut culture class, he planned to spend half a month to make up for the walnut class.

When Fang Mu went downstairs to eat early the next morning.

Jin Zhaoyan and Jin Xuan had already waited in the restaurant early.

After Jin Zhaoyan woke up, he subconsciously wanted to help the bed and propped up his body with his hands.

It turns out that my empty right leg can actually make me gain strength!

This made Jin Zhaoyan realize immediately that his severed limb had been reborn with Fang Mu's help!

Jin Zhaoyan felt for a while, and found that the original source of his five viscera injuries had also been fully restored.

Jin Zhaoyan, who had recovered from his illness and supplemented his longevity, felt unprecedentedly beautiful and relaxed at this moment.

Jin Zhaoyan's gratitude to Fangmu rose to the peak.

Jin Xuan has been guarding Jin Zhaoyan's side, and has already found out about Jin Zhaoyan's situation.

During the time waiting for Jin Zhaoyan to wake up, Jin Xuan had already informed the family of the situation through the summoning beast.

Before dawn, Jin Zhaoyan and Jin Xuan did not choose to rest, but came to the dining room ahead of time.

When he was going to wait for Fang Mu to come to eat tomorrow morning, he was the first to thank Fang Mu.

As soon as Fang Mu came to the dining room, Jin Xuan and Jin Zhaoyan bowed to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu did not stop Jin Xuan and Jin Zhaoyan from thanking him.

But after the two thanked themselves.

"I've always been an early riser, and other people don't wake up until eight o'clock."

"Why don't you two have breakfast with me first!"

"It just so happens that I also have something I want to ask you two about!"

Fang Mu didn't fall asleep immediately after logging off Battle.net last night.

Instead, with the blood of the spirit mayfly as the main body, several kinds of royal beasts were cultivated through the [Blood Life Creation] of the richness of blood.

At the beginning, Fang Mu's cultivation was not smooth, and he failed to cultivate a beast that could make the beast master's spiritual power reach the next level as he wished.

Fang Mu is well aware that the cultivation of [Blood Life Creation] is extremely uncertain.

So Fang Mu was not discouraged.

After many times of cultivation, Fang Mu finally cultivated a kind of imperial beast that can replace the spirit mayfly as he wished.

But from a functional point of view, this kind of beast master can only let the beast master pass the ranks.

But it is far from being as functional as the spirit mayfly.

But for a beast master, it is enough to be called a treasure!

The spiritual power required by the beasts cultivated by the contract [Blood Life Creation] is only one-tenth of that of ordinary beasts.

Any beast master can contract it.

The creature created using the bloodline of the spirit mayfly is completely different from the spirit mayfly in appearance.

Fang Mu used the blood of the spirit mayfly to combine with the blood of six or seven kinds of imperial beasts, and in terms of appearance, he inherited more of the appearance of a silkworm imperial beast.

The thumb-sized silkworm body looks fleshy, with many magnificent silver lines on its body.

It can be regarded as a new type of beast that has never appeared before.

More importantly, Fangmu can mass-produce this kind of beast.

A few spirit mayflies can make the bluestone chamber of commerce flourish and allow the bluestone chamber of commerce to gain a firm foothold in the Longteng Federation.

Fang Mu named this kind of beast that could allow the beast master to carry out the steps, the Infinite Silver Silkworm.

Fangmu will be used as another signature beast of the Boundless Tower!

This kind of animal-monitoring light exists in Fang Mu's hands, and it is somewhat wasteful to enhance Fang Mu's strength.

Fang Mu can also trade this imperial beast to his own allied forces to make a contract.

On the one hand, it can enhance the strength of the alliance forces, which is equivalent to enhancing Fang Mu's overall combat power.

Let Fang Mu trade with the power of the boundless silver silkworm, and owes Fang Mu a big favor.

Secondly, these boundless silver silkworms can be controlled by Fang Mu.

In the future, in case of accidents, Fang Mu can use the boundless silver silkworm to guard against these allies of his own.

Hearing Fang Mu's words, Jin Zhaoyan rushed ahead of Jin Xuan to speak.

"Your Excellency Jianmu, if you have any questions, you can just ask!"

"The old man must know everything and say everything!"

Jin Zhaoyan, the powerful elder of Brilliant Castle, has a lot more status than himself.

Usually, I take Fang Mu's words first, because Jin Zhaoyan is always in a state of anxiety.

Afraid of losing his composure when communicating with Fang Mu.

Now that Jin Zhaoyan has returned to normal, Jin Zhaoyan directly became the talker of Brilliant Castle.

Hearing this, Fang Mu flipped his hands, and an infinite silver silkworm appeared in Fang Mu's palm.

"I don't know if you have seen this kind of beast!?"

The infinite silver silkworm climbed slowly on Fang Mu's hands, the lines on its body were constantly changing, it was extremely magnificent.

Jin Zhaoyan and Jin Xuan didn't dare to underestimate Fang Mu's imperial beast.

After carefully observing the boundless silver silkworm, Jin Zhaoyan took a deep breath.

Said to Fang Mu with a shocked expression.

"This kind of beast master can actually make the beast master's mental power break through the limit!"

"And the spiritual power used in the contract is still so little!"

"In terms of ability, this kind of beast is very similar to the spirit mayfly that your Dragon Federation has, and the spirit sea mother that is specially produced on the bottom of the sea."

"It's just that the number of spirit mayflies is extremely small."

"This kind of thing produced in the ancient battlefield cannot be regarded as a species."

"And after Jingming Haimu is contracted by the contractor, the contractor's mental power will be attacked by the cold, and he will often have headaches."

"The frequency of headache attacks will increase with the improvement of mental power."

"Your Excellency Jianmu, in my opinion, the silkworm imperial beast in your hand is much better than the spirit mayfly and spirit sea mother!"

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