Golden jade lilac evolves into crystal jade lilac, and the golden-like branches will transform into topaz texture.

It can raise Jinyu Lilac from medium auspiciousness to high auspiciousness.

The improvement of auspicious level is equal to the increase of the value of Jinyu Lilac.

After the golden jade lilac came into Fang Mu's hands, it was cultivated by Fang Mu.

Fang Mu wouldn't sell Jinyu Lilac at all.

Fang Mu sold a pot of golden jade cloves, why not sell a bottle of spiritual energy potion casually!

Compared with the value of the golden jade lilac, it is more important to improve the function of the golden jade lilac!

Once it evolves into Yingxiang Lilac, the aroma of Jinyu Lilac will be more intense.

The effect of the skill [Warming God] will also be significantly improved!

Su Qing's willingness to give such a meeting gift to herself shows Su Qing's attitude towards herself.

This was a kind of show of favor from Su Qing, but the way of showing favor was extremely cryptic.

In Su Qing's expectation, most of the time, he would let Qixing accept his love after he gave Qixing the golden jade lilac and earth dragon spit beads.

This made it very likely that Qi Xing would develop a certain liking for Su Qing later on.

Firstly, Qixing's identity is fabricated by Fang Mu, and Qixing is Fang Mu himself.

Secondly, Fang Mu prefers to respond directly to this kind of initiative.

"Ah, if I'm not mistaken, these two pots of plant beasts should be earth dragon spit beads, and gold jade cloves in the other pot."

"Master has always liked this kind of functional beast."

While speaking, Fang Mu took out a bottle of life medicine with a purity of 98%, and handed the bottle of life medicine with a purity of 98% to Su Qing.

"Master has always taught me that I can make good friends, but don't owe favors to others. This is my gift in return."

"I hope we can have more opportunities to cooperate in the future!"

Fang Mu's words before and after have two meanings.

Fang Mu said that his master has always liked functional beasts, but he was implying that Su Qing could use more functional beasts to trade with him in the future.

A bottle of life potion with a purity of 98% as a gift to Su Qing is more valuable than the earth dragon spit beads and golden jade cloves.

It's not that the functions of Earth Dragon Spitting Beads and Jinyu Lilac are not strong, but that these functions can only be effective in the hands of people with abundant resources.

For those who don't have enough resources, just cultivating Dilong Tuzhu and Jinyu Lilac is enough.

Not to mention the effects of the earth dragon spitting beads and golden jade cloves!

Fang Mu was flaunting his wrists to Su Qing, telling Su Qing that Qixing is a holy creator!

Let Su Qing understand the value of making friends with Qixing.

Only in this way can Su Qing be more willing to make friends with Qixing's power group, and even be bound to Qixing's power group.

The beast world is extremely cold and realistic, and there is no unreasonable favor and goodwill in this world.

Especially in the process of transaction.

It can be said that the best way to make friends with others is to reign in the world of beasts with bright wrists.

Fang Mu mentioned for the first time that Qixing likes functional beasts, and he emphasized again that he hopes to cooperate more in the future.

Fang Mu believed that Su Qing could understand what he said.

Of course, Fang Mu didn't have any idea of ​​plundering.

After Su Qing understands what he means, Fang Mu will use his own resources to make related transactions with Su Qing.

Only mutual benefit can make the cooperation last for a long time.

Su Qing's expression at this time was no longer as calm as before.

After staring at the medicine bottle in Fang Mu's hand for a while, Su Qing lowered his head.

After a while, Su Qing raised his head, and the gentle and calm expression had returned to his face.

Su Qing's frowns and smiles are full of elegance, which makes Su Qing's ordinary face at the moment even more beautiful.

Su Qing and Fang Mu were of the same generation, but Fang Mu was still a junior in Su Qing's heart.

Su Qing didn't want to lose her composure in front of a junior.

But even though Su Qing's expression returned to calm, she was still extremely surprised in her heart.

Qixing turned out to be a holy creator!

And it shouldn't be a new holy creator.

Otherwise, he wouldn't underestimate the ninety-eight percent pure life potion so much.

He was willing to hand it over to his disciple, and let his disciple decide the right to use this bottle of holy creator level potion!

Su Qing did not refuse.

The bottle of potion that Fang Mu handed over represented the goodwill of Qixing.

Only by accepting the goodwill can I cooperate more with Qixing in the future.

"Amu, I will accept this bottle of potion, thank you Qi Xing for me!"

As a strong man of order, Su Qing could express his respect even if he was facing the master who created him, as long as he was commensurate with the master.

There is an unwritten rule in the world of beasts, that is, no matter how strong the strength is, when facing the holy creator, he must respect him as an adult.

The same is true for creating a master!

Fang Mu acquiesced to Su Qing's address.

"Let's go back to the manor first."

"If you feed on flowers, how can this fragrant peony treat you?"

After finishing speaking, Fang Mu took out a heavenly fragrant peony that was bigger than the mouth of two bowls.

This Tianxiang peony was pruned by Fang Mu half a month ago when he was pruning the branches of Tianxiang peony.

In the case of sufficient resources, it is very easy for Tianxiang peony to form buds and bloom.

However, if two flowers bloom at the same time on a branch, it is very likely that neither of these two flowers will be able to condense flower beads.

After Fangmu discovered this situation, Fangmu would trim off the half-opened buds whenever a branch bloomed.

Although these half-open flower buds cannot be cut, they only need to be soaked in high-concentration life potion.

The buds absorb life energy and can still bloom normally!

Fang Mu put these blooming buds in the purple ice crystal ring, which can be preserved for a long time.

Against the backdrop of the moonlight, the flowers of Tianxiang peony released a faint pink-purple haze.

The faint and luxurious fragrance fills the surrounding environment, making the whole park eclipse

It also improves the overall style of the park in early autumn.

The moment Su Qing saw the Tianxiang peony flowers, he felt a pang of hunger.

This feeling of hunger is so strong that even his own physique is attracted by the fragrant peony flowers.

Su Qing faced the flowers of Tianxiang peony even more eagerly than that bottle of life potion with a purity of 98%.

Su Qing took a sip of the fragrance from her nostrils drunkenly, and took the heavenly fragrance peony from Fang Mu's hand.

Opening her vermilion lips lightly, her white teeth tore off a petal.

After chewing lightly for a few times, Su Qing's beautiful amber eyes curled up.

The willow eyebrows are slightly raised, and the expression is very enjoyable.

At this moment, Fang Mu keenly discovered that the fragrance of Tianxiang Peony was a little stronger.

It's just that these aromas are not from the Tianxiang peony flowers themselves.

It came from Su Qing.

This made Fang Mu curious about Su Qing's physique, but Fang Mu didn't ask much.

Everyone has their own secrets, especially a strong man like Su Qing.

Even if the relationship between Fang Mu and Su Qing becomes very close in the future, Fang Mu will not ask Su Qing's secret.

Unless Su Qing is willing to take the initiative to talk to herself.

Su Qing didn't finish eating the flowers of Tianxiang Peony immediately.

Su Qing pursed her lips lightly, and asked Fang Mu seriously.

"I don't know what this peony is called?"

"This peony is of great use to me. I wonder if you can trade me one?"

Su Qing spoke very directly.

Rather than saying that what Su Qing suddenly proposed was a deal, it was more like a request.

Otherwise, a strong person will not easily reveal what he needs.

Su Qing's proposal to trade Tianxiang Peony is tantamount to giving Fang Mu an opportunity to sit on the ground and raise the price.

Fang Mu shook his head without hesitation.

Tianxiang Peony is a very precious resource in the hands of Fangmu, and Tianxiang Peony and Huanyan Palm are the pillars of the Taoyao brand.

The Taoyao brand has now become Fangmu's cash cow.

Feng Chenhao and Fang Mu first established the Taoyao brand, just thinking that behind Fang Mu there is at least a master creator.

Only when the seller wants to make a small fortune.

Later, I didn't know that behind Fang Mu was a master creator, but a hidden god!

Relying on his identity as Taoyao's agent, Feng Chenhao has already entered the Longteng Federation's new rich list.

There is still a gap between them and the rich and powerful of the older generation, but among the younger generation, Feng Chenhao's wealth can already be said to be like a god blocking and killing gods, and a Buddha blocking and killing Buddhas!

Feng Chenhao never thought that he could be so developed in his life.

Now even the grandfather, who is in charge of the Spike Creature, will discuss things with him as soon as possible.

The whole family has to look at their faces.

In the family, Feng Chenhao's words are even more useful than his grandfather's words.

Feng Chenhao is a very smart person, Feng Chenhao knows that his desire has been satisfied.

Ke Fangmu was obviously not satisfied with this.

Fang Mu has plans to spread Taoyao to the whole world.

Not only the Dragon Federation, women all over the world love beauty.

No matter where Taoyao releases new products in any corner of the world, they can be sold out of stock.

Moreover, Fang Mu's way of managing Taoyao is really too advanced.

Taoyao is not so much trying to please female consumers, but rather catering to those men.

When the members of the rich and powerful families participated in the banquet, they wanted to express their respect to the organizer of the banquet.

They will bring their own wives there instead of bringing those so-called female companions.

The mothers of the wealthy families are even more introverted about the skin condition and appearance than the dresses!

Not only that, Tianxiang Peony can also condense flower beads.

The Tianxiang Flower Bead is a treasure of the heritage level, and Fang Mu also cultivated the fragrant peony through bloody aging.

Seventy or eighty auspicious peonies have been cultivated one after another.

However, Tianxiang Peony has never been cultivated.

There are only four Tianxiang peonies in Fang Mu's hand.

Even if Shui Miao wanted to make a deal with Fang Mu, it was impossible for Fang Mu to make a deal!

Nearly a hundred auspicious peonies cultivated by square trees were planted by square trees in the flower garden beside the long pavilion in the mountain manor.

Hundreds of auspicious peonies competed to bloom, adding a lot to the mountain manor.

After Fang Mu knew that Su Qing only ate flowers, he invited Su Qing to the mountain manor for dinner because of the existence of this peony garden.

Since he did not intend to trade Tianxiang Peony to Su Qing, Fang Mu directly refused.

"I have no way to trade Tianxiang Peony to you."

"This kind of auspicious peony is extremely precious even in my master's place."

Hearing Fang Mu's words, Su Qing's face clearly revealed a look of disappointment.

At this moment, Su Qing only listened to Fang Mu's continuation.

"Although I can't trade Tianxiang Peony to you, it's okay to trade you some flowers every once in a while!"

"I will help you fight with the master!"

Su Qing's face showed joy when he heard this.

Su Qing wanted to trade Tianxiang Peony, what he needed was the flower itself.

Su Qing didn't know the existence of Huazhu.

If Fang Mu is willing to trade the flowers of Tianxiang Peony to himself, it is no different from trading a Tianxiang Peony to himself.

Even Su Qing didn't have to cultivate Tianxiang Peony himself, which saved Su Qing a lot of trouble and resources.

"So good!"

"I don't know how I can exchange the fruit of Bodhisattva for this kind of flower?"

"One grain of Bodhisattva is exchanged for one flower."

Hearing this, Fang Mu couldn't help being secretly shocked by the value of the flowers of Tianxiang Peony in Su Qing's heart.

Boluo Bodhi is a light-attribute spiritual material that ranks at the top of the list of treasures.

Produced from the Boluo Bodhi tree, a light/wood dual-attribute beast that can only grow in a pure place.

The fruit of Boluo Bodhi has the function of enlightening the spirit, which can improve the spiritual wisdom of the beast.

The fruit of Boluo Bodhi is useless to ordinary beasts.

Because with the continuous improvement of ranks of ordinary beasts, their intelligence will also increase.

However, even if some imperial beasts were promoted, their spiritual intelligence would grow extremely slowly.

For example, some insect royal beasts can only understand the contractor's instructions after they are promoted to the platinum rank.

No more ignorant execution of instructions.

In addition to these low-wisdom beasts, Boluo Bodhi also has a great effect on enlightening evil beasts.

The Bodhisattva fruit trees that survive today are all owned by Chonghua Xianju.

Su Qing used the Bodhisattva fruit to trade with Fang Mu, which can be regarded as showing his identity to Fang Mu.

Otherwise, Su Qing could exchange resources with Fangmu with other spiritual materials.

Su Qing's willingness to reveal his identity can be regarded as Su Qing's further gesture of favor.

"Okay, just follow the trading method you said!"

"In the past two days, I will take a look at how many Tianxiang peony flowers are here."

Fang Mu's blood-colored aging wine will soon condense another drop.

If he can obtain a large amount of Bodhisattva, Fang Mu is very willing to cultivate the evil beast, phantom vector and evil sparrow first.

Just then Fang Mu's phone rang.

Fang Mu picked up the phone and looked at it, saw the caller ID and said to Su Qing with a smile.

"Ah Qing, let's go back now, the water bottle has arrived at my manor."

"You can also meet Aquarius and Taurus!"

"This time against the blood queen, the four members of our star wheel must work together!"

After receiving Shui Miao's call, Fang Mu felt extremely at ease.

Now everything is ready on my side, just waiting for the blood race to take action.

Fang Mu could then carry out operations against the blood clans in the area outside the Longteng Federation.

The abundance of blood is only one step away from being promoted to the legendary quality.

Fang Mu secretly thought in his heart.

With this blood queen and all the blood servants around her, can the quality of the bloody Feng Rang be improved! ?

Fang Mu had a premonition that once Xue Zhifeng Rang was promoted to the legendary quality, the exclusive characteristics obtained would definitely bring him real surprises!

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