Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 488: Moisturizing Sea Pavilion!

What a traveling group like this is most in need of is resources that can improve its strength.

Therefore, Fang Mu has the qualifications to trade with the Jifeng Brigade.

There are many founding masters who like to buy supplies directly from this kind of cross-federal brigade!

She Wan suddenly mentioned the Jifeng Brigade to herself, it must be impossible just because the Jifeng Brigade appeared in Ludu.

She Wan, as the noble daughter of the She family of the Ludu Fifth Clan, must have known what the Jifeng Brigade wanted to bring back blood after returning to the family.

Since the Jifeng Brigade chose Ludu as the location for blood recovery, Ludu's five clans will inevitably be listed as an important transaction object by the Jifeng Brigade.

Hearing Fang Mu on the other end of the phone humming, She Wan did not introduce too much to the Jifeng Brigade, but said it with a smile.

"Master, the Jifeng Brigade has just explored the secret realm of mechanical spirits, and most of the resources sold in their hands are related to mechanical beasts."

When Fang Mu brought walnuts to live in the mountain manor, She Wan was extremely surprised.

In She Wan's view, Fang Mu is an unusually prudent person, unlike the dandies of other forces who have many female companions around them.

In this case, Fang Mu would bring a girl of the same age to his residence, and pour resources into cultivating the royal beast.

He even took her alone to battle net for double row.

All kinds of behaviors have shown Fang Mu's intentions for Walnut.

Even if Fang Mu had no other thoughts about Hutao, the two were close teammates.

This kind of friendship like a childhood sweetheart is the most firm.

Fang Mu once asked himself to help Hu Tao find mechanical beasts related to birds.

This kind of royal beast is so special that She Wan not only searched in JA City, but also used her own channels in Ludu.

But in the end there was no gain.

This time, it happened that the Jifeng Brigade was selling resources in Ludu, and the She family received an invitation from the Jifeng Brigade.

She Wan wanted to report this to Fang Mu.

Fang Mu's eyes lit up when he heard the secret realm of the mechanical spirit.

In this world, apart from the dimensional rifts that often open, there are also some special spaces that occasionally open.

The space for this kind of hole is relatively small, and it will not cause a disaster due to the tide of alien beasts.

When it disappears, it will not form a ghost beast like a dimensional crack.

In order to distinguish this small open space from the dimensional rift, scholars call this small open space a secret realm.

While Rifts are much smaller than Dimensional Rifts, Rifts are often more dangerous.

Only those powerful brigades with multiple members who have sequenced beasts dare to enter and explore when they encounter secret places while traveling.

A Rift usually doesn't exist for too long after it appears.

If no one enters the secret realm to explore during this period of time, the secret realm will disappear naturally.

This is why the secret realm will bring great benefits, but few forces will explore the secret realm in the wild.

Because even if you spend manpower and material resources to explore the existence of the secret realm, there is no guarantee that you will arrive at the location of the secret realm before the secret realm disappears.

If the Jifeng Brigade really shot the treasure obtained in the secret realm of the machine spirit.

Fang Mu can not only find the necessary beasts for Hutao, but also try his luck to see if he can find some resources for the clever bunker and suction.

"Sister Wan, I don't know when the Jifeng Brigade will sell the resources at hand?"

She Wan heard the words and said hastily.

"Master, the Jifeng Brigade has already contacted some big forces in Ludu, most likely including Ludu officials."

“Hopefully we can do more publicity for this fair.”

"If you are going to go there, I can contact the Jifeng Brigade in advance, and let the Jifeng Brigade prepare a good position for you!"

Fang Mu didn't reply to She Wan immediately after hearing the words.

The Boundless Tower has now cooperated with many forces.

As the helm of the Boundless Tower, Fang Mu is not sure that he will have this time in a week!

"Sister Wan, you really want to help me contact the Jifeng Brigade, but it's not for the Jifeng Brigade to prepare a good position for me."

"You help me bring a word to the Jifeng Brigade, I need to make a deal with them before tomorrow night."

"I can make a promise that no matter what the transaction is, it will be settled with the resources of the master.

Fang Mu knew very well that each of these large brigade groups held their own identities, and basically would not give face to any force when deciding to hold a trade fair.

But everything is not absolute, but relative.

No matter how good the brigade is, it needs to curry favor with the founding master.

Because there is no resource to create a master, it basically eliminates the possibility of continuing to improve the strength after stepping into the sequence.

Fang Mu believes that as long as She Wan brings the word to him, the Jifeng Brigade will take the initiative to find him and make a deal with him before tomorrow night.

If the Jifeng Brigade is only for blood recovery, it is impossible to produce too precious materials at the trade fair.

The Jifeng Brigade travels between various federations all year round. When they arrive at a place to pour resources, they are not ready to make friends.

But Fang Mu believes that facing the resources he has provided to create a master, the Jifeng Brigade will definitely take the initiative to make friends with him.

Fang Mu didn't know much about the situation of the Jifeng Brigade, and before the transaction with the Jifeng Brigade, he planned to go through the Twelve Pavilions to learn about the situation of the Jifeng Brigade.

So that Fang Mu can decide how to deal with the Jifeng Brigade in the future.

She Wan heard the words and said hastily.

"Master, I will contact the Jifeng Brigade in a while, and then tell you the reply from the Jifeng Brigade."

She Wan hadn't thought of this level before.

One reason is that She Wan's level is not enough to support She Wan's idea.

Secondly, in She Wan's heart, Fang Mu has always been a relatively low-key person, and rarely does things in such a high-key manner like now.

What She Wan didn't know was that Fang Mu kept a low profile before because Fang Mu hadn't started to manage power at that time and didn't have the capital to be high-profile.

But now Fang Mu already has the capital to raise his profile!

This kind of capital is not only reflected in the resources owned, but also in strength and connections.

Fang Mu has plans to include the Jifeng Brigade in his network.

The next step is to see if the Jifeng Brigade can seize this opportunity!

Fang Mu lost the Jifeng brigade, and he could still contact other powerful brigades with the ability to operate across the federation.

But without Fang Mu, the Jifeng Brigade would find it difficult to obtain such a convenient resource channel for creating masters.

After She Wan hung up the phone, She Ruan rushed to greet her.

"Xiaowan, what did His Excellency Jianmu say?"

"Would you like to participate in the trade fair organized by the Wind Brigade?"

"If Your Excellency Jianmu has plans in this regard, why not go with our She family!"

"The best seat in our She family is in the first row, and you can definitely reserve this seat for Your Excellency Jianmu!"

She Ruan will tell She Wan the information about the trade fair held by the Jifeng Brigade in Ludu, just to be able to invite Fang Mu.

The She family has developed extremely rapidly since they got acquainted with Fang Mu.

In a very short period of time, it surpassed the other four clans in Ludu.

Although the She family is still called the Ludu Five Clan together with the other four families, the other four clans have begun to fear the She family.

She is willing to give the She family face in many things.

Previously, the She family was ranked middle and low among the five Ludu clans, but it was Fang Mu who made it to the top.

It was also because of Fang Mu's relationship that he became the Patriarch of the She family.

Otherwise, the position of Patriarch of the She family must belong to his elder brother.

After She Ruan became the Patriarch of the She family, she once asked She Junjie to verify this point.

Given the opportunity, She Ruan hopes to draw closer to Fang Mu again.

It also took this opportunity to show off their wrists to other forces in Ludu.

She Ruan's careful thoughts are clear to She Wan.

She has always respected her father, She Wan, but sometimes her father is really dissatisfied!

She Wan directly dispelled She Ruan's thoughts.

"Father, if the young master wants to contact the Jifeng Brigade, make a deal with the Jifeng Brigade."

"Just send an invitation to the Jifeng Brigade directly in the name of a private person, there is no need to spend so much other thoughts."

"I'm going to meet the head of the Jifeng Brigade on behalf of the young master later, so I won't have dinner with the family tonight!"

When She Ruan heard this, an expression of obvious disappointment appeared on her face.

Obviously, She Ruan was quite disappointed that Fang Mu could not go with the She family.

Seeing the expression on She Ruan's face, She Wan thought for a moment and said to She Ruan very seriously.

"Father, there is one thing that I think it is necessary for me to tell you."

"During the time I was with the young master, I discovered the benefits of doing things in a low-key manner for the development of power."

"Our She family has risen suddenly in the past few months, so we should act as low-key as possible."

"Too high-profile is very likely to cause some disasters for the She family."

"Take Ludu's officials as an example. They don't want our She family to be dominant in Ludu and break the situation in Ludu in recent years."

"You are the Patriarch of the She family now, but please don't cause disasters to the She family because of some of your decisions."

"The young master is very kind to me, and has always been willing to provide resources for our She family."

"At this time, we should be in awe and develop the family in a down-to-earth manner."

"Father, I believe that you not only want the She family to be the dominant force in a big city of the Longteng Federation."

"If you take the long view, you might as well make more preparations now."

After all, She Wan left She's house because of the urgent time, ignoring the expression on She Ruan's face.

Even if She Ruan can't listen to other people's words, she can definitely listen to her own.

She Wan believed that She Ruan would think carefully after hearing what she said.

She Wan has always been an ambitious person, but She Wan never puts her ambition on the surface.

Otherwise, She Wan would not be willing to accept Shui Miao's invitation to become a bodyguard for a disciple of the founding master.

She Wanhui wanted to be the guard of the disciple who created the master, just to win over the resources in the hands of the disciple who created the master.

During the time spent by Fang Mu's side, She Wan's horizons were broadened.

She Wan felt that if a force only developed within the Longteng Federation, it would be easily imprisoned.

Only by taking a long-term view can we ensure that the power will continue to improve.

The She family now has the potential to surpass the Dragon Federation.


Runchao Haige is the most beautiful restaurant in Ludu. The whole restaurant is located on a huge reef in the sea.

Before the turmoil in Ludu, Runchao Haige was enough to rank in the top five in Ludu.

The storm directly submerged the huge reef in this sea area, and the Runchao Sea Pavilion was submerged underwater.

All the employees and guests in the Runchao Sea Pavilion became the dead souls in the sea.

Runchaohai Pavilion is not an industry owned by local forces in Ludu, but it is still a part of Ludu.

When Haizhu compensated Ludu afterwards, he helped rebuild the Runchaohai Pavilion.

The forces behind the Runchaohai Pavilion sent people to Ludu again to run the rebuilt Runchaohai Pavilion.

The force behind Run Chao Hai Pavilion can only be regarded as a second-rate force, and Run Chao Hai Pavilion is an extremely important industry for this force.

The manager arranged by this force later spent a lot of thought on attracting guests for the Runchao Sea Pavilion, but the previous turmoil was really too big.

Those who died in the Runchaohai Pavilion were also direct members of the five Ludu Clans.

For a top entertainment restaurant, no matter what the cause, a large number of guests died, which seriously affected the reputation of Run Chao Hai Ge.

Few people will spend money in Runchaohai Pavilion again.

The style of Runchaohai Pavilion has been set there from the very beginning, and it is impossible to lower its status to attract customers through low prices.

Fortunately, after the Jifeng Brigade came to Ludu, they wanted to book a restaurant to enjoy and relax.

Ludu's high-end restaurants often need to be booked one month in advance, and Runchao Haige was selected by the Jifeng Brigade because no one cared about it.

In a few days, the Jifeng Brigade will hold a trade fair here.

The manager of Runchaohai Pavilion fully cooperated with the Jifeng Brigade to arrange the scene, and wanted to take this opportunity to re-establish the reputation of Runchaohai Pavilion.

Even if it doesn't make Runchaohai Pavilion reach its previous peak, at least it can achieve positive revenue, and it won't lose money every day like before.

In the past few days, many local forces in Ludu have sent people to visit the Jifeng Brigade.

Zhang Renbin, the head of the Jifeng Brigade, didn't care about this.

The Jifeng Brigade just regarded Ludu as a foothold, and never thought about making friends with a certain force in Ludu.

Before, I would take the initiative to contact Ludu Wushi and Ludu officials, just to attract more guests for the trade fair.

Zhang Renbin was swimming with several giant sharks in the swimming pool.

Zhang Renbin deliberately caught these Yuanfan tiger sharks in the swimming pool, and they were extremely aggressive.

The reason why Zhang Renbin was not attacked was because the aura emanating from Zhang Renbin's body was enough to deter the tiger sharks from the Far Sail.

Adventurous people love to pursue excitement, Zhang Renbin is a person who is constantly looking for excitement in life.

Usually, when Zhang Renbin was resting, members of the Jifeng Brigade would not bother Zhang Renbin.

Zhang Renbin has always been consistent in his work in the Jifeng Brigade, with absolute majesty.

The two deputy heads followed Zhang Renbin like two deputy heads.

Zhang Renbin just jumped out of the pool and put on a bathrobe.

Just as he was about to pour a glass of water to quench his thirst, Zhang Yi, the deputy team leader, walked in quickly.

Zhang Yi is Zhang Renbin's cousin, and he is closer to Zhang Renbin than the other deputy head.

Zhang Yi's ability is very strong, but he can't pretend to be troubled in his heart, and his thoughts are shown on his face.

Seeing the expression on Zhang Yi's face, Zhang Renbin knew something must have happened.

And this matter is very likely to be a big event!

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