Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 546 Sea Yousha Wing!

Ning Hongshao and Jun Feng thought that the separation of yin and yang was doomed.

Ning Hongshao has been working hard all the time, just to let Jun Feng live a few more years, to have an extra year or two of companionship.

The two came to see Qixing's disciple with such a purpose.

Unexpectedly, Qixing can not only help Junfeng relieve the pain, but also bestow a hundred years of lifespan on Junfeng.

Such a surprise made Ning Hongshao's soul tremble.

Based on Qixing's ability to increase lifespan alone, Ning Hongshao felt that Qixing was stronger than the two holy creators, Han Ming and Yongle Fairy.

However, the strength of a holy creator cannot be judged by a certain ability.

Each holy creator focuses on different areas.

It is very likely that in other places Qixing is not as good as Han Ming and Fairy Yongle.

But let the outside world know that Qixing can help beastmasters who have exhausted their lifespan to increase their lifespan by a hundred years, and those beastmasters whose lifespan is about to be exhausted will become Qixing's fans.

I will do my best to get Qixing's mercy.

But from a rational point of view, Ning Hongshao also knows that it is impossible for Qixing to show this ability casually.

The ability to help people increase their lifespan is so amazing that even a holy creator may take risks if he reveals it rashly.

The sea of ​​boundaries has become more and more active in recent decades.

Ning Hongshao always felt that she could smell a kind of chaos.

Ning Hongshao once communicated this feeling with Lang Huan, and Lang Huan also had a similar feeling.

After all, the accident in the sea of ​​the realm more than a hundred years ago weakened the strength of humans and beasts as a whole.

Until now, the trauma of that accident has not been healed.

It's just that no one talks about it anymore.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many founding masters who opposed Han Ming's proposal for the Sea of ​​Boundaries.

"Brother Feng, don't keep Your Excellency Jianmu waiting."

"I will wait here until you wake up, and make sure you can see me as soon as you wake up."

Ning Hongshao clearly called Fang Mu Xiao Mu just now, but now she actually uses the title Jian Mu Your Excellency when addressing Fang Mu.

This is not because of Ning Hongshao's politeness to Fang Mu, but because Ning Hongshao's heart is full of gratitude to Fang Mu.

This kind of gratitude made Ning Hongshao, the founding master, feel admiration for Fangmu.

It was Qixing who really redeemed himself and Junfeng, and Fang Mu just replaced Qixing's executor.

But from Fang Mu, Ning Hongshao didn't feel the slightest bit of control.

On the contrary, Fang Mu tried his best to promote Jun Feng's redemption after knowing the situation between himself and Jun Feng.

In the past few decades, Ning Hongshao has seen through too many human relationships.

When Jun Feng had just set foot on the pinnacle of order and he himself had become a high-level creation master.

I don't know how many forces came to visit the Nine Poison Evil Palace.

But when he really needed help, even Lang Huan couldn't give him much substantive help.

No matter how much excitement there is for icing on the cake, it can't match Fang Mu's friendship at this time.

Jun Feng is a measured person, so naturally he won't keep Fang Mu waiting.

Jun Feng lit the Ecstasy Incense.

Under the condition of taking the initiative to inhale the ecstasy incense, Jun Feng collapsed into Ning Hongshao's arms in less than ten minutes.

Ning Hongshao turned her head to look at Shu Liangjun, and said to Shu Liangjun very seriously.

"Your Excellency, my husband has transplanted a large amount of pollutants into his body, and his body is in a worrying state."

"Sap that seeps from areas of your body that are infected by pollutants can have an effect on your body as well."

"I hope you can be more careful when you carry it later."

"I thank you in advance!"

Shu Liangjun was also romantic when she was young, but she never chose a partner.

I am afraid that if I take it too seriously, I will be heartbroken when facing life and death.

He had also implanted pollutants into his body like Jun Feng, enduring torture while waiting for death.

I don't have family by my side like Jun Feng.

Shu Liangjun was somewhat envious of Jun Feng.

But Shu Liangjun is also very clear that at that time, he didn't have many burdens and concerns.

Some are just a creature's pursuit of survival.

But Junfeng has infinite concerns because of Ning Hongshao.

Perhaps compared with Jun Feng, I was much more relaxed at that time.

"Your Excellency Nine Poisons, don't worry, I was in a similar situation to Mr. Jun before."

"Know what to do to ensure that Mr. Jun's body will not be damaged during the transportation process."

Under normal circumstances, Shu Liangjun should call Ning Hongshao Master Nine Poisons.

But now Shu Liangjun has become Fang Mu's guardian.

As the protector of the disciple of the Holy Creator, it would be inappropriate for Shu Liangjun to call Ning Hongshao an adult.

Ning Hongshao felt Shu Liangjun's kindness, and was surprised that Shu Liangjun was in the same situation as Jun Feng before!

A beast master would not transplant special-grade pollutants into his body if it was not for the purpose of prolonging his lifespan.

I think the old man in front of me was also redeemed by Qixing, and his lifespan was improved.

The living example in front of her made Ning Hongshao feel much more at ease.

Ning Hongshao is very afraid that Fang Mu will have problems in the process of treating her husband Junfeng.

After all, Qixing did not come in person!

Shu Liangjun seemed to see the worry in Ning Hongshao's heart, and spoke.

"Your Excellency Nine Poisons, I was also treated by Xiaomu back then."

"Xiaomu is safe in handling things. If he is not absolutely sure, Xiaomu will not joke about this kind of thing!"

After finishing speaking, Shu Liangjun commanded Kongzhi Luoman, and gently supported Junfeng's neck with the vine man.

Jun Feng's neck was not infected by the pollution energy, otherwise Jun Feng would not be able to turn his head casually.

Space energy gushes out from the leaves of Kongzhi Luoman.

These gentle spatial energies lifted Junfeng's body with his neck as a fulcrum, and Shu Liangjun brought him into the ingenious bunker.

Fang Mu is waiting for Jun Feng inside the clever bunker.

The life potion with a purity of 98% has been prepared by Fang Mu and placed on the round table next to the console.

Shu Liangjun noticed the life potion that Fang Mu took out, and knew that these life potions would be used by Jun Feng soon.

In order to bring Ning Hongshao and Jun Feng under Qixing's command, it can be said that Qixing spent a lot of money.

From outsiders' point of view, Qixing's inclusion of Ning Hongshao and Jun Feng at this juncture is more or less meant to take advantage of others' danger.

But Shu Liangjun knew very well that Jun Feng and Ning Hongshao were the biggest beneficiaries of being able to join Qixing's command!

Watching Shu Liangjun walk in with Jun Feng, Fang Mu raised his hand to summon the Fenyan twins, and let the Fenyan twins wrap Junfeng's body through the water flow.

After being infected by pollutants in Junfeng's body, the thick juice seeped from his tissues melted into the water body, polluting the water body.

Let the water body release the majestic pollution energy.

Shu Liangjun didn't worry about Fang Mu's situation. Fang Mu's hole card could subdue even a figure like the Blood Queen.

Fang Mu is ready to treat Jun Feng, staying here will only affect Fang Mu's treatment of Jun Feng.

If it is before contracting the holy splendor bone fragment, the pollution energy in the water body will have a great impact on the opponent's wood.

But after contracting the Holy Brilliance Bone Fragment and letting the Holy Brilliance Bone Brick set foot in the sequence.

These pollution energies can no longer affect Fangmu.

The pollution energies in the water body are extremely complex, at least fifty kinds of pollution energies check and balance and promote each other.

This Jun Feng is really willing to toss his body in order to gain a few more years of lifespan!

After Shu Liangjun left the ingenious bunker, Fang Mu let out a breath.

Let Xixi use the skill [Garbage Recycling] to filter the pollution energy in the water body.

Pollutants release pollution energy in Junfeng's body for a long time, and these pollution energy cannot be discharged in Junfeng's body.

Fangmu must first release these polluting energies.

Otherwise, no matter how many life potions there are, forcibly taking out the pollutants in Junfeng's body is very likely to attract these polluting energies to backlash against Junfeng.

The speed of absorbing the pollution energy was extremely fast, and the pollution energy released from Jun Feng's body weakened in less than two hours.

Maintain a state of uniform release.

Seeing this, Fang Mu directly picked up ten bottles of life potion and poured them into the water body.

When taking out the pollutants in Shu Liangjun's body before, Fang Mu performed it himself with the assistance of Shui Miao.

This time Fang Mu didn't do it himself, but let Xixi insert the metal cilia into Junfeng's body.

If the sucking metal cilia is stretched hard, it can be extended to a length of about forty centimeters.

In other words, about eight metal cilia can completely cover Jun Feng's body.

The metal cilia can keenly sense the position of pollutants in Jun Feng's body.

Even if these pollutants are flowing in the body, they can still be caught out in the first time.

With the help of suction, the process of removing pollutants is very smooth.

Fang Mu only needs to assist the suction at the side, and pour the life potion into it according to Jun Feng's state.

The first super pollutant was sucked out from Jun Feng's body.

This super pollutant is like a semi-transparent tulle, and the blue shimmering light blooming on the tulle is extremely beautiful.

If Fang Mu didn't know that this tulle was a special-grade pollutant, it was still stained with Jun Feng's blood.

Fang Mu will regard it as a work of art!

This tulle is extremely light, and the slight movement of air will make this tulle dance.

Fang Mu used Shadow of the Fool's gifted supernatural power [Eye of All-knowing] to investigate this super pollutant.

[Pollutant Name]: Haiyou Shayi

[Pollutant Category]: Possession

【Pollution Level】: Gold Rank (10/10)

【Pollutant system】: water system

[Pollution Potential]: Platinum Level

[Quality of Royal Beast]: Special Grade

Pollution source:

[Prisoner Sea-Monster Soul]: A powerful sea-monster with pure blood has been imprisoned in the deep sea since birth to suppress the ominous things on the seabed. The unlucky things are combined, and the unlucky things are stimulated by resentment, so that the unlucky things can exist stably.

Pollution function:

[Secret Wings Covering the Sea]: After combining with the target, the target is endowed with the bloodline talent of the sea monster, has a certain ability to control the sea area, can confuse sea beasts through singing, and the unknown energy is activated in the possessor and turns into sea wings, sea wings After appearing, it will sign a contract with the nearby water body, making the sea water a part of the sea wing.

Fang Mu did not expect that this pollutant named Haiyou Shayi turned out to be a possession-type pollutant.

Like the Royal Beast, the possession-type pollutants can be said to be the rarest category of pollutants, even rarer than the increase-type pollutants.

This piece of pollutant called Haiyou Yarn Wing is powerful enough in the sea area, but it has obvious limitations.

If it is not in the sea area, this pollutant called Haiyou Yarn Wing will not be effective.

When a beast master can only choose one pollutant to make a contract with, basically no beast master will choose to contract Haiyou Shayi.

But Fang Mu is different from ordinary beast masters.

Waiting for Fang Mu to have extra blood in the contract, he happened to need to stay in the sea environment for a long time.

Fang Mu can completely choose Haiyou Shayi!

As the first pollutant was taken out, the remaining pollutants were taken out one after another.

Fang Mu found that Jun Feng was really courageous, and the level of every pollutant had reached the tenth level of the gold rank.

The pollutants transplanted into Shu Liangjun's body at the beginning were only at the level of the silver level, and rarely exceeded the fifth level of the silver level.

If it weren't for the high level of these pollutants, Jun Feng's body wouldn't be so broken.

The time difference between the speed of absorbing and condensing the purity of 98% life crystals and the speed of condensing the purity of 100% life crystals is less than one time.

However, the recovery effect of the 100% life potion on Jun Feng's body was more than five times better than that of the 98% life potion.

In order to save money, Fang Mu put away these life potions with a purity of 98%.

Pour the 100% pure life potion into the water surrounding Jun Feng's body.

In this way, Jun Feng's body recovered quickly under the stimulation of such life energy.

After Jun Feng is Fang Mu's new trump card in terms of background, Fang Mu does not want Jun Feng's body to be injured.

Under the erosion of pollutants, Junfeng's five internal organs have shown a tendency to melt.

If he treated Jun Feng two days later, he would have a life potion with 100% purity.

Jun Feng's body will also leave many flaws.

Suddenly, a purple crystal-like special pollutant caught Fang Mu's attention.

This purple crystal-like super pollutant is like a piece of jadeite that has just been mined.

The crystal part is the skylight that has been pried open, as deep as the silent night sky.

Fang Mu has been urging the [Eye of All-knowing].

This pollutant like rough jadeite can attract Fang Mu's attention, not because of the appearance of this super pollutant.

In terms of appearance, this super pollutant is actually not too special.

The appearance of several special-grade pollutants will crush this special-grade pollutant.

The reason why Fang Mu values ​​this super pollutant is because of the ability of this super pollutant.

If Fang Mu can contract this super pollutant, relying on the ability of this super pollutant will save Fang Mu from many dangers.

It is also convenient for Fang Mu to separate his identity.

It is not possible to use the corpse controlled by Liu Xi to disguise when two identities are present at the same time.

In the case where outsiders do not investigate themselves, Liuxi's disguise effect through the corpse is sufficient.

But if Liuxi's stronger experts intentionally probe, the disguise will be broken immediately! (end of this chapter)

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