Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 642 The boy who dominates the master!

Hu Tao, who entered the live broadcast room, looked at the young man who had just been matched with his opponent.

Even though the young man was wearing a mask, Hu Tao still felt a sense of familiarity in his heart.

Hu Tao was sure that the Yama he was seeing now was the Yama on the battle network.

Yama also has such a huge undead creature in the front row. It is obvious that the rank of Yama's undead creature has been improved.

Hu Tao is going to stay here and prepare to analyze Yama Luo's strength. If this continues, Yama Luo will match Jiang Tuo sooner or later.

Fang Mu doesn't like to communicate with his opponent during a battle. Unless the opponent takes the initiative to communicate with Fang Mu, Fang Mu will respond to his opponent.

The barrage in the live broadcast room moved too fast, and Fang Mu stopped interacting with the audience in the live broadcast room.

Fang Mu was about to have the last duel. Before the duel, Mu sent a message to Wang Longfei in advance, asking Wang Longfei to tell him the address to save time for the meeting.

Wang Longfei is a young talent of the Dragon Federation, and will later represent the players in the Dragon Federation's under-twenty division to compete with other federations.

Fang Mu intends to help Wang Long fly, otherwise if someone else invites Fang Mu, Fang Mu will not accept the invitation at all!

In the last promotion match, Fang Mu finally matched up with an opponent with a platinum-level beast.

This opponent was not as strong as Wang Longfei. Fang Mu successfully defeated the opponent without spending much effort and won.

Mu said before the broadcast was about to begin.

"That's it for today's live broadcast. I should be broadcasting again tomorrow. Let's see you all!"

After saying that, Fang Mu closed the live broadcast room. He did not spend an hour or so after the battle to maintain his fans and increase their stickiness like other anchors.

When anchors communicate with fans, fans are more likely to reward the anchors.

The more Hu Tao looked at Yan Luo, the more he felt that Yama was familiar. The moment he heard Yan Luo's voice, Hu Tao was sure in his heart that Yan Luo was Fang Mu.

I have been with Fang Mu day and night for more than two years, and Fang Mu's voice is unmistakable.

All Yama's contracts are undead beasts. From the perspective of beasts, there is no overlap between Yama and Fang Mu.

But Hu Tao has seen too many of Fang Mu's magical abilities by following Fang Mu. Fang Mu is Yama, so there is really nothing to be surprised about.

If you really think about it, on Battle.net, Jianmu and Yama basically appeared at the same time.

Hu Tao once remembered that Fang Mu told him that when his soul became stronger, he would prepare a natural disaster-level ghost beast for him.

Fang Mu asked him seriously about his needs and thoughts about ghost-type beasts. Hu Tao didn't know much about ghost-type beasts.

In school, Hutao had no chance to come into contact with knowledge related to ghost-type beast control.

When faced with something he didn't understand, Hu Tao would not make an immediate choice, but instead asked Fang Mu in detail.

Fang Mu systematically explained the ghost-type beast to Hutao, and Hutao asked Fang Mu what kind of ghost-type beast he was contracting with.

Fang Mu did not hide anything from Hu Tao, but directly told Hu Tao that the one he contracted was a summoned ghost-type beast.

It seems that Fang Muyanluo's identity is mainly supported by the summoned natural disaster-level ghost beast.

Jiang Tuo's side will be broadcasting live in a while. There is no need for Hutao to make random guesses. He will find out naturally after asking Fang Mu.

Hu Tao, who suddenly discovered Fang Mu's secret, felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

He used to be stronger than Jiang Tuo, but now Jiang Tuo has completely surpassed him, and Fang Mu himself can't compare with him.

In the three-person team of himself, Jiang Tuo, and Fang Mu, he has become the weakest link.

If his personal strength were not strong enough, Hu Tao would definitely run a live broadcast room in the second world, not just as Jiang Tuo's assistant to help Jiang Tuo manage the live broadcast room.

The moment Fang Mu turned off the live broadcast, the viewers in Fang Mu's live broadcast room poured into various forums and posts. Yama's name quickly became popular under the overwhelming "tap water" publicity.

No one dares to look down upon Yama just based on their rank as the body-melting tyrant and the seductive slut.

Fang Mu had already arrived at a restaurant named Wanxiang Pavilion according to the address Wang Longfei gave him.

Wang Longfei, the eldest son of Wanxiang Pavilion, stood downstairs personally waiting for Fang Mu's arrival.

Seeing Fang Mu, Wang Longfei enthusiastically invited Fang Mu to the private room upstairs. The wine and food Wang Longfei had ordered in advance were already prepared in the private room.

When entertaining guests in the second world, you don't have to worry about the food and wine getting cold, and you can save a lot of time in ordering food.

Wang Longfei smiled and handed a special menu to Fang Mu.

"Brother Yan Luo, Wanxiang Pavilion is only selling Longteng Federation's special wines and dishes to the outside world. The chefs poached from other federations are still being assessed. In order to ensure the taste, they have to wait until the assessment is completed before they can take up their posts."

"This is the menu reported by the chefs, you might as well order it and try it!"

“In the second world, everyone’s stomach is a bottomless pit and you can taste delicious food as much as you want without worrying about feeling full.”

"Brother Yama, you can order all the dishes you are interested in. I happen to have many dishes that I haven't tried yet."

When Fang Mu heard this, he was not polite to Wang Longfei. Wang Longfei was so warm to him. If he was too polite to Wang Longfei, he would feel like he wanted to distance himself from Wang Longfei.

Fang Mu simply ordered all the delicacies he was interested in, and soon these delicacies from various federations were brought to the table.

During this meal, Wang Longfei kept talking to Fang Mu. Wang Longfei didn't find out much about Fang Mu, but Fang Mu found out Wang Longfei's details clearly.

It turns out that Wang Longfei is the grandson of Wang Fengjian, the number one spiritual blacksmith in the Soaring Dragon Federation!

Fang Lin had mentioned Wang Fengjian to Fang Mu more than once. Fang Lin probably had some relationship with the Wang family.

Wang Longfei has such a background, no wonder Wang Longfei is so powerful!

The two beasts contracted by Wang Longfei require a lot of resources to cultivate. If they were from a small family, it would be impossible for these two dragon beasts to be cultivated to be so outstanding!

"Brother, you are really strong. To be honest, the reason why I entered the second world so late is because I studied under Grandmaster Shuoyang for a period of time."

"Grandmaster Shuoyang personally helped me improve my Yannisha Yalong!"

Wang Longfei had a complacent expression on his face when he said these words. As a young man, there will inevitably be times when he wants to show off.

It is a great honor to be able to come into contact with Grandmaster Shuoyang in the Longteng Federation. Wang Longfei's strength is not comparable to Fang Mu, and he hopes to make Fang Mu recognize him through his performance in other aspects.

Grandmaster Shuoyang had never made friends with Fang Mu before, so Fang Mu was no stranger to Grandmaster Shuoyang at all.

Fang Mu has met Grandmaster Shuoyang several times at the Federation of Nations, and Grandmaster Shuoyang has asked to visit him more than once.

Fang Mu has now returned to the Soaring Dragon Federation. He had not yet responded to Grandmaster Shuoyang's request because he was discussing cooperation with the Zhucuicanglu Clan.

It's time for Fang Mu to respond to Grandmaster Shuoyang!

Otherwise, it is very likely that Grandmaster Shuoyang will feel that he has a problem with him or is unwilling to make friends with him, which is not good!

Since Grandmaster Shuoyang has a good relationship with the Wang family, the Infinite Silver Silkworm Square Wood can be handed over to Wang Longfei through Grandmaster Shuoyang.

Otherwise, unless he reveals his identity, the Wang family will not be able to let Wang Longfei use the things he casually handed over to Wang Longfei.

Fang Mu sending out the Infinite Silver Silkworms seems to be a waste of resources on Fang Mu's part, but in fact, those who contract the Infinite Silver Silkworms will be controlled by Fang Mu.

This kind of control does not mean that Fang Mu can control this person and make this person do things for him, but that Fang Mu can control this person's life and death through the boundless silver silkworm.

Fang Mu keeps sending out boundless silver silkworms, and perhaps in a few hundred years more than half of the rising young generation will be controlled by Fang Mu.

After three drinks and five dishes, Fang Mu spoke to Wang Longfei very seriously.

"It happens that I also know Grandmaster Shuoyang. Thank you for the banquet you have given me this time. I will ask Grandmaster Shuoyang to hand over a gift to you later."

"It should greatly improve your strength!"

Wang Longfei was startled when he heard Fang Mu's words. It was not surprising that Yan Luo also knew Grandmaster Shuoyang. Wang Longfei should have no one in the Longteng Federation who didn't know Grandmaster Shuoyang.

But Yama actually asked Grandmaster Shuoyang to give him a gift!

Yama's behavior is tantamount to troubling or instructing Grandmaster Shuoyang.

Grandmaster Shuoyang seems to have no airs, but in fact he is a very self-restrained person. How could he be commanded by a junior like Yama Luo at will? ?

Wang Longfei is not a dim-witted person. Fang Mu's words made Wang Longfei subconsciously think of Qi Xing, the Saint Builder.

It can be said that Saint Founder Qixing is the only person in the Soaring Dragon Federation whose status is more noble than Grandmaster Shuoyang.

However, the disciple of Qixing, the holy founder, was named Jianmu, not Yama.

Wang Longfei knew what Jianmu's beasts were like. Wang Longfei once regarded Jianmu as his imaginary enemy.

But after Jianmu showed his true strength on the battle network, Wang Longfei knew that he was no match for Jianmu, so he no longer regarded Jianmu as his imaginary enemy.

Could it be that Yama is also a disciple of Qixing, the holy founder? ?

Wang Longfei had never heard of similar rumors before!

Wang Longfei was not sure about Yama's identity. He asked Yama several times but did not get a clear response. Wang Longfei couldn't ask Yama any more!

Wang Longfei thought that there was no need for Yama to deceive himself about this kind of thing, because this kind of thing simply could not withstand consideration.

If Grandmaster Shuoyang really helps Yama deliver gifts to him, he can take the opportunity to learn about Yama's identity through Grandmaster Shuoyang.

Fang Mu opened his eyes just after leaving the second world and saw Hu Tao and Jiang Tuo sitting around in front of him.

Jiang Tuo's expression was as usual, but Hu Tao's eyes looked at him with something strange.

Fang Mu and Hu Tao were old acquaintances. Seeing Hu Tao's expression, he knew that Hu Tao had something to ask him.

Fang Mu said with a smile.

"If there's anything wrong with A Tao, just ask me directly. There are no outsiders here."

When Hutao heard this, she asked with firm eyes but a slight hesitation in her tone.

"Amu, you are Yama, right?"

"I heard Yama's voice in the live broadcast room, and Yama's voice was exactly the same as yours!"

Hu Tao's words startled Jiang Tuo. Today in the live broadcast room, Jiang Tuo watched people's barrages discussing Yama.

Jiang Tuo knew Yama Luo no less than Hu Tao. Jiang Tuo had carefully watched several of Yama Luo's duels on the battle network.

Jiang Tuo always found Yama's three corpse hunters very interesting.

Jiang Tuo had just asked Hu Tao whether the Yama who was mentioned in his live broadcast room was the one on Battle.net.

Hu Tao gave Jiang Tuo an affirmative answer, why did the good-looking Yama now turn into Fang Mu! ?

You must know that Yama's beast control and Fang Mu's beast control are not even remotely related!

Fang Mu looked at Hu Tao's determined eyes and knew that Hu Tao had determined that Yama was him.

Fang Mu had no intention of hiding this from Hu Tao and Jiang Tuo. Fang Mu smiled and nodded.

"A Tao, you guessed it right, Yama is me!"

"I heard you said before that you are helping Xiaotuo manage the live broadcast room recently. If you have time, you might as well take care of my live broadcast room too!"

Hu Tao was very happy that Fang Mu didn't hide it from her.

"It's not a big deal for Amu to help you manage the live broadcast room. Before your next live broadcast, set the administrator settings for the live broadcast to me. Then you won't have to worry about the live broadcast room when you broadcast again!"

Fang Mu asked about Jiang Tuo and Hu Tao's recent situation. Jiang Tuo and Hu Tao had steadily improved both in terms of strength and academic performance.

During the conversation, Fang Mu could keenly feel that Hutao was deliberately avoiding some topics, which were all related to strength.

Fang Mu has been with Hu Tao day and night for more than two years as a classmate, and he knows very well how strong Hu Tao is.

Hu Tao will definitely be frustrated because he and Jiang Tuo have been stretched out in strength.

Fang Mu pondered for a moment and then spoke to Hu Tao in a very serious tone.

"Hutao, I should have told you before that your Barrier Silver Luan has the bloodline of the Barrier Sparrow Lord Phoenix, and has unlimited possibilities for evolution."

"Looking back at the Bell Sparrow as a fairy beast, the same is true."

"As your natal beast-controlling puppet continues to absorb special metal spiritual materials, now that the beast-controlling puppet is equipped on the beast, it should be able to easily defeat the opponent."

"It's been a long time since you've used a bird costume to act as a puppet in battle. If you try it, you'll find that you are much more powerful than a defensive beast master of the same level!"

"The most important thing about a defensive beast master is his function, not his individual combat ability."

"From now on, your future is limitless. There is no need to worry about whether you are strong or not at the moment."

When Hutao heard Fang Mu's words, she knew that Fang Mu had seen through her thoughts, and Hutao felt somewhat embarrassed.

Fang Mu's words were equivalent to Hu Tao's affirmation and gave Hu Tao great confidence.

Hutao has always regarded the bird costume as his trump card, and indeed he has never used the bird costume as a puppet during the battle.

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