Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 646 The lotus fish ascends to the life lotus!

After clarifying this point, Shuoyang will no longer bring the topic to related situations.

Repeatedly mentioning this matter when the other party has clearly rejected it will most likely arouse Fang Mu's resentment.

Fang Muwan told Qixing these words, and these words reached Qixing's ears. Shuoyang was really afraid that Qixing would think that his initiative to visit had ulterior motives.

If Shuoyang really had ulterior motives, it would be nothing more than being misunderstood.

The key is that Shuoyang really doesn't have that many ideas, he just wants to make friends with Jianmu and show up here in Qixing.

As for whether other things can be discussed, Shuoyang has no extravagant expectations at all.

Qixing's current presence in the Soaring Dragon Federation has brought great benefits to the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Because Qixing is in the Soaring Dragon Federation, many forces have cooperated with the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Many forces and federations that were originally eyeing the Soaring Dragon Federation are now taking the initiative to please the Soaring Dragon Federation.

The attitude of these forces and the federation would change like this. Shuoyang asked himself that it had little to do with him.

If this matter had something to do with him, those forces and the federation would not have dared to take action against the Soaring Dragon Federation.

"I would be relieved if Lord Qixing doesn't have any need for people."

"Lord Qixing is in the Soaring Dragon Federation doing something to benefit the entire human world. If there are any shortcomings in people's hands when dealing with things that solve problems for the entire human world, then I really can't feel at ease!"

After saying what needed to be said, Grandmaster Shuoyang took out the gift prepared for Fang Mu. A white lotus in a white porcelain vat appeared in front of Fang Mu, carrying a faint fragrance.

"Little friend Jianmu, I specially prepared this lotus for you. I think this lotus-type beast-controlling plant should be of great use to you."

When Grandmaster Shuoyang spoke, Fang Mu had already used the Shadow of the Fool's innate magical power [Eye of Omniscience] to investigate the white lotus.

[Name of the Royal Beast]: Lotus Fish and Life Lotus

【Royal Beast Species】: Phyllaceae/Hallianthaceae

[Beast Control Level]: Bronze Level (10/10)

[Beast Control Type]: Wood Type

[Beast Control Potential]: Silver Level

[Beast Control Quality]: Legendary Quality


[Lotus Fish]: Use its own speciality to associate with the fish beast. After being associated with the fish beast, it will stimulate the functionality of the associated fish beast. When it is at the same level as the target it amplifies, , the amplification effect can stably double. When the own level is lower than the target, the amplification ability will decrease (when the own level is higher than the target, it is very likely to cause acute damage to the target).

Exclusive features:

[Healing Fish and Lotus Roots]: The lotus roots produced by oneself have the effect of restoring the origin of fish beasts. When healing the fish beasts associated with itself, the healing effect of the associated fish beasts will be times improved.

[Water Purification Lotus Powder]: The pollen produced in blooming flowers has the effect of cleaning the waters, allowing the fish creatures in the water to be in the most comfortable state. At the same time, the pollen can have a detection effect on the waters. The waters are polluted and the pollen cannot When cleaning up polluted waters, the pollen will deteriorate and produce a fishy smell similar to dead fish.

[Nirvana Lotus Seed]: Lotus seeds will not grow in the lotus pods produced by oneself. When the fish beast associated with oneself cannot be felt, oneself will enter the state of nirvana and return to the form of lotus seeds, disconnecting from the original fish. The connection with beast control.

Evolutionary direction:

①: Lotus Lotus, ②: Arrow Water Lotus, ③: Fengyu Green Lotus.

Fang Mu was shocked by the ability of Lianyu and Minglian when he took a closer look.

Fang Mu immediately understood why Grandmaster Shuoyang said that the Lotus Fish and Fate Lotus was effective for him.

When Fang Mu went to fight for Luo Ying's essence carp a few months ago, he fought with an assistant under Grandmaster Shuoyang.

At that time, fighting for supplies with an assistant who created the Grandmaster put great pressure on Fang Mu.

Fang Mu was not afraid that his own resources would not be able to match the assistant of the Grandmaster, but he was afraid that the Assistant of the Grandmaster would cause some trouble if he did not take advantage of the identity that Fang Mu created at that time.

Once Grandmaster Shuoyang's assistant really did something happen, Fang Mu really didn't have any good way to solve it at that time.

Fortunately, the Luo Ying Cui Jing Carp was snatched away by Fang Mu at that time. The sacred Luo Ying Cui Jing Carp brought great convenience to Fang Mu's improvement in strength.

Otherwise, even with the full moon pendant on his chest and taking Brilliant Golden Honey every day, Fang Mu would not be able to become a two-pointed star beast master now.

Originally, Fang Mu's favorable impression of Grandmaster Shuoyang came from Grandmaster Shuoyang's contribution to the Soaring Dragon Federation, but now Fang Mu has even more favorable impressions of him.

This gift given to him by Grandmaster Shuoyang is equivalent to helping Fang Mu to go on the road to Qingyun more quickly.

Lotus Yu Heming Lian relies on the bronze-level skill [Lian Fuyu] to connect with the bloodline-evolved Chongsakura Washing Essence Carp.

As long as the rank of Lotus Fish and Life Lotus is raised, the daily effect of Chong Ying Xi Jing Carp on improving mental power will be doubled.

Under normal circumstances, the effects of holy objects cannot be superimposed, so those beastmasters who are qualified to come from a powerful force like to choose the kind of excellent existence when choosing holy objects.

To be honest, the Luo Ying Cui Jing Carp is not the most top-notch holy object. Guang Fangmu knows that for example, the Heavenly Waves and Clouds Bird, a unique holy object of the Federation of All Nations, tempers mental power through the clouds it produces. It’s much better than Chongying’s detergent carp!

The reason why Fang Mu values ​​​​the Chongying Washing Carp so much is because Fang Mu has no particularly good choice to replace the Chongying Washing Carp.

Everyone knows that sacred objects are good, but good sacred objects are too hard to find.

Secondly, Fang Mu attaches great importance to the ability of Zhong Ying Xi Jing Carp to consume his own essence and only be able to use it once every once in a while to increase his mental power.

It was by virtue of this ability of Chong Ying Xi Jing Carp that Fang Mu steadily became a two-pointed star beast master before Jiang Tuo and Hu Tao.

The amplifying effect of Lotus Fish's skill [Lian Fuyu] also works on the skill of Chong Ying Xi Jing Carp to increase his mental power.

This makes the Chongsakura Cleansing Semen Carp become a cutting-edge holy object in every aspect.

The combination of lotus and fish has fundamentally improved Fang Mu's background. Fang Mu does not need to show this love directly on the face, but it must be inherited from Grandmaster Shuoyang.

The exclusive properties of Lotus Fish and Life Lotus [Fish Healing Lotus Root] and [Water Purifying Lotus Powder] are basically useless here in Fang Mu.

First of all, under the protection of the layers of square wood, the heavy cherry essence carp will not be damaged. Even if the source is really damaged, the blood-colored aged wine will definitely be better than the lotus root produced by the lotus fish and the fate lotus.

The square wood can ensure that the origin of the Chong Ying Xi Jing Carp will not be damaged, and naturally it can also ensure the cleanliness of the Lotus Fish and Life Lotus waters.

Among the three exclusive characteristics, the one that Fang Mu values ​​most is [Nirvana Lotus Seed].

Fang Mu now relies heavily on the Chong Ying Xi Jing Carp, but this does not mean that Fang Mu will not encounter fish beasts in the future that are more strategically important than the Chong Ying Qing Jing Carp.

Fang Muruozhen obtained those fish beasts that are more strategically valuable than the Chong Ying Xi Jing Carp. The Lotus Fish and Life Lotus can use the exclusive characteristic [Nirvana Lotus Seed] to increase the power of other fish beasts.

There is no need to hang on Chong Ying's body and be unable to escape.

Fang Mu really wanted to cultivate Lianyu Heminglian, but now is obviously not the time to cultivate Lianyu Heminglian.

"Senior Shuoyang, I would like to thank you very much for the lotus beast you gave me. If I become stronger in the future, I will definitely thank you for your gift, senior!"

Fang Mu's words made Shuoyang startled.

What surprised Shuo Yang was not the value of Lian Yu He Ming Lotus itself, but that Fang Mu could see through the value of Lian Yu He Ming Lotus at a glance.

This shows that Fang Mu must have extremely high attainments in terms of builder ability!

It is impossible for a builder below the intermediate level to have such vision. Could it be said that Fang Mu has the level of an intermediate builder at the age of seventeen or eighteen! ?

Shuoyang asked himself that he was extremely talented as a builder, but he only became an intermediate builder after he was twenty-two years old.

Shuoyang has always been proud of having so many high-quality assistants and disciples around him.

But if we really compare, none of the disciples and assistants around him can compare with Fang Mu.

A surprised expression flashed across Shuoyang's face.

"It's just a foreign object. The improvement of Jianmu's strength into a giant in the future will not have much to do with this lotus."

"Character is as important as talent."

"Among the members of the younger generation that I know, even the new disciples of Lord Han Ming that I saw before are incomparable to you!"

Shuoyang's words were not meant to please Fang Mu, but rather out of emotion.

There was really no need for Shuoyang to offend another Holy Architect in order to please Fang Mu, a disciple of the Holy Architect.

Seeing that Shuoyang hadn't gotten to the point for so long, Fang Mu spoke to Shuoyang in a very serious tone.

"Senior Shuoyang, you must have something important to say when you come here."

"If there is anything I can do to help, junior, I will definitely try my best to help you!"

Grandmaster Shuoyang has been looking for a suitable opportunity, and Fang Mu took the initiative to help Grandmaster Shuoyang out of trouble.

Otherwise, Grandmaster Shuoyang really doesn't know how he can directly persuade Fang Mu to let Saint Founder Qixing stay in the Soaring Dragon Federation.

Taking this opportunity, Shuoyang said it seriously.

"Young friend Jianmu, you are a native of the Soaring Dragon Federation. What do you think of the Soaring Dragon Federation?"

Fang Mu really never thought that Grandmaster Shuoyang would ask him such a question. For a moment, Fang Mu didn't know how to answer.

In this life, Fang Mu, a member of the Soaring Dragon Federation, regarded the Soaring Dragon Federation as his home. No one would think about how to evaluate their own home.

If Fang Mu had never left the Soaring Dragon Federation, his evaluation of the Soaring Dragon Federation would definitely be very one-sided.

But Fang Mu has seen the world outside the Soaring Dragon Federation. Compared with other federations outside the Soaring Dragon Federation, the Soaring Dragon Federation can be called a cozy nest with people helping to protect it from wind and rain.

Before Fang Mu became a beast master, Fang Mu had been enjoying the protection of the Soaring Dragon Federation.

I don't know how many people are carrying the load ahead, so that Fang Mu can live a stable life in JA City for seventeen years.

Even if there are evil sects and vampires targeting JA City, several dimensional cracks have opened in JA City.

The strong men in JA City chose to stand in the front, so that tens of millions of residents could survive.

Guang Fangmu knew that at least two hexagram beast masters with serial beast control had died in this catastrophe.

"To me, the Soaring Dragon Federation can be a stable and pure land. I think Grandmaster Shuoyang came here this time with the intention of persuading the master to stay in the Soaring Dragon Federation."

"If this is the case, Grandmaster Shuoyang, there is no need for you to speak. Master will stay in the Soaring Dragon Federation for at least ten years even for my sake."

Fang Mu agreed very much with Grandmaster Shuoyang's evaluation of Longteng Federation, and was proud of it.

Because Fang Mu’s evaluation is exactly what Grandmaster Shuoyang has always strived for, Fang Mu’s evaluation is an affirmation of Grandmaster Shuoyang’s efforts over the years!

But what Fang Mu said next made Grandmaster Shuoyang feel nervous, thinking that Fang Mu was smart enough to realize his purpose and wanted to reject him.

If Qixing, the Saint Founder, chooses to leave the Soaring Dragon Federation, the benefits currently gained by the Soaring Dragon Federation due to the Saint Founder Qixing will definitely disappear immediately.

This kind of loss is really unbearable for the Soaring Dragon Federation, because the Soaring Dragon Federation has already provided a large amount of resources for these cooperations in advance.

The second half of Fang Mu's words completely reassured Grandmaster Shuoyang, and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel tears filling his eyes.

Grandmaster Shuoyang could feel Fang Mu's feelings for the Soaring Dragon Federation from Fang Mu's reply.

Even if Qixing, the Saint Founder, really leaves the Soaring Dragon Federation one day, in the ten years that Qixing has accompanied Fang Mu to grow up, the overall foundation of the Soaring Dragon Federation will at least double!

Even people from the Federation of All Nations have come to Longteng Federation more than once, wanting to buy land and run industries in Longteng Federation.

With Fang Mu's promise, Grandmaster Shuoyang's purpose of coming this time has been completely achieved.

Grandmaster Shuoyang left Banshan Manor after inviting Fang Mu to sit at Longyu Research Institute when he had time.

Just when Fang Mu was about to go to the breeding room to cultivate Lotus Fish and Life Lotus, Lu Jifeng found Fang Mu through She Wan.

Lu Jifeng had already built the incubation room that Fang Mu specially asked for overnight.

Although Fang Mu did not put forward any requirements, Lu Jifeng, as a designer, still made some ingenious ideas while meeting Fang Mu's requirements.

After Fang Mu saw this room covered with purple magnetoelectric crystals, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

Before Lu Jifeng left, Fang Mu specifically asked She Wan to give a bottle of life potion to Lu Jifeng as a reward for Lu Jifeng.

Fang Mu always sticks to the rules when looking for people to do things, and he doesn't like to take advantage of others.

Lu Jifeng will probably be recalled to the headquarters by Cornerstone Construction after he returns.

Fangyuan has almost gone to discuss the design in the second world with Cornerstone Construction.

The Wood Building Chamber of Commerce has land and shops in the four giant cities and the central holy city. This task is extremely heavy for cornerstone construction.

Cornerstone Construction will definitely seek cooperation with forces that have good relations with Cornerstone Construction, such as Origin Construction.

After Cornerstone Construction has created the land and chamber of commerce for the Wood Building Chamber of Commerce, Fangmu will consider allowing Cornerstone Construction to build the land for the Infinite Tower.

Just when Fang Mu was about to plant the Blue Curse Yucca in this cultivation room, Fang Mu discovered that Lan Li had another change!

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