Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 648 Qianshou Mianhong!

Looking at the dark red crystal held by Yuanxue Wa Nu, Fang Mu raised his hand and took it.

This crystal is warm to the touch and has a very comfortable shiny texture.

Fang Mu felt that this texture was more comfortable than touching the ancient jade that had been passed down for thousands of years in his previous life.

Fang Mu used the Shadow of the Fool's innate magical power [Eye of Omniscience] to investigate Yuan Xue Wa Nu.

[Name of the Royal Beast]: Yuan Xue Wa Nu

[Royal beast species]: Cyprinidae/Cyprinidae

[Beast Control Level]: Platinum Level (3/10)

[Beast Control System]: Blood System

[Beast Control Potential]: Diamond Level

[Beast Control Quality]: Legendary Quality


[Blood Suck]: Suck the target's blood to drain the energy from the target's blood and condense it into special blood essence.

[Blood Purification Blessing]: Removes substances in the target's blood that are not inherent in the target's blood, and at the same time improves the target's blood metabolism.

[Wa Blood Regeneration]: Absorb the blood in the target body and combine it with its own Wa blood, and then feed the Wa blood back to the target, which has the effect of opening the target's genetic template and inducing the target's genetic template to regenerate.

[Wa Blood Purification]: Inject your own Wa blood into the target's body. The Wa blood will combine with the negative substances in the target's blood and excrete them out of the target's body, thus allowing the target's blood to gain a certain degree of of purification.

Exclusive features:

[Creation of Blood]: Increases the creativity of blood. You can use your own pure blood energy to replicate blood. The replication time depends on the quality of the blood.

[Heart of Wa]: When creating with blood, the production capacity will be greatly increased. The improvement of one's own level will increase the effect of increasing the production capacity.

[Blood Leap]: Combining one's own Wa's blood with blood-colored aging wine to condense a substance called blood source crystal. The blood source crystal has a strong effect on bloodline jump and can help target creatures break their blood veins. barriers.

Evolution route:

①: Blood Mother Wa Nu, ②: Blood Sea Dragon Carp, ③: Zhuolang Wa Nu.

Before Fang Mu could explore the dark red crystal in his hand, Fang Mu heard Yuan Xue Wa's introduction in an unusually serious tone.

"Master, this is the bloodline source crystal that I condensed with the newly obtained exclusive characteristics. This crystal can transform the bloodline of all flesh and blood creatures."

"The effect of normal use is stronger than that of blood-colored aging wine, because the blood source crystal itself was condensed after I absorbed the blood-colored aging wine."

"But the actual effectiveness of the bloodline source crystal does not lie in daily use, but in the effect of stimulating and promoting the bloodline at critical moments."

"At the critical juncture of a beast's bloodline transformation, it is possible to achieve the bloodline source crystal that cannot be achieved by blood-colored aging wine."

Fang Mu was not surprised at all by Yuan Xue Wa Nu's words.

Yuan Xue Wa Nu was usually soaked in the blood pool at the bottom of Blood Feng Rang, so there was always a chance to absorb the blood-colored aged wine.

It is very reasonable for Yuanxue Wa Nu to use blood-colored aged wine to condense the bleeding vein source crystal, a substance that is better than blood-colored aged wine.

At the beginning, what Fang Mu valued was Yuanxue Wanu's exclusive characteristic [Blood Creation]. With [Blood Creation], this exclusive characteristic allowed Yuanxue Wanu to help Fang Mu create more bloody wines.

Now that Fang Mu has the Flower Spirit from the Other Side of the Blood, Fang Mu can produce enough bloody aged wine.

However, the value of Yuanxue Wa Nu has not been downplayed.

With the blood source crystal produced by the skill [Wa Blood Regeneration] and the exclusive characteristic [Blood Leap], Yuan Xue Wa Nu will become Fang Mu’s best assistant in training beast masters in the future.

Fang Mu's contracted blood was used to contract the beast, not as a means for Fang Mu to cultivate the beast.

When some foundation-level beasts encounter a threshold in the process of bloodline promotion, even if the beast does not need a contract, Fang Mu will always have the idea of ​​using the contracted blood to help its bloodline transform.

But with the bloodline source crystal produced by Yuanxue Wa Nu with her exclusive characteristic [Blood Leap], even if the foundation-level beasts in Fang Mu's hands are unable to break through due to their bloodline being restricted, Fang Mu still has The solution.

Lian Dai, the leader of the Hanyang Empire, is now Fang Mu's protector, and Fang Mu has seriously thought about purifying blood for Lian Dai.

Fang Mu's previous method was to provide Lian Dai with high-purity spiritual energy and blood-colored aging wine. If Lian Dai was not a strong man at the divine level but a mermaid below the gold level.

Fang Mu’s method is very effective.

But Lian Dai's level is too high. Pure spiritual energy alone can really help purify Lian Dai's bloodline, and the blood-colored aging wine can assist in this purification.

But after the blood reaches a certain height, these methods will not be so effective for Lian Dai!

Now with Yuan Xue Wa Nu's skill [Wa Blood Purification], she can inject Wa blood into Lian Dai's body and directly absorb and strip out the impurities in Lian Dai's body.

This allows Lian Dai's bloodline to improve endlessly, tracing back the mermaid legend of the fifth and sixth eras in a true sense.

From this point of view, the significance of Yuan Xue Wa Nu's skill [Wa Blood Purification] is not much worse than the exclusive feature [Blood Leap].

"Yuanxue Wa Nu, it has been a while since you obtained advanced wisdom. I think you should have given yourself a name."

Yuan Xue Wa Nu heard this and whispered to Fang Mu.

"Master, I named myself Blood Spirit. If you don't like my name, you can change it for me at any time."

Fang Mu knew that Blood Spirit said this to show respect for him, and Blood Spirit must like this name very much.

Highly intelligent beings will definitely not decide their names casually. The blood spirit respects Fang Mu, and Fang Mu will naturally respect the blood spirit.

"Blood Spirit has a nice name. From now on, if you continue to stay in the Blood Abundance, you can use the blood-colored aging wine at will to condense the blood source crystals and strengthen the blood of Wa."

"I will have to ask you for help from now on!"

Blood Spirit was very happy that Fang Mu praised his name.

"Master, please call me anytime if you need anything in the future. I will be able to serve you at any time!"

Among the three evolutionary routes of Yuanxue Wanu, Fang Muhui hopes that Yuanxue Wanu will evolve towards the Blood Mother Wanu as soon as possible.

The other two evolutionary routes, whether they are Blood Sea Dragon Carp or Zhuolangwa Girl Fang Mu, will not be considered.

The former is a waste of the blood of Yuanxue Wanu, while the latter will change the attributes of Yuanxue Wanu, from blood to water.

This will change Yuanxue Wanu's existing skills and waste these abilities of Yuanxue Wanu's current bloodline.

Fang Mu ordered some Wa's blood from Yuanxue Wanu, and Yuanxue Wanu said to Fang Mu enthusiastically.

"Master, I will hand over 300 ml of Wa's blood to you in seven days."

After Fang Mu finished talking with Yuan Xue Wa Nu, Fang Mu asked Yuan Xue Wa Nu to return to Feng Rang of Blood.

Fang Mu entered the breeding room and began to cultivate the Baishou Mianhong carp.

The bloodline of Baishou Mianhongli has already reached the threshold of promotion.

The reason why Fang Mu was not in a hurry to cultivate the Baishou Mianhong carp was because Fang Mu was too busy and didn't have much time.

Secondly, it has a lot to do with Fang Mu not having enough life potions on hand.

The Hundred-Shou Mianhong Carp evolved from the Wanxiang Carp after absorbing pure life energy. In the process of evolving from the Ten-Shou Mianhong Carp to the Hundred-Shou Mianhong Carp, Fang Mu used a large amount of high-purity life potions.

Some time ago, Fang Mu's usage of life potions was too large. Such a large amount of use made Fang Mu's high-purity life potions somewhat unable to make ends meet.

Once the evolution of the Baishou Mianhong Carp begins, it cannot be stopped.

Fang Mu didn't want to fail in the promotion of Baishou Mianhongli due to insufficient resources on hand.

Now that Fang Mu has enough high-purity life potion on hand, he can already try to help Baishou Mianhong Carp make a breakthrough!

Fang Mu took out the porcelain basin holding the Baishou Mianhong carp from his purple ice crystal ring.

The appearance of Baishou Mianhong Carp is completely different from that of Chongying Sejing Carp. The seven fins of Chongying Sejing Carp are wide and elegant.

But the Baishou Mianhong carp is a real fat guy. The fish body is fat and short, and the fin tail is like a small fan.

The nose flower at the front of the fish head looks like two green peonies unfolding in the water, and the long fish whiskers are longer than the body of the Baishou Mianhong carp.

If it weren't for the extremely fast movements of the Baishou Mianhong Carp, Fang Mu would have doubted whether the fin tail like a small cattail leaf fan could move the body of the Baishou Mianhong Carp.

Fang Mu has not lost Baishou Mianhongli's ability to absorb life energy on weekdays, and Baishou Mianhongli has successfully transformed into a legendary quality at the gold level.

It has now been upgraded to platinum level ten.

In the process of advancing in rank and quality, Baishou Mianhongli's newly acquired skills and exclusive characteristics are of little use.

The Baishou Mianhong Carp basically has no chance to use the exclusive characteristics of these two life-saving types.

If not necessary, Fang Mu needs to use the ability of Baishou Mianhong Carp to increase the longevity of other beings.

The Baishou Mianhong Carp will basically stay in the Purple Ice Crystal Ring.

For the strong, longevity is the most precious thing compared to the resources needed to improve their strength.

This has been confirmed by Shu Liangjun and Jun Feng.

People who lack longevity will fall into a state of madness. Even if the person is not crazy, relatives and friends around them will make a lot of efforts to keep the person alive.

Once Baishou Mianhongli is exposed, even if Fang Mu has the Saint Founder Qixing behind him, Lian Dai, a powerful person at the divine level, will be Fang Mu's protector.

Fang Mu couldn't even guarantee that he would be absolutely safe!

In fact, whether it is Baishou Mianhong Carp's platinum-level skill [Melting Water Phantom] or its exclusive characteristic [Fish Bone Resurrection], they are both excellent in terms of life-saving capabilities!

But because it is of no use, Baishou Mianhongli has at least one skill and exclusive characteristics.

However, as long as the Baishou Mianhong Carp has the exclusive characteristics [Longevity Calculation] and [Longevity Enlightenment Scale], the Baishou Mianhong Carp will always be a top-notch item that cannot be replaced.

When Fang Mu used the Baishou Mianhong Carp to restore Jun Feng's longevity, he had already used the [Sky Scale of Enlightenment] on Jun Feng.

Jun Feng's perception in the future will be fed back to the [Scale of Enlightenment and Longevity].

No matter who uses the [Scale of Enlightenment and Longevity], they can add part of Jun Feng's perception to themselves to enhance their own perception.

Moreover, the use of the [Scale of Enlightenment and Longevity] effect will not have any negative effects on Jun Feng himself.

Looking at the Baishou Mianhong carp swimming happily in the porcelain jar, Fang Mu poured in bottle after bottle of 100% pure life potion.

After pouring fifty bottles, Fang Mu's movements slowed down.

The IQ of Baishou Mianhong Carp is extremely low. It is difficult to communicate directly with Fang Mu without a contract with Baishou Mianhong Carp.

What can you ask of a carp?

Fang Mu could only use this simple and direct method to make Baishou Mianhongli understand his purpose.

As expected, Baishou Mianhongli immediately understood Fang Mu's purpose and began to absorb these pure life energies.

The scales on the Baishou Mianhong Carp lit up one after another like green emeralds.

The life energy in this porcelain basin, which is only one and a half meters in diameter, forms a rapidly rotating vortex.

The Baishou Mianhong carp is the core of this whirlpool.

The life energy in the fifty bottles of life potion was almost absorbed by Baishou Mianhong Carp in less than two minutes.

Fang Mu simply threw the life crystals that he had not yet had time to prepare into the porcelain basin.

After half an hour, before Fang Mu's reserves of life potions and life crystals were about to be exhausted, Baishou Mianhong Carp finally stopped absorbing life energy.

This made Fang Mu breathe a long sigh of relief.

Fang Mu ignored the fact that the shining emerald color of Baishou Mianhong Carp's scales covered the figure of Baishou Mianhong Carp, and directly used the [Eye of All Knowledge] to investigate the Baishou Mianhong Carp.

[Name of the Royal Beast]: Thousand-year-old Mianhong Carp

[Royal beast species]: Cyprinidae/Koi

[Beast Control Level]: Diamond Level (1/10)

[Beast Control System]: Water System/Life System

[Beast Control Potential]: Diamond Level

[Beast Control Quality]: Legendary Quality


[Bubble Therapy]: Spray out blisters to heal the target's injuries. After healing, it can also heal twice if it is damaged within a short period of time.

[Beard Whip]: If the fish whisk is whipped on the target, it will burn the target's lifespan.

[Constant Life Seal]: Confines the target's life span in a short period of time. During this period of time, the target's life span will not be unnaturally depleted.

[Water Melting Phantom]: Stimulate the energy in the body to dissolve one's body into the water, and use life energy to separate a large number of phantoms in the water. The phantoms do not have the ability to attack. Whenever a phantom is destroyed, its own speed will increase to a certain extent.

[Life Blessing]: Select a target for permanent blessing. The blessed target can recover extremely quickly when it is injured. When encountering fatal trauma, it can use its own life energy to feed back the life energy in the target's body.

Exclusive features:

[Life Calculation]: If the target's life span is less than a thousand years, the target's life span can be made up to a thousand years by guiding life energy.

[Scale of Enlightenment and Longevity]: In the process of restoring the target's longevity, the target's perception of longevity will be fed back to its own scales. When using the scales, part of the perception can be applied to the designated target.

[Fish Bone Resurrection]: When the body is seriously injured or is on the verge of death, all the energy in the body is stored in the fish bones. When the life energy in the fish bones is activated out of crisis, the body can be reconstructed. Resurrect yourself.

Evolution route:

①: Wanshou Mianhong carp, ②: Haiyong Wanjiang carp, ③: Guangzhiyuehua carp. (End of chapter)

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