Go Crazy! Are You Really a Beastmaster?

Chapter 657 Contract King Level Carcass!

As a powerful person at the divine level and the leader of Hanyang Empire, one of the four sea kingdoms, Lian Dai has always attached great importance to her majesty.

Expressing gratitude to others rashly is a very disrespectful behavior.

Fang Mu could hear Lian Dai's sincere gratitude from Lian Dai's words, Fang Mu said to Lian Dai with a smile.

"Aunt Dai will help you improve your bloodline. We agreed early on. You really don't need to thank me like this."

"Otherwise it will look too raw!"

"Really speaking, you are still my protector!"

"I never thought of saying thank you every time you help me from now on!"

Lian Dai smiled when she heard Fang Mu's words. Although Fang Mu made it clear that he did not regard all this as a favor to her, Lian Dai would not think so.

Lian Dai was indeed thanking Fang Mu from the bottom of her heart.

"Xiaomu, I am your protector, you don't need to be polite to me."

"I haven't done anything to help you until now!"

Fang Mu shook his head when he heard this and said in a very serious tone.

"Aunt Dai, you probably don't know how important that king-level extraterritorial body is to the master!"

"If the Hanyang Empire hadn't captured this king-level extraterrestrial body at the beginning, this king-level extraterritorial body must now be with Han Ming, who is also the founder of the Saint along with the master."

"Just from this matter alone, you have already helped me a lot!"

Fang Mu wants to control the dimensional world on the other side of the sea of ​​realms with the newly acquired exclusive characteristic of the Shadow of the Fool [Dimension Kingship]. This king-level extraterritorial body is crucial to Fang Mu's plan. important.

If Lian Dai hadn't rejected the people from the Federation of All Nations without hesitation, there would have been no chance for this king-level extraterritorial body to stay in Fang Mu's hands.

Lian Dai refused the request of the Federation of All Nations, and was bound to be at odds with the Federation of Nations.

This is not a good thing for Lian Dai and the Hanyang Empire.

Fang Mu appreciated Lian Dai's sentiments, and Lian Dai smiled and said nothing more.

Lian Dai has always been a little puzzled by Han Ming's crazy appeal for this extraterritorial body.

The extraterritorial carcass is of little use to the Sea Tribe, and the same should be true for humans.

But why is the Saint Founder Qi Xing trying his best to fight for this king-level extraterritorial body when humans and the sea tribe are discussing cooperation, even at the expense of many inherent interests of humans?

If it weren't for knowing that Fang Mu wanted this extraterritorial body, and that this extraterritorial body would be of great use to the Saint Founder Qixing.

Maybe Liandai really handed over this king-level extraterritorial body to Han Ming, for which Liandai withstood great pressure.

When Lian Dai rejected Han Ming in the end, Han Ming's words actually contained a hint of threat.

This makes Lian Dai both annoyed and curious. What is the use of human beings in this extraterrestrial body?

Although Lian Dai has become Fang Mu's protector, Lian Dai still represents the Hai Clan side.

Lian Dai had the determination and idea to find out the situation. Lian Dai was very measured and had no intention of asking Fang Mu about this matter.

Even if Fang Mu knew about it, it would undoubtedly be difficult for him to reveal the human information to him.

Secondly, Liandai didn't want to embarrass Fang Mu, as if she had some agenda by becoming Fang Mu's protector.

After chatting with Fang Mu for a while, Lian Dai got to the point.

"Xiao Mu found that the energy in this king-level extraterrestrial body has been in a throbbing state. The fact that the extraterritorial body is in such a state means that this extraterritorial body is trying to resurrect."

"Resurrecting such an extraterritorial carcass will face great risks. This extraterritorial carcass was controlled by the Federation of All Nations. The strong man who controlled this extraterritorial carcass by the Federation of All Nations has reached the pinnacle of order. It is far away. The realm of God’s Realm is almost the same.”

"But even such a strong man in the sea still cannot take advantage of fighting this extraterritorial body!"

"Otherwise, this king-level extraterritorial creature would not have entered the waters under the jurisdiction of the Vast Ocean Empire."

"I will personally escort this king-level extraterritorial body this time because I am afraid that having Takihun Whale Princess escort may cause safety hazards during the escort."

"I'm also afraid that the Federation of All Nations is eyeing this extraterritorial carcass. If I can't get this extraterritorial carcass from the Vast Ocean Empire, I will become a robber who wants to rob it!"

If it weren't for this, Liandai would really not go there for no reason.

When Fang Mu heard this, he felt more and more grateful to Lian Dai. Lian Dai could be described as thoughtful for her own affairs.

"Aunt Dai, you just said that you never thought that your bloodline would be promoted to the level it is now. In fact, you can set your goals even more ambitiously!"

"There is still the possibility of your bloodline continuing to improve!"

Lian Dai was startled when she heard Fang Mu's words, and then asked Fang Mu in a very excited tone.

"Xiaomu, you said that, Master Qixing, is there any way to improve my bloodline!?"

Lian Dai did say that the bloodline could reach this level, and Lian Dai was already very satisfied.

But this does not mean that Lian Dai does not have more ambitions and ambitions.

Lian Dai has enough ambitions and ambitions, but her ability limits Lian Dai, making her afraid to think about many things.

Otherwise, why wouldn't Lian Dai not want her blood level to rise again? ?

Hearing Fang Mu's words, Lian Dai ignited new hope in her heart.

Lian Dai was extremely eager to get another chance to transform her bloodline.

As long as her bloodline can be further improved, Liandai is confident that she can make her strength even further based on the current level!

If Lian Dai's strength can go further, she will be able to surpass the other four sea kingdom lords, but her strength is only weaker than the sea lord alone.

This will undoubtedly allow Lian Dai to gain more say in the Hai Clan.

This crisis caused the Hanyang Empire to suffer heavy losses, and many forces in the Sea Tribe were watching the Hanyang Empire's joke.

Lian Dai knew very well that the other three sea nations did not want to be on good terms with humans, and they were forced to make concessions due to the agreement between the sea clans.

The improvement of her voice allowed Lian Dai to effectively avoid this situation.

Not only this improvement in strength can also give Lian Dai more and more ambitious goals and needs.

Fang Mu said in a very serious tone when he heard the words.

"Master Aunt Dai appreciates your kindness and went out of his way to study your bloodline carefully after learning about your situation."

"In the end, the master decided to bring out the collection he has treasured for many years to help you take a step further!"

"That thing can help Aunt Dai absorb the impurities in your blood, so that your blood can be cleansed from the inside out!"

"You told me before that your biggest problem right now is that the impurities in your body cannot be cleaned. Now you finally have a chance to clean up the impurities in your body!"

Lian Dai did talk to Fang Mu seriously about Lian Dai's own situation.

When Lian Dai talked about these situations with Fang Mu, it was first because Lian Dai really trusted Fang Mu enough, and secondly, Lian Dai also hoped to tell Qixing the news through Fang Mu's mouth.

Otherwise, Qixing would not be able to grasp his true situation if he did not meet Qixing!

Now that Qixing is willing to use the treasure that Fang Mu mentioned, it means that Fang Mu must have told Qixing exactly what happened to him.

This is not so much the favor given to him by Qixing, but rather that the person who gave him the favor is Fang Mu.

"Xiao Mu is so kind and I won't thank you enough. If you have anything you need me to do from now on, just tell me. I will definitely go through fire and water and not give up!"

It is true that Lian Dai is Fang Mu's protector, but what Lian Dai said was not from the perspective of a protector.

Lian Dai believed that Fang Mu had helped her a lot, so in addition to facing the relationship between herself and Fang Mu, Lian Dai also planned to repay Fang Mu's kindness to her in other ways.

Fang Mu heard this and did not reject Lian Dai's proposal. Fang Mu's help to Lian Dai also had Fang Mu's own purpose.

What Fang Mu will do in the future can be called the most extreme madness to anyone's ears.

Fang Mu will inevitably need Lian Dai's help in the future.

"Aunt Dai, as a junior, I can't guarantee many things to you as an elder, but one thing I can be sure of is that your bloodline will continue to improve!"

"When the master's level as a creator improves, he will be able to prepare more pure spiritual energy."

"I will provide you with the more pure spiritual energy!"

Fang Mu has been using Saint Builder Qixing as a cover and acting under the banner of Saint Builder Qixing.

Fang Mu didn't mind trying to shock Lian Dai, a strong man whose strength had already reached the level of God's Domain.

Fang Mu will eventually come up with more pure spiritual energy in the future, and these more pure spiritual energy cannot always be suppressed in Fang Mu's hands and never see the light of day.

When it comes to improving Lian Dai's strength and bloodline, Fang Mu always needs to bring out more pure spiritual energy.

So Fang Mu might as well improve his own value, saving Fang Mu from having to think about how to explain to Lian Dai when he brings out more pure spiritual energy in the future.

Fang Mu's words shocked Lian Dai greatly.

At first, Lian Dai just thought that Fang Mu's master, Qixing, who was the Saint Builder, was similar to Han Ming and Yongle Fairy Mother, who were both Saint Builders, in terms of strength and ability.

Since Han Ming is famous as a Saint Founder, he is even bigger than Qixing in terms of reputation alone!

Therefore, Han Ming's ability is very likely to be stronger than Qixing's.

But now judging from the pure spiritual energy that Fang Mu provided to him before, Qixing, the Saint Builder, probably has more resources than Han Ming, who is the Saint Builder.

Fang Mu's words gave Lian Dai a lot of confidence, and also made Lian Dai stand more firmly by Fang Mu's side no matter what happened in the future.

"Xiaomu, the guarantee you gave me is extremely precious to me."

"Whether it is from the perspective of a guardian or from other perspectives, I will fulfill my obligations and responsibilities!"

"The main reason I came here this time is to escort this king-level extraterritorial carcass. Now that this king-level extraterritorial carcass has been safely handed over to your hands, I can almost go back!"

Fang Mu heard this and asked directly to Lian Dai.

"Aunt Dai, do you have a lot to do when you go back this time?"

"If you don't have so many things to do, you might as well stay in my mountainside manor for about five days."

"No irrelevant people will disturb you in these five days!"

"I should be able to hand over what the master has prepared for you in five days!"

"If you use this thing here, it will also be convenient for me to understand the specific effects of this thing."

No matter how excited and excited Lian Dai was before, she could still control the expression on her face.

But at the moment, Lian Dai really lost the ability to manage her expressions.

Lian Dai didn't expect that after just improving her bloodline, she would get another chance to improve her bloodline in just five days.

Not to mention that the current Hanyang Empire has overcome the crisis and there are not many things that need Liandai to deal with. Even if the current Hanyang Empire is in crisis, Liandai will still be waiting here, waiting for the opportunity to obtain this bloodline transformation.

"Xiaomu, then I will stay with you for a few days. If my bloodline transforms again, I should be able to shed a mermaid scale."

"This mermaid scale has the ability to enhance the life bloodline of other mermaids, or give an aquatic beast a chance to awaken the mermaid bloodline."

"If you ask me, I still recommend that this mermaid scale be used by other creatures who have awakened the mermaid bloodline."

"If I successfully condense the mermaid scales, I will give this mermaid scale to you."

"Even if you don't use it to strengthen and improve other creatures with mermaid blood, because you have experienced mermaid baptism, you can also use mermaid scales to strengthen your own physical fitness."

"There is probably no precedent for humans using mermaid scales before, so I have never heard of humans acquiring mermaid blood."

Lian Dai said the second half of the sentence in a joking tone, but compared to Fang Mu using the mermaid scales to strengthen other beasts, Lian Dai really felt that Fang Mu's own use of the mermaid scales would best bring out the value of the mermaid scales. .

It is an indisputable fact that human beast masters are physically weak.

As long as any resources can be used to improve the physical fitness of human beast masters, they can give this beast master more chances of survival when facing danger.

Fang Mu talked with Lian Dai for a long time before letting Liu Er take Lian Dai to the guest room that had been tidied up to rest.

Fang Mu deliberately created an opportunity for Jun Feng to get in touch with Lian Dai. Jun Feng was the most powerful man under Fang Mu who was most likely to reach the level of the gods.

It would be beneficial for Jun Feng to have more contact with Lian Dai, a genuine powerhouse in the realm of gods.

Maybe one of Lian Dai's words will inspire Jun Feng and make him even stronger!

Fang Mu has just condensed a drop of Contract Blood here but has not yet used it.

At this moment, Fang Mu had the idea of ​​using this drop of contracted blood to contract with this king-level extraterritorial body.

Fang Mu wanted to see what kind of existence this king-level extraterrestrial body was, which could make even a strong man at the pinnacle of order helpless.

Since Fang Mu had not officially used the contracted blood to contract the king-level extraterritorial body before, Fang Mu did not have a clear understanding of extraterritorial creatures.

Now Fang Mu finally has the opportunity to explore these extraterrestrial creatures! (End of chapter)

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